**WARNING: The following is pure speculation, but something to at least think about as we head into War.**
We have been reviewing multiple deck ideas and possible opposing decks. This is great exercise as we'll need the mental flexibility of putting ourselves in the opponent's shoes to do come up with some great decks during the War as well. Our initial vault is in some ways the easiest part (since we can put many different variations of cards in it) but also the hardest (these are the cards we have more or less for the duration of the War, so we have to make them count.) After the vault is set, deck building will be hard but at the same time liberating (we don't have to find the best possible
deck, just the best ones we can put together with the cards available--just like every other team.)
Seriously consider what other teams are going to be thinking about strategy against :
>The matches aether lost in War #1 included mono-decks (or mono + enchant artifact)--they will look at the decks that defeated them and use similar strategies
>Dimensional shield is a problem only if you don't have steal/deflag/momentum or quantum denial. Anticipate every team to have these cards and thus duo (or rainbow) with
. The more deck ideas we come up with that limit the usefulness of these counter cards, the more dead cards they will have in their hands.
>They will look for us to be heavy on the
creatures and shields. We will probably need to be more creative and give different looks so they have a hard time countering.
>There is no such thing as an
rush. The best we can do is creature spam with other elements via Fractal (e.g., Frogtal).
>Aether has the least helpful nymph of all elements. It's not even worth including in any of our decks (even if we all had one.)
>Aether has one of the best CC spell cards--we will use it at every possible turn.
What we have to worry about from each element:
Not sure really. Unstable gas deck maybe? Wings/shockwave/owl's eye not much help against immortals. Fog shield can be problematic.
We seem to have an unnatural fear of the fractal devourer deck. We may face it and it may kill us. Steal, devourer (denial) and dusk mantle are the biggest threats.
Poison/arsenic. The arsenic gets played early, the poison doesn't care about shields. Immortals/dragons are too slow to catch up. Need purify.
Pulverizer, earthquake, shrieker rush--lots of options. May have to find a nearly pillarless option for this one.
Discord early, dissipation shield late. We need to either chain shields early and often or go rainbow (but antimatter/mutate/chaos seed will hurt us). Deflag or steal here.
Fast and balanced element. So many threats. They went all the way and had just as many losses as aether did. If we don't find an answer, don't worry--nobody else did either.
Momentum/gravity shield. Maybe flying titans. That shield renders our only heavy hitter useless.
Rushes, thorn carapace (a killer for our immortals.)
Multiple miracles, untouchable weapon/shield. Dragons with crazy hp. I don't know if we can outdamage their healing potential with aether alone.
Eternity can be a problem. Will have card drawing advantage.
Frozen creatures do not attack. Essence is a good deck-builder.