Actually, I ended up using -1 pend +1 deflag:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
5f6 5f6 5f6 5f6 5fc 5fc 5fc 5fc 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61o 61q 61q 61q 61q 61r 61r 61r 61r 61r 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 63a 8po
(R8) EQ/SS: 4-1, similar problems to deuce iwth AI misplaying, but I tried to adjust for that in game. If the AI ever played a skull shield and then overrode it with a diamond shield, I held off playing my deflag, and pretended I had 2 fire quanta less. We have a decent shot here, we can surprise deflag/lightning/PU/phoenix for the win in some situations against human players. This can be done by deflagging and arsenic and keeping a deflag in hand. The opponent should assume you have no deflags, and you can proceed to exploding the shield next turn (diamond only, kill SS immediately if you have any phoenixes on the field).
(R8) Fire duo: 5-0. The AI even had 15 boner walls at one point and I came back fairly easily. Deflags take care of arsenic, poison damage is too slow, and can help take down boner walls. I would use a deflag on a wall if I had 3 phoenixes and AI had 4 walls. This helped a lot, since I usually got Rage potted the next turn. Not much for the AI to deflag in our deck, and more dead cards for them is good for us. Smack any mummies, recluses, or dragons with lightning. Bzzt!
(R8) Aether duo: 5-0. This is where 4 deflags in a 30 card deck start to shine. Dim chaining is pretty useless, so you wait to get 4-5 phoenixes and can usually 2HKO after whittling away their HP with one or two phoenixes early, or lightnings.
(R7) Reclusetal: 5-0. Sometimes I felt AI would play a creature too early, allowing me to lightning it. But with early phoenixes, the AI (or opponent) is forced to play dims, slowing the fractals almost indefinitely. If the AI doesn't play dims, I would say that PU phoenix should have more rushing power, and we can still use lightnings to zap recluses or zap the opponent. Against a devoted reclusetal, I'm no so sure what would happen. My deflags become close to dead (well I can jam aether production, that's not half bad). Need more testing here, but as deuce has just pointed out to me in chat, sending fractal/lightning our way may not be death's best plan (in their view).
So there you have it. Can Sot and I have 8 deflags please? =P
EDIT: Of course, I end up testing something that doesn't work first, and after about 2 sentences of chat with Higs everything is peachy.