so, vault and roles are updated with the above post.
Many of the decks are not fully tested. I encourage you to test your decks over the next 12 hours and post your changes. Here is the general idea for each matchup.
death - RoL hope really only succumbs to lots of plagues, and even then, it might be able to be played correctly and still win.
fire - fractix beats almost all their decks. This is completely untested, so I have no idea if the quanta is appropriate or if other utility cards are needed. Considering converting 4 pends to pills for more consistent turn 4 fractal
entropy - this is a tough call. With 8 ups, oni can beat a lot of our decks. So sanc stall is a low-risk deck that can beat pandebonium, which is their strongest deck against our grabbow.
air - gemtal beats pretty much everything they have. the only concern here is whether or not to replace an SS or dim with a dragon as a 2nd dragon drastically improves the chances against a sanc stall.
time - this is completely untested too. But I am expecting the discordbow again, which grabbow hard counters. Grabbow should also defeat their ghostmare. Feel free to tweak this as neeeded.
earth - so, we ran out of conversions with the above decks. This is a technically legal deck that can beat their immortal, but that's it. I think the immortal is more likely to go to death or life, but it's worth a shot. They could also suicide, but that is unlikely. Our vault is pretty much already known anyways.