With only 6 poisons available, we can't do both EvaRia's deck(6 poisons) AND icecoldbro's deck (3 poison) as posted.
I think you mean mine deck, not Evaria's.
If I drop 3 poisons out, the deck will not work that's for certain.
Well although I like the deck I made very much, and I had pretty good results while testing it, ICB is our general and if he wants to play poison deck than I am fine with that.
And also he won his last game with it, and I think he deserves to play it.
I guess I should try that dragon /mummy PU deck since we don not have much options left, although I donĀ“t know if that is good enough to counter some of their strongest decks like scarab fractal.
But I was thinking to add 2 more lightnings instead of bone walls maybe, If we can afford that.