for cards needed to be kept from rd 2m I agree with al the cards suggested by Higs. at first I wanted to keep purifies, because there were a lot of poison deck in round 1, but 90% of those deck lost.. So the chance that they will be salvaged or kept are pretty slim. Those salvaged will give 1 more chance for Bonebolt and grabsdeck. the only deck where it would make sense to keep purifies are with a grabs deck against earth (see later in the post!)
for the event card.. I doubt we are able to build more then 1 deckout deck (which might loss!) so I say we go for option 1 and go for fast kills.
for my rd 3 against earth general... Really tough matchup, great element having a great start and I face the leader...
- they can throw at me poison (they have a few deck of those.. one of the only that still does!)... would be good against
dimension shield and faster then a mono aether deck especially if they up all the poison so not a bad idea from em.
- they can go the EQ way which means a lonely pile of pends or pillar will get destroyed
- they can go with pulvys.. would take care of all our shield
-they can go for the deckout with stoneskin miracle deck.
... I can't go with any deck relying on shield here, I would get crushed no matter what wo no mono, wings or bonebolt for me.
Fractix is great but won't survive a second against EQ so not a really good idea either. even if I upped part of my pends
Now there is the fractaldev.. not so good either My devs need to come fast enough to take care of earth pillars and avoid EQS. Of course I can upped some pends and balance things a bit but they need to be fast still. Other problems is.. this rely on vamps... not good if they go with diamond shield ( I would If I were em, this deck is useless).
What is left is either Shaliah's deck that would switch shields for lightning, but I am not so much sold on that because pulvy will destroy the sanctuaries and if they come with dragons (they have plenty), my lightnings will not be enough.
... or the grabs deck. They don't seem to have BH so no danger there. Upped grabs can make enough damage to 1hk with a little help (dragons, lightning, weapon,parralel universe, etc.) so it would prevent the constant healing. It would also allow me to use an explosion to destroy his shield that will lower all my damage (see diamond shield). It is not a big problem against Eq, I can use a combination of upped and non-upped pends and pillars and my mark ( I wanna use that hehe!) And I could put a purify in since they have many poison deck and they are a great solution against aether. I believe it would make more sense if I would play a ton of PU in that deck, and only a few lightning (if any), not the opposite.