Fantastic idea with the Fractal Pest deck for me, again. Like you said before, and I agreed with, was that we can't become too predictable. However, there is little, if anything, Time can do to counter this deck.
As for tinkady, against Fire (?), I would highly suggest NOT going for Fractal Devourer. A single RoF will wipe your deck out. It only worked in my case because I had the upgraded Pests + Vampires, which DID barely survive a single RoF. I would suggest a 40 card stall.
What do you mean there is little Time can do to counter it? His devourers totally countered my deck, I managed to play only 1 fractal because of his stupid devourers- he had 2-3 devourers in first 3 turns in both matches.
Even if you manage to get devourers before him (probably easier for you with 3 upped cards) you will not deny his quanta because of his own devourers.
If he will be playing the same deck like he did vs me, may I suggest that you take more lightnings? I am sure that I would have had more chance to beat him, If I could have stoped those dragons.
But I am sure they will change their decks too.