gocubbies or mrpaper should think about taking a
deck to counter the Poison, or at least a deck with Healing or CC.
ok, so do i make a deck myself or do i use one that the deckbuilder tells me to use? (my first war. so remember i dont know anything lol)
You propose a deck, and it gets approved by the deck builder. One of Boingo's jobs is to count all the cards in everyones proposed decks to see if we have all of those in the vault.
ok, so i can only use cards from the vault?
Yes. The Vault is the only source of cards we can use (though your account obviously has to have those cards in order for you to duel with the deck you are assigned.) So we have to figure out everyone's deck from the cards listed in the Vault and be sure that we have enough cards in the Vault to make everyone's deck possible (we can't do 9 Frogtal decks, for example, since we don't have enough frogs or fractals in our Vault for everyone.)
To keep things simpler, please post Rd 1 deck stuff in the thread I started.