Greetings, Team! I'll be using this topic to announce news and what needs to be done during different phases of the War. I've mostly copied this topic from War 3 to make it easy.
I. AttitudeI come from a military background, and I will be demanding sportsmanship from every member of my team. Show humbleness at your own discretion, but there will be no back-talk from my team. We will honour ourselves by honouring our opponents, and that's final.
Keep in mind, however, that this does
not mean we can't show pride in our team and our victories. Just don't antagonize anyone. If you know someone and want to indulge in friendly verbal scuffling, keep it mild so as not to offend their team members, but do have fun. The ultimate purpose of War is to have fun, after all. It's a game within a game.
I've chosen each of you with outmost care, keeping in mind your skills, devotion to the element and maturity to ensure this will be a fun experience for all involved. With that in mind, this section probably wasn't needed, but I think it's good you know where I stand.
II. NicknamesNo, I won't be handing out code names, but to strengthen team spirit and ease communication, we need some nicks for each other. As some of you know, I have about 50 of them, myself.
Higurashi - Higs, Higgy, Higu, Hugs, Higru, Higsalot, Huggles, Hugglepuff (don't ask), etc.
EvaRia - Eva, Ria (duh)
UTAlan - UTA, Alan
mrpaper - paper
hainkarga - karga
Odii Odsen - Odii
markilleruk - mark
Shaliyah - Shaya, Shali
Lemme know if you have any preferences or nicks of your own everyone calls you.
III. PropagandaTime's up!
Eva made a banner last War that I will be using for this War. If anyone wants to add in the names of the Team Members into it, feel free to give it a shot. If it's good enough, I'll use it. Background here: leaves War Song and Speech. My first consideration is to choose from some Warhammer 40k songs, since they have the right epic feel to them. See last War for a good example. I haven't decided what angle to take with the Speech, apart from revolving around the universe feeling like a change is in order. If anyone has any jokes that pertain to Aether (space, Pylons, Eldar, Zeus, whatever), do share.
IV. Member RolesI'll be deciding on this after Propaganda, and for clarity's sake I would like you to list your preferences in this thread.
V. ChatOur Team Chat will be #aether at
If you don't have an IRC client, you can use to log in. Just choose a nickname, change the channel to #aether and click Chat Now.
The Chat is very important for Vault planning and strategy discussions once the Rounds begin. Participating is compulsory.
VI. Vault BuildingVault Planning Thread (,32002)
Has passed!
VII. Round 1,32223Main Topic will be started in which we discuss strategies and deckbuilding.