I'm about 100% sure that won't be needed. I see IP's of everyone since I'm Oper, and there's no history backlog on IRC until we change to InspIRCd 2.0 and get chmode +H (which we won't be having). A better way would be for everyone to register an account with NickServ and log on with SSL at port +6668, but that's not needed either.
ChatSpike is a small network with excellent security. Adding a pass or restrict to specific hostmasks just causes more work. However, if everyone's static, I can do the latter. It's at least automatic.
On the other hand, it wouldn't mean any work for me. Only the people without a proper client, so I'll leave that decision up to them. If you do get a proper client like mIRC or X-Chat, I can show you how to easily log on, identify to services, join channels and enter passwords automatically. But yeah, it's a bit of a side project.