I have a topic about this in the suggestions about a buff to the nymph cause I didnt know this existed, heres what I say on it
I think the cost for immortality on the turquoise nymph should be lowered. At LEAST with the upgraded nymph. Look at it like this.
5/8 > 7/2

> 3

(Ability cost)

> 9

(summon cost)
When comparing the upgraded versions,
5/8 > 7/3 (wow, one extra def)

> 3

(Ability cost)

> 9

(summon cost)
Also, a quint costs 4

upgraded only 3) By the time you get the quantum to play the nymphs ability once, you had the quantum to play the quint 3-4 TIMES. And with only 2-3 life, most damaging spells could kill it before it has a chance to protect itself. And you have to wait a turn before playing its ability where as you can play all 3 quints in one turn (and yes, I know, you have to get 3 cards to play the quints, where as you can play the nymphs ability as many times as you want, but this hardly makes it better as most of the time I need to wait til I get a quint and a nymph so im sure it doesnt die right away or is rewound so i need to get 9 more quantum before replaying it).
So heres my suggestion, at LEAST the upgraded version should require 2

instead of 3. Just something so that its ability is a little more worth it and this rare card isnt beaten in just about every other area. Dont get me wron, I have one in my deck, and I do love it, but its a PAIN to get the total of 13

I need to be sure that I can play the nymph and quint it so that i know it wont be destroyed where as I can play an anubis and be fairly certain that it wont die on the first turn (unless they have an oty with 9 health) and just require 1-2

to make it immortal the next turn. For mono aether decks, the quantums not a big deal, but the phase spider and nymph are the only ones not immortal that are aether anyways, so its next to useless in a mono aether deck.