So I'll just post all my thoughts on this card. Take them or leave them, no need to flame.
At first, I was very afraid of an early game Silence Chain shutting you down for multiple turns. But any good rush will have a shot at standing up to a deck that has 6 Silence in it, slowing it down substantially.
This would not even come close to requiring a MonoAether deck with it's current cost. Right now, it's not very hard to splash this at all. I had a Lava Rush with Aether Mark and Silences that brutally assaulted AI3. So violent, I stopped playing it after about 10 tests because it made the matches one sided. Why bother fighting when your opponent can't fight back? Just hack the game...
As I tested it more, I became increasingly worried about "Game Over" chaining. IE, you get out enough damage to kill off your opponent in X turns, while at the same time, you hold X Silence cards. You now have an uncounterable chain to win the game. There is nothing you can possibly do to stop this, except rush them by getting more damage out than they can. But if they decided to slow down the deck even more and make a Dim Shield/Silence Stall, a Mono Deck, they only need 17 dmg on the field to kill you in 6 turns, and there is nothing you can do about it, except pack Momentum, Pulverizer, or Butterfly Effect.
These are the two issues I have with this card. Raising the cost will only fix one of them. I don't care who you are, what you have to say to me, or why you have to say it, An uncounterable kill chain, once set up, is broken. EDIT: I seem to have forgotten about abilities of things on the field. If you have powerful enough abilities, you can get around it. I still find it a very troublesome card however. Making it as easy to splash as it is now, any decent rush can splash these and set up an end game kill chain. [/edit]
The biggest problem with this card is PvP. I can understand why people who only play AI would love this card, but in a PvP setting, this card can become terrible annoying and quite broken.
Some solutions have been suggested. I'm all for having it be reflectable. I'm also in total agreement with allowing opponents to play pillars/pends. These two things combined would, IMO, make it a much more balanced card, but another possibility is somehow having it affect both players. IE, you can't play anything on your next turn either. Yes, this makes it less powerful, but would still be very useful in say, speedbows.
Again, just my thoughts on the card. You can take them or leave them. Just don't flame.