IMHO, even if the card is not OP, and even if it adds a lot of strategic thinking to the person using it, I simply don't like the idea of yet another set of decks that can kill the joy for the other side.
For example, EQ by itself is not as much of a pain, since you still can play cards paying for them with a single pillar, or with the quanta you accumulate with your pillars before they are EQd.
Discord by itself can be painful if your cards are expensive, but usually you can at least play the cheaper cards.
A few devourers are rarely painful, since you can usually produce more quanta than they drain.
EQ+rewind is more painful, since you can't progress when your cards are rewound and you can't play them back
Discord + BH is more painful, since you often can't even play the cheaper cards
fractal devs are painful, since they often drain all your quanta
What's so painful about these 3 combos? If they get a good draw, you can't play pretty much anything, and your only 'strategic decision' left is whether to quit straight away, or wait.
They can be summarized by '[space] [wait] [space] [wait] [space] [wait]...'
And that's the thing I don't like about Silence, it's just going to join that group of boring decks. It's strength is that it is a cheap 1-card combo. It's weakness is that it lasts only 1 turn. So, it's probably neither much better, nor much worse than the aforementioned 3 combos.
So, I simply hope that the card is going to be balanced in such a way, that it is not going to be used too often. I've nothing against the idea of quantum denial... I just don't like if it is completely stopping you, rather than simply weakening you. The same goes for voice denial

(should we forge a new term - VC - Voice Control cards?)