Mono Aether can use this shard instead of Immortal.
It´s interesting, that "wise creatures" ignore all shield effect, also Fire Shield...
Should be changed.
I have also deck ideas, which would be better when +4/+0 would only be for the unupped shard.
AI: used "ablaze" to damage himself with spell damage + reflective shield.
"Wise" creatures cast spell on the opponent, obviously they ignore the physical shield counter effects. They don't ignore the reflective effect, which physical creatures ignore.
AI: also uses dive on its own "wise" pegasus + reflective.
@Higs: yep, it is very slow, and there are finite number of shards. This could work vs. slow AI only. Or in a specific counter deck.
It can help aether to overcome most shields, though. So, as an offensive tool, it is best for mono aether. Have you tried this in mono aether vs. strong shield false gods?
Yeah, and it's extremely redundant. The only FG I found they are better against than SoG's is Gemini. Yes, not even Chaos Lord, because he has Momentums and PC where you'd rather have healing and bait his Steal with a Dim so he loses his Diss Field.
I went 2-13 with a SoW variant, but that was a bad streak. What I like is that it speeds the damage up quite a bit. It's fun, but.. so useless. See, the thing about Monoaether is that offensive power isn't that important. It's enough that the offensive power it has is almost impossible to remove and escape, similar to direct damage like Poison/Bolts.
Now if we juxtapose that to PvP, the same applies, with the added fact that if you want to beat MA, you bring PC. No one decides to stall Aether without sufficient quanta denial, because it has Fractal, so Shields are almost never a concern for MA.
Except of SoR-Anubis can it be used outside of
It can be used with Quint and anything, both offensively and defensively, as well as Turquoise Nymph and anything.