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Re: Mind Gate | Mind Gate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10830.msg139233#msg139233
« Reply #96 on: August 15, 2010, 05:29:19 pm »
When this card was first introduced at 1 :aether cost it was way too powerful.  Before the HP cap was set at 500 I thought this card was still a bit too strong.  With the 500 hp cap and 2 :aether cost to active this card is a bit underpowered by itself.  But multiples of this card is where it startes to shine.  In a stall deck, 3-4 mindgates will allow you to slowly take control for the opponent with their own cards.  Any time a card is featured in a fg killing deck, I find it hard to recommend buffing it further.


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Re: Mind Gate | Mind Gate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10830.msg139241#msg139241
« Reply #97 on: August 15, 2010, 06:15:25 pm »
When this card was first introduced at 1 :aether cost it was way too powerful.  Before the HP cap was set at 500 I thought this card was still a bit too strong.  With the 500 hp cap and 2 :aether cost to active this card is a bit underpowered by itself.  But multiples of this card is where it startes to shine.  In a stall deck, 3-4 mindgates will allow you to slowly take control for the opponent with their own cards.  Any time a card is featured in a fg killing deck, I find it hard to recommend buffing it further.
I would dispute the fact that it's a card good enough to be featured in a FG killer. I would much rather have an electrum hourglass in it's spot in a FG killer versus a mindgate.

Offline jmdt

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Re: Mind Gate | Mind Gate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10830.msg139245#msg139245
« Reply #98 on: August 15, 2010, 06:26:13 pm »
When this card was first introduced at 1 :aether cost it was way too powerful.  Before the HP cap was set at 500 I thought this card was still a bit too strong.  With the 500 hp cap and 2 :aether cost to active this card is a bit underpowered by itself.  But multiples of this card is where it startes to shine.  In a stall deck, 3-4 mindgates will allow you to slowly take control for the opponent with their own cards.  Any time a card is featured in a fg killing deck, I find it hard to recommend buffing it further.
I would dispute the fact that it's a card good enough to be featured in a FG killer. I would much rather have an electrum hourglass in it's spot in a FG killer versus a mindgate.
I agree with you completely.  I was just making the point that people are using mindgate successfully in a fg killer.


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Re: Mind Gate | Mind Gate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10830.msg139252#msg139252
« Reply #99 on: August 15, 2010, 06:38:42 pm »
I would dispute the fact that it's a card good enough to be featured in a FG killer. I would much rather have an electrum hourglass in it's spot in a FG killer versus a mindgate.
I'm going to disagree. 

As long as your FG deck isn't Aether heavy, I like having 1 Mindgate over another Hourglass.

The Hourglasses have to stop drawing once you get control or if you're down to 10-12 cards.  The Mindgates can keep on going and going.  It's not required.  It's more of a preference thing and I think it works.

So in decks with 4 Hourglasses, I'd put in 3 Hourglasses and 1 Mindgate.  In decks with 3 Hourglasses... it depends.


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Re: Mind Gate | Mind Gate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10830.msg139253#msg139253
« Reply #100 on: August 15, 2010, 06:40:29 pm »
I would dispute the fact that it's a card good enough to be featured in a FG killer. I would much rather have an electrum hourglass in it's spot in a FG killer versus a mindgate.
I simply just added 1 mindgate to my regular timebow and it has made it much better. It's a nice addition that has made certain FG's a little easier (and i basically agree with all of what Mr Sexington said above). Now if i had to choose between having hoursglasses and mindgates well thats a different story.


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Re: Mind Gate | Mind Gate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10830.msg139266#msg139266
« Reply #101 on: August 15, 2010, 06:51:06 pm »
I dont get this Mind Gate vs Hourglass discussion at all. I use Hourglass to speed up drawing cards from my own deck. I use Mind Gate to copy opponents cards. Two different cards that do two different things. Mind Gate cannot do what Hourglass can (unless you face very similar deck to your own, when it is clearly better option to have Mind Gate than Hourglass), and Hourglass will never be able to do things Mind Gate can. So what is with this direct comparisson?


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Re: Mind Gate | Mind Gate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10830.msg139292#msg139292
« Reply #102 on: August 15, 2010, 07:10:25 pm »
I would dispute the fact that it's a card good enough to be featured in a FG killer. I would much rather have an electrum hourglass in it's spot in a FG killer versus a mindgate.

I'm going to disagree. 

As long as your FG deck isn't Aether heavy, I like having 1 Mindgate over another Hourglass.

The Hourglasses have to stop drawing once you get control or if you're down to 10-12 cards.  The Mindgates can keep on going and going.  It's not required.  It's more of a preference thing and I think it works.

So in decks with 4 Hourglasses, I'd put in 3 Hourglasses and 1 Mindgate.  In decks with 3 Hourglasses... it depends.
1) But once you get to 10-12 cards, you've basically won. And before that, I'd much rather have an hourglass.
2) Mindgate can only copy half (less than half due to hand advantage) of a FG's deck due to double draw. Hence, it's already only half as powerful.
3) Mindgate is only REALLY strong when you get 3-4 going, sometimes 2. A single mindgate I can't see making a FG easier.

I dont get this Mind Gate vs Hourglass discussion at all. I use Hourglass to speed up drawing cards from my own deck. I use Mind Gate to copy opponents cards. Two different cards that do two different things. Mind Gate cannot do what Hourglass can (unless you face very similar deck to your own, when it is clearly better option to have Mind Gate than Hourglass), and Hourglass will never be able to do things Mind Gate can. So what is with this direct comparisson?
Both generate a single card in your hand.

That's the base for the comparison. You can compare any two similar creature cards. Why not compare any two card-in-hand generator cards?


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Re: Mind Gate | Mind Gate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10830.msg139312#msg139312
« Reply #103 on: August 15, 2010, 07:42:22 pm »
1) But once you get to 10-12 cards, you've basically won. And before that, I'd much rather have an hourglass.
2) Mindgate can only copy half (less than half due to hand advantage) of a FG's deck due to double draw. Hence, it's already only half as powerful.
3) Mindgate is only REALLY strong when you get 3-4 going, sometimes 2. A single mindgate I can't see making a FG easier.
We're just going to have to disagree then.

  • Sometimes I've won the game at this point and at other times I haven't.  Many of the times that I haven't, I would have won but I just couldn't deal enough damage in time.  (I don't have Eternity in my deck.)
  • The only disadvantage from the double draw is that you are unable to see every single card they draw.  Stastically speaking, the card you get in your hand is just a random card from their deck.  It works no differently if the FG would draw 1, 2, or even 10 cards every turn.  I never really looked at Mind Gate as a card that "lets you draw as many cards as your opponent does every turn."  You're always disadvantaged against the FG's draw, with or without the Mind Gate.
  • I think the power of the 3-4 Mind Gates really only benefits the Mono or Duo Aether decks.  In rainbow decks it's just an extra card.  You already have the quanta to cast it.  Like you said, "Both generate a single card in your hand."
  • In the games that I've played, the easiest example of the Mind Gate's power is with the double Super Nova.  (The Quantum Towers work the same, but the Towers are a better example.)  2 Super Nova, 1 Electrum Hourglass,  and 1 Mind Gate.  You get to drop them all at once and take advantage of them both.  That's why I said I like having 3 Hourglasses and 1 Mind Gate.  I think with 3 Hourglasses you still have a pretty good chance of drawing at least one.
Like you said, "Both generate a single card in your hand."  But Mind Gate just does it with Aether quanta instead of Time quanta.  Electrum Hourglasses get more consistent draws that dry up in the late game and Mind Gates get surprise draws from start to finish.

Bottom Line: I think having 1 Electrum Hourglass and 1 Mind Gate in hand or in play is superior to having 2 Electrum Hourglasses.  I also think it's worth the risk of having only 1 Mind Gate and no Hourglasses for a couple turns.



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Re: Mind Gate | Mind Gate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10830.msg139317#msg139317
« Reply #104 on: August 15, 2010, 07:54:27 pm »
1) But once you get to 10-12 cards, you've basically won. And before that, I'd much rather have an hourglass.
2) Mindgate can only copy half (less than half due to hand advantage) of a FG's deck due to double draw. Hence, it's already only half as powerful.
3) Mindgate is only REALLY strong when you get 3-4 going, sometimes 2. A single mindgate I can't see making a FG easier.
We're just going to have to disagree then.

  • Sometimes I've won the game at this point and at other times I haven't.  Many of the times that I haven't, I would have won but I just couldn't deal enough damage in time.  (I don't have Eternity in my deck.)
  • The only disadvantage from the double draw is that you are unable to see every single card they draw.  Stastically speaking, the card you get in your hand is just a random card from their deck.  It works no differently if the FG would draw 1, 2, or even 10 cards every turn.  I never really looked at Mind Gate as a card that "lets you draw as many cards as your opponent does every turn."  You're always disadvantaged against the FG's draw, with or without the Mind Gate.
  • I think the power of the 3-4 Mind Gates really only benefits the Mono or Duo Aether decks.  In rainbow decks it's just an extra card.  You already have the quanta to cast it.  Like you said, "Both generate a single card in your hand."
  • In the games that I've played, the easiest example of the Mind Gate's power is with the double Super Nova.  (The Quantum Towers work the same, but the Towers are a better example.)  2 Super Nova, 1 Electrum Hourglass,  and 1 Mind Gate.  You get to drop them all at once and take advantage of them both.  That's why I said I like having 3 Hourglasses and 1 Mind Gate.  I think with 3 Hourglasses you still have a pretty good chance of drawing at least one.
Like you said, "Both generate a single card in your hand."  But Mind Gate just does it with Aether quanta instead of Time quanta.  Electrum Hourglasses get more consistent draws that dry up in the late game and Mind Gates get surprise draws from start to finish.

Bottom Line: I think having 1 Electrum Hourglass and 1 Mind Gate in hand or in play is superior to having 2 Electrum Hourglasses.  I also think it's worth the risk of having only 1 Mind Gate and no Hourglasses for a couple turns.

We're talking different decks then :). In an entropy bow without eternity you may be right, but I'm using a time mark rainbow right now. And I'd much rather draw through my deck faster versus get one of the FG's cards per turn with it.

AKA, I guess it depends on the deck.

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Re: Mind Gate | Mind Gate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10830.msg139320#msg139320
« Reply #105 on: August 15, 2010, 08:00:32 pm »
I want to try playing a pvp duel with my self where both decks are 6 mindgates and 54 aether towers.
I wonder how much aether quanta you would end up getting?  :P


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Re: Mind Gate | Mind Gate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10830.msg139348#msg139348
« Reply #106 on: August 15, 2010, 08:57:03 pm »
1) But once you get to 10-12 cards, you've basically won. And before that, I'd much rather have an hourglass.
Not necessarily. Case in point against one game vs Graviton i was able to mindgate an unstoppable. I had a gravity shield quinted (which i had stolen) and a field full of graviton fire eaters (some were at 26+ attack) and momentumed otyguh's. One fire eater was at 28/3 due to a Pandemonium i had used earlier. Without the unstoppable i would not have been able to win this matchup since if i used my RoF i would have instantly died.

I've also have had other matchups where it certainly has helped. I don't know maybe it's a preference thing but with my current setup i already have 4 hourglasses in my deck and i ended up ditching a different card for my mindgate.

But as you mentioned it really depends on deck.

ETA - and in your previous post ignore the edited by MrBlonde. I was watching TV as i was posting and accidently hit modify and deleted your post with mine. I did manage to recover it and it's back to it's original form.

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Re: Mind Gate | Mind Gate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=10830.msg139349#msg139349
« Reply #107 on: August 15, 2010, 09:04:27 pm »
I want to try playing a pvp duel with my self where both decks are 6 mindgates and 54 aether towers.
I wonder how much aether quanta you would end up getting?  :P
That has got to be the most AWESOME thing that that I've ever done on Elements.
I laugh at the people who do not realize the awesomeness of mindgate.


