Hmm, maybe add a lobomizer or 2 if you won it?
2 is always better than one, mainly because you can draw it earlier so if you have 'em stick 'em in!
the extras I added to this deck were 2 Lobotomisers and 2 Shard of Gratitudes, this way a 34 deck may not deck out as much in Top50 as some decks are 30/31 card stallers and healers (e.g. 6 miracle, 6 holy flash, 6 heal, 6 stone skin, both healing shards etc.) you cannot win against but have to deck out and with 30 cards it is a 50/50 chance
also an early lobotomiser can be the difference between a win or a loss against some AI5 and False Gods, such as Osiris, without an early lobo you are going to get overwhelmed quite fast, also AI5 Vampires can be annoying without a lobo if you are unlucky to get a shield out...
if you are upgrading this deck make sure to add in SoGs first!! 2 of them make EMing a lot more frequent!!