This isn't a great deck, but it can kill some of the easier false gods, heres a link to the original post (on kong) but anyways
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
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By the way, Strategies for what you can kill. Some are based on beginning hand, or if lucky the 2nd draw. The following information is from the original thread.
Building the deck cost about 1200 electrum but you’ll need around 1500-1600, if you’ve been following this guide this shouldn’t be a problem if you sell all the cards you spun. If you don’t have enough, pvp or lvl 3s until you do (you can also sell the dark deck, monoaether works pretty well in pvp and vs lvl 3s too).
The key to this deck is dimensional shield stopping all damage for 3 turns, and then chaining those shields together until the fg is killed. You play the next dimensional shield when the counter on the previous shield is 0.
These are the gods that you will try to beat: (their names are in the top corner)
Incarnate: Plays vampires, and bonewalls, the rest is pretty superfluous. Doesn’t have steal so can’t touch your shields. Let Incarnate hit you down to low life, until you are about to be killed, so you draw more cards before you have to play shield. If it doesn’t get a ton of bonewalls you should be able to take it out.
Destiny: Weird entropy, time deck. Can’t do anything to your shields unless it gets a lucky mutant. Same procedure as incarnate, except don’t play your parallel universes.
Osiris: Pharaoh deck (generates scarabs). Plays similarly to Destiny, but play your shields at around 60 hp, as he does have momentum. Drawing lobotomizer stops it completely.
Miracle: Shells out big creatures and uses its namesake if its life is threatened (Miracle card). Otherwise dimensional shield chain can stop it. To get around the miracle card, only play two drags and slowly hit it down, saving up parallel universes and dragons in your hand. Then when Miracle is at 35-50 hp, play the rest of your offence and kill the fg in one fell swoop (ambush).
Paradox: Similar to Miracle’s strategy, watch out for miracle at the end or use an ambush. If you draw lobotomizer, use it on the ray of lights to prevent this.
Neptune: Air/Water freezing shockwave deck. Should be no problem, though you will probably lose about half the matches to permafrost shield stalling you out.
Fire Queen: Plays elite firefly queens to overwhelm, cannot touch your shields though. Can beat monoaether by outhealing it. Basically if you get lobotomizer early (i.e. opening hand) use it on the firefly queens and you have a good shot at winning, otherwise forfeit.
Dark Matter: Uses black hole, which drains your quantum a little bit. You’ll need lobotomizer to stop the momentumed creatures. So a similar strategy as versus Fire Queen.
All the other fake gods are difficult to beat with monoaether so its advised to just forfeit them to get more chances at the easy ones. So you’ll need to have a few hundred electrum and a backup grinding deck in case you have to forfeit a lot. This is a quick and easy way to build and use a deck that can beat an fg though.