On the deck, any deck over 30 cards will suffer when it comes to consistency of draws. This is especially disastrous with a Dim Shield deck since a lapse in the chain may spell death. Luckily, with a SoW deck your first dragon will do 80% of the damage, which means you can cut down on a -lot- of quanta.
13 is the standard in upped Monoaether without SoW, and with SoW you're fine with 12-13. This still ensures an early dragon since you're not spending quanta on anything else in the early turns, and the second Dragon comes out early mid-game for damage support. At this point the first Dragon is often an 18/8 or more and will have done about 50-75% of yor opponent's HP in damage. If it's a 200 HP deck, maybe it's done 40-ish %.
With more quanta, you will sooner get out the second dragon, which allows for a more even SoW distribution. This very rarely matters, but if you can tell your opponent is also a Monoaether or a Hope/Bone Wall deck, you should probably try to spread out the SoW's more. For the last card to remove, 1 SoW is perfectly fine. With that, you arrive at the essential standard Mono SoW deck. I like having 5 Dragons for high total offense and making sure I draw one early enough, but a 4 Dragon 5 SoW deck certainly works fine too.
Electro's increase the winrate by quite a lot, so I'd always keep 'em.