Team Vote | Round 2 | by JonathanCrazyJ |
Boss | Abyss Brawlers - I made it, and I like making things. | Chaosomes - Really enjoyable to listen to, well written, catchy chorus, just everything you could want from the task | Artist | Abyss Brawlers - The fact they float the right way up makes them glorious. | League of Shadows - While the Gargoyle isn't made in the most imaginitive of material, LoS using a SHADOW for their dragon was inspired. | CD | Abyss Brawlers - Not too OP considering the quanta you'd have to spend for a 60% chance to do nothing, and we all like mutants, Mutation being a tough card to add into competitive decks | League of Shadows - Not OP, slightly buffs flooding, very thematic. Great job! | DB | Abyss Brawlers - Actually very fun deck to play, and I like the toadfish being the big fish, and the Crawlers being the Bigger Fish. Nice obscure quote too  | League of Shadows - Well defined theme, reason for all the cards, fun deck to play, actually a trio. | FE | Abyss Brawlers - The game I most want to actually play out of these. | A Toadally Newtral Team - Game I'd play if i couldn't play ours. I like how you organised it as a game manual, made it feel like a complete submission without being too 'lore-y'. | Writer | Abyss Brawlers - liked the idea when it was thought up, but the way Silver Emerald ran with that idea and made the game convention itself funny was much more than I expected. Formatting's nice too  | Gaia's Pride - ScaredGirl's basement, and retrograde amnesia were a little too expected, sorry - though some lovely writing. I liked the morbid twist, and the simple plot and premise. It was well written to provoke suspense rather than being too overly dramatic or complicated. | Bonus 1 | Abyss Brawlers - I like that it's a similar style and numbering to previous winners, and I want to win it! | Chaosomes - Good design and idea. I'm not a huge fan of roman numeral when all the others have been a normal number, but the design is too good not to vote for. |
Boss: I loved this task, and really, really enjoyed every single submission. I may even have an evening drinking to these at some point - who's with me?!
Artist: Again, great task, and some beautiful submissions. Honerable mention goes to that beautiful devourer, I just though LoS using a shadow was so interesting i had to go for it, sorry!
CD: Tricky to make a vanilla creature non-vanilla without being OP. Spark that gives a buff to fire creatures and is fractalable just makes Fractix and immorush ridiculous, though i like the concept. Not a huge fan of pseudoquanta, or mad cows in general, but I really like the 'produce a random buff card' mechanic, lovely imagination. Cockatrice that's a decent creature AND a thunderbolt with a mono-ability is just OP imo, sorry - though I do like the theme. My 3rd vote would have gone to Shed skin toad. not too OP as it can still be killed, but thematic and comes with a downside if buffed.
FE: Good lord, the effort! This is why I love Brawl, seeing such effort on tasks like this is great. However, when I saw this task, I was looking for the games I would be most excited about playing, plus interesting concepts. I though pet collecting game was a lovely idea, but lacked the implementation slightly, definitely 3rd choice, you should be proud. The Battle arena submission was beautiful, but just didn't grab my imagination and excitement to PLAY than the two i voted for. The FPS submission was great, I liked the weapon descriptions, but the standard of this task was so high it just got beaten on imagination.
Writer: Went into this a bit in the table, but I enjoyed all of these reads a lot. Like I said though, the tasks with the imaginative twists grabbed me a little more, and I was expecting at least one SG's basement