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TitanPad Archive https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61342.msg1225654#msg1225654
« on: February 29, 2016, 12:14:48 am »
Spoiler for Round 1:
Welcome, Abyss Crawlers!

Round 1 - Initial Thoughts

Shall i submit what i have done and place bet on us for 1st submission?
If you're confident in what you've done...I haven't seen any of the other bosses around, so why not?
Well it wouldn't have to be a boss one, it's just bet on the team who makes the first submission (regardless of role)
170 minutes at this point...I'd just say go for it.
Is it good enough?
Not terribly artistically gifted myself, but I like it despite not knowing standards great.

Please all give ideas for Super Bonus Task as I'm practically free now (because I believe my submission for round 1 is good enough? if not, please give me feedback) and I would like to start drawing something for this task in this week!
I realize that this might be too hard (but I mean, a simpler version could be done), but something like this yugioh-style hearthstone comic would be plain awesome in my opinon: https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/3spmew/hearthstone_korean_comic_fully_translated_eng/
Our submission should probably be shorter than that, but I am a huge fan of that comic, so something like that would be really cool. But of course, it is just a suggestion!

So what do you actually suggest, one member of our team is fighting with another one? Or maybe just two random guys fighting?
Possibly JCJ fighting with some random bad guy
Sounds nice. I need a script ASAP!
How over-the-top are we planning?

Question for all: longer monochrome comic or shorter in full color?

I lean towards the shorter, color option in the hopes that we can give a shorter comic more focus.

In addition, please give your feedback on bonus task: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/abyss-brawlers/(round-1-2)-bonus-task/msg1224785/#msg1224785

What rhymes with 'bazaar'? depending on the rhythm of the sentence, you can just use the last sylable, so far, scar, star etc. if not, then "the" would work before any noun ending in 'ar', so "bazaar" would rhyme with "the car" etc
At this point, thinking about an elemental at the market for one, probably the ashes of War for another, and probably something team-relevant in the third.
Then I went and looked at the archives. Are submissions anonymized? It looks as though both having that and not having it have been done in the past.
They aren't anonymous, no, but the task doesn't specify 'team related' so just do whatever good, funny ideas you can think of :)

Card Designer:
Random ideas: (yes, advanced space science because I am a science nerd)
Gravity waves I like this
Quantum teleportation
A creature where every effect on it happens to every other copy of the creature
White holes Think white holes have been done
Alcubierre drive (i.e. warp drive) Maybe a permanent that allows free movement of creatures?

Probably a bit too complicated to make good card ideas from, so feel free to suggest more stuff!

Idea for gravity wave:
Gravity Permanent
Alternates each turn between giving all creatures +3/-3 and -3/+3
(Maybe?: Stabilize: Stop alternating) could be 'cancelled' like SoPa, so you could end it at a specific fluctuation. Would also mean if you drew another one you could make full use of them.
"cancel" seems odd, destroying a nightfall doesn't make the bonus permanent. If you meant destroying it with "cancel" I do, but I think it's different to nightfall as the change would happen every turn like SoPa, so self-destroying it would be similar to that imo. Up to you though, but i think that would give it more use as both a game acelerator, affecting both players, or as a decelerator, slowing opponent while making your creatures more durable
I prefer to keep it as a stat-changing perm ljust like nightfall, but to make use of your suggestion I could just add the "Stabilize" ability I mentioned, which also makes the bonus permanent, except the perm is still there ok :) would playing another one stack? probably yes. Alos note I don't intend hp to go lower than 1 cool, i think this sounds good then :)

Deck Builder:

Forum Expert:

Spoiler for Round 2:
2 - Initial Thoughts



Maybe a short lore? It is a clear reference to Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Writer: "You're in a locked room. Escape." Like hell that's not vague. Ugh.
So, for ideas...any explanation given, or just make it about the escape?

Waking up from being unconscious feels cliche to me; possible alternatives including a hypnotic trance or even full awareness.

Stuff is done, for the record the setting is an interactive fiction game.

Card Designer:
Will be pretty busy during the week, bu t hopefully have plenty time in the weekend
List of vanillas:
All dragons (except aether)Dragon is a bit boring I think, as I'm sure you agree
Abomination (Mutate self (cannot die from it)) I like this a lot. Could just turn into another abom, but eventually you'll get a mutant It does make Mutate (the spll) stronger since you'll eventually get mutant, so maybe the aboms you get from the spell wont have any abilityProbably makes micro-abom quite OP though. Basically free mutant after a turn. would be ok if you upped the cost of micro abom to 3 though so it costs the same as improved mutation. I don't *have* to give the upped one an ability either I believe. And the skill doesn't have to be free either, it could cost as much as mutation the spell.I think doning the upped card too would be a good idea,makes it look more complete
Graviton Mercenary (Pay salary: graviton mercenary attacks) I quite like this too, quite thematic. I imagine you'd make the card cost much less, maybe even zero
Horned Frog
Cockatrice (Killing sight: kill any creature touching or targeting it) (touch is by gravity pull) (passive)cock+BB+GP = pretty much board wipe
Blue Crawler (Submerge turn immortal and delayed for 1 turn, double attack next turn)
Skeleton (Already dead: survives until end of turn even if dead mid-turn) (passive) so essentially it can't be killed in any way? No, if it dies during the turn (by spell for example), it will still survive until the next time it attacks, and then it will dienot sure I can think of many uses. if it was simply does not die, but can be targetted, it creates a cool permenant immo-fodder, mutation fodder (it would turn into a mutant, but reappear in the next creature slot... I don't know, nah it was more like minor thematic thing, but it's pretty useless i know
Ash Eater (Eat ash: sacrifice target ash, gain +5/+5) seems like a waste of an ash that could be made into a phoenix... maybe +8/+8 so you'd destroy the ash but have a bigger creature Yeah probably
Photon (gain 1 light when played, sacrifice: gain 1 light)

Deck Builder:

Forum Expert:
« Last Edit: March 07, 2016, 10:53:37 pm by JonathanCrazyJ »
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