Elements the Game Forum - Free Online Fantasy Card Game
Elements the Game => Brawl #5 Archive => Brawl Archive => Forum Brawl => Events and Competitions => Abyss Brawlers => Topic started by: JonathanCrazyJ on February 21, 2016, 10:24:23 pm
Welcome, Team Abyss Brawlers!
So, we have finally arrived! Firstly, I want to say I am ecstatic about our team and our chances, you make up pretty much exactly my 1st choice team.
All we need is to stay active, make sure to post updates as we complete our tasks, and give and listen to AS MUCH constructive feedback as possible. Be nice, but make sure you get your points across.
Here is our Titan Pad (https://titanpad.com/UhbIVyvqzk), HOWEVER, please, please do not use the pad to discuss Tasks once a draft has been made. Feel free to brainstorm ideas for how to go about a task, but once a draft has been made, that should be posted in '[Round X] - Y Task' Topic, and further discussion should take place there. This is because otherwise we could easily get crossed wires, and it's easier to have all discussion in one place.
You know your roles already, but here's something I want to try. Many of us are multi-talented, and while I want everyone to give feedback on all tasks, I also want a few of us to pay close attention to a second task, and lend their expertise on this, or help out in some other way. This will be called an 'Adviser' role, and is listed below in (brackets). Just remember, it's advice, nothing more, don't try to back-seat drive someone's main role :)
Boss: JonathanCrazyJ (Boss tasks vary, whoever's role is being emulated)
Artist: Krzysiekxd (All / None, nobody else is particularly arty afaik)
Writer: Silver Emerald (JonathanCrazyJ)
Deckbuilder: Majofa (We have many good deckbuilders, so no particular Adviser)
Card Design: Fippe94 (Majofa and Kirby both great CDs, lend ideas when it's warrented)
Forum Expert: kirbylover314 (Fippe94, mainly if there are elements of coding which could be useful)
Each round, create a topic for your task marked "[Round X] - Y Task". The OP should either say 'Reserved', or have the latest draft of that task. All update notifications ("Hey, I changed the name of the character and messed with the second paragraph") and discussion should take place in the rest of the thread.
Please post in this thread if your activity is likely to take a dip, and also any regular commitments you might have. I'm not a slave-driver, real life takes priority, but try to let us know with as much notice as possible so one of us can do your task for a week :) Other than that, this thread is for miscellaneous discussion.
Lets get Brawling!
My activity is lowest at the weekends. i can usually manage a few hours on Saturday and Sunday Nights (~8-11pm GMT), but nothing more.
One day left guys, a few tasks still outstanding, let's see your final drafts so we have time for tweaking and presentation :)
I was thinking about bonus task 2, boss can you set up a topic?
What about creating a FORCE element? A full collection of cards. I can take making element mark and card background.
What do you think? Any other ideas?
Still in 1st at half way point. Solid work.
Not having double points for double tasks is still ridiculous, but still :p
Lets get to round 4. I'll be working through monday, let us know if you are really struggling for time so someone else can pick you up!
Off now and won't be back until after deadline.
Good luck with finishing your tasks!
Since we get seven submissions for the price of six in Round 5, any thoughts on which the extra should be?
(Also, for reference, I've heard that there are two double tasks in Round 6, involving everyone except Forum Expert and Writer [who have already had two double tasks].)
Don't count on me this time, I have very limited time due to Easter and BMs didn't extend the time :(
The did extend the time.
And then they unextended it.
BM edit: Did extend it. Just forgot to actually add the extension to the Round sheet
Depends how we do for time, but I'd say CD is the easiest to make a 2nd submission quickly this round, but I could have a go at the Let's Play Elements, pretty sure i could make it pretty funny :P
I think we've gotten in a bad habit of not posting updates (myself being one of the worst).
On that note, what does everyone have?
We have another Challenge from chaosomes (challenge 9)
they have wagered 15 points on the artist / DB task
So the highest vote-getting trophy at the end of Round 2 is nice... I guess. :-X
Looking at it compared to the other trophies leaves a lot to be desired... it just doesn't seem as polished.
I kind of like this one: (http://i.imgur.com/6IyB7UX.png) (submitted by LoS)
I know the 'V' represents 5, but what if the 'B' was replaced with a '5' and made more pronounced?