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Round 4 - ATNT - Voting Phase https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61588.msg1228273#msg1228273
« on: March 21, 2016, 11:39:49 pm »
Time's up!

Standardized voting will use this table:

Spoiler for code:
Code: [Select]
[td]Team Vote[/td][td]Round 4[/td][td]by [/td]
[td]Boss & Writer[/td][td] *** [/td][td] *** [/td]
[td]Artist[/td][td] *** [/td][td] *** [/td]
[td]CD[/td][td] *** [/td][td] *** [/td]
[td]DB[/td][td] *** [/td][td] *** [/td]
[td]FE[/td][td] *** [/td][td] *** [/td]
[td]Bonus[/td][td] *** [/td][td] *** [/td]


Offline Timdood3

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Re: Round 4 - ATNT - Voting Phase https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61588.msg1228843#msg1228843
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2016, 05:07:11 am »
Team VoteRound 4by
Boss & Writer ATNT AB.  It's no so much the I have a reason for voting them, just reasons not to vote for the others.
Chaosomes: Too short, too cliche.  It's literally things people already say with the names replaced.
Gaia's Pride:  It feels too off-prompt for my liking.  Instead of  Philosopher vs religious figure, it's daddy issues.
LoS:  Too meta.
Artist ATNT It's a toss up between AB and LoS.
Chaosomes doesn't really feeling aether-y at all.
Gaia's is just gross looking :/
Fiery Hot Mistake is just that, a mistake.
I want to go for AB because of the effort and humor...But at the same time, it's quality over quantity here.  My vote goes to LoS.
CD ATNT My vote easily goes to the Chaosomes.  It hits that balance where it's simple enough to understand and apply easily, but it's not overly simplified to the point of being boring.  The others feel too complex (or boring) for their own good.
DB ATNT Chaomsomes hit me in the feels with that one.  While Gaia's is well thought out and executed, the Chaosomes just seem to have more meaning more than the other submissions.
FE *** Not AB or Chaosome because they're extremely impractical.  Not LoS or Gaia because it's making an alphabet, not a list. Not FHM because that's literally a non-submission.  I don't have a vote, just wanted to express my discontent at my choices.
Bonus ATNT LoS.  Made me laugh, given the rules of the internet, I have to upvote it.  I was tempted to vote for AB, but overall I'm not a fan of new elements being added.

Last round I forgot to include reasons.  Oops.  I had them, but forgot to put them in the table >-<
I imagine they didn't get counted anyway, oh well.

No one else is voting?!

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Re: Round 4 - ATNT - Voting Phase https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61588.msg1228844#msg1228844
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2016, 05:26:00 am »
Team VoteRound 4by mathman
Boss & Writer *** ***
Artist Toadally Newtral Fiery Hot Mixtape
CD *** ***
DB Toadally Newtral Chaosomes
FE Toadally Newtral Abyss Brawlers
Bonus Toadally Newtral Chaosomes

1 - Toads - Ours was awesome! Simple and elegant and can easily be seen as a nice elements landscape with the multiple references to current cards in the game.
2 - Mixtape - Really like the 3-D aspect of this landscape. It shows more than just a 2 dimensional painting.
3 - Shadows - Very nice representation of the the darkness realm. The way several cards are tied in are is nice to see, and flows through the picture nicely.
4 - Abyss - I like this little story and the way to represent several different landscapes is nice, but the original landscape is fairly simple.
5 - Chaos - Interesting looking Piece, Hard to see where the feel for the elemental relation is though.
6 - Gaia - MS Paint for the win! This painting looks a bit too cartoon-like, nicely done but on a different level compared to some of the other submissions.

Deck Builder:
1 - Toads - Ours was awesome! Simple and elegant and can easily be seen as a tribute to a personal hero of one of our teams members.
2 - Chaos - Very nice connection to hospital staff. Everyone has been to or seen a nurse or doctor at some point, so this can be easily connected with for most people. The ideas behind the healing ways but no CC is a great association with the explanation given.
3 - Shadows -  Na na na na na na na na na na na na na, BATMAN! Awesome person to represent, I like the many quotes from the movies, it really pulls each of the cards together nicely.
4 - Gaia - I am not a big NFL fan, so I do not know much about Brett Farve, but I do like the way each card is mentioned and related back to the sports game in some way.
5 - Abyss - I like how most of the other decks each put in specific cards to represent specific things about the person or character they are trying to represent. This deck however is just a basic build type for representation centered around 1 card related to the person.
6 - Mixtape - N/A

Forum Expert:
1 - Toads - Ours was awesome! Simple and elegant and can easily be seen as a nice elements landscape with the multiple references to current cards in the game.
2 - Abyss - Nicely made alphabet, it has a similar phonetic appearance to that of our submission. Well made.
3 - Chaos - Another nicely made submission representing new alpabetical characters. I  noticed however that both 'ZH' and 'JH' have the exact same symbol. no difference in missing rings or anything, otherwise this would have easily beaten Abyss.
4 - Shadows - My interpretation of the task was to create symbols or characters for a new elements themed alphabet, bot just to play an association game with things related to elements.
5 - Gaia - Exact same reason as Shadows, but not as nicely presented and formatted.
6 - Mixtape -  That is indeed an alphabet, well done. Sorry to see such a poorly done submission, even though it has been mentioned due to the lack of participants to workload ratio.

1 - Toads - Ours was awesome! Simple and elegant and can easily be seen as a nice Star Wars and Team Tribute collaboration.
2 - Chaos - I love this reference, very nicely plays in with both a lovable and well known Star Wars scene, and also with the community occurrence of Zawa becoming a temporary Brawlmaster.
3 - Abyss - Awesome idea, but thirteen is an unlucky number and create unbalance (in the force  :P) to the number of elements. If there was also an opposite to go alongside this one it probably would have topped out above the Chaosomes.
4 - Shadows - Nice comic, but the 7th star wars is still quite new, and for those that may not have seen it may not understand the comic. Also the new movie does not have the same heart warming story yet that the originals have.
5 - Gaia - This is an ok card and deck idea, but I have a hard time seeing how the card itself ties in to the sci-fi theme as it niether seems like a "futuristic civilisation" or a "laser space battle".
6 - Mixtape - N/A

Work in progress.... will update throughout the week.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2016, 11:21:30 pm by mathman101 »

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Re: Round 4 - ATNT - Voting Phase https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61588.msg1228846#msg1228846
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2016, 06:13:04 am »
Team VoteRound 4by Arum
Boss & WriterATNTAbyss Brawlers - Short and sweet. The others either had far too much formatting (looking at you LoS) or didn't really debate enough.
ArtistATNTChaosomes - Interesting take on Aether, and also very neat. It's simply stunning.
CDATNTGaia's Pride - Possibly balanced way to change the quanta caps.
DBATNTAbyss Brawlers - Unique and personal, as in someone that they've interacted with. Clearly well done.
FEATNTAbyss Brawlers - I've always been fond of hieroglyphic styles, and while this is a little more complex, it works nicely in context of an actual alphabet.H
BonusATNTAbyss Brawlers - Neat and usable implementation of Force.
M o n s t e r s
A n d
M e n


blarg: Arum