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ATNT - Round 6 - Voting Phase https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61767.msg1230311#msg1230311
« on: April 11, 2016, 02:44:58 am »
Teams, you'll have to wait until tomorrow for your voting threads - or start your own!

Time's up!

Standardized voting will use this table:

Spoiler for code:
Code: [Select]
[td]Community Vote[/td][td]Round 6[/td][td]by [/td]
[td]Boss & CD[/td][td] *** [/td][td] *** [/td]
[td]Artist & DB[/td][td] *** [/td][td] *** [/td]
[td]FE[/td][td] *** [/td][td] *** [/td]
[td]Writer[/td][td] *** [/td][td] *** [/td]
[td]Bonus[/td][td] *** [/td][td] *** [/td]
[td]Super Bonus[/td][td] *** [/td][td] *** [/td]
[td]Challenge[/td][td] *** [/td][td] *** [/td]

[td]Espithel's Frustration[/td][td]FHM or AB[/td]
[td]Espithel's Delirium[/td][td]FHM or AB[/td]
[td]Espithel's Duplicity[/td][td]FHM or AB[/td]
[td]Ulamog, the Ceaseless NearHundred[/td][td]FHM or AB[/td]
[td]Elite Dragonfly the Science Guy[/td][td]TC or AB[/td]
[td]Animated Tribute[/td][td]AB or GP[/td]
[td]Mechanical Underdrive[/td][td]AB or TC[/td]
[td]Ascension[/td][td]LoS or TC[/td]
[td]Buy one get one free![/td][td]LoS or TC[/td][/tr]

« Last Edit: April 19, 2016, 05:56:33 am by mathman101 »

Offline mathman101Topic starter

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Re: ATNT - Round 6 - Voting Phase https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61767.msg1230312#msg1230312
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2016, 02:45:45 am »
Community VoteRound 6by mathman101
Boss & CD Toadally Newtral League of Shadows
Artist & DB Toadally Newtral Abyss Brawlers
FE *** ***
Writer Toadally Newtral Gaia's Pride 
Bonus *** ***
Super Bonus *** ***
Challenge *** ***

Espithel's FrustrationFHM or AB
Espithel's DeliriumFHM or AB
Espithel's DuplicityFHM or AB
Ulamog, the Ceaseless NearHundredFHM or AB
Elite Dragonfly the Science GuyTC or AB
Animated TributeAB or GP
Mechanical UnderdriveAB or TC
AscensionLoS or TC
Buy one get one free!LoS or TC

Boss / Card Designer:
1 - Toads - Nicely designed cards which embody each of the team members. The deck is also nicely designed to bring out each cards synergy.
2 - Shadows - The cards are nicely made and designed. The deck also looks well made. I like how each card was inspired from each member and does not just have their name on the card itself.
3 - Abyss - Some of the cards seem a but overpowered in my opinion. The synergy between each to create a stall deck is nice though, also I really like the thorough description given.
4 - Gaia - Nice combination of healing and stalling. also well designed cards for each individual member.
5 - Chaos - Nicely made cards, I like some of the effects, but there could have been more of an explanation about each card.
6 - Mixtape - Hehe, good try guys, but not enough cards for each player ;)

Artist / Deckbuilder:
1 - Toads - A well thought out deck which shows 2 major aspects of both :life and :death. The art is also well drawn for a cartooney humorous effect!
2 - Abyss - I like the decks both look like well designed and seem reasonably matched against each other. I am not a huge fan of the movie clip, but it does seem very well done.
3 - Mixtape - Nice deck duo, clearly follows the example, and looks well matched. The art also looks well done.
4 - Chaos - The art looks amazing, very detailed and well drawn! However the duo elements being wrong compared to the example  is what pushed it below Mixtapes submission.
5 - Shadows - No artwork to go with these decks, but the decks do look nice and follow the example of elemental duos.
6 - Gaia - The decks duos do not flow with the example and with no art to accompany this... :'(

1 - Toads - Just the right length not too short but not too long. It also has a nice descriptive part for each of the original texts spaces to be replaced. Also closely resemble the original.
2 - Gaia - Seems a tad short, but the written portion seem very nice and relate well to the game.
3 - Shadows - A tad long but not overly. Also nicely fits in with the theme and looks very presentable on the simulator
4 - Abyss - Also a bit too long, and I'm sorry JCJ but the extra speech is very nicely done and good to listen to on it's own does not flow well with the simulator for being too slow.
5 - Chaos - Way too long, it does not look good at all on the simulator. The text and description is very nice but it does not relate well to the mode it is meant to be presented in.
6 - Mixtape - N/A
(NOTE: I used this https://brorlandi.github.io/StarWarsIntroCreator/# as a simulator to gauge each submissions length and how well it flowed with the Star Wars music and theme.)

Work in progress.... will update throughout the week.

(not sure if I will be able to get back online before the end of round so tossing what I can now while I have time)
« Last Edit: April 16, 2016, 07:05:30 pm by mathman101 »

Offline Timdood3

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Re: ATNT - Round 6 - Voting Phase https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61767.msg1230990#msg1230990
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2016, 07:17:27 pm »
Team VoteRound 6by Timdood3
Boss & CD ATNT LoS - The way they did the cards is more creative than simply naming it "Physsion."  It highlights what exactly each member brings to the team.The deck is also an interesting concept:
Buff your opponent's shit so you get stronger"
Artist & DB ATNT AB - Putting a story to two otherwise "eh" decks is a very good call.  Especially with the movie trailer poster being put up last round (Or was it the round before?), the hype for this movie was just too high for me to be let down!
FE ATNT - Even though I didn't quite have time to finish it >-< LoS - Formatting is best.  It also covers everything, whereas the other submission tend to miss things.  (Like my incomplete submission....Though it would have all had the same information, LoS' formatting was still better)
Writer ATNT Chaosomes - Very nice *clap clap* ....The length, detail, and relevance to the game is simply tiers above the other submissions.
Bonus Chaosomes - GP and LoS were, in my eyes, non-submissions since they were made for another task, so between the other two, the Chaosomes just had more effort put in. AB still gets a vote for being the other submission, but hey, that's just because we didn't make anything.
Super Bonus Chaosomes - I lol'd AB - I was somewhat amused.  (FHMistake was just pages from Tokyo Ghoul, LoS was one page that didn't quite make sense)

Espithel's FrustrationAB - I feel like FMH didn't read the challenge at all
Espithel's DeliriumAB - More streamlined and logical.  Also the cards actually do different things, unlike FHM's submission.
Espithel's DuplicityAB - I feel like AB did FMH's R6 task better than they did....
Ulamog, the Ceaseless NearHundred No vote
Elite Dragonfly the Science GuyTC - Dat explanation tho
Animated TributeAB
Mechanical UnderdriveNo Vote
Buy one get one free!LoS (I literally shielded my eyes from TC's D:)

