LOREThe world of elements was held together, despite constant warring and fights. Now its existence is being threatened by the erasure of magic.
The kingdoms consulted the Oracle, and the Oracle noted that there was only one way to save all of them.. They had to find the shards that came from the splintering of reality.
And, the Oracle warned, they could not do it alone. Each kingdom had to send warriors to help the cause, as the shards only responded to specific races.
Will you join the fight to save a world from total destruction?GAME MANUALElements the Game is a 3D action RPG with an unique combat system inspired by titles such as League of Legends and Darksiders II.
The tutorial when you begin the game will explain most of this, but if you have forgotten something or would like to refresh your memory, the information is below.
Health is your typical fare, the amount of damage you can take.
Mana, also known as MP (short for Mana Points), is the energy you use on abilities.
Strike is simply the basic attack you do, scaling linearly as you level up. However, it has a second function; it affects your abilities, as well as their mana cost.
It affects damage, healing and duration of abilities by multiplying by Strike/10. For early-game purposes, the multiplier is set to one until Strike exceeds 10.
The mana cost fixes itself to equal the ratio of ability effect to ability cost, though it will slowly reduce its cost at higher levels.
ControlsButton | Effect |
Left Analogue | Character Movement |
Right Analogue | Camera Control |
B | Light Attack |
A | Heavy Attack |
Y | Change Target |
X | Jump |
R1 | Use Energy Potion |
R2 | Abilities Real-Time Menu |
R3 | Cycle Minimap |
L1 | Use Health Potion |
L2 | Call Allies To You |
L3 | Enemy/Ally Targeting Switch |
D-Pad Directionals | Change Hero |
Start | Options Menu |
Select | Character Menu |
AttackingCertain combos can be done with basic Strike, examples being Trip and Popup.
Trip; Light attack, heavy attack, light attack. This tends to be B-A-B.
Popup; Light attack, light attack, heavy attack. This tends to be B-B-A.
AbilitiesAbilities are used by holding down the menu button and tapping the one you want to use. This tends to be R2 + A, B, X, or Y. This means you do have to choose abilities specifically for each mission you complete, as improper abilities could hinder your use.
Ultimate abilities are automatically assigned to R2 + X when first gained; this can be changed in the controller settings menu.
Tokens have a chance to be dropped from enemies at level 15, after you have unlocked your Ultimate. Four tokens is a full token. You may carry up to four full tokens.
ItemsOccasionally enemies or bosses will drop items. In your character menu, you can also assign equipment to your characters to influence their stats. You can also sell items for potions.
Potions, such as healing and mana potions, can be bought or dropped from enemies. They will restore 10% of health or MP to provide a small boost to encourage proper use of abilities.
Online UseThis is a ARPG game that can be played standalone with four heroes, or online with a single avatar to play with other heroes.
While playing online, please respect each other.
You may be barred from playing online if you do the following:- Ask for personal information
- Harass people
- Excessively use obscene language
- Deliberately glitch the game or otherwise use exploits
- Scam others
Have fun saving the world!
Elemental Class | Base Stats | Abilities and Spells |
Vampire - These dark creatures deal low damage, but have multiple support abilities to drain health from the opponent. | - 220 HP
- 85 MP
- Strike of 4 damage
Each level increases:- HP by 5-15
- MP by 2-6
- Strike by 1-2.
| - Leech - Passive. 5% of damage done is returned as healing.
- Nightmare - Debuff. Nearby enemies' attacks have a chance to miss you. Life steal is twice as effective on debuffed enemies. 40 MP, 6 sec duration, 20 sec cooldown.
- Steal - Debuff. Copy target's first abilty and bar them from using it. 75 MP, 5 sec duration.
- Cloak - Buff. Turn invisible and deal double damage on unaware enemies. 80 MP, 10 sec duration, 1 minute cooldown.
- Vampiric Bond - Buff. Nearby allies gain the ability to drain life. Gain DoT of log_2 10x where x is allies affected. 50 MP, 10 sec duration. 30 sec cooldown.
- Drain - Ultimate. Drain health from enemies based on how much MP you have. Drain the rest of your MP. Reduce max hp of enemies by amount drained. 20 MP, requires full tokens.
Fallen Elf - Mischievous creatures from the forest banished for their use of experimental magic, Fallen Elves pose a mind-bending threat. | - 300 HP
- 60 MP
- Strike of 7 damage
Each level increases:- HP by 7-20
- MP by 1-4
- Strike by 2-3.
Ranged Strike | - Trickster - Passive. Enemies have a 5% chance to miss you.
- Butterfly Effect - Debuff.Nearby enemies have worse luck. 20 MP, 10 sec duration, 30 sec cooldown.
- Chaos Seeds - Projectile. Toss a spread of seeds towards your target that inflict 20 damage and a random debuff. 20 MP, 6 sec duration of debuff.
- Improve - Buff.Multiply your stats by 1.2. 30 MP, 8 sec duration, 20 sec cooldown.
- Pandemonium - Area of Effect. Nearby enemies have a random debuff applied to them. 40 MP, 6 sec duration of debuff, 20 second cooldown.
- Antimatter - Ultimate.Damage is reduced by half and turned into healing. 4 sec duration, 50 MP, requires full tokens.
Vulture - Scavengers of the world, their carrion infested beaks inflict poisonous damage and they gain strength from consuming the fallen. | - 260 HP
- 50 MP
- Strike of 8 damage
Each level increases:- HP by 8-15
- MP by 1-3
- Strike by 2-3.
| - Carrion Eater - Passive. Increase health regeneration and multiply strike by 1.3 if an enemy dies. Stacks. Duration 5 seconds, +2 seconds for every stack.
- Vile Spit - Projectile. Regurgitate rotting flesh at target, inflicting 50 DoT. 20 MP, 5 sec duration.
- Toxic Strikes - Buff. You and nearby allies deal DoT damage with strikes, damage being 10% of damage dealt. 30 MP, 4 sec duration, 20 second cooldown.
- Bone Wall - Buff. Reduce damage by 30% Every enemy killed increases duration by 2 seconds. 40 MP. 8 sec duration. 1 minute cooldown.
- Soul Catcher - Buff. Regenerate mana for every enemy killed. 10 mana, 5 sec duration, 15 sec cooldown.
- Plague - Ultimate. Nearby enemies gain a DoT dealing 1/10 their Max HP. 45 MP, 4 sec duration, requires full tokens.
Armagio - Time travellers with thick armor plating, Armagios have an uncanny foresight and the ability to take an impressive amount of damage. | - 380 HP
- 55 MP
- Strike of 4 damage
Each level increases:- HP by 16-24
- MP by 2-3
- Strike by 1-2.
| - Indomitable - Passive. Enemy abilities deal 10% less damage to you.
- Weighten - Debuff. Target enemy is slowed. 20 MP, 10 second duration. 40 second cooldown.
- Overdrive - Buff. Deal double damage and take damage equal to half of damage dealt. 30 MP, 7 sec duration, cooldown of 30 seconds.
- Taunt - Buff. Enemies attack you instead. 20 MP, 10 sec duration.
- Unstoppable - Buff. Attacks made by you or your nearby allies cannot be reduced. 30 MP, 7 sec duration, cooldown of 25 seconds.
- Sap - Ultimate. Nearby enemies have their MP distributed amongst you and your allies. 50 MP, requires full tokens
Immortal - A race of highly arrogant creatures, many have wondered what it takes to knock them off their perch. However, they have good reasons for their arrogance, ones you may find if you encounter them in battle... | - 325 HP
- 80 MP
- Strike of 5 damage
Each level increases:- HP by 12-18
- MP by 4-5
- Strike by 1-2.
Ranged Strike | - Arrogance - Passive. Enemies do not attack you unless attacked.
- Spark - Projectile. Deal 20 damage. 15 MP.
- Arc Lightning - Projectile. Deal 10 damage and jump to the nearest enemy. Does not target enemies already damaged. 30 MP.
- Phase - Buff. You take no damage but deal no damage. 8 sec duration, 50 MP, 1 minute cooldown.
- Electrocute - Debuff. Target cannot use any abilities for 10 seconds. 60 MP, 45 second debuff.
- Gemini - Ultimate. Create a copy that survives for 30 seconds with your current stats. If you die, you transfer control to your clone. 60 MP, 30 sec duration, requires full tokens.
Phoenix - Delicate creatures with a burning passion for battle, their attacks hit hard regardless of their health. | - 140 HP
- 45 MP
- Strike of 10 damage
Each level increases:- HP by 4-10
- MP by 1-2
- Strike by 2-5.
| - Fahrenheit - Passive. Deal more damage the lower on health you are.
- Fire Bolt - Projectile. Deal 30 damage. 30 MP.
- Enrage - Buff. Take double damage and deal triple damage. 20 MP, 8 sec duration.
- Rain of Fire - Area of Effect. Nearby enemies take 20 damage. 40 MP.
- Deflagration - Debuff. Destroy target enemy's shields. 30 MP. 10 sec cooldown.
- Reincarnate - Ultimate. If you die in the next five seconds, gain full HP but lose use of abilities for 30 seconds. 40 MP, requires full tokens.
Pharaoh - Regal creatures that have refused to die, Pharaohs still control large kingdoms and have great wealth. They may sound a good target, but anyone caught attempting to steal from them are heavily punished. | - 330 HP
- 60 MP
- Strike of 6 damage
Each level increases:- HP by 7-15
- MP by 3-4
- Strike by 2-3.
| - Hoarder - Passive. Buffs on you last 1.5x as long.
- Reverse Time - Buff. Restores health lost from the last ability used. 15 MP.
- Deja Vu - Buff. Next cast ability is cast twice with no additional MP cost and a delay of 2 seconds after the first cast. 20 MP. Cannot cast Deja Vu if Deja Vu was last cast.
- Neurotoxin - Projectile. Target enemy gains a DoT of 8 damage, and each ability they use increases duration by 3 seconds. 30 MP. Base duration of 6 seconds.
- Obsession - Debuff. Nearby enemies take damage if they do not attack you. 30 MP. 10 sec duration, 1 minute cooldown.
- Eternity - Ultimate. Ally buffs and enemy debuffs have their durations extended by thrity seconds. MP Cost 50, requires full tokens.
Wyrm - Daconian creatures similar to wyverns. wyrms are mysterious, seen only a few short times before disappearing into their cloudy kingdoms. | - 270 HP
- 65 MP
- Strike of 7 damage
Each level increases:- HP by 5-15
- MP by 2-3
- Strike by 2-4.
Ranged Strike | - Farsighted - Passive. Ranged attacks deal 10% more damage.
- Precise - Buff. Next attack deals double damage. 15 MP, 20 second cooldown. Does not stack.
- Shriek - Debuff. Nearby enemies are stunned for 3 seconds. 20 MP.
- Shockwave - Area of Effect. Nearby enemies take 30 damage and are knocked back. 40 MP.
- Flight - Buff. Can only be damaged by projectile attacks. 30 MP, 10 sec duration, 40 sec cooldown.
- Instability - Ultimate. Enemies that attack you take 20 damager per attack. 55 MP, 5 sec duration, requires full tokens.
Graboid - Insect like creatures with thick armor and a penchant for quickly growing unstoppable, Graboids and their nests are feared the world over. | - 350 HP
- 60 MP
- Strike of 6 damage
Each level increases:- HP by 15-22
- MP by 2-3
- Strike by 1-2.
| - Swarm - Passive. Strike increases by one for each ally Graboid.
- Petrify - Debuff. Target enemy cannot attack or move for six seconds. 20 MP, 6 sec duration, 15 sec cooldown.
- Stone Skin - Buff. Heal yourself by your MP, and drain it. 30 MP, 1 minute cooldown.
- Plate Armor - Buff. Target gains temporary shield that absorbs 45 damage. 35 MP, 8 sec duration, 40 second cooldown
- Earthquake - Area of Effect. Nearby enemies take 25 damage. 30 MP, 20 sec cooldown.
- Evolve - Ultimate. Take half damage and deal double damage. 40 MP, 12 second duration
Mind Flayer - The Mind Flayer race are alien as a creature from the native world can be, humanoid but hitting an eerie uncanny valley. Their graceful fighting style only adds to the sensation. | - 240 HP
- 70 MP
- Strike of 4 damage
Each level increases:- HP by 6-16
- MP by 3-4
- Strike by 1-2.
| - Purified - Passive. DoT damage is reduced by 25%.
- Freeze - Debuff. Target enemy cannot move or use abilities. Shockwave deals double damage. 40 MP, 5 sec duration.
- Flood - Area of Effect. Nearby enemies are pushed away. Non-frozen enemies take 20 damage. 35 MP, 15 sec cooldown.
- Arctic Chill - Debuff. Nearby enemies are slowed. 30 MP, 10 sec duration.
- Desiccate - Area of Effect. Nearby enemies deal 10% less damage. Chilled and frozen enemies take 20 damage. 35 MP, 8 second duration, 30 sec cooldown.
- Permafrost - Ultimate. Attacks that you or your allies do chill enemies for two seconds. 35 MP, 10 second duration.
Dryad - Also known as Forest Spirits, Dryads are a relatively peaceful race. However, the enduring adaptability of life has left them far from defenseless. | - 260 HP
- 70 MP
- Strike of 5 damage
Each level increases:- HP by 5-15
- MP by 2-3
- Strike by 2-3.
Ranged Strike | - Enduring - Passive. Health regeneration is 1.5 times stronger.
- Adrenaline - Buff. Allies' ability cooldowns are 20% shorter. 30 MP, 20 second cooldown.
- Heal - Buff. Target's regeration rate is doubled. 40 MP, 10 sec duration, 1 minute cooldown.
- Call of the Wild - Debuff. Nearby enemies flee in terror. 30 MP, 10 sec duration, 35 sec cooldown.
- Growth - Area of Effect. Deal damage equal to health healed over the past five minutes to nearby enemies. 20 MP
- Pacify - Ultimate. Nearby enemies do not attack for five seconds. 55 MP, 5 second duration, requires full tokens.
Crusader - Crusaders are a race of highly motivated people that sweep across entire nations in saerch of their God. Anyone thought to be standing in their way has met an unseemly end. | - 310 HP
- 30 MP
- Strike of 6 damage
Each level increases:- HP by 10-16
- MP by 1
- Strike by 2-3.
| - Resolute - Passive. Debuffs cast on Crusader are 10% shorter.
- Blind - Debuff. Target enemy misses its attacks. 5 MP, 4 second duration.
- Blessing - Buff. Target's strike and HP increased by 20%. 15 MP, 14 second duration. 1 minute cooldown.
- Hope - Buff. Reduce damage equal to number of allies times five. 20 MP, 8 second duration, 1 minute cooldown.
- Sanctuary - Buff. You and nearby allies cannot be affected by debuffs. 20 MP, 8 second duration, 40 second cooldown.
- Miracle - Ultimate. Heal nearby allies by half their max HP. 25 MP, requires full tokens.
Also within the game there will be stunning graphics for scenery and the elemental beings as they progress around the map.
Here is a screenshot of a Wyrm elemental returning to his home base.
On the screen in the upper right corner is his Health Points (Red bar), and his Mana Points (blue bar)
Also on the screen in the upper left corner can be seen what abilities he has each color coded for what type of ability they are (Yellow=buff, Cyan=AoE, White=Debuff,etc) as well as how much time is remaining on their cooldown.