I present to you, stormtroopers and droids, Jedi and Sith, A Toadally Newtral Clone War!
On their journey through the galaxy, the five toadally newtral frogs made a stop on Kamino, the base of cloning operations to supply armies of clones. It was nice for a while, but then strange things started happening. In the growth pod thingies, they started seeing themselves instead of the standard white clones. The end result: An army of horned frogs!The deck works on a simple principle: Clone frogs. Clone all of the frogs. Play a frog, play Mitosis on it, TU it. Those frogs multiply and multiply until the sheer force crushes the opposition! Also Thunderstorm. Don't forget Thunderstorm. Kamino is a rainy, rainy place.
A Toadally Newtral Clone War
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