
Offline CleanOnionTopic starter

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Round 1 - ATNT - Voting Phase https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61351.msg1225748#msg1225748
« on: February 29, 2016, 05:18:14 pm »
Time's up!

Standardized voting will use this table:

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[td]Team Vote[/td][td]Round 1[/td][td]by [/td]
[td]DB & FE[/td][td]***[/td][td]***[/td]

« Last Edit: March 01, 2016, 11:18:40 pm by CleanOnion »

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Re: Round 1 - ATNT - Voting Phase https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61351.msg1225836#msg1225836
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2016, 02:01:55 am »
Team VoteRound 1by
BossTNTchaosomesboth look cool, and honestly if it wasnt for the entry for chaosomes i probably would have not voted because i dislike the others
Artist******idk how to vote here, might change during the week
CD******for some reason i dont like ideas other than ours.
DB & FE******ill take the time to read those later, for now, tl;dr
WriterTNTchaosomesThose are the ones I liked most. Nice idea btw, brawlmasters.
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Re: Round 1 - ATNT - Voting Phase https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61351.msg1225849#msg1225849
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2016, 04:17:50 am »
Team VoteRound 5by mathman101
BossToadally NewtralChaosomes
ArtistToadally NewtralAbyss Brawlers
CDToadally NewtralFiery-Hot Mixtape
DB & FELeague of ShadowsToadally Newtral
WriterChaosomesToadally Newtral

Boss Tasks:
1 - Toads - Ours was awesome! Simple and elegant and can easily be seen as a toad, a newt or a frog.
2 - Chaos - This is also a fairly simple drawing. A simple happy face with the letter "C" behind it.
3 - Shadows - I like the batman theme they have going, from both the name and now the logo. But I think he should have chosen something other than the electrum coins for the outer edge as that pulls the attention away from the center image.
4 - Abyss - I think they are trying to do too much at once. The fangs and the blue(are they supposed to be flames?) feel off and not focused at all.
5 - Gaia - It looks ok, but they could have chosen a different image instead of chroma mark for the center circle. If they had then I probably would have ranked them higher.
6 - Mixtape - Very small and poorly made. I feel that everything is being crunched together in the center. The idea is nice and probably would have looked good had they expanded it, but unfortunately they did not.

Artist Tasks:
1 - Toads - Ours was awesome! Simple and elegant and can easily be seen as a potential horned frog.
2 - Abyss - Very well made, another image that can easily be seen as a card: A nymph! Not a huge fan of the lettering on the bottom though.
3 - Chaos - Also nicely done, but it does not give off the same feeling as when looking at the nymph or the horned frog.
4 - Mixtape - It looks like a lot of work and effort went into this but it didn't turn out the way they had wanted it. The top half of the mark looks quite separated from the bottom half, mainly due to using the wrong alphanumeric key.
5 - Shadows - I was looking forward to seeing just the art remade, instead of the whole card redone. Nice effort put in, but the devourer and the liquid shadow both look very choppy and scratchy.
6 - Gaia - The dragon looks ok, but I think more effort could have been put in to resemble the sky dragon art that they were trying to copy.

Card Designer:
1 - Toads - Ours was awesome! Simple and elegant and felt balanced and unable to be pushed into OPness with other current cards.
2 - Mixtape - Seemed fairly original, and can easily be seen as a scientific principle. Nice balance on idea, but wording could have been better for a clearer concept.
3 - Gaia - Very close third place behind Mixtape! Only reason I gave this third instead of second is because it was a social thought experiment instead of a scientific principle, but otherwise very well designed.
4 - Chaos - Interesting mechanic, and a neat addition to the current list of gravity cards. I can see some synergies, but also some OP combos.
5 - Abyss - Not a huge fan of the wave mechanic between turns. Maybe if it was a spell that switched the effect +3|-3  after the successive use of the same spell.
6 - Shadows - I don't like the conversion idea. I don't feel this fits gravity's mechanic at all. Maybe if the idea were on another element I might bump it up the list halfway, but as it is now I'm not a fan.

Deck Builder/Forum Expert:
1 - Shadows - Very well made! Nice idea on letting the players better understand the game and the explanation of building their own decks. Only thing I saw missing was the chance for duo decks to help show combos between different elements.
2 - Toads - Ours was awesome! Simple and elegant and helped new players start with a slight understanding of deck meta types, and still learn how to better their poorly made decks.
3 - Abyss - Very similar to ours, and yet also very well done. I liked the thought and ideas behind the deck choices, but some of them I was not sure are new player friendly enough.
4 - Chaos - I like the thought behind scrapping the other cards in each of the 40 card decks. But I also feel there are other ways to help the new players explore the potential card possibilities and opportunities.
5 - Gaia - I'm not exactly sure what is going here, between the switching of the decks from the the AI0/AI1 match to the AI2 match. Which deck do they end up keeping? or do they just keep whatever cards are won during the matches vs those AI matches.
6 - Mixtape - I really dislike the movement straight to the 30 card decks. By giving 35 or 40 cards, you are still allowing wiggle room for the new players to play around with their decks and learn how to optimize the decks on their own.

1 - Chaos - Very nicely written. Fun rhyming pattern and easily seen as connected to the elements, both the game and the forum.
2 - Toads - Ours was awesome! Simple and elegant and can easily be seen to relate to the forums and the game.
3 - Mixtape - Pretty funny rhymes, and nice balance of making all 3 limericks relate to each other.
4 - Shadows - Something about the flow felt jagged and not complete between the individual limericks. Another nice balance between the forums and its events and the game itself.
5 - Gaia - Something about the flow felt jagged and not complete between the individual limericks. Nice idea of relating all three limericks along the idea of the chat room.
6 - Abyss - Something about the flow felt jagged and not complete between the individual limericks.

« Last Edit: March 04, 2016, 10:43:24 pm by mathman101 »

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Re: Round 1 - ATNT - Voting Phase https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61351.msg1225858#msg1225858
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2016, 07:45:19 am »
TNTRound 1by Treldon
BossTNTChaosomesFHM and Gaia are hardly readable. LoS is recycled.
And Chaosomes and TNT are just plain better than Abyss.
ArtistTNTLoSLoS made pretty good arts without converter, and several of them at that. (Not sure of FHM is with converter or not.)
And I chose ours ones because I know that it involved lots of editing and tweeking.
  • (Gaia) Time Ticking Bomb is OP.
  • (LoS) Graviton Waves doesn't have much to do with graviton waves.
  • (FHM) Thermodynamics is too similar to Minwell's Angel
(Chaos) Higgs Mechanism is okay, but Gravity Wave and Fermion are better.
DB & FETNTLoSLoS Deckbuilding Wizard is a great idea, it would serve both as a tutorial and a way to personalize the starter decks.
And I just liked ours more than the rest (i.e FHM's idea of standard mono decks is good, but come on, it's really lazy).
WriterTNTGaiaGaia's limerics flow well together
and I like ours simply better
then the rest
which aren't best
and feel like itchy sweater.
The one with answerable questions and questionable answers

10th Elements Council member == Brawl #4 :life Meaning of Life :life Artist == Brawl #5 :chroma A Toadally Newtral Team :chroma Artist

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Re: Round 1 - ATNT - Voting Phase https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61351.msg1226221#msg1226221
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2016, 05:29:49 am »
Team VoteRound 1by Timdood3
Boss******I just don't particularly like any of the boss submissions (other than ours though, so nice)
ArtistTNT, We're great.Fiery Hot Mistake.We're great.  FHM because I feel it fits the theme best, and doesn't look like it simply went through a converter
CD******. _. I mean, I don't even really like our own card that much.  If I do decide to vote, it'll be for thermodynamics.
DB & FETNTLoSI am good at this.  LoS because their concept was also good, and the examples well made.  I actually had a similar idea but wasn't sure how to go about it.
WriterTNTGaia's PrideOur limericks are fun.  All of GP's limericks flowed well together and were overall fun to read.

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Re: Round 1 - ATNT - Voting Phase https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61351.msg1226268#msg1226268
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2016, 08:52:57 pm »
Posted my votes in the main thread, should I post them here too?
M o n s t e r s
A n d
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Offline CleanOnionTopic starter

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Re: Round 1 - ATNT - Voting Phase https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61351.msg1226269#msg1226269
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2016, 08:56:22 pm »
Posted my votes in the main thread, should I post them here too?

Offline Arum

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Re: Round 1 - ATNT - Voting Phase https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=61351.msg1226271#msg1226271
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2016, 09:25:21 pm »
Team Vote Round 1 by Arum
BossToadally Neutral Team: Team pride is the best.Fiery Hot Mixtape: Nice looking. Not overly detailed, especially for a smaller submission.
ArtistToadally Neutral Team: Team pride is the best.Chaosomes: Not sure how you used a converter, and don't really care. Photoshop plus a converter works fine for me.
CDToadally Neutral Team: Team pride is the best.League Of Shadows: Interesting synergy, boosts inter element support. Fractal, Poison, Miracle, etc. could all be extremely powerful in the hands of this card.
DB & FEToadally Neutral Team: Team pride is the best.League of Shadows: Great tool idea, only quip is that it doesn't explain the differences between rush and stall archetypes, but these are starter decks.
WriterToadally Neutral Team: Team pride is the best.Chaosomes: While the limericks are not strictly of Elements, that is true of most others. I just feel these represent limerick styles the best. .
M o n s t e r s
A n d
M e n

