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Re: The 12 Realms (Add Your Chapter) (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #24 on: January 24, 2011, 04:30:20 pm »
(Since Bloodshadow posted Ch 16 before 918273645, i´m assuming my entry will be chapter 18.)

Chapter #18
When I could first see, I felt a flash of conscience in my head. The very things I began to see were part of those first
thoughts. But then I began to think. "Is this my Birth, or my Death?"
As I floated to what I felt to be upwards, all I could see was pitch black. My body felt as though it weighed nothing,
as though I were a ghost, a spirit.

After what seemed like hours, as these new thoughts filled my mind, I began to feel a change in my body, I also began to
see rocky outlines all around me. I realized I was floating upwards from below the surface of a terrain.
Soon I began to feel the soft but tiny touch of air, along my body. Then I saw the surface coming towards me, intrigued
by what I would see when i reached the top.

As my head came out of the ground, I was blinded by what seemed like the light of day.
And I drew my first breath, as the rest of my body came out of the ground.
Suddenly I felt what seemed to be the true weight of my body, causing my knees to buckle.
I felt so heavy and mentally wasted. I didn´t know where I was, or what I was.
I tried to take my first steps, one by one, almost tripping every single time. But eventually I stood my ground and finally
adapted to the weight of my body.
I started walking to wherever my new destiny would lead me.

Eventually I found a pond nearby, although I wasn´t thirsty, I was curious on the appearance of my body.
I walked over to the pond and for the first time saw what i looked like.

I saw long black hair, falling far below my shoulders, accompanied with a thin masculine face. I could barely see my
eyes as they were occulted under the seemingly unnatural shadow of my forehead, but I could see the rest of the
bottom half of my face. My skin was a deathly white. As I looked at my slim pale body, i noticed a large black object
following the movements of my back.

It was a black wing, portruding near from my left shoulder blade. its feathers looked very uneven as though they were
ripped and messed up a little. I also saw something portruding from my right shoulder, it looked like some kind of large bone connecting with another, then I realized it was the skeleton of a wing, with no feathers or flesh.
I thought I could see a very faint glow of purple and black shades that emanated from my

As I beheld the deathly figure, I thought "So this is who I am".
After that, I continued walking. I noticed that as I walked passed any plant life, they would wither and die.
I found that unsettling but strangely satisfying. I continued to walk along the barren landscape, I could see tall brown-
red mountains that surrounded the land. Part of the sky was strangely covered in different and strange hues of colors
such as reds, greens and yellows.
It seemed as though the sky itself were a rainbow.

As I began to walk down a slope, I notice a figure in the sky, swirling around, right above me.
I saw it began to close in on me; as it came closer, it took the form of some sort of bird.
It flapped its grey wings as it prepared itself for landing, it was right above me.

I felt its claws pinching my shoulder as it landed on top.
The bird looked at me with black eyes, as though it held some interest in me.
"What are you doing on my shoulder bird?" I asked it.
It continued to look at me until it decided to settle on my shoulder and stay there.
I decided that I didn´t care and moved on with the bird on my shoulder.

As I walked through a long path between two large mountains, I saw a little rodent walking a few feet away from me; as
it came within a range of three feet away, the rodent started to make coughing and gagging sounds until it suddenly
rolled over on its back and became motionless. I suspected it died.
Witnessing the event, the bird leaped off my shoulder and picked up the lifelss rodent and began eating it.
Within a few seconds the bird finished its meal and flew back to where I stood and onto my shoulder with
its white feathery-collar stained with blood.

The moment the bird touched me, I felt a slight surge of energy travel through my body, somewhat giving me a bit
of strength. I thought for a second "If my very presence killed that rodent from just 3 feet away, and this bird is touching
me right now, why hasn´t the bird died?"
I was very intrigued by that realization and as I looked at the bird, I notice It was slightly bigger than it was a moment ago.

"What a strange creature you are, I shall give you a name".
As I kept walking, I thought for a fitting name and found one.
I said to the bird "I shall name you, Condor"
That being dealt with I came upon another realization. "What is my name?"
Once again I began to think of a fitting name for myself.

"Ah...Yes, I shall now call myself, Flayne"
As I mentioned my name, Condor made a squawk sound. "So you like my name eh? Do you like yours?"
Condor made another squawk sound. "I guess that´s a yes".

I continued walking along the rocky and barren landscape with Condor on my shoulder.
After hours of walking I could hear some noise coming from the other side of a mid-sized mountain.

I could hear voices shouting and loud clashing noises echoing along the mountains.
"I Wonder whats going on?".
Curious I decided to walk towards that direction, intrigued by what I would find.

To be continued...



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Re: The 12 Realms (Add Your Chapter) (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #25 on: January 24, 2011, 05:00:36 pm »
OOC: We need to create this world now.
OOC Continued:
This that are needed: This is my vision of this world. It is open for discussion.
A Map With two large continents each centered at the poles. The continent everyone on is the Southern one. As far as we know only elementals with the ability fly know of the northern continent, but they have been to involved with things to explore it.

 :airAir is found in the south eastern corner of the continent, just near where the land turns cold. They control a vast sky range and a not large section of land. The biggest problem Air elementals have with others is somewhere in their history they were they only ones that new the secret of being airborne. Then one day, a young air elemental was kidnapped, but it was never discovered who had taken the child. Some years later it was said that, while on patrol in different sectors of the sky, elementals from the other realms were found flying around like it was natural for them to do so. Even the elementals that Air is friendly with are not completely trusted.
 :lifeLife is in the tropical region northeast of the native lands.
 :darknessDarkness is in the center of a very large circular mountain range. this area was created by an impact to the planet. As the impact cooled off a very thick dark cloud developed, and because there are mountains on all sides, no wind gets in to blow the cloud away.
 :fire Fire
:earth Earth

 :waterWater has two major cities, one in the ocean between the continents, and the other is on an island in the middle of large frozen lake at the southern pole.
 :timeTime found a home in a desert west of the Dark Mountains. They also share a small portion of their border with Earth and Fire.

 :aetherAether's land developed at the same time as Darkness. At the northern edge of the Dark Mountains the Aether Caverns were created. It has become a large network of crystal-lined caves and passageways. An outsider would think they were walking into a cave of mirrors.
 :entropyEntropy built Temple in the southern edge of the Dark Mountains. It was was the closest thing they could find for a home, an amethyst cavern. Entropy have also built hidden outpost all over the southern continent.
 :deathNot to far south of the Dark Mountains is the Land of Death. It is a dismal place where anything living sickened by the smell as they approach. If someone sends much time there, they become poisoned, then they must flee to find healing. Death is always getting new recruits.
 :gravityGravity being the most technologically advanced society and also the wealthiest. Gravity Elementals came into this world by a portal like the rest, but it is one they manufactured. One of gravity's other great skills is being merchants. Much of the weapons and machines found in this world were made in the Great Forge deep beneath the Fire Mountains that borders the southern edge of Fire territory. Gravity's southern border has a deep icy canyon of which only they could build a bridge across. Within the past 200 years one Gravity's greatest leaders had a fascination with one this worlds 3 moons, which he named Graviton, after the greatest ruler from his realm. This moon has 3 rings which easy to see in the night sky. It was this leader's mission to find all he could about this moon. It was determined at some point that a base could be established. This leader decided to step down from his position so he could be the first to step on this moon. After establishing a base they built a portal that would allow them travel between Graviton and the planet.this is a rough draft of the southern continent.

If Nowhere is Somewhere, and Somewhere is Over there, How can we be Anywhere?
:life :aether

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Re: The 12 Realms (Add Your Chapter) (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #26 on: January 24, 2011, 05:31:28 pm »
Chapter #19
I don't know why I went to the forest.  I guess it's what I know best.  The sounds of birds chirping, signaling to their comrades, the subtle perk in a squirrels neck as he smells pray far below.  But being dead changed... everything.

I couldn't feel the contours of the ground beneath my feet, the roots having carved through the dirt, creating a network of wood mapped so perfectly down below.  I couldn't feel the dampness of grass, telling how cold it would be that night, and how soon until the next rain.  The birds chirping rang hollow in my ears, the squirrels ran away from me instead of showing me where they hid their precious acorn, where they'd found the most fertile soil.  I don't know why I went back to the forest.

I should have known everyone would hate me hear.

Being dead changed... everything.

I was wondering aimlessly through the terrain, running into crops of shrubbery and brush impeding my path that I used to be able to avoid.  It was then I heard the first words spoken since I awoke in the swamps a few days ago.

"Hey, talking tree. Do you know any place where I can gain access to Life, Death, or Time magic?"

I was surprised, either I snuck up on them inadvertently, or they snuck up on me, but I sprang to arms, leaping towards them and brandishing the only weapon I had.

"En Garde!" I screamed, my left arm flailing wildly as I used it as a sword in my right.

"You!"  I screamed, having my left arm point, although no longer attached.  What are you doing here?!"

"It is you who should not be here..." rolled the tree.

I panicked.  Being dead sucks.

"Why do you want to know about the dead?"


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Re: The 12 Realms (Add Your Chapter) (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #27 on: January 24, 2011, 05:36:17 pm »
OOC: We need to create this world now.
OOC Continued:
This that are needed:
A Map With two large continents each centered at the poles. The continent everyone on is the Southern one. As far as we know only elementals with the ability fly know of the northern continent, but they have been to involved with things to explore it. The Air and Light territories are in the sky. Life is in the tropical region northeast of the native lands. Darkness is in the center of a very large circular mountain range. this area was created by an impact to the planet. As the impact cooled off a very thick dark cloud developed, and because there are mountains on all sides, no wind gets in to blow the cloud away. Fire and Earth are neighboring lands they are the closest thing to an unwavering alliance. Water has two major cities, one in the ocean between the continents, and the other is on an island in the middle of large frozen lake at the southern pole. Time found a home in a desert west of the Dark Mountains. They also share a small portion of their border with Earth and Fire. Aether's land developed at the same time as Darkness. At the northern edge of the Dark Mountains the Aether Caverns were created. It has become a large network of crystal-lined caves and passageways. An outsider would think they were walking into a cave of mirrors. Entropy built Temple in the southern edge of the Dark Mountains. It was was the closest thing they could find for a home, an amethyst cavern. Entropy have also built hidden outpost all over the southern continent. Not to far south of the Dark Mountains is the Land of Death. It is a dismal place where anything living sickened by the smell as they approach. If someone sends much time there, they become poisoned, then they must flee to find healing. Death is always getting new recruits.
Gravity is next but i have to afk for a while

OOC: I´ll create the map today according to your description but i´ll need gravity´s description
Gravity has a/some portal/s on earth but is located high above the Air and Light regions, around at the edge of Earth´s atmosphere.

anyways i´ll need a description for it so i can get going on the map. 

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Re: The 12 Realms (Add Your Chapter) (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #28 on: January 24, 2011, 10:15:56 pm »
Chapter #20
Possessed Duel
From the eyes of: Nepycros

  What the hell? I thought. How did he do that? The man is wearing heavy armor! I simply stood there in awe as Zblader pushed a man nearly twice his size back almost 20 feet, without breaking his stance. This kid’s something else. Yet another thing to keep my eye on.
  We had been so close to getting out of this village full of scum when some kind of war hero walks up, and talks about betrayal and other useless nonsense. Zblader called him out, for unknown reasons, and apparently just brushed this “Lucien” off without breaking a sweat.
  Lucien had finally struggled to his feet. He swung his axe out and charged, shouting out a particularly noisy war cry. He lunged forward, but his smaller opponent just stepped to the right and hit Lucien by bringing his left knee up and his left elbow down, pinching the man’s gut and knocking all the air out of him. Lucien still had momentum, so he just kept running forward until his legs gave out and he collapsed for the second time. His axe skittered away a few feet.
  At this point, something about Zblader changed. His eyes became colder, and he brought up his sword. I realized he lacked any mercy, and knew Lucien was in for hell if he didn’t get up quickly. He didn’t rise, and Zblader was striding forward with supreme confidence. EmeraldTiger looked like wanted to break this up, but I put out my arm. This was something we couldn’t possibly interfere with.
  Zblader stood over his opponent, who was gasping for air and reaching for his axe in vain. He looked up at Zblader with indifference, which I truly admired in someone in front of his executioner. Zblader’s face flickered with indecision, but it was shortlived, as his eyes became cold again, and he plunged his sword into the doomed counterpart in this bloody conflict.
  Lucien’s eyes widened as the metal pierced just below his heart, curving slightly as it cut through the body tissue like paper. The blood burst out of his chest and poured onto the ground around him, creating a pool of liquid death. Zblader’s eyes changed back into the softer kind I had seen since before. Clearly he was not who he seemed to be.
  EmeraldTiger’s sighed, knowing the inevitable had happened. Zblader withdrew his sword, as though he couldn’t believe what had just happened. He almost looked like he was gonna be sick, and his muscles were contracting as though he were fighting himself. I watched for a few moments, then decided our leave was due. I took one last look at Lucien, who finally looked like he was accepting his fate peacefully, then I tapped EmeraldTiger’s arm, caught Zblader’s attention, and took off. My own energy had begun to return, but I was in no condition to fight. I planned on getting out without getting any more scrappers in my way. I looked back at Zblader, still looking as though he didn’t want to believe there was blood on his hands and armor. This kid is just the strangest thing, I thought gravely, and pushed onwards…
Perception is the source of misunderstanding.

Why, yes. I do have a Mindgate necklace. It's how I ninja everyone.

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Re: The 12 Realms (Add Your Chapter) (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #29 on: January 24, 2011, 10:20:00 pm »
Chapter #20, Zblader's PoV
:lightbig Flashback - The Death of a Wolf :deathbig
I stood over Lucien's body, shocked at what I... no... Lyra... had done. He couldn't be dead. I couldn't have done that. I couldn't have just killed another one of my friends.  I couldn't. 

Lyra, explain to me why you did this, I thought.

She said nothing. It was almost like she vanished from my body.

WHY!  I yelled mentally at her, hoping to provoke a response.  She wouldn't say anything, but I thought back to the conversation we had as... my body stabbed Lucien.

"DON'T DO IT, LYRA!" I screamed inside myself as she stood over him, sword in a killing position "Have some mercy on my friend!" I pleaded, as she raised the sword up.

Lucien's eyes widened, as he realized what she was going to do. His eyes reflected Lyre's on that day - fearful and disbelieving.

"AREN'T YOU THINKING OF MY SISTER?! I DON'T WANT ANYONE ELSE TO DIE!" She plunged the sword downward, and I felt my perception of time slow.

You've already lost him.


He is done for, mind warped beyond repair. Don't think you can save everyone, Zblader- I have lost those important to me because of that philoshopy.

"And do you think they would want this?" My voice had settled from an outraged yell to a dark chill. I knew this tone very well. It was one I rarely used - only when I had to hide my emotion or was truly angry.

No. But I have to.

Time sped up again and my sword pierced through Lucien's chest with a sicken splatter.  He took a few deep gasps before staring at me.

"That wasn't really you, was it?" His voice came in a near whisper.

"No." I whispered back.  "Lucien... damn it... I'm sorry."

"It's okay - freed me from those damn voices in my head." his voice began to disappear.  "Zblader - you can do it - find out who started this crazy war and stop it will ya?"

"I've already made that promise... not once but twice." He tried to grin, but as he did his eyes closed and his head went limp.  The whole prison was silent, as if a spell had been lifted. Only Nepycros's "Come on, let's go." broke the silence, but even his voice came out with an edge of shock.

I had lost another friend. Did it really have to end that way?


A dark purple line of mist swirled away from the jail. Most entities would have not noticed it, except for a select few with great sight or dectection magic.

Arrrgh...that Entropy spy caught on to me, I'll have to find a new one to leech powers off of. Heheheh, at least Lyra is here... soon she will be mine again.  Mine, mine! Just like those days....

Back at the village...

We trudged back into the village, weary. Emeraldtiger looked shocked, almost scared as if what had taken place had scarred him.  Nepycros was silent. Lyra and I.... well, I really don't want to talk about it.

We looked up at the outskirts of the village, only to be greeted with torchlights on the horizon.

"Great, I can't wait to see who's come after us now." Nepycros grumbled.


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Re: The 12 Realms (Add Your Chapter) (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #30 on: January 24, 2011, 10:41:17 pm »
You might want to move this to forum games? As an RPG if you like. I think more people would notice it that way.

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Re: The 12 Realms (Add Your Chapter) (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #31 on: January 24, 2011, 10:54:37 pm »
We are still in development once we are ready we can have it moved.
ET, we shouldn't move this, we're making a story with RPG mechanics not a true RPG.

EDIT: For now, we are not accepting author charas.


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Re: The 12 Realms Story (All Characters Slots Taken) (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #32 on: January 25, 2011, 02:27:18 am »
sorry if maps look too basic.
Geographic map without nativesGeographic map with natives: Grey areas = Natives

Offline EmeraldTigerTopic starter

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Re: The 12 Realms Story (All Characters Slots Taken) (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #33 on: January 27, 2011, 09:41:07 pm »
Chapter 21
EmeraldTiger - A New Voice Laureth'al
Nepycros taps me, indicating that it was time to leave. The three of us walk out of the village direction unknown to me or Nepycros. We walk for a while without anyone saying a word, but I did notice Zblader. I appeared as if he was having a conversation with someone in his mind. Several times it seemed as if he was talking about me. Nepycros decided to take the lead for a bit, until Zblader, sharply said "Stop!" then he continued, "We make camp here."
Nepycros muttered something about how it was actually better to travel at night, but a quick glare shot him down. Just before Zblader spoke, I thought I heard singing, but also seemed like it was saying, "Hello.".

If Nowhere is Somewhere, and Somewhere is Over there, How can we be Anywhere?
:life :aether


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Re: The 12 Realms Story (All Characters Slots Taken) (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #34 on: January 28, 2011, 04:27:29 am »
Chapter 22
New Allies

I finally made it to the top of the mountain, on the other side, I witnessed some kind of village recovering from a recent conflict.
I saw two guards carrying a large corpse, it was another guard.
I could tell his cause of death was from a sword or dagger wound.
The wound was small but was located right under his heart.
I was surprised at how far I could focus my vision, it was as if I had the eyes of an eagle, or the eyes of my companion Condor.

I decided the matter didn’t interest me and continued walking.
As I walked for about two hours, I thought I heard a voice.


I checked my surroundings and saw nothing. I continued walking.


Again I looked around, I resumed walking with caution.


The sudden force of the shout made me jump. I knew then it came from my mind, and it sounded masculine.
I stopped walking and mentally focused myself to try and communicate with it.
But it was gone…

“My goodness, I’m only alive for a day and I’m already going mad!”
Condor made a squawk sound. I continue walking as the night of sky descended.
After another hour of walking, I make my way through a dense forest.
As I walk through, I see a spacious area, with a large dark rock sticking out of the ground. It was irregular in shape but looked like I could a lie down on it.
I sit on it and lay there with Condor perched beside me.
I watched the stars, bright and beautiful.
I began to wonder about my existence, my origins. I couldn’t have just randomly pop out of the ground from nothing, I had to have something to relate to.
I then realized, I hadn't really eaten anything since...My entire life.
but strangely I wasn't hungry.

As I wondered in those thoughts, I felt Condor ruffle his feathers and get up.
He sniffed the air and suddenly flew away into the trees.

“He finally got bored of me, oh well”
I thought however that Condor saw me as a beneficial partner since any little rodent that came near me would just die and became Condor´s next meal.

I sat there wondering again in the same thoughts.
After what seemed like, 10 minutes, I begin to hear voices from far away.
I stood up and began to listen.
Eventually the voices become louder as if they were coming closer to my direction.
Then I heard someone say:
“Dammit Nepycros, couldn’t you see the bird coming? You were practically sitting right next to it!”

Then I heard another reply:
“I was not, just because I´m shadow-like, doesn’t mean I have eyes left right and center!
And can’t you run any faster? Your supposed to be the Tiger-Man!”

A heard a third one say:
“Enough talking and more running you two, that’s our only meal flying away!”

I started to hear rustling sounds from within the forest, coming closer; then I saw Condor fly out with a piece of steak in his claws.

“Condor did you steal that!? Your gonna get us in trouble!”
He landed on my shoulder and I snatched the piece of steak from him.

It sounded like they were only a few meters away.
A moment later I saw three figures emerge from the bushes.

One was a strange Tiger-man beast, the other was a shady figure and the one in front looked more man-like than the both of them.

They looked alarmed when they saw me.

“Holy crap who’s that?”
Said the Tiger-man

“Hey you that’s our steak!”
Yelled the shady figure.

“Calm down guys, it might be a misunderstanding”
Said the man, as he approached me, with one hand on his sword.

“Hi my name’s Zblader, sorry to barge in on you like this, but it seems your bird took our steak and so we followed it here”

“Oh, I was wondering where he got this from, here you can have it back.
My apologies, Condor can be very gluttonous”

I gave the steak back to the man, as the man came within 3 feet, he started to cough a little. I knew immediately it was the same aura that killed the rodent. Although I figured it wouldn’t be deadly to a larger life form, despite that, I somehow suppressed it successfully.

“Thanks” said Zblader as he took the steak.

“You look hungry, would you like to join us at our camp for some steak?”

The Tiger-man looked shocked as Zblader said this.

“Well a while ago, I figured out I don’t really eat anything but I could use some company”

They all looked confused at what I said, I couldn’t blame them.

“He can come, but only if he controls that bird”
Said the shady figure.

“Sorry for his rudeness, that’s Nepycros and He’s Emeraldtiger”
Emeraldtiger nodded his head.

“My name is Flayne, pleased to meet you all”

And so we began to walk back to their camp.

To be continued…


  • Guest
Re: The 12 Realms Story (All Characters Slots Taken) (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #35 on: January 28, 2011, 10:27:09 pm »

Chapter #23
The dreams cease.

"Wake 'urself up!" the one who called himself Old Trees repeated while kicking me. "I got 'ur medicine. Right here, it is."

He hands me a cyan flower with thorns lining the stem. "What do I do with it?" I wonder.

"Whaddya do wif' it? Why, ya' eat th' bud, o' course!" I look at the flower suspiciously. "It's from th' Kingdom of Life. Ya' know, but they grow in most e'ry forest. Like a natural steroid, it is."

I open my mouth slowly. The flower tastes like a mixture of blood and sweat. "That'll get yer blood pumpin', it will."

I finish eating the bud of the flower, "Thank you, thank you very much. Is there anything I can do to repay you?"

"Nothin' at the moment, but I'll remember that there thought."

He lifts me up, me being able to stand for the first time since... since... I can't remember. I start to follow him. "Wherdya think 'ur going?" the tree asks.

"With you." I reply.

