Welcome to 12 Realms: Nerora's Rising! (RPG) You play the part of a civilian of one of 13 factions, on a quest to unlock the secrets of the world, and gain friends and power along the way!
For the time being, this is simply the planning process that'll lead up to the game. Feel free to leave feedback, and enjoy!
This game will take place on a large-scale map (travelling times, distances, etc. are still being worked out) of a mystical and magical world:

Territorial boundaries will be made as time goes on.
This game will be maintained by (a) host(s) and will function in similarity to D&D.
You will choose an element, gender, and name (please, please, please, make it a name that sounds like it belongs in this kind of world)
Element (You have the option of choosing "Nerorian Native" which is basically an "Other" characteristic):
Then you will be give a spreadsheet of your existing stats.
Fire - 1. Strength: Effects attack power and weapon usage
Air - 2. Intelligence: Effects quanta production
Time - 3. Wisdom: Allows for the learning of new spells
Life - 4. Empathy: The higher your Empathy is, the more pets you may carry around with you. Also, if it's too high, you'll become a character that refuses to kill. Even if you want to kill, the Host may decide that you let them live. The character you create may eventually become somebody you are not.
Water - 5. Agility: This controls your ability to dodge attacks.
Entropy - 6. Luck: This allows you to manipulate events in your favor. This is needed for those moments in which you feel it all comes down
Gravity - 7. Charisma: Ability to incorporate into parties, this also effects how quickly you gain reputation and quests.
Darkness - 8. Karma: Basically how "good"/"bad" you are - determines how you may react in some situations as well as what factions may accept/reject you.
Death - 9. Stamina: Effects Health and Energy and modifies the number of items you can carry as well as your general speed. Also, a group can only travel as quickly as their slowest member. They can even choose to change their party's mode from "sprint" to "walk" depending on how far they want to go. Energy will be monitored.
Aether - 10. Perception: Effects Awareness and other abilities. The "other" abilities will be introduced later on.
Light - 11. Loyalty: If you have a high loyalty to your element, you cannot accept quests that betray your element, and it becomes harder to change your element.
Earth - 12. Defence: Ability to hold off an attack.
More to come!
This forum game is brought to you in part by:
Zblader's Alternate Story Series, where cards can make their own choices!