rob77dp 3 - 2
| My Deck Code | Winner | My Mark | Opponent's Mark | Match Score | Mark Lost |
Game 1 | | DANI | | | 0-1 | |
Game 2 | | DANI | | | 0-2 | |
Game 3 | | rob | | | 1-2 | none |
Game 4 | | rob | | | 2-2 | none |
Game 5 | | rob | | | 3-2 | none |
Summary | | | | | 3-2 | |
Marks pre-match:

Marks post-match:

Mark swap: Giving up

to get

Marks remaining into Round 3:

G1 - Mono-death vs Mono-entropy went the way one would expect given typical draws. Early Disco trolled, mid-game damage grew faster for DANI, and late-game Bone Wall x2 got it within about 4-turns of Mono-death winning. LOSS
G2 - A deck I built and then ignored my notes and used here vs Mono-darkness went the way one would expect given typical draws. Self-reminder on reminders: ROB! remember to read the deck notes before selecting and deploying!! LOSS
G3 - Furnace vs Mono-fire was a fairly intense duel. VERY slow quanta meant I had to be careful what I played lest DANI spring creatures on me with me lacking quanta to CC them properly (or to deploy Emerald v Heal v SoG). In the end, I let some creatures live as I had in-hand Heal and was not yet opposed by the dangerous Fahrenheit (good thing as I discarded on 2nd turn tossing the only Deflag I drew). WIN
G4 - Mono-fire vs TLS w/Neuro went pretty well for me as the opening draw was nothing SUPER special but was very good for me. Fire spam overran a slow-ish start for the stall. WIN
G5 - SoW-Immortals vs Mono-time was lopsided from the start (per element abilities and handicaps). Immaterial attackers that then do spell damage > Eternity + Procrastination -- 5-damage CC > 4 HP Ghosts -- Lobo > Pharaoh. The server desync'd but it was two turns from end and the playout was basic and straight-forward. WIN
Gg's DANI - all the results seemed fair given deck choices with relatively minimal RNG effect (key word there is relatively)! Thanks for playing them.