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Destiny has two copies of the following cards:

6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6ts 6tt 6tt 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u2 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u6 6u6 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q2 7q2 7q2 7q2 7q2 7q2 7q4 7q4 7q4 7q4 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q8 7q8 8ps

Mark : 3x time
Creature Control : 4 Maxwell’s Demon, 4 Fallen Druid, 8 Rewind, 4 Eternity
Permanent Control : None


While not quite a rainbow god, she can still play her main creature card, fate eggs (being called destiny), and use their skills to brutal effects, worse, the fallen druids can make stealers in her field, that could wipe your chances of winning out. Her main strategy is to play an eternity card to stop any creature setup and keep you stuck on the field drawing the same card over and over, while her eggs hatch into some nasty (or not so nasty) creatures that will make mincemeat of your health. No actual permanent control in terms of cards means as long as a mutated creature doesnt have destroy or steal means you can play any setup you want without fear of it being destroyed, but your creatures can still be controlled. Maxwell demons put the icing on the cake by killing off any creatures that you have that have more attack than health these include – dragons, golems, Fire spirits, and others.

Flay 'em and other rainbow control and OTK decks will trounce this god left-right and center. Destiny’s creature controls are obliberated – Mind flayers will handle with the Maxwell Demons, Fate Eggs, and Fallen Druids. The best Destiny can handle your Rainbow creature setup is rewind with either Rewind or Eternity (that being a minor concern) as Destiny doesn’t even have a shield! Since Destiny has no permanent control, you can put out your Hourglasses and other permanents with ease. The versatility of permanent control, killing and damage, will be too much for Destiny to handle. Out of 100 games expect to win about 90-99 of them with a rainbow deck, depending on how lucky you get.

Aether works wonderfully here; the inability to rewind immortals means she is stuck taking a pounding from the creatures you bring in, while your shields delay her until you kill her. FFQ is iffy: With 12 eggs, she can get a good couple of dragons or hard hitters to pump up the damage, but as long as you can get your FFQ deck set up before hard hitters come in, you should be alright. Darkness would be lovely here if they had a better means of draining life, you will usually die before you can counter all the creatures and permanents. Poison won’t work as with most gods. With an earth rush, if you get them buried and keep them buried before an eternity comes in you, that might work, though chances of winning are low due to the randomness of the fate eggs. A useful card is steal; if you can take her eternitys and use them against her, she doesn’t stand a chance, once you get two eternitys out there (provided you have a few animate weapons) then you’ll “card lock” her – basically keep her drawing the same TWO cards over and over, but you’ll need a good amount of time quanta every turn to do this regularly, but its still a good way to card lock this god, whether for 1 turn, or for the rest of the game.

Destiny is a cakewalk for the Hope deck. The two things you have to watch out for are, however: 1) her getting lucky with the Fate Eggs/Improved Mutations from Fallen Druids if you do not Lobotomise them in time and getting stuff like Purple Nymph that can potentially ruin things for you. 2) Rewinding your creatures so much you’ll never see the cards you need, like Hope. Therefore, it’s a good idea to wait until you can set up in one turn. One Fractal’s worth of RoL’s, Hope and an Electrocutor is all you’ll ever need to beat Destiny. Though if you’re running out of turns, you’ll have to wait until you can Fractal your Archangels/Light Dragons and take her down fast. She will start using Rewinds when you start doing damage, so take care not to Fractal too many RoL’s too early or play too many Angels/Dragons. She will use Eternity’s Rewind skill more often, however, but only if she judges she has enough time quanta, which can take some time and be rather sporadic.

Poison stalls dominate Destiny, too. She has no healing, low damage, and no denial. The only possible problem is if she doesn't get enough damage out of fate eggs to make SoSac worth it.

Voodoo Bravery? Skip. There are just way too many rewinds.

Oracle Counter

A good counter is Mono Aether; it renders her Rewinds useless, and she has no permanent control to counter the Phase Shield chain.

Lobotomize Fate Eggs, Druids, and anything with a dangerous ability.

7ba 7ba 7ba 7ba 7ba 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 80d 80d 80d 80d 80d 80d 80e 80e 80e 80f 80f 80f 80f 8pn

Non-upgraded and rareless, Mono Aether in its simplest form is the best counter.

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False Gods

Akebono Chaos Lord Dark Matter Decay Destiny Divine Glory Dream Catcher Elidnis Eternal Phoenix Ferox Fire Queen Gemini Graviton Hecate Hermes Incarnate Jezebel Lionheart Miracle Morte Neptune Obliterator Octane Osiris Paradox Rainbow Scorpio Seism Serket