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Re: Quests https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=8868.msg104165#msg104165
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2010, 12:57:34 am »
see no evil.
go to X (capital more than likely) of X element with out fighting a battle

have you and a teamate attack a person at the same time (kinda lame idk i just came up with it so id post it)

total war.
fight every member of a single element and win.

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Re: Quests https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=8868.msg104178#msg104178
« Reply #13 on: June 30, 2010, 01:14:26 am »
nuker: kill x(lots) of y element
to protect and serve: hold back 3 enemies while not changing spot
automatic winner: being icecoldbro

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Re: Quests https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=8868.msg104197#msg104197
« Reply #14 on: June 30, 2010, 01:43:15 am »
I also think quests should be weighted by difficulty.  Also, I'm not sure about limiting quests to 1 at a time.  It'd be nice to be able to do a few easier quests while you're working on a harder one at the same time.

Some of these might have been mentioned I think, but here's my take on quests:

Quick Shots- Win 3 battles in 3 consecutive turns
Ace- Kill 5 people
Sniper- Name someone.  Kill them.
Sharpshooter- Name an element.  Kill someone from that element.
Assassin- Kill a Master/General
Espionage- Get within 1 hexagon of an enemy elemental's capital and return to your own territory alive
Pathfinder- Enter 6 different elemental territories without dying.
Magellan- Enter every elemental territory without dying.
Berserker- For the next 10 moves, always use Move+Attack
Coward- For the next 10 moves, always use Move+Retreat

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Re: Quests https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=8868.msg105010#msg105010
« Reply #15 on: July 01, 2010, 12:26:18 am »
I'm a little bored, so I'm going to organize a list/table (yay for those!) for the quests we have so far. I'll try to update this when we get more quest ideas:

Note that the table below is just for organization purposes only for the WoE to see easily.
I'll be organizing these Quests revolving around Battles first (killing people), then Movement (what actions you use, using an action repeatedly), then Resources (Wonders, conquering cities, finding resources, etc.), and finally Other.

Finally, if your idea is not exactly worded as in your post, it was either due to the fact that I wanted to make it more versatile (changing numbers to 'X' for variable quest difficulties), or because it shared similarity to another quest (See Sharpshooter/Nuker/etc. for details). Also, if your quest isn't on the table as shown, it was because it was either worded poorly to the point where I can't figure out what it means, or it's inappropriate (see icecoldbro's last quest in his first post in this topic :P).

Demagog, I just realized that it would be INCREDIBLY devious if, occasionally, the 'quest' that you'd obtain regularly from a spot would actually become a hinderance/curse as you mentioned below. Your 'quest' (marked by (!)) is something that would be pretty cool to have, but not in the first round due to complexities. :P

~ = Includes all of the quest names related to the idea in question
** = Some of these ideas are overlapping, so it'd be best if I combined the descriptions together to make them more generic
+ = Based on my opinion only, and only used for example purposes
(Difficulty is based on # of :time's there.  :time = easy, while  :time :time :time :time = 'epic'. Variable quests have difficulties depending on what 'quest' is specified)

EDIT: Difficulty levels are based on SG's 4-way level-difficulty system.

Quest Name~Description**Difficulty+
Killing Spree/GoliathWin X number of times in a row. :time :time
HunterBeat the same player X times in a row. :time :time
Quick Shots/(Bloodlust)Win (Fight) Y battles in Y consecutive turns :time :time :time
Ace/Champion/(Let there be Blood)Kill X amount of people (without dying or returning to your capital city at any time) :time :time
Sniper/Outlaw/(David)Name someone and kill them./Kill someone in Outlaw City./(Kill someone with at least 50 more points than you) :time
Bloody Murder/Assassination/(Warrior)Kill a Master/General (of your opposite element). :time :time :time
Sharpshooter/Nuker/(Conqueror)/(Total War*)Name an element. 
Kill someone (X people/EVERYONE*) from that same element.
OuchHave your team attack an entire element and win in all of the battles for one round :time :time :time  :time
Ambush/"They came from... behind!"With the help of an elemental ally, defeat/attack a player by fighting him on his original spot/at the same time Variable
"Revenge is a dish best served cold"Find a player who you lost to in a battle.
Have your revenge by attacking him/her and winning the battle.
Ironic, isn't it?Kill an enemy using approximately X% of their deck with similar cards. :time
"Homesickness"Return to your capital city every time you defeat an opponent, for at least X battles. :time
"Hypochondriac"Whenever you lose a battle, always return to X spot.
You must do this for Y lost battles.
Stone Wall/To Protect and ServeFend off X attacking players. (Meaning you did not move from your location) :time :time :time
Shy/(Behind Enemy Lines)Stay in your city (an enemy city) for X turns (without attacking anyone). Variable
Incoming!/{Claustrophobia}Become surrounded by enemy players/'impassable' terrain spaces. {Surround an enemy player completely} :time :time
"Show Me Your Moves!"Use all of the following moves within 6 turns without losing a battle: Move + Attack, Move + Defend, etc. :time
Berserker/Coward/(The Wait)/(Monk*)For the next X moves, always use "Location+Action"/(Don't do any actions until someone attacks you)/(*Don't attack for X turns) :time
Pathfinder/(Magellan)Enter X different (every) elemental territories without dying. :time
EspionageGet within X hexagon(s) of an enemy elemental's capital and return to your own territory alive. :time :time
"No parking"/See No EvilHang around another elemental's capital city/'spaces' without fighting for at least X turns. :time :time
TravelerGo trough the territories of X different elements. :time
Treasure Seeker/"Greedy"/(Bounty Hunter)Obtain item X/"Nab X special resources found within the map terrain during YY turns."/(Obtain 13 different rares) :time :time
X ErrandTravel to X (elemental land). For each turn traveled while in this land, gain an elemental point.
Return here to deliver the points and gain Y per point.
Stealth is Key/Wanderer/(Somewhere Over the Rainbow)Take an 'object of interest'/Capture X (All) different wonders on the map.Variable
No Room for Mistakes/(Now What were you Going to do w/That?)Capture/(Defend) a Wonder/Enemy town/(Town under attack) for X rounds. :time :time :time  :time
"Bodyguard"Choose an elemental ally or player to 'protect' for X turns. If they are killed/defeated in X battles within those turns, you fail this quest immediately (this does not include battles that they engage you in).Variable
"The Diplomat"Find a way to have 3-4 or more players (of DIFFERENT elements) to share a rare or special space within one turn.
None of the players can be attacking in order for this to be completed.
:time :time :time
"Sightseer"Visit X amount of Wonders within a round.
By 'Visit', you have to simply be within 1 hexagon range of the Wonder in question.
:time :time
(!)PlagueLasts five turns and may not be canceled. Lose 3% of your gold each turn.
Infect all players you come into contact with during this time.
You may not become infected by this strain more than once.

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Re: Quests https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=8868.msg105036#msg105036
« Reply #16 on: July 01, 2010, 01:12:15 am »
wow epic kuro you even found out how to use the table! *unlike me...* arnt you one of the movers?

fight for 3 consecutive rounds

ironic isnt it?
kill an enemy using at least 1/4 of the deck containing that elements cards

no room for mistakes
capture a wonder/enemy town for 5 consecutive rounds *achieved with team assistance*

Now what were you going to do with that?
Defend a city thats under attack 5 times

have your team attack an entire element and win in one round

become surrounded by enemy element/unpassable terrain

IDK more later

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Re: Quests https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=8868.msg105176#msg105176
« Reply #17 on: July 01, 2010, 04:31:38 am »
Let there be blood: kill 10 enemie players without dying also cannot return to own city in that period
Shy:stay in own city for 4 turns(consecutive)
Behind enemie lines: stay for 4 turns("   ") in enemie cities without attacking anyone
survivor: not die for x amount of turns
ases in combat: have a win/loss percentage of more than 75%(winning more than 75%of your battles)(this quest is only available after reaching outlaw city)


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Re: Quests https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=8868.msg105564#msg105564
« Reply #18 on: July 01, 2010, 03:06:18 pm »
Go to "outlaw city" and kill any player

Kill a player with the same element as you

Kill someone with at least 50 points more than you

Win 10 battles in a row

The wait
Don't do anything until someone attacks you

Apex predator
Do not be attacked until you have attacked and killed 15 players in a row

Bounty hunter
Obtain 13 different rares

Kill someone when no-one is in a 5 title radius.

Do not attack for 5 rounds in a row.

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Re: Quests https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=8868.msg105700#msg105700
« Reply #19 on: July 01, 2010, 06:02:53 pm »
SG, you mention cities/towns having quests.  What about capitals?  Will they give quests too?  I think this might be good because it'd increase the number of elemental players near their home base meaning they could quickly come to defend it if necessary.

Also, maybe each capital can give elemental specific quests.  You could do something different like this: for Water, "Storm Surge: For every Fire, Earth, Time opponent combo defeated change one tile to a River" or for Fire, "Forest Fire- For every Life, Water, and Air opponent combo defeated destroy a Forest tile."  Or you could make them like normal quests but element-specific like this: for Gravity, "Event Horizon: Defeat x Time and Light opponents" or for Death, "Black Death: Defeat x Life and Water opponents"

And maybe we could have a different set of quests that could involve the whole element.  Maybe something that the Master can get (he can still get personal ones too).  Like maybe "King of the Hill- Help your element conquer every Mountain tile" or "Genocide- Kill 30 players from your opposite element."


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Re: Quests https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=8868.msg105761#msg105761
« Reply #20 on: July 01, 2010, 07:36:19 pm »
Good ideas everyone. Keep them coming.

SG, you mention cities/towns having quests.  What about capitals?  Will they give quests too?  I think this might be good because it'd increase the number of elemental players near their home base meaning they could quickly come to defend it if necessary.

Also, maybe each capital can give elemental specific quests.  You could do something different like this: for Water, "Storm Surge: For every Fire, Earth, Time opponent combo defeated change one tile to a River" or for Fire, "Forest Fire- For every Life, Water, and Air opponent combo defeated destroy a Forest tile."  Or you could make them like normal quests but element-specific like this: for Gravity, "Event Horizon: Defeat x Time and Light opponents" or for Death, "Black Death: Defeat x Life and Water opponents"

And maybe we could have a different set of quests that could involve the whole element.  Maybe something that the Master can get (he can still get personal ones too).  Like maybe "King of the Hill- Help your element conquer every Mountain tile" or "Genocide- Kill 30 players from your opposite element."
Yes, capital cities give quests too, but the most epic ones are found elsewhere.

You have good ideas there, I'll keep them in mind.

P.s. I updated the first post, explaining 4 different kinds of quest types. It's still subject to change.

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Re: Quests https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=8868.msg105776#msg105776
« Reply #21 on: July 01, 2010, 08:12:09 pm »
Some simple missions:

Quest: The Necromancer's Kleptomania.
Difficulty: Epic
Mission: Have one of every element's rare weapon in your vault.
Reward: Cancel out one loss.
Punishment if failed: None
Discovered if your element has an even win/loss record.

"Hello, sir or madame, my name is the Collector.  You'll pardon me if I don't show my face, I'm not the most accepted gentlemen.  People around these parts disapprove of my legitimate business.  They're scathing insults towards my museum have hurt, it's true, but I assure the the rumors are not.  I do not run a "museum from hell", I run a collectors store for necromancers.  And now, I'm sure you're wondering, why I chose to let you see me.
You are a warrior.  A strong one at that, and I have reason to believe you are currently warring with great factions of enemies, those who have their hands on resources a lowly museum manager like me does not.  I also happen to know one of your friends was slain in battle.  I'm here to make a deal.  You bring me the rare weapon from each element, I do not want to keep them.  I just want to.... examine them.  In exchange, I will resurrect your friend for you, along with the army he had when he died.  Think about it."

Quest: The Lost Jewels
Difficulty: Easy
Mission: Remain on this spot for one round
Reward: Target Player may not move onto this spot.
Punishment if failed: You may no longer move onto this spot.
Discovered if stumbled upon.

"Oh dearest me, my jewels!  My jewels have been taken!  Who could have done such a thing?"

Quest: Proving yourself
Difficulty: Medium
Mission: Attack and defeat the opponent who most recently defeated you
Reward: A secret pathway is revealed, allowing travel between two distant areas on the map
Punishment if failed: None.
Discovered if beaten by the same opponent twice in a row.

"BAHAHAHAHAHA!  Yer jus' gonna take that?!  And you call yerself a WARRIOR?!  Bah.  You couldn't fight the sheep in the mountains an' survive.  I tell you what, though.  You go teach that sonovabitch a lesson, and maybe I show you a secret worthy of a REAL warrior."

Quest: There ain't no rest for the wicked
Difficulty: Hard
Mission: Go undefeated until you reach X point.
Reward: You win a large amount of resources
Punishment if failed: You lose a large amount of resources.
Discovered if inside the same enemy's territory for 5 turns.

"Hmph.  A warrior.  What are you doing ruining our towns purity?  Why do you bring such... filth... into our hallowed halls?  I wouldn't put up with you if I didn't need you.  A small village is in need of our wealth, and being kind individuals, we've obliged to donate some of our funds to their cause.  We just need YOU to make sure it gets there.  And remember, you break it, you buy it.  That village is getting the supplies, one way or another.  They don't need to know where they came from.  Oh, and since your mind only cares for money and war, you will get a cut.  How's... 15% sound?"

Quest: Feeding Frenzy
Difficulty: Medium
Mission: Prevent your opponent from completing the quest "There ain't no rest for the wicked," by defeating him/her before they reach X point.
Reward: Your opponent loses a large amount of resources.  You gain a small amount of resources.
Punishment if failed: Your opponent wins a large amount of resources.
Discovered if an opponent gets the quest "There ain't no rest for the wicked."  That opponent is marked on your map.

"Oi!  Word on the street says there's a caravan movin' out.  If you can stop it, their stuffs up for grabs.  Just... try not to destroy too much of it before you can grab and go.  Oh yea!  You didn't hear this from me.  Got it?"

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Re: Quests https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=8868.msg105786#msg105786
« Reply #22 on: July 01, 2010, 08:45:33 pm »
Wow, epic Kuro - you even found out how to use the table! *unlike me...* Aren't you one of the Movers?
The table took me a while to figure out, but once you realize how simple the adding of a table/row/column is, it's a piece of cake. :) I'm starting to think that I might change my position from Mover to 'Quest' Organizer, because I'm really loving this table organization/bouncing of ideas going on in this thread as well...

Kill someone when no-one is in a 5 tile radius.
Slovenc555, I don't think it's possible for you to 'attack/kill' someone that isn't even near you... I mean, it's not like we have nuclear bombs to attack from a HUGE distance, so I don't think that quest is possible. Your other ones are okay though.

Some simple missions:
...absolutely genius. :D I didn't realize you could weave quest line stories so well Gl1tch - perhaps you should apply for this job instead of me? ;)


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Re: Quests https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=8868.msg105795#msg105795
« Reply #23 on: July 01, 2010, 08:56:14 pm »
Those storylines are pretty damn good. Good job Gl1tch.

But everyone please don't post detailed quest descriptions/storylines just yet. We need to keep them "secret" until the event starts. This way it's more fun for players.

I will start a private forum for quests soon, and all aspiring writers can help us write that stuff.

