[13:17:15] ‹deuce22› ‹@phoenix1211› i've tested just about every aether deck imaginable
[13:17:41] ‹deuce22› it's not that it's a difficult card to counter for us, it's that it's impossible to counter
[13:17:52] ‹JonathanCrazyJ› nope. SoP is strong. so is fractal. so are dims. so is discord. Sofree is broken
[13:17:57] ‹deuce22› best case scenario, I make a deck that has 30-40% chance like this one
[13:18:49] ‹deuce22› the f*****g card protects your creatures, boosts them, and makes them bypass shields...wtf
[13:18:55] ‹TheonlyrealBeef› Fractal, Dims and Discord were broken. Then enter the scene SoFree and they look balanced in comparison.
[13:19:08] ‹JonathanCrazyJ› It can rush faster than most. It can stallbreak any stall. It can even leave you 6 free deck slots to do whateve you like with. it's broken
[13:19:09] ‹deuce22› I can't control it
[13:19:28] ‹deuce22› I can't outrush it, especially with fog/EE/TS/SW too
[13:21:42] ‹iancudorinmarian› ‹@deuce22› Start a petition, I'll be the second to sign it after you

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