Much thanks goes to KeepsNot too long ago, err yesterday, I tried building an otk fg deck based off of Gnome Finders, Fractal, and SoPa. The original version did score some kills. However, I figured it was just luck. Here is the original:
I posted it in the deck help, although already balanced, it could obviously still use some work. I got a couple helpful tips, and a nice outline from Keeps:
Now, no more waiting, aye? I've stalled long enough, something this deck isn't too great at.
This deck produced the best results(although not great) against fgs. Scoring kills vs. FFQ, Paradox, and Destiny, that I recall. May remember more in due time..extensive testing and school work don't mix well.. This may not be the best at fg slaying, but it certainly rocks Ai4 like a champ. Any modification ideas are welcome, and help testing would be much appreciated.