Well... I thought this has been done before, and it has been ^^ But I couldn't find something that did it the way I did.
If someone finds the a deck which uses the same method, please show me, I'd be interested to see it

Enough talk for now, here's the deck:
I know it's a trio and therefore the deck loves to screw up your hand xP
In the beginning I seemed to be lucky because it gave me a perfect hand non stop. But after 10 games I ended up
with no RoL or no pends, or no Blessings etc. So it was really hard to pull off the following combo:
Blessing + Scorpion + Epi!!
Why is this awesome? Well, the other scorps give 2 poison with epi, but

scorp gives 4. So with Blessing you deal 12 dmg + 4 poison => 16 dmg!!
So believe me when I say that games end pretty fast even with just one buffed Scorpion

Sometimes, if you don't draw scorpions, you can still buff RoL and epi them. A RoL with 7 atk still does 15 dmg! Enough to not fall back for a while.
Well, typical weaknesses:
Bad draws (what a surprise...)
Early CC, sometimes also mid game CC

PC if not many pends in play.
Possible changes are:
+Scorp + Miracle - 2Skull buckler
- 1 Blessing (+ Light tower/Scorp/Epi/Arsenic)
-2 Skull Buckler + 2 SoSa
and probably some others.
Criticism and improvements appreciated