Afdarenty 3-1 Kaempfer13
Quite possibly outplayed here. I was lucky to win two out of the first three games, I think. Hard to know without the deck codes. Game 4 was pretty cool, though.
Game 1 (Win) vs Gravy/Dark Domin
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55k 55s 55s 55s 55s 55s 55s 55t 561 561 561 561 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 5oi 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 744 7n8 7n8 8pr
I have a pretty good chance in this match up if I draw more Catapults/Wings than Kaemp draws Steals. Possibly GPull can win it for me too, if I draw enough Titans. Unfortunately for me, I only draw one Catapult, no Wings and no GPull until the final turn. Unfortunately for Kaemp, he draws no Steals, or Dagger/Nightmare, for that matter. Without the healing/PC I was a couple of turns faster in the end.
Game 2 (Loss) vs Death/Dark Domin
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55t 55t 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58o 58v 58v 592 592 59c 59c 778 778 778 778 778 77a 77a 77a 77a 77a 77a 77c 77c 8pl
Things started out well - I played three quick Golems, and drew into a Pulvy/PA combo the following turn. Then I drew Pillars for the rest of the match. Grey Nymph + Bonewall was enough for Kaemp to stabilise. Possibly misplayed this one by playing GPull on his Mummy early instead of saving it for something more scary (e.g. the Nymph), but I think the Mummy would have dealt enough damage to kill me by the end of the game anyway. Would have been close.
Game 3 (Win) vs Parawalls Domin
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4sr 4sr 4sr 4sr 4sr 4sr 5of 5og 5og 5ol 5ol 5on 5on 5oo 5oo 5p0 5p0 7ms 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mu 7mu 7mv 7n4 7n4 7oe 8pr
One Pillar start was less than ideal for me. Kaemp had a very strong draw, with lots of early Suckers and Recluse and a Steal to back it up. I baited out the Steal with my Fog, then played OE + Wings which, over time, cleared his board and kept my health out of the danger zone. Firefly + Blue Nymph meant I had an answer to his Bonewall, too. Without drawing a second Steal there wasn't much he could do.
Game 4 (Win) vs Darkness /w Gravity Mark
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55k 55v 55v 55v 55v 55v 55v 576 576 576 593 593 593 593 593 593 59c 59c 747 747 75m 75m 75m 75m 75m 75m 75m 779 779 77f 77f 8pm
I won the coin toss, which is always important with denial decks. Kaemp played three Darkness Pillars, which I promptly EQ'd and BH'd, then nothing for the rest of the game. Just a strong denial draw against a deck vulnerable to EQ, even though my damage was very slow I drew into creatures eventually.