@all contestants : do you consider yourself the best possible master for your element? If so, why. If not, who is in your eye, and why?
(separate question) Name one song that represents your element in your eye.
There are only a few people in any given element who have the proper mix of passion and loyalty for their element, potential activity, and experience to be the best possible Master for their element. Raving, Tiko, and myself are the three members of the community who best meet these ideals for Water. I
I do believe I would be an excellent Master, or I would not be here. Whether I would be better or worse than either Raving or Tiko has in the past, or may be in the future, is indeterminate, but there is certainly a possibility I could be the best possible Master for Water.
As for a song, it would have to be
this. Light, upbeat, and beautiful trance that flows up and down, like the waves of the ocean themselves.
I agree.
Time to get these question out of the way:
Do you plan to general your element for war?
If nothing changes, do you plan to attempt to lead your element in brawl?
I will definitely and unwaveringly be War General if I win Trials. War is what led me to become active on these forums, and it will always hold a special place in my heart, in some form or another.
Brawl is more unclear for me, and I think it has a lot of work before it can meet it's full potential, but I would likely be Brawl Commander as well, for a relatively new experience. I feel like Brawl has untapped potential and I would enjoy seeing it reached.
To all Trialing:
What is your favorite deck, including your element, and for what reason has this deck become
so important to you?
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
4vh 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 5c1 5c1 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i5 5i5 5i5 5i5 5i5 5ib 5ib 5ie 5ie 5ie 5ie 5if 5if 8pk
The very first mod of what I would consider my signature deck. I have made several variations of it, including variants based on different cards, marks, and playstyles, but this is still my personal favorite :3
To all:
Describe your plan for coordinating efforts among your War team across global time zones.
Edit: I left a word.
I intend to gain for myself an active team, and effectively utilize means of communication that don't require everyone being on at the same time. So basically forums, but whiteboards are another example of this.
Let's make them throw some mud,
@All trialers with 3 or more people in their trials element: Which of your competitors deserves the Master title the least?
*makes some popcorn and sits back*
I'm not the kind of person who wishes to defame a competitor like that, especially not ones as excellent as Raving and Tiko. Sorry.
Augh, I was going to ask [Chapuz's question] in a more convoluted way. Oh well.
To all Trial participants in elements that have two participants and/or do not have a defending Master. Do you think your chances at Master-ship have changed if you were in a full element with a defending Master?
Of course. A defending master means only one challenger passes through instead of two, thus making the battle phase so much more critical.
To all Trialists:
Would you rather have a master well-versed in the forum only or well-versed in Elements the Game only?
Despite the wording of this question, I'm going to say neither, because I feel a Master should be well-versed in both, and both of them are incomplete without the other. I don't feel comfortable choosing one over the other. Sorry D:
Chirp? Chirp chirp trill chirp?
Keep calm and trill.To all Trialists:
How and where are you connected to the Element you are trialing for outside of Elements the Game?
My body contains water. I use water for health and cleanliness. I give my
plants and pets water. I live close to water.
Water is everywhere. I just don't take it for granted :3
@All Trialists/defending masters:
If your first choice element was full, would you switch to another element? If yes, what element and why. If no, why?
If for some reason I couldn't join Water, I would only remotely consider joining Death and Aether, just because I enjoy the experience of Trials. In these trials, I would have joined neither - Death because it was already full and my post count may be enough to knock someone out, and Aether because a deuce-hain final battle interested me considerably.
To everyone:
Design a card that is more or less balanced using typical balance formulae, yet would increase your element's power significantly. In other words, identify where your element is weak and design a card to remedy this.
Water suffers from its lack of PC more than any element, although Light is up there as well. Water could be given, for example, a Frost Ray that freezes a permanent for 4 turns, and costing 2 | 1, to be balanced with Freeze, Deflag, and their upped versions.
Alternatively, this can be shifted up to a longer and different duration, in exchange for a high cost.
You are to ask yourself a question you can't answer. What do you ask yourself?
Note, saying "Is this question an acceptable answer to itself?" is not an acceptable answer to this question.
Could Neptune make a ball of ice so big, even he couldn't lift it?
To all Trialists:
Reveal to the voters your current maximum lift on the bench press.
*Edit: added a word. 
I have no idea, but it's certainly below average for my age and size. I've always been more of a mental person.
This time I'm having some trouble deciding on who to vote for in some of the elements, so I'm tossing the coin.
I don't know many of you trialists personally, and I don't have the necessary chat-time to actually get to know you better - I can look up both your ingame and forum "qualities" (which I did), furthermore, awards and staff positions aren't that impressive to me in case of mastership: So please, tell me about yourself, the person behind that avatar and hundreds of (well-planned) posts and quotes.
You're free whatever to answer, it may or may not be a deciding factor. Thanks.
I'm a 16-year old from suburban Colorado. I'll be a senior when school begins in the fall, and I intend to go to a school for culinary arts afterwards. My passions include the previously implied food, learning,
music, flash gaming, and sports, but I have a large amount of things that I do for free time when I'm in the mood for them.
I wear glasses over steel blue eyes, and my hair is brown and swept to the left. My preferred outfit is a subtlely logo'ed shirt with either khakis or jeans. I'm small and unmuscular for my age, and as such I prefer using my brain for anything, helping a group of myself and four other people to place fifth in the state in a middle school trivia contest.
I have ADHD-C, and so I'm generally hyper and inattentive, and take medication to calm me down and focus me in the morning, and shut my brain down at night. I also go through short stretches of depression as a result of this, occasionally very severe. Otherwise, I am an upbeat and cheery person, with a slightly odd sense of humor and social behavior.
I live with both parents, an
British Shorthair who has remained unnamed since we realized he was a male, a
Pekingese-Chihuahua mix called Pikachu because of her breed, and a
Aussie-Redbone mix called Rosie for her fur color. Rosie could eat the other two and still have room for some dog treats, if you want a size comparison, but she's too gentle for that :3