One of the polls i'm having hard time to choose. Both participants seem to be good choices.
So i'm going to vote for the candidate who i believe would be better at tactics but I do not wish to ask made up scenarios. Instead; say you were to decide what to do on last war's round 1. Assume you have anything you want in your vault within the rules. I'm not asking you to build all the decks, codes or anything bothersome. I'm just asking you what sort of decks (just name/description) you would use against your opponents and why.
Just a very short paragraph if you please. Thank you.
After taking a look at that topic, I have a few ideas, but not exactly sure which would be best.
Death has the 4th largest vault and faces:

Darkness has the 6th largest vault and faces:

Earth has the 7th largest vault and faces:

Time has the 8th largest vault and faces:

Air has the 9th largest vault and faces:

Water has the 10th largest vault and faces:

Death will probably send its stronger/more powerful decks vs fire, death, air and maybe light. Possible decks for use against us might be a form of BW CC control (bonebolt/shockwall) as expecting something with adrenaline or mitosis, so a counter we could send would be either a

PUgons duo, or a

momentum dragons duo.
Darkness might send their better deck builds to deal with aether, air, and entropy. Possible decks for use against us might be something with dragons, or a form of a grabow deck, so a possible counter might be a type of healing rush like adrenastaves, or another adrenaline rush with a few heals splashed in.
Earth might send their stronger/better built decks for fire, entropy, time and possibly us. As grabows are common among team Earth, it would be better not to expect one from them but instead expect something with EQs or control. This might be where we could send our Lt. as a possibility they could then split pillars/pends upped/unupped for a better EQ defense. the deck type we send might be a life grabow itself, or maybe a version of Spirit NTs or similar water duo.
Time would probably be more worried of fire, entropy, and possibly us. So a possible better build deck might be needed to worry about. RT and Eternity are always big worries for Life b/c of adren and mito, so Time might bring something RT based. A possible way to counter this could be a spamming creatures for either a stall or a rush, either with PUs(dragons), Fractal(Frogs), or just many frogs+cocks+scorps for a potential Ebond semi-stall.
Air would be more dealing with aether, darkness, and us, and maybe death. That would mean we would really have to worry about spider-wings duos, or maybe shockwaves+EE CC duos. I think a fire duo with deflags,phoenixes and frogs, or healing, fahrenheit and bolts would be a good idea for this matchup.
Water might be targeting us, fire, aether, and maybe time as their stronger battles. So a few decks to expect could be something with ice bolts, tridents, or flooding depending on how they might be trying to counter us for(mito/adren, pillars for dragons, ebond stall). so either an adrenastaves air stall, or possibly a light stall (miracles, crusader+Staves)duo might be best here.