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12th Trials - Challenger's Entrance https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=66127.msg1277688#msg1277688
« on: July 06, 2018, 07:29:56 pm »


Please make sure you've read the Rules very carefully. Also, here are the Phase 1 Rules for information on Phase 1 tasks.

To join these Trials, post in this thread a single post containing the following information:

Spoiler for Requirements:
- Evidence of Score Requirement
- Evidence of Established Account Requirement
- Evidence of PvP Event Participation
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Spoiler for Phase 1:
-Name of Task
-Evidence of completion

Spoiler for War Bonus:
-Evidence of participation/WMing last war
-If you were a General, and were in the same War team as the element you are trialing for, evidence of your General-ship

Spoiler for Brawl Bonus:
-Evidence of participation/BMing/Voter's Panel position last brawl
-If you were a Boss, evidence of your Boss-ship

Spoiler for Loyalty Bonus:
-Tell us how many times you have participated in Trials for this element before
-Give us evidence of your participation in each of those trials

You can find more information on the Phase 1 tasks in the Phase 1 Rules. Remember, the Requirements to Challenge are:

  • Any ONE from:
    • Winning a Weekly Tournament
    • A top 3 finish in either of the PVP Leagues
    • A top 3 finish in a PVP event
    • Finishing on 1 of the top 3 War teams
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Note: In the event more there are more than four challengers for one element, priority will be given first to players with the higher Phase 1 scores and second to a combination of score/post count.


« Last Edit: July 07, 2018, 09:41:37 am by iancudorinmarian »

Offline InsignificantWeeaboo

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Re: 12th Trials - Challenger's Entrance https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=66127.msg1277716#msg1277716
« Reply #1 on: July 07, 2018, 05:13:24 am »

Spoiler for Phase 1:
Spoiler for Task Name:
The Militant: Come up with a tournament idea that would favor your element. Try to create a meta that would favor your element. This task should include:
  • The specific deckbuilding rules required for the tournament.
  • Any banned cards that you see fit.
  • An example deck that you think would be successful in the tournament
  • Any additional lore or rules that could aide in the understanding of the tournament.

Unlocks :entropy :gravity :time :aether upon completion. Also unlocks 5 non-pillar/pendulum permanent upgrades plus 5 of any upgraded cards in your decks.

"How many push ups did he do?! How many sit ups?! WHAT KIND OF JUICE DID HE DRINK?!"

The Battle of the Swole
  • Upgraded cards are allowed, but not specifically required.
  • Shards are allowed, but nymphs aren't.
  • Gravity Shield, Reverse Time/Eternity, and Miracle are banned.
  • Your card must contain at least 4 copies of a buff (A card that permanently alters a creature's maximum Attack or HP values.) Creature control cards do not add to the amount of copies, with the exception of Rage Potion and Acceleration.
  • Deck size must be between 30 and 40.

Spoiler for Buff Cards (Upgraded):
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
6u2 74a 74i 77d 7an 7dr 7jv 7ta 816

Upgraded to show all the buff cards possible.
Chaos Power, Momentum, Plate Armor, Blessing, Eclipse, and SoW count due to directly altering ATK or HP.
Despite the decrease of HP, Acceleration and Rage Potion count because they also increase a creature's ATK stat. This technically counts as a "buff".
Creatures with the spell Adrenaline attack multiple times, and the status effect is kept permanently. Each attack adds to the total damage output, which is bigger than when the creature would attack without Adrenaline; therefore, the ATK value is altered and the card counts as a buff.
While Basilisk's Blood increases the HP a creature has, it also stalls them for 6 turns. This is more along the lines of a creature control card, which is why it does not count.
Shard of Freedom and Sky Blitz don't permanently increase a creature's ATK, which is why they don't count towards the 4 copies.

Spoiler for Analysis of Meta:
The meta smiles upon decks that focus on the use of creatures, due to the fact that you have to use your buffs on them in order to be the most effective. Since Reverse Time and Eternity are banned, a participant doesn't have to worry about the amount of buffs a creature can have. In a similar fashion, they don't have to worry much about having creature with too much HP due to the ban on Gravity Shield. The one drawback is that the amount of certain buffs usable, especially alchemy spells, are limited by six copies per buff; consequently, one must use the buffs wisely and watch out for creature control. Once a buffed creature has been killed, there is no way to get the buff back.

Shields aren't favorable in this tournament since participants have access to Momentum, Shard of Wisdom, and various forms of PC. Stalls have less power than they usually would in this tournament with the ban of Miracle, Reverse Time/Eternity, the deck size being restricted to 40 cards maximum, and the multiple ways to bypass shields. Certain control or denial decks are generally hard to create with the restriction of 4 buffs a deck; although, it is possible to make these types of decks.

The most common decks would be rushes and breaks. Rush decks generally benefit from buffs that increase high ATK, and breaks are able to use the qualities of Momentum to get through an opponent's defenses. Common targets for the buff cards would probably end up being creatures with low quanta costs or ones with specified abilities. For example, Mono Life benefits greatly with this rule set due to being able to use Adrenaline and Horned Frogs in their arsenal. The reason this works well is because the Horned Frogs only cost 2 :life, meaning that they can be played faster than most. Another example of a powerful deck is Chaos Wyrms, which uses Chaos Power and...Wyrms to deal great amounts of damage to the opponent. A Wyrm's ability, Dive, allows them to double their ATK stat for one turn. When combined with Chaos Power, or any buff that increases ATK, the Wyrm is able to deal even more damage than it normally would since the altered ATK would also be doubled for even more damage output.

While most elements benefit from this rule set, Gravity in particular have many great targets for buffs and access to powerful buff cards. The viable targets Gravity has are the Graviton Mercenaries, Otyughs, Graviton Salvagers, Graviton Fire Eaters, and Sapphire Chargers. Mercenaries have a small cost and high HP, which makes them good targets for buffs that decrease HP while increasing ATK such as Rage Potion and Acceleration. Otyughs can easily utilize the HP increasing buffs to devour more creatures, and benefit even more from buffs that increase both ATK and HP. Salvagers benefit the most from ATK boosting buffs, since without them their attacks are a measly 1 or 2. With them, they'll be a formidable foe with high HP/ATK and a passive that negates all forms of PC. Fire Eaters don't exactly need much from most buffs except Momentum, which gives them shield bypass. Sapphire Chargers already have built in Momentum, and a fairly high ATK when upgraded, but even more ATK wouldn't hurt for this creature. One thing these creatures have in common is that they are fairly cheap, ranging from 1 :gravity to 5 :gravity, which is another reason buffs are effective on them.

Gravity also has access to two powerful buffs, Momentum and Acceleration. As mentioned previously, Momentum allows for creatures to bypass shields. It also increases the target's ATK and HP by 1, which can sometimes make a difference. An increase by 1 HP isn't much for other creatures, but to Otyughs and creatures with Acceleration on it makes a big difference. That 1 HP increase is helpful for Otyughs because it could potentially make it able to devour a pesky creature, and it gives 2/3 more damage to creatures with Acceleration on. Speaking of Acceleration, the best targets that benefit from Acceleration are creatures with high HP, since it gives the creature a active called Acceleration. Every turn, a creature with Acceleration gains 2 or 3 maximum attack but loses 1 HP. A loss of 1 HP per turn isn't that bad when inflicted upon creatures with high HP, which Gravity has many of.

Spoiler for Deck:
Blessed Otyughsby InsignificantWeeaboo
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
744 744 744 744 744 74a 74a 74a 74a 74a 74a 74b 74b 74b 74b 74b 74b 75m 75m 75m 7jo 7jo 7ju 7ju 7jv 7jv 7jv 7jv 7jv 7jv 8pq

You usually only need one giant Otyugh for the deck to work, but there are more than that to have a higher chance to draw them. Most of the buffs are put onto one Otyugh, making it bigger and stronger. The Blessings are the bulk of the Otyugh's strength, but Momentums are also there to make it even stronger and ignore shields. The Archangels are there to heal the Otyugh in case the HP is lowered by CC, also acting as strong mid-range attackers.

Despite the Archangels, this deck is still weak to CC. Otyughs can easily be frozen, delayed, killed when first played, or lobotomized. Archangels are the same, if the opponent kills them in one shot. It's not the fastest deck either, as it takes a while to set up. Denial is also a hard counter to this deck, especially the likes of Earthquake. The deck also lacks PC, although it shouldn't be too much of a problem since some of the more threatening permanents are banned or bypassed with Momentum.

Is the choice for which element to unlock supposed to be private?
EDIT: I guess not. Give me :entropy, :time and :aether, with fries and a medium drink.

No bonuses at all.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2018, 03:14:55 am by InsignificantWeeaboo »
O-oooooooooo AAAAE-A-A-I-A-U-JO-oooooooooooo AAE-O-A-A-U-U-A-E-eee-ee-eee AAAAE-A-E-I-E-A-JO-ooo-oo-oo-oo EEEEO-A-AAA-AAAA
Team :gravity Gen. (War #12)
Team :gravity Soldier (War #13)
Team :light Soldier (War #14)


blarg: InsignificantWeeaboo