Annele: How on earth will you balance school, curating, and the responsibilities of a Master?
Now that we have two (extremely wonderful) new Curators, and I am not doing all the work, Curating should not be an issue.
School is a bit trickier, but after this internal the only exams we have are at the end of the year, and I will make sure to give notice of this.
Nelly, as far as I know, lacks a bit in the activity department, it took her quite a while to answer for trials, dark guild and dark brawl team i have been told were on the inactive side.
I know this isn't a question, but I'll answer it anyway. Something happened during Brawl - I don't know what - but half my team disappeared. Shadow, Rutarete and I were forced to try and cope with the workload by ourselves, (dtd thankfully did his part when he joined) which meant a lower standard.
Guild - I have no idea what the heck is happening here.
Annele: Is someone approaches you and says 'Elements is not a game for girls.' or 'You're too young to represent an element.', What would you say/do? [Note: I don't imply that I'm one of those people, heck, I think you're a great person
Punch them in the face? Lol, I'd probably yell at them and get them to give reasons why they think that (I'm all for reasons) then leave them standing there feeling stupid. Or I'd challenge them to a match, and laugh while they got their pants thrashed off.
@all contestants : do you consider yourself the best possible master for your element? If so, why. If not, who is in your eye, and why?
(separate question) Name one song that represents your element in your eye.
Yes I do. I believe what Darkness needs is a fresh opinion, and that's what can give.
Lies by Billy Talent?
I don't think a song can completely cover Darkness as an Element in EtG, simply because it's just so intricate and most songs these days are soppy love-songs anyway.
Do you plan to general your element for war?
If nothing changes, do you plan to attempt to lead your element in brawl?
Of course! That's the point of becoming a Master, isn't it? To boldly lead your Element into battle, and win!
What is your favorite deck, including your element, and for what reason has this deck become
so important to you?
Day Traitors. Even light cannot withstand the corrupting hands of Darkness!
It's also a really fun deck to play vs the AI.
To all:
Describe your plan for coordinating efforts among your War team across global time zones.
Well, as a Kiwi, I know all about co-ordinating time zones. I plan to make sure I can be available when I'm needed, even if it means losing sleep. (Night is the time of Darkness anyway, right?)
Let's make them throw some mud,
@All trialers with 3 or more people in their trials element: Which of your competitors deserves the Master title the least?
*makes some popcorn and sits back*
Bogtro, ONLY because he's had his chance to bring Darkness to victory and didn't manage it.
To all Trialists:
Would you rather have a master well-versed in the forum only or well-versed in Elements the Game only?
The game, obviously, because how the heck to you plan to win War with no knowledge of PvP events at all?
To all Trialists:
How and where are you connected to the Element you are trialing for outside of Elements the Game?
I love reading darker sorts of books, ones with deeper, scarier themes, and I also love sleeping, which is best done in the dark.
@All Trialists:
If your first choice element was full, would you switch to another element? If yes, what element and why. If no, why?
Of course not! Darkness is the best, and I never settle for second-best.
To everyone:
Design a card that is more or less balanced using typical balance formulae, yet would increase your element's power significantly. In other words, identify where your element is weak and design a card to remedy this.
Spoiler for Hidden:
| |
NAME: | Dark Ritual
| ELEMENT: | Darkness
| COST: | 0
| TYPE: | Spell
| ATK|HP: |
| TEXT: | Sacrifice a creature to lower the cost of all your cards and abilities by one for this turn.
| NAME: | Corrupted Ritual
| ELEMENT: | Darkness
| COST: | 0
| TYPE: | Spell
| ATK|HP: |
| TEXT: | Sacrifice a creature to lower the cost of all your cards and abilities by two for this turn.
ART: |
| IDEA: |
| NOTES: | Darkness is strong in all areas, unlike other elements which excel in just one or two. Its main weakness is its costly cards, so a way to rectify this would be to give it a card that allows it rush. Just sacrifice a bloodsucker, and you can have Vampires for just 3 each!
To all
Which EtG card (from any element) represents the darkest thing in real life ?
Like Odii said, it'd have to be Black Hole. Nightfall may be dark, but there are still stars and the moon to give light. Nothing escapes a Black Hole.
You are to ask yourself a question you can't answer. What do you ask yourself?
Note, saying "Is this question an acceptable answer to itself?" is not an acceptable answer to this question.
Do you mean a question that's impossible to answer? Or one that I just don't know the answer to?
Either way, I can't answer the question, "What is tan90"? Because dividing by 0 is impossible, and impossible to get my head around.
Which non-Darkness card to you like best? Why?
Do you think Darkness has or should have a similar card?
Chaos Seed/Power; a card that's guaranteed to benefit you, the the extent of which is random. Controlled randomness.
I don't think darkness should have a card like it though. Darkness Elementals know their intentions.