4vq 52i 52k 52m 52u 55m 55r 560 563 568 56i 58u 596 59m 5bv 5c8 5f1 5ib 5l9 5od 5rh 5rt 5um 5v0 8pj
Bannable creatures :Scarab has an ability that lets it increase it's attack (Devour)So does Devourer (Unborrow) (Though I agree this one is a bit more sketchy and up to interpretation)
Quote from: ji412jo on March 30, 2017, 07:45:18 pmBannable creatures :Scarab has an ability that lets it increase it's attack (Devour)So does Devourer (Unborrow) (Though I agree this one is a bit more sketchy and up to interpretation)Dev needs another card to do it, though. It can't by itself. On that note, Otyugh also needs another card to increase its attack, so it should be banned. Scarab, however, has 3 attack upgraded. So it shouldn't be banned.
My tasks were changed 2 days ago to tasks 1 and 2. My unlocked elements are and i should be involved in the warrior battles.
The unlocks that are "element being Trial'd for" represent the unlocks in actuality, right? I was expecting the notation, example, for Trialists who unlocked to show up not as Death but as . It would be a good confirmation here to make sure I'm reading this right...