
Offline PlayerOaTopic starter

  • Master of Time
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  • PlayerOa soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.PlayerOa soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.PlayerOa soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.PlayerOa soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.PlayerOa soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.PlayerOa soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.PlayerOa soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.PlayerOa soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.
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« on: January 10, 2020, 05:33:29 pm »
I'll update this from :time to :time, as I don't trust sync.in

Spoiler for 10.01.20:
NOTE: I'll be abroad from Sunday 12th to Thursday 16th. I'll bring my laptop, but chances are I won't get time to use it much

deuce - available hours 1200-0400 GMT via cell, 0100-0400 online during week, 1200-0400 on weekends
Oa - available a lot during european evenings... but sporadically. 2 nymphs, 6 marks

Useful links:
Vault: soonTM
Deck validator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q-IyGY9TH7aWUDPVCYKh0bRJwXTnXpZG44E54a0jzAc/edit#gid=1528587420
Deck links: http://dek.im/d

War 3-11
Time decks http://elementscommunity.org/forum/team-time/decks-preserved-for-eternity/
decks against Time http://elementscommunity.org/forum/team-time/decks-used-vs-time-(war-3-11)/

> fill in missing deckcodes on basic decks (I'm on it)
> tweak those decks
> make a functional rainbow stall
> make a functional deja bond
> decide which decks to keep and which to scrap
> start counting those cards to make our vault

I've started a rough draft on decks to consider. Will update continuously with deck code ideas. Feel free to make tweaked versions! These deckbuilding rules are new to all of us.

"Classic" Mono Time
SoR pharoahs is super trolly. i remember being paranoid about it last war on air, but might be weaker against other elements, not to mention dims Yeah ofc true forgot about that one

SoR Pharaohs http://dek.im/d/z35rgz15rrz55rsz55sez35t2z37q0z37ri8ps
may be more efficient to upgrade half the pharaohs

http://dek.im/d/z55rgz25rk5rlz55ruz55t25uoz15upz25v1z17tb8pt kind of a must have, although it gets pretty harshly nerfed by the new upgrade system
^currently at 7 up cost. Would probably need LT ups to work (with upped towers as bonus), as it's already pretty low on quanta

http://dek.im/d/z54vjz15905ogz25rgz25riz45rkz35t261qz277gz17dm8pm the classic. Eggs give +1.5 ups which help a lot! Gets even stronger with lt/gen ups

http://dek.im/d/z2590z3593z25rgz15rkz35ruz95t26rkz277g8pm - is this still viable? EQ might be good in this new meta Thought of EQ as well, I find myself looking for cheap upgrades instead of upgrading Pillars.

http://dek.im/d/z75rg5rm5ro5ruz85t2z461tz1622z27q58pu - costs 11.5 with only 3 ups, meaning it's pretty much only gen and lt viable (LT with a relic)

TLS - sanc dials? Yep, time light stall

http://dek.im/d/z25c9z55cqzA5rg5rjz15rkz15roz25sez45t2z37q5z17q67q88pn - SoR dragon variant. Can also be made into a sor nymph version, which is probably better
inspiration for lifestall, nymph version á la kaempfer: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-salvage)-vindilos-3-0-player-4-(mobian)(light-salvage)/

PDials - slightly weaker version than sov, but faster
http://dek.im/d/z252qz55rgz25rlz55rpz55t2z57188pk - costs 13.5. In other words, expensive as fuck and likely useless

UGDials - not a huge fan of, but def cheap for us

SoVDials - perfect stallbreaker
http://dek.im/d/z25rgz25rlz55rpz55t25uoz15up5usz55viz17tb8pt - what's fun is that while dials are -1 unupped, they're -2.5 upped and practically useless for everyone else (bar darkness)
this version might need -1 up ah, shoot
http://dek.im/d/z25rgz15rlz55rp5rrz55t25uoz15up5usz55viz17tb8pt - legal soldier version

Pharaohbow - such a troll doubt the new gens will prepare against this one when was last time this was in war? Heavily doubt it was used after I stepped down as time gen, i.e. War #7, but I'll look it up
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz24vl5iaz85rgz15rlz25rs5ru5v161q77jz17dm8pj - 9 cost, aka Lt boost OR changing some random card for a relic. Fire counter nr 1

Focus Blast? sofo pull, proved to be really strong in trials at least
http://dek.im/d/z255t56iz35rgz15ri5roz25ruz85t2z2747z27527q58pl - soldier available
http://dek.im/d/z255tz35rg5ri5rl5roz25ruz85t2z3747z37528pl - significantly better Lt version

Momentoscorps dials RT spam is also pretty strong with neurotoxin. costs upgrades we'll need on momentum too, maybe only gen viable - nvm upped momentum's free
http://dek.im/d/z25rgz45rk5roz55rtz574az77q07q88pl 15 ups, soldier viable :) I question if its fast enough with only RTs as CC, i remember using this in tournies when I first started playing etg and it rarely worked. Rushes will beat it every time, just not enough control
http://dek.im/d/z55rgz25rl5roz55rpz45rtz474az37q08pl HG dial version looks solid to me

blessed scorps stall variant? likely

CP scorps CP is -0.5 while Momentum is 0.0, might just tip it in gravity's favour CP hits harder
http://dek.im/d/z24vd5rrz55rtz55t2z56u2z26u5z47ri8pj -this looks great to me its pretty solid
could replace maxwells with AMs for some healing

Instosis - not a huge fan of, but maybe favorable against certain teams? i'm very unsure about how an instosis would look like with these rules, I'll have to tinker a bit around with that one
http://dek.im/d/5605c95f6z95rgz55rp5se61rz36u37n9z27q57q68pj - we'll likely have all cards needed except sky blitz, chimera and maybe PU

RoL Hope - why not must have :D
http://dek.im/d/z25lkz55rrz85t2z161oz362263az37jp81q8pu - precog
http://dek.im/d/z25lkz15rl5rozB5t2z161oz362263az47jp8pu - HG eternal

deja hope

deja bond
http://dek.im/d/z25rg5rjz85t2z27amz37apz57q17q87qez37qu8pn needs more stall / gotp against DR,  #SoR still up in the air, I do not think a second Eternity/RW is necesaary in a Bo5? Se we lose in a mirrory match?

HG rainbow stalls - á la the deck? I might need help on building that one with 50% time - or making it a mercstall I see this as a winner
EXTREMELY rough draft based on w3's trials deck: http://dek.im/d/z94saz24vp52rz158vz15ihz35lmz55rpz55rrzC5t2z261qz171bz27k2z47q58pq

Scarabtal http://dek.im/d/zA5t2z561qz3622z57qaz27ri8pu

Scarabtal gravy

http://dek.im/d/z54vjz65rgz35rh5rqz15se5un626z37hi7n0z27qa8pp struggle to see where we'd want to use it though

Sopa duo a la deuce

RT Mummies (invictus?)

Silent PUGons
http://dek.im/d/zC5t2z461rz5624z37q67q87ri8pu probably not

Dim PUGons
http://dek.im/d/z15rrzE5t2z361rz361tz27q6z17qb8pu had to make a lot of compromises to get to 6 cost eh, not excited about this
http://dek.im/d/5ro5rrzE5t2z361rz461tz37q68pu significatly better with lt ups

Dim pharaohs
http://dek.im/d/zA5rgz45rsz55t2z561tz16248pu - not excited about this either

Blitz wings

HG catatitan - needs to be Lt or Gen...

catadials - viable otk if no SoD or PC

Mito Eggs

Speed grabbow
http://dek.im/d/z54vj5ogz55rgz25ru5s4z45t25v1z477g7al7dm8pm General version
http://dek.im/d/z54vj5ogz55rg5riz25ruz45t25v1z477g7al7dm8pm Lieutenant version
can always exchange a QP for a nova if need another upgrade...

Splash cards which might be worth having a couple of copies of:
- explosion
    Ghost MP rush... http://dek.im/d/z35f6z75rgz55ruz55t2z57ds8po
- wings

Cards that gain upgrades
dagger +2/0
dejavu +.5/-.5 - dejahope
fate egg +1.5/+1
anubis +2/+1.5
scarab +1/+.5 - scarabtal with SoR or gravy[chim/gravyshield]
precog +0.5/0 - combo with SoB for a quick otk? dials and HG seem more consistent
dune scorp +1/+0.5 - momo and bless both gain ups

rustler +1.5/1 - useful in sopabow with fate egg or vus?
forest spirit +.5/+.5
heal +.5/-.5
thorn cara +.5/-.5
emerald +1/0
druid staff 0/0.5 - upped version may be more efficient than vagger in a bow
bond +1.5/+1 - maybe add to a life stall
forest scorp +.5/-.5
mito +1/0 - instosis or a stall
upped nymph -.5

maxwell +.5/-.5
diss +.5/+.5
upped lycan -.5
upped abom +1 - sopa fodder?
chaos seed +.5/-.5 -
mutation +2/-.5
elf +2/+1
BE +1.5/+1
upped panda -.5
S cat +2/+1.5 - sopa fodder?
SoSe +1/-.5

ash eater +1/-.5
fire spirit +1.5/+.5
fire shield +.5/0
upped fahr -.5
red nymph +.5/0
upped SoB -.5

upped dev -.5
parasite +1.5/0.5 - sopa fodder
nightfall +1/-.5
DL +.5/-.5
LS +.5/0
voodoo +1.5/+1 - sopa fodder
cloak +1.5
SoV +.5/-.5 - decent deal
blk nymph +.5/-.5

spark +1/-.5
upped PU -.5
immortal +1/+.5
phase drag +0.5
quint +1/+.5
mindgate +2/+1.5
phase salvager +2.5/+2 - eternity fodder
turq nymph +.5/0

crawler +0.5
freeze +.5/-.5
ice bolt +.5/-.5
upped purify -.5
mindflayer +.5/+.5
flooding +2.5/+2
steam +1/+.5
DS +1.5/-.5
upped NQ -.5

upped bone drag -.5
virus +2.5/+.5
vulture +2/+1.5
skull shield +.5/0
skeleton +2.5/1
boneyard +2/+1
plague +1.5/+.5
afla +2/+1
stalker +2/+1.5
sould catcher +2.5/+1

charger +.5/-1
armagio +1.5/+1
colossal drag +1.5/+.5
gravy shield +1/+.5
momo +.5/0
oty +.5/-1
gravy fire eater +2/+.5
chimera +1.5/+1
accel +1/-.5
gravy salvager +2/+1

photon +1/-.5
light drag +.5/-.5
pegasus +1.5/0
holy liglight +.5/-1
solar shield +1.5/+1
angel +2.5/-.5
bless +1/0
reflect +1/-.5
luci +1.5/1 - dejahope
upped hope -.5
sader +1/0

dragonfly +1/-1
wyrm +.5/-1
TS +.5/-.5 - rainbow stall fodder
FFQ +0.5/0
firefly +.5/-.5
UG +1.5/+1
upped blitz -.5

antlion +1.5/-1
golem +.5/-1
stone drag +.5/-.5
armor +2.5/+1.5
gnome +1/-.5
EA +1.5/+1
upped EQ -.5
SS +1/+.5
SoI +1/0 - shard deck viable???

Spoiler for 16.01.20:
deuce - available hours 1200-0400 GMT via cell, 0100-0400 online during week, 1200-0400 on weekends
Oa - available a lot during european evenings... but sporadically. 2 nymphs, 6 marks - Oa on EtG Discord if anything urgent - got notifications on my phone
Naii - available 00:00-03:00 GMT on weekdays, weekends pretty much all day unless I have something planned.

Useful links:
Vault: soonTM Text format.. I guess
Deck validator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q-IyGY9TH7aWUDPVCYKh0bRJwXTnXpZG44E54a0jzAc/edit#gid=1528587420
Deck links: http://dek.im/d

War 3-11
Time decks http://elementscommunity.org/forum/team-time/decks-preserved-for-eternity/
decks against Time http://elementscommunity.org/forum/team-time/decks-used-vs-time-(war-3-11)/

> fill in missing deckcodes on basic decks
> tweak those decks
> make a functional rainbow stall
> make a functional deja bond
> decide which decks to keep and which to scrap
> start counting those cards to make our vault
>identify troublesome decks from each opponent, make sure we have counters

I've started a rough draft on decks to consider. Will update continuously with deck code ideas. Feel free to make tweaked versions! These deckbuilding rules are new to all of us.

blessed scorp Sosac SoD dials
http://dek.im/d/z252gz25lfz35m6z25rtz25t2z471uz57qbz27ri8pq - without dials [precogs]
http://dek.im/d/z252gz25lfz55m6z25rtz55t2z571uz27qb8pq - w/o dials [merc]

"Classic" Mono Time
SoR pharoahs is super trolly. i remember being paranoid about it last war on air, but might be weaker against other elements, not to mention dims Yeah ofc true forgot about that one
Mono pure rush http://dek.im/d/z25rgz55ruz25t2z27q0z57q1z57qaz27ri8ps

SoR Pharaohs http://dek.im/d/z45rgz55sez45t2z27q0z57qcz27ri8ps
upping pharaohs is absolutely necessary
   -could tech in mark deflags or something

Silent Spiders and Ghosts http://dek.im/d/z25rgz55ruzA5t2z3624z580g8pu
-could tech in zaps
-not sure how great silence will be this war since dials and dims are expensive

RoL Hope - why not must have :D
http://dek.im/d/5laz25lkz55rrz85t261oz3622624z37jp8088pu  precog sold -
http://dek.im/d/5laz25lkz35rrz75t2z261oz3622624z263az37jp8pu - precog merc - more aether quanta, much more reliable against discord
http://dek.im/d/z25lkz15rl5rozB5t2z161oz362263az47jp8pu - HG eternal - not a fan of perms in general, but its an option

Gimped Devtal
  - probably better to get rid of eclipse and just use 3 upped vamps
  - could tech in eternity or steals

Gimped Bonebolt
  -zaps nice for early control, SoR scarabs can keep bones up
 - zapless SoR scarabtal

Silent PUGons
http://dek.im/d/zC5t2z461rz5624z37q67q87ri8pu probably not

Dim PUGons
http://dek.im/d/z15rrzE5t2z361rz361tz27q6z17qb8pu had to make a lot of compromises to get to 6 cost eh, not excited about this
http://dek.im/d/5ro5rrzE5t2z361rz461tz37q68pu significatly better with lt ups

Dim pharaohs
http://dek.im/d/zA5rgz45rsz55t2z561tz16248pu - not excited about this either

http://dek.im/d/z55rgz25rk5rlz55ruz55t25uoz15upz25v1z17tb8pt kind of a must have, although it gets pretty harshly nerfed by the new upgrade system
^currently at 7 up cost. Would probably need LT ups to work (with upped towers as bonus), as it's already pretty low on quanta
^soldier version

http://dek.im/d/z54vjz15905ogz25rgz25riz45rkz35t261qz277gz17dm8pm the classic. Eggs give +1.5 ups which help a lot! Gets even stronger with lt/gen ups
http://dek.im/d/4t9z44vjz15de5giz35rg5riz577g7ae7alz17dmz47qa7ri8pm grabbow rush
http://dek.im/d/z14t9z54vjz25rgz577gz17dmz57qaz17riz280a8pm Merc zap

http://dek.im/d/z2590z3593z25rgz15rkz35ruz95t26rkz277g8pm - is this still viable? EQ might be good in this new meta Thought of EQ as well, I find myself looking for cheap upgrades instead of upgrading Pillars.

http://dek.im/d/z75rg5rm5ro5ruz85t2z461tz1622z27q58pu - costs 11.5 with only 3 ups, meaning it's pretty much only gen and lt viable (LT with a relic)
http://dek.im/d/4t9z65rgz25rl5rm5ro5rr5ruz75t2z561tz16228pu soldier [1 relic)

TLS - sanc dials? Yep, time light stall
http://dek.im/d/4t9z35lfz25liz55lmz25m6z15rj5rl5roz55rpz35rtzM5t2z47q57q88pq (scorp version)

http://dek.im/d/z25c9z55cqzA5rg5rjz15rkz15roz25sez45t2z37q5z17q67q88pn - should adding jade/thorn
inspiration for lifestall, nymph version á la kaempfer: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-salvage)-vindilos-3-0-player-4-(mobian)(light-salvage)/

PDials - slightly weaker version than sov, but faster
http://dek.im/d/z252qz55rgz25rlz55rpz55t2z57188pk - costs 13.5. In other words, expensive as fuck and likely useless
http://dek.im/d/z14t9z152qz152rz25mqz55rpz15rrz55t2z57187qb8pk Lt precog

UGDials - not a huge fan of, but def cheap for us
modded version http://dek.im/d/z25giz15ogz55rpz55t2z16rrz17laz57n6z17q57ri8pr

SoVDials - perfect stallbreaker
http://dek.im/d/z25rgz25rlz55rpz55t25uoz15up5usz55viz17tb8pt - what's fun is that while dials are -1 unupped, they're -2.5 upped and practically useless for everyone else (bar darkness)
this version might need -1 up ah, shoot
http://dek.im/d/z25rgz15rlz55rp5rrz55t25uoz15up5usz55viz17tb8pt - HG soldier version
http://dek.im/d/z15mqz55rpz55t2z15usz55viz57qbz17tb8pt precog soldier version -drain +dusk is a good idea I agree, but can't afford it (-6.5)
http://dek.im/d/z44saz15c2z55rpz35rrz15t25ur5usz55viz271u8pt - rainbow sosac variant

Pharaohbow - such a troll doubt the new gens will prepare against this one when was last time this was in war? Heavily doubt it was used after I stepped down as time gen, i.e. War #7, but I'll look it up
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz24vl5iaz85rgz15rlz25rs5ru5v161q77jz17dm8pj - 9 cost, aka Lt boost OR changing some random card for a relic. Fire counter nr 1

Gravy Pharaohs http://dek.im/d/z155pz1560zD5rg5t2z57qcz47ri8pl

Focus Blast? sofo pull, proved to be really strong in trials at least
http://dek.im/d/z255t56iz35rgz15ri5roz25ruz85t2z2747z27527q58pl - soldier available
http://dek.im/d/z255tz35rg5ri5rl5roz25ruz85t2z3747z37528pl - significantly better Lt version

Momentoscorps  RT spam is also pretty strong with neurotoxin. costs upgrades we'll need on momentum too, maybe only gen viable - nvm upped momentum's free
http://dek.im/d/z25rgz45rk5roz55rtz574az77q07q88pl 15 ups, soldier viable :) I question if its fast enough with only RTs as CC, i remember using this in tournies when I first started playing etg and it rarely worked. Rushes will beat it every time, just not enough control
http://dek.im/d/z55rgz25rl5roz55rpz45rtz474az37q08pl HG dial version looks solid to me
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz15og5rg5roz55rpz35rt5t2z374az177i7al7q07ri8ps scorpbow dials - this is probably the most versatile version. blessed or CP scorps are better
    -can switch PAs for deflags if worried about pulvy, maybe salvager too

blessed scorps stall variant? likely

CP scorps CP is -0.5 while Momentum is 0.0, might just tip it in gravity's favour CP hits harder
http://dek.im/d/z24vd5rrz55rtz55t2z56u2z26u5z47ri8pj -this looks great to me its pretty solid
could replace maxwells with AMs for some healing

Purple nymph http://dek.im/d/4vcz550050uz15sez45t2z16tsz26u8z16vez57q1z17ri8pj
    -slow but lots of control. turn 3 nymph is common

Instosis - not a huge fan of, but maybe favorable against certain teams? i'm very unsure about how an instosis would look like with these rules, I'll have to tinker a bit around with that one
http://dek.im/d/5605c95f6z95rgz55rp5se61rz36u37n9z27q57q68pj - [Gen] we'll likely have all cards needed except sky blitz, chimera and maybe PU
    -can tech in 2nd deflag for double dial
http://dek.im/d/5605c9z15f6z85rgz25rlz55rp5se61rz36u37n97q68pj - Lt [unupped HGs]

deja hope - might work once...
   -pros: capable of countering devs and disco
   -cons: not a lot of attack, dies easy to mass CC

deja bond
http://dek.im/d/z25rg5rjz85t2z27amz37apz57q17q87qez37qu8pn needs more stall / gotp against DR,  #SoR still up in the air, I do not think a second Eternity/RW is necesaary in a Bo5? Se we lose in a mirrory match?

HG rainbow stalls - á la the deck? I might need help on building that one with 50% time - or making it a mercstall I see this as a winner
EXTREMELY rough draft based on w3's trials deck: http://dek.im/d/z94saz24vp52rz158vz15ihz35lmz55rpz55rrzC5t2z261qz171bz27k2z47q58pq
Mercstall - probably better: http://dek.im/d/zE4saz54vpz15c5z55cqz55rpzB5t2z461q6qq7akz57q58pn

http://dek.im/d/zA5t2z561qz3622z57qaz27ri8pu - zap, meh
http://dek.im/d/z25sezC5t2z3622z2624z47qaz17ri8pu - silent SoR - legit option here, but still may be too slow to adequately utilize

Armored scarabs - solid domin, 30 upgrades
http://dek.im/d/z4778z377dz277fz177i78qz57q0z57qaz17qc7ri8pl - pulvy
http://dek.im/d/55k5rgz4744z2752z577dz47q0z57qaz27qc8pm - sofo

http://dek.im/d/z455kz55rhz174gz37hiz67q0z57qa8pp - mono sopa
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz65rgz35rh5rqz15se5un626z37hi7n0z27qa8pp - Oa sopabow
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz15765rgz55rh5roz177iz17dmz27hiz57qa7ri8ps - nova sopa PA
http://dek.im/d/z54vj52u596z55t2z25up5ut626z27hiz57qaz17tb8pt - sopa steal bow

RT Mummies (invictus?) http://dek.im/d/z152rz8542z45rk5roz45sez571dz172i8ps [from death war 11 - almost no variation, xcept adding QP against dark/entropy]
http://dek.im/d/4t9z152rzA542z45rkz45sez571d8ps - tinkerer role, still 0.5 ups left, could add RT or BW to make 31 cards
http://dek.im/d/z24sa4t9z152r52tz7542z45rkz45sez471d8ps - QP version for devs or disco

Blitz wings

HG catatitan - needs to be Lt or Gen...

catadials - viable otk if no SoD or PC

Mito Eggs

Speed grabbow - gotta add scarabs, ghosts too slow
http://dek.im/d/z54vj5ogz55rgz25ru5s4z45t25v1z477g7al7dm8pm General version
http://dek.im/d/z54vj5ogz55rg5riz25ruz45t25v1z477g7al7dm8pm Lieutenant version
can always exchange a QP for a nova if need another upgrade... sceptic tbh, but yeah possible if critical
http://dek.im/d/z54vj5ogz65t2z477g7alz17dmz17q2z57qa8pm graboid/scarab bow
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz15rkz65t2z177dz477gz17dmz57qa8pm scarmor grabbow [sold]
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz35t25v1z277dz577gz17dmz57qaz17ri8pm scarmor grabbow [merc]
http://dek.im/d/4t9z54vj5onz25rgz15t25v161q6u1z477g7aez17dmz57qa8pm grabbow w/o perms [merc]

Splash cards which might be worth having a couple of copies of:
- explosion
    Ghost MP rush... http://dek.im/d/z35f6z75rgz55ruz55t2z57ds8po
- wings - not sure this will make a huge difference
- reflect


Troublesome decks and counters:

SoV Dials
SoFo duo, should we decide to keep it

Cards that gain upgrades
dagger +2/0
dejavu +.5/-.5 - dejahope
fate egg +1.5/+1
anubis +2/+1.5
scarab +1/+.5 - scarabtal with SoR or gravy[chim/gravyshield]
precog +0.5/0 - combo with SoB for a quick otk? dials and HG seem more consistent
dune scorp +1/+0.5 - momo and bless both gain ups

rustler +1.5/1 - useful in sopabow with fate egg or vus?
forest spirit +.5/+.5
heal +.5/-.5
thorn cara +.5/-.5
emerald +1/0
druid staff 0/0.5 - upped version may be more efficient than vagger in a bow
bond +1.5/+1 - maybe add to a life stall
forest scorp +.5/-.5
mito +1/0 - instosis or a stall
upped nymph -.5

maxwell +.5/-.5
diss +.5/+.5
upped lycan -.5
upped abom +1 - sopa fodder?
chaos seed +.5/-.5 -
mutation +2/-.5
elf +2/+1
BE +1.5/+1
upped panda -.5
S cat +2/+1.5 - sopa fodder?
SoSe +1/-.5

ash eater +1/-.5
fire spirit +1.5/+.5
fire shield +.5/0
upped fahr -.5
red nymph +.5/0
upped SoB -.5

upped dev -.5
parasite +1.5/0.5 - sopa fodder
nightfall +1/-.5
DL +.5/-.5
LS +.5/0
voodoo +1.5/+1 - sopa fodder
cloak +1.5
SoV +.5/-.5 - decent deal
blk nymph +.5/-.5

spark +1/-.5
upped PU -.5
immortal +1/+.5
phase drag +0.5
quint +1/+.5
mindgate +2/+1.5
phase salvager +2.5/+2 - eternity fodder
turq nymph +.5/0

crawler +0.5
freeze +.5/-.5
ice bolt +.5/-.5
upped purify -.5
mindflayer +.5/+.5
flooding +2.5/+2
steam +1/+.5
DS +1.5/-.5
upped NQ -.5

upped bone drag -.5
virus +2.5/+.5
vulture +2/+1.5
skull shield +.5/0
skeleton +2.5/1
boneyard +2/+1
plague +1.5/+.5
afla +2/+1
stalker +2/+1.5
sould catcher +2.5/+1

charger +.5/-1
armagio +1.5/+1
colossal drag +1.5/+.5
gravy shield +1/+.5
momo +.5/0
oty +.5/-1
gravy fire eater +2/+.5
chimera +1.5/+1
accel +1/-.5
gravy salvager +2/+1

photon +1/-.5
light drag +.5/-.5
pegasus +1.5/0
holy liglight +.5/-1
solar shield +1.5/+1
angel +2.5/-.5
bless +1/0
reflect +1/-.5
luci +1.5/1 - dejahope
upped hope -.5
sader +1/0

dragonfly +1/-1
wyrm +.5/-1
TS +.5/-.5 - rainbow stall fodder
FFQ +0.5/0
firefly +.5/-.5
UG +1.5/+1
upped blitz -.5

antlion +1.5/-1
golem +.5/-1
stone drag +.5/-.5
armor +2.5/+1.5
gnome +1/-.5
EA +1.5/+1
upped EQ -.5
SS +1/+.5
SoI +1/0 - shard deck viable???

Poison sosac heal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(life-upgrade)-heman-3-0-vineroz-(time-gambler-2-3)-(sub-kuroaitou)/
   W vs fat entropy duo
   L to SoV dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(time-gambler)-danieela-(sub-kuroaitou)-3-0-heman-(life-lt-)/
Mark deflag http://dek.im/d/z24snz35bsz35c0z15cgz15f6z37acz57aez27alz17dm8po
  L to ghostmare
Fire stall http://dek.im/d/z35cqz55f0z55f4z25f7z25fbz65giz17akz17baz37f28pn
  L to monotime
Rainbow stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-lt-)-player-4-(kaempfer13)-3-0-majofa(life-mercenary)/
  L to rol hope
Dark dom http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(life-alchemist)-majofa-3-2-vindilos-(sub)-(lieutenant-time)/
  W over ghostmare
  L to SoV dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(time-salvager)(sub)-danieela-3-2-fippe94-(life-salvager)/
  L to ghostmare http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(time-lt)-vineroz-3-2-gen-fippe94-(life-gen)/

Mono http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(entropy-lt)-calindu-3-0-vagman13-(time-lt)/
   W over ghostmare
Grabbow http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(entropy-upgrades)(sub)-thearrogantone-3-1-danieela-(time-salvage)/
  W over sopa time
Dark dom http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(entropy-salvage)(sub)-aaronk474-3-0-danieela-(time-upgrades)(sub)/
  W over poisondials
Diss Bolt stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(entropy-salvager)-thearrogantone-3-1-danieela-(time-salvager)/
   W over sopa time
   L to sopa bow http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(time-general)-kuroaitou-3-1-dark-ripper-(entropy-sideboard)/
Snova Pulvy grabbow http://dek.im/d/z24vhz250uz5590z15c15ogz1624z56u3z36vez277f8pm
  W over sanc scorp dials
Pandabonium http://dek.im/d/z54vpz450u52g52qz352r542z36vez5718z171a8pk
  W over earth duo scraps
  W over ghostal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(entropy-salvage)-blacksmith-3-2-player4-(-kaemp)-(time-discard-)/
SoP grabbow http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(entropy-gen-)-wyand-3-0-player-4-(time-mercenary)/
  W over rainbow stall
DBH http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(time-alch)-vindilos-3-0-blacksmith-(entropy-salvage)/
  L to ghostmare
  L to RT GnG http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(time-disc-)-vagman13-3-0-(gravity-disc-)-odii-odsen/
SoD stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-9-207/(entropy-lt)-blacksmith-3-0-kaempfer-(time-gen)/
  W over instosis

Dim PU charger http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(gravity-salvage)-naesala-(sub)-3-0-fabian771-(time-upgrades)/
   W over Pdials
catatitan http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(gravity-lt-)-kaempfer13-3-1-danieela-(time-tinkerer)/
  W over bolt dial
guardtal http://dek.im/d/z555k55s560z9576z1745z474775mz380i8pu
  L to SoV dials
darkdom http://dek.im/d/z555kz155tz1562z1576z25v1z1744z4745z1747z175mz17t9z17tb8pt
  W to grabbowmare
  L to rainbow stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(time-mercenary)-annele-3-0-insignificantweeaboo-(gravity-general)/msg1285384/#msg1285384
Poison rush http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-gen-)-kaempfer13-3-2-insignificantweeaboo-(gravity-gen-)/msg1284433/
  L to ghostmare
death duo http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(gravity-gen-)-worldwideweb3-3-0-vagman13-(time-lt-)/
  W over fire duo

Trident sopa http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(earth-sideboard)-ji412jo-(sub-jenkar)-3-0-vineroz-(time-salvage)/
  W over ghostal
  W over UGs http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(earth-sideboard)-jenkar-3-1-vagman-(time-tinkerer)-mine-used/
  L to zap rush http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(time-discard)-fabian771-3-2-ryli-(sub-jenkar)(earth-upgrades)/
  W over rainbow stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(earth-lt)-manaboy100-3-0-vagman13-(time-merc)/
Pulvy sopa http://dek.im/d/4smz5596z65i4z15ibz35j2z577ez277f7gk8pl
  W over poisondials
  W over SOV dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(earth-lieutenant)-ryli-3-0-kuroaitou-(time-general)/
Immortal http://dek.im/d/z5594zG5aaz55liz55m677bz177c78qz17k1z57q98pq
  W over wings duo
Monopulvy http://dek.im/d/z24smz858o58vz3595z259cz15aaz577az177f8pl
  L to sov dials with steal
BB DL SoV http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(earth-lt-)-jen-i-3-1-player-4-(time-lt-)/
  W over SoR gold nymphs
  W over ghostmare http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(earth-lt-)-jen-i-3-1-annele-(time-lt-)/
RT grabbies http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(earth-lt-)-jen-i-3-1-annele-(time-alchemist)/
  W over disco CP vu scorps
  W over EA eternity http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-11/(earth-lt-)-jen-i-3-0-annele-(time-lt-)/
Pulvy gravy duo http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-10-409/(time-salvage)-annele-3-1-immortal_feud-(earth-salvage)/
  L to EA eternity
  W to ghostmare http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-9-207/(earth-salvage)-jen-i-3-2-player-4-(time-alchemist)/
Fire duo http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(time-gen-)-kaempfer13-3-0-jen-i-(earth-discard)/
  L to rol hope
Mono grabby rush http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-12/(time-lieutenant)-annele-3-0-jen-i-(earth-lieutenant)/
  L to rol hope
Dim antliontal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(time-general)-kuroaitou-3-2-ji412jo-(earth-gambler)/
  L to TLS scorps

War 13 variations
Trident sopa http://dek.im/d/z558uz5596z55aaz15iaz15ibz35icz35j2z278q8pp

Bone bolt http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(fire-upgrades)-theonlyrealbeef-3-2-fabian771-(time-upgrades)/
  W over pdials
Void dial stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(time-salvage)-fabian771-3-1-xn0ize(fire-upgrades)/
   L to ghostmare
sanc stall w/o dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-discard)-fabian771-3-1-xn0ize-(fire-upgrades)/
  L to ghostal
monofire http://dek.im/d/z25f0z55f4z25f6z15f7z55fcz15giz37dgz37f28po
  L to SoR nymphs
  W over SoR NT http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(fire-general)-killsdazombies-3-1-danieela-(time-tinkerer)/
Bolt dials http://dek.im/d/z75f0z55f45f6z25f7z67dgz47q98pq
  W over frog duo
UG wings http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(time-gen-)-kaempfer13-3-1-shockcannon-(fire-gen-)/msg1284066/#msg1284066
  L to SoR pharaohs
Heal bolt http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(time-salvage)-vindilos-3-1-(fire-tinkerer)-player-4-(shockcannon)/
  L to ghostmare
Jonnington http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(fire-salvage)-(sub)-zyardran-3-0-player-4-(time-alchemist)/
  W over ghostmare
  L to SoG stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(time-lt-)-vineroz-3-0-gen-discord-(light-gen-)/

Dim PUgon http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/serprex-light-sideboard-3-2-kurotaiou-time-general/
  W over PUgon
Miracle chargertal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(time-upgrades)-vagman13-(sub-kuroaitou)-3-0-serprex-(light-mercenary)/
  L to RT GnG
Pulvy sader http://dek.im/d/z1596z55aaz75l8z15mqz1749z377fz47k57n28pl
  W over SoR nymphs
  L to monotime
Discosaders http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-salvage)-vindilos-3-0-player-4-(mobian)(light-salvage)/
  L to SoG stall
SoFo angels http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(light-lt)-arthanasios-(mobian-subbed-in)-3-1-player-4-(time-salvage)/msg1285373/#msg1285373
  W over light stall
flying SoW stars http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-10-409/(light-lt-)-mobian-3-2-vindilos-(time-alchemist)/
  W over SoG stall
  L to SoG stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-11/(time-alchemist)-player4-3-0-dawn_to_dusk-(light-gen-)/
Dim dragontal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(time-alchemist)-annele-3-1-dawn-to-dusk-(light-general)/
  L to SoG stall

fire duo http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(darkness-general)-aves-3-1-vagman13-(time-lieutenant)/
  W over grabbow
monodark sideboard http://dek.im/d/4stz15ukz55ulz55umz15uoz25upz25usz1606z27t4z17tbz27um8pt
  W over grabbow
Mono SoV stall
  L to monotime http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-12/(time-general)-kaempfer13-3-1-theonlyrealbeef-(darkness-general)/
Grabbow http://dek.im/d/4stz44vj55tz1590z25ukz25up5usz15v1z1606z277gz17tbz37tf80a8pm
  W over ghostmare
SoV dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(darkness-tinkerer)-iancudorinmarian-3-2-annele-(time-gambler)/
  W over SoD stall
  W over instosis http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(darkness-general)-theonlyrealbeef-3-0-vindilos-(time-salvager)/
     this version had 4 steals...
   L to mark defalg http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(time-lt)-vindilos-3-1-iancudorinmarian-(darkness-salvage)/
   W over TLS http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-11/(darkness-lt-)-iancudorinmarian-3-1-kaempfer13-(time-gen-)/
   W over SoR pharaoh http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-13/(darkness-gambler)-jonathancrazyj-3-1-vindilos-(sub)-(time-salvage)/
Dim void dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-14/(darkness-tinkerer)-jonathancrazyj-(sub)-3-0-kaempfer13-(sub)-(time-general)/
  W over monotime
Disco lycan domin http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-10-409/(darkness-lt-)-iancudorinmarian-3-0-player-4-(time-lt-)/
   W over fire fuo
   L to monotime http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-13/(time-lieutenant)-player-4-3-2-theonlyrealbeef-(darkness-general)/
Dark sopa http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-9-207/(darkness-general)-theonlyrealbeef-3-1-annele-(time-salvager)/
  W over SoV dials
Devtal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-12/(darkness-lt-)-iancudorinmarian-3-0-vindilos-(time-salv-)/
  W over SoD rush?
  W over TLS http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-13/(darkness-salv-)-iancudorinmarian-3-1-annele-(time-alchemist)/
  W over ghostmare http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-14/(darkness-general)-theonlyrealbeef-3-1-annele-(time-salvager)-67140/
TLS http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-13/(time-gen-)-kaempfer13-3-1-serprex-(darkness-lt)/
  L to rol hope
Rol hope http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-14/serprex-darkness-lt-3-1-player-4-sub-vindilos-time-discards/
  W over grabby duo

War 13 variations
SoV dials
    Lt http://dek.im/d/z15rlz55rpz65t25uoz35up5ur5usz55vi7t87tb8pt
       could up HGs instead, likely needed
    Sold RT http://dek.im/d/z15rgz35rkz15rl5roz15rpz35t25uk5uoz35upz15ur5usz55vi8pt

Devtal http://dek.im/d/4t9z55um5upz25utz8606z261oz46227ta7um8pu

Spoiler for 23.01.20:
deuce - available hours 1200-0400 GMT via cell, 0100-0400 online during week, 1200-0400 on weekends
Oa - available at least 1700-2100 GMT. 2 nymphs, 6 marks - Oa on EtG Discord if anything urgent! Got notifications on my phone. Don't hesistate contacting me
Naii - available 2330-0300 GMT on weekdays, weekends pretty much all day unless I have something planned. Yay! youre alive!

Useful links:
Deck validator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q-IyGY9TH7aWUDPVCYKh0bRJwXTnXpZG44E54a0jzAc/edit#gid=1528587420
Deck links: http://dek.im/d

War 3-11
Time decks http://elementscommunity.org/forum/team-time/decks-preserved-for-eternity/
decks against Time http://elementscommunity.org/forum/team-time/decks-used-vs-time-(war-3-11)/

Vault things we need to discuss:
Reflect (0)
Bonewall (3) - scrap?
Purify (0)
Pulvy (2)
Druid staff (0)
EA (0)

Round 1:
Oa        vs     ProBacon (Darkness)
moe      vs     rogerluc (Entropy)
Naii       vs     Gen. shockcannon (Fire)
deuce   vs     worldwideweb3 (Gravity)

Gut feeling (if all else fails :D)
- scorps vs darkness
- scarmorbow or lifestall vs entropy
- ghostal vs fire
- LT ghostmare vs gravity

     -Blessed scorp +/- sosac Likely - these were surprisingly good in testing in that case I trust in you, beat both SoV and lifes dark dom which variant?
           duo http://dek.im/d/5l8z35lfz55m65mqz25rrz35rtz25t2z27k2z47ri8pq
           sosac http://dek.im/d/z2542z25lfz45m6z35rrz25rtz35t2z271uz17k2z27ri8pq precog soldier [5 sod]
                     http://dek.im/d/z2542z25lfz55m6z25rtz65t2z271uz17k2z27qb8pq - upped precog instead of pills [6 sod]
     -TLS Yes
     -grabbow scarmor Yes
     -SoR pharoahs Yes
     -rol hope Yes
     -SoV +/- dials Yes
     -instosis Yes
     -life stall Yes
     -ghostmare Yes
     -Regular control monotime (already built in vault)

Decks TBD:
     -disco scarmor Is this better than the classic pharaohbow?good question...it has more ups...
     -invictus [BW] 3 BWs (and a couple of mummies) could be affordable
     -devtal Not fancying it
     -ghostal Probably useful
     -bonebolt Clunky but might be useful
     -purple nymph Conjunction with scorps? no http://dek.im/d/4vcz550050uz15sez45t2z16tsz26u8z16vez57q1z17ri8pj looks like whack at first glance, but might be better than it looks? did you try it yet? I can see its usefulness in some situations, but I might need to trust your mindgating in that case
     -deja hope Unsure
     -deja bond Meh
     -rainbow stall If made good. Takes a lot of vault space, though
     -EA water stall - yet to build, probably useless Agree
     -gravy duo suprisingly powerful, but somewhat meh with these rules
     -sopa might be worth keeping a couple of copies yeah

>start counting those cards to make our vault
>identify troublesome decks from each opponent, make sure we have counters

Current Vault [255 total]

In-element = 122
6 Deja Vu - upped vus are kind of like a crappier MP, really only useful in a rush. Scarabs are 1 less attack but +1 up and can be used as CC
Fate Egg - dont really need...Im ok with tossing same 6 -> 0 (+6)
6 Procrastination
12 Reverse Time - this might even be too much
10 Golden Hourglass - might be too much as well, could drop a few 12's a lot, I'll cut to 10 as of now. 12 -> 10 (+8)
3 Devonian Dragon - just need 1 in instosis, otherwise, do we need them? 6 -> 3 (+11)
8 *Eternity - could argue a few more
12 Sundial - could argue +6, but also a decent chance we salvage some
12 Scarab
6 Precognition - could argu a few more, but this is probably about right
12 *Pharaoh - could argue a few more
8 Dune Scorpion - could argue for only 4, but this allows us to play 2 decks in a round
12 Ghost of the Past* - 1 set for ghostmare, sometimes splashed into other decks
2 *Golden Nymph - could maybe add a few 0 -> 2 (+8)
12 *Shard of Readiness - probably about right, but could argue less

Off-element = 129
6 Relic - could argue fewer, could add 1 in most decks, fat stall maybe 3-4... 6 seems fine to me

Light: 35
5 photon - could drop 1 depending on build not ideal going less than 5
3 hope
1 golden dragon
8 bless - gives us ability to play 2 separate scorp decks in a round, otherwise could drop 4
6 SoD
6 miracle - 2-3 are neded in mini scorp deck, rest can go to TLS if played in same roud
6 sanc
reflect - could argue 1

Entropy: 15
12 nova <- maybe even more? this is a minimum, but vault is tight already
3 Discord i kinda want 3: 0 -> 3 (+4)

Death: 6
3 SoSac - best when paired with sod/miracle, 6 sosac is too easily countered. otherwise toss
3 BW maybe scrap? Should be salvageable anyway
Mummy - maybe +6 if invictus is better than BW SoR pharoah

Gravy: 1
gravy shield
GP - may want if pack sofo
1 chimera
SoFo - could pair well with scarmor or just a duo with GPs

Earth: 20
8 Armor - could argue dropping a couple, but these basically act as renewable CC with scarabs
2 Pulvy - could pair wll with scarmor -2 armor +2 Pulvy?
10 grabboid - could argue 2-8 more
EA - a few may be useful, won a few matches for time in recent wars

Life: 11
2 emerald
druid staff <- one for bow?
3 mito
6 SoG

Fire: 6
6 deflag - 2 per set of novas, otherwise 3-4 in a mark deflag. should be able to salvage

Water: 0
purify - i'd argue for 1 or 2

Air: 2
1 fog - could argue tossing nah let's keep, so good in pretty much all (non dial) bows
1 blitz

Darkness: 22
1 dusk
6 steal - could argue more, but should be able to salvage 6 should be enough
4 vagger
1 DL - maybe 1 more
4 nm (0)
6 sov

Aether: 6
2 PU only 1 needed?
5 dims
4 fractal

I've started a rough draft on decks to consider. Will update continuously with deck code ideas. Feel free to make tweaked versions! These deckbuilding rules are new to all of us.

blessed scorp Sosac SoD dials - seems to be best with 3 sosac and 2-3 miracles
http://dek.im/d/z252gz25lfz35m6z25rtz25t2z471uz57qbz27ri8pq - without dials [precogs]
http://dek.im/d/z252gz25lfz55m6z25rtz55t2z571uz27qb8pq - w/o dials [merc]

http://dek.im/d/z2542z25lfz45m6z35rrz25rtz35t2z271uz17k2z27ri8pq - precog soldier [5 sod]
http://dek.im/d/z2542z25lfz55m6z25rtz65t2z271uz17k2z27qb8pq - upped precog instead of pills [6 sod]

Blessed scorps [no sosac] - surprisingly solid

blessed scorps dials stall variant? likely

CP scorps CP is -0.5 while Momentum is 0.0, might just tip it in gravity's favour CP hits harder
http://dek.im/d/z24vd5rrz55rtz55t2z56u2z26u5z47ri8pj -this looks great to me its pretty solid
   -could replace maxwells with AMs for some healing
http://dek.im/d/z24vdz34vnz35rtz85t2z36u2z26u5z27ri8pj - only 4x combo allows for more CC

"Classic" Mono Time
SoR pharoahs is super trolly. i remember being paranoid about it last war on air, but might be weaker against other elements, not to mention dims Yeah ofc true forgot about that one
Mono pure rush http://dek.im/d/z25rgz55ruz25t2z27q0z57q1z57qaz27ri8ps

SoR Pharaohs http://dek.im/d/z45rgz55sez45t2z27q0z57qcz27ri8ps
upping pharaohs is absolutely necessary
   -could tech in mark deflags or something

Silent Spiders and Ghosts http://dek.im/d/z25rgz55ruzA5t2z3624z580g8pu
-could tech in zaps
-not sure how great silence will be this war since dials and dims are expensive

RoL Hope - why not must have :D
http://dek.im/d/5laz25lkz55rrz85t261oz3622624z37jp8088pu  precog sold -
http://dek.im/d/5laz25lkz35rrz75t2z261oz3622624z263az37jp8pu - precog merc - more aether quanta, much more reliable against discord
http://dek.im/d/z25lkz15rl5rozB5t2z161oz362263az47jp8pu - HG eternal - not a fan of perms in general, but its an option

Gimped Devtal
  - probably better to get rid of eclipse and just use 3 upped vamps
  - could tech in eternity or steals

Gimped Bonebolt
  -zaps nice for early control, SoR scarabs can keep bones up
 - zapless SoR scarabtal

Silent PUGons
http://dek.im/d/zC5t2z461rz5624z37q67q87ri8pu probably not

Dim PUGons
http://dek.im/d/z15rrzE5t2z361rz361tz27q6z17qb8pu had to make a lot of compromises to get to 6 cost eh, not excited about this
http://dek.im/d/5ro5rrzE5t2z361rz461tz37q68pu significatly better with lt ups

Dim pharaohs
http://dek.im/d/zA5rgz45rsz55t2z561tz16248pu - not excited about this either

http://dek.im/d/z55rgz25rk5rlz55ruz55t25uoz15upz25v1z17tb8pt kind of a must have, although it gets pretty harshly nerfed by the new upgrade system
^currently at 7 up cost. Would probably need LT ups to work (with upped towers as bonus), as it's already pretty low on quanta
^soldier version

http://dek.im/d/z54vjz15905ogz25rgz25riz45rkz35t261qz277gz17dm8pm the classic. Eggs give +1.5 ups which help a lot! Gets even stronger with lt/gen ups
http://dek.im/d/4t9z44vjz15de5giz35rg5riz577g7ae7alz17dmz47qa7ri8pm grabbow rush
http://dek.im/d/z14t9z54vjz25rgz577gz17dmz57qaz17riz280a8pm Merc zap

http://dek.im/d/z2590z3593z25rgz15rkz35ruz95t26rkz277g8pm - is this still viable? EQ might be good in this new meta Thought of EQ as well, I find myself looking for cheap upgrades instead of upgrading Pillars.

http://dek.im/d/z75rg5rm5ro5ruz85t2z461tz1622z27q58pu - costs 11.5 with only 3 ups, meaning it's pretty much only gen and lt viable (LT with a relic)
http://dek.im/d/4t9z65rgz25rl5rm5ro5rr5ruz75t2z561tz16228pu soldier [1 relic)

TLS - sanc dials? Yep, time light stall
http://dek.im/d/4t9z35lfz25liz55lmz25m6z15rj5rl5roz55rpz35rtzM5t2z47q57q88pq (scorp version)

http://dek.im/d/z25c9z55cqzA5rg5rjz15rkz15roz25sez45t2z37q5z17q67q88pn - should adding jade/thorn
inspiration for lifestall, nymph version á la kaempfer: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-salvage)-vindilos-3-0-player-4-(mobian)(light-salvage)/

PDials - slightly weaker version than sov, but faster
http://dek.im/d/z252qz55rgz25rlz55rpz55t2z57188pk - costs 13.5. In other words, expensive as fuck and likely useless
http://dek.im/d/z14t9z152qz152rz25mqz55rpz15rrz55t2z57187qb8pk Lt precog

UGDials - not a huge fan of, but def cheap for us
modded version http://dek.im/d/z25giz15ogz55rpz55t2z16rrz17laz57n6z17q57ri8pr

SoVDials - perfect stallbreaker
http://dek.im/d/z25rgz25rlz55rpz55t25uoz15up5usz55viz17tb8pt - what's fun is that while dials are -1 unupped, they're -2.5 upped and practically useless for everyone else (bar darkness)
this version might need -1 up ah, shoot
http://dek.im/d/z25rgz15rlz55rp5rrz55t25uoz15up5usz55viz17tb8pt - HG soldier version
http://dek.im/d/z15mqz55rpz55t2z15usz55viz57qbz17tb8pt precog soldier version -drain +dusk is a good idea I agree, but can't afford it (-6.5)
http://dek.im/d/z44saz15c2z55rpz35rrz15t25ur5usz55viz271u8pt - rainbow sosac variant

Pharaohbow - such a troll doubt the new gens will prepare against this one when was last time this was in war? Heavily doubt it was used after I stepped down as time gen, i.e. War #7, but I'll look it up
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz24vl5iaz85rgz15rlz25rs5ru5v161q77jz17dm8pj - 9 cost, aka Lt boost OR changing some random card for a relic. Fire counter nr 1

Gravy Pharaohs http://dek.im/d/z155pz1560zD5rg5t2z57qcz47ri8pl

Focus Blast? sofo pull, proved to be really strong in trials at least
http://dek.im/d/z255t56iz35rgz15ri5roz25ruz85t2z2747z27527q58pl - soldier available
http://dek.im/d/z255tz35rg5ri5rl5roz25ruz85t2z3747z37528pl - significantly better Lt version

Momentoscorps  RT spam is also pretty strong with neurotoxin. costs upgrades we'll need on momentum too, maybe only gen viable - nvm upped momentum's free
http://dek.im/d/z25rgz45rk5roz55rtz574az77q07q88pl 15 ups, soldier viable :) I question if its fast enough with only RTs as CC, i remember using this in tournies when I first started playing etg and it rarely worked. Rushes will beat it every time, just not enough control
http://dek.im/d/z55rgz25rl5roz55rpz45rtz474az37q08pl HG dial version looks solid to me
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz15og5rg5roz55rpz35rt5t2z374az177i7al7q07ri8ps scorpbow dials - this is probably the most versatile version. blessed or CP scorps are better
    -can switch PAs for deflags if worried about pulvy, maybe salvager too

Purple nymph http://dek.im/d/4vcz550050uz15sez45t2z16tsz26u8z16vez57q1z17ri8pj
    -slow but lots of control. turn 3 nymph is common

Instosis - not a huge fan of, but maybe favorable against certain teams? i'm very unsure about how an instosis would look like with these rules, I'll have to tinker a bit around with that one
http://dek.im/d/5605c95f6z95rgz55rp5se61rz36u37n9z27q57q68pj - [Gen] we'll likely have all cards needed except sky blitz, chimera and maybe PU
    -can tech in 2nd deflag for double dial
http://dek.im/d/5605c9z15f6z85rgz25rlz55rp5se61rz36u37n97q68pj - Lt [unupped HGs]

deja hope - might work once...
   -pros: capable of countering devs and disco
   -cons: not a lot of attack, dies easy to mass CC

deja bond
http://dek.im/d/z25rg5rjz85t2z27amz37apz57q17q87qez37qu8pn needs more stall / gotp against DR,  #SoR still up in the air, I do not think a second Eternity/RW is necesaary in a Bo5? Se we lose in a mirrory match?

HG rainbow stalls - á la the deck? I might need help on building that one with 50% time - or making it a mercstall I see this as a winner
EXTREMELY rough draft based on w3's trials deck: http://dek.im/d/z94saz24vp52rz158vz15ihz35lmz55rpz55rrzC5t2z261qz171bz27k2z47q58pq
Mercstall - probably better: http://dek.im/d/zE4saz54vpz15c5z55cqz55rpzB5t2z461q6qq7akz57q58pn

http://dek.im/d/zA5t2z561qz3622z57qaz27ri8pu - zap, meh
http://dek.im/d/z25sezC5t2z3622z2624z47qaz17ri8pu - silent SoR - legit option here, but still may be too slow to adequately utilize

Armored scarabs - solid domin, 30 upgrades
http://dek.im/d/z4778z377dz277fz177i78qz57q0z57qaz17qc7ri8pl - pulvy
http://dek.im/d/55k5rgz4744z2752z577dz47q0z57qaz27qc8pm - sofo <- if we can find place for GPulls here we might have a gem

Disco scarmor - still needs some tweaking

http://dek.im/d/z455kz55rhz174gz37hiz67q0z57qa8pp - mono sopa
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz65rgz35rh5rqz15se5un626z37hi7n0z27qa8pp - Oa sopabow
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz15765rgz55rh5roz177iz17dmz27hiz57qa7ri8ps - nova sopa PA
http://dek.im/d/z54vj52u596z55t2z25up5ut626z27hiz57qaz17tb8pt - sopa steal bow

RT Mummies (invictus?) http://dek.im/d/z152rz8542z45rk5roz45sez571dz172i8ps [from death war 11 - almost no variation, xcept adding QP against dark/entropy]
http://dek.im/d/4t9z152rzA542z45rkz45sez571d8ps - tinkerer role, still 0.5 ups left, could add RT or BW to make 31 cards
http://dek.im/d/z24sa4t9z152r52tz7542z45rkz45sez471d8ps - QP version for devs or disco
would it be better to remove mummies and make SoR pharaohs with BW?
http://dek.im/d/z252rz95rg5rrz45sez55t2z47qc8pk - SoR pharaoh BW

Blitz wings

HG catatitan - needs to be Lt or Gen...

catadials - viable otk if no SoD or PC

Mito Eggs

Speed grabbow - gotta add scarabs, ghosts too slow
http://dek.im/d/z54vj5ogz55rgz25ru5s4z45t25v1z477g7al7dm8pm General version
http://dek.im/d/z54vj5ogz55rg5riz25ruz45t25v1z477g7al7dm8pm Lieutenant version
can always exchange a QP for a nova if need another upgrade... sceptic tbh, but yeah possible if critical
http://dek.im/d/z54vj5ogz65t2z477g7alz17dmz17q2z57qa8pm graboid/scarab bow
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz15rkz65t2z177dz477gz17dmz57qa8pm scarmor grabbow [sold]
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz35t25v1z277dz577gz17dmz57qaz17ri8pm scarmor grabbow [merc]
http://dek.im/d/4t9z54vj5onz25rgz15t25v161q6u1z477g7aez17dmz57qa8pm grabbow w/o perms [merc]

Splash cards which might be worth having a couple of copies of:
- explosion
    Ghost MP rush... http://dek.im/d/z35f6z75rgz55ruz55t2z57ds8po
- wings - not sure this will make a huge difference can be nice to have in hand, but with teams eliminated at 90 then maybe not so much
- reflect agree


Troublesome decks and counters:

SoV Dials
SoFo duo, should we decide to keep it

Cards that gain upgrades
dagger +2/0
dejavu +.5/-.5 - dejahope
fate egg +1.5/+1
anubis +2/+1.5
scarab +1/+.5 - scarabtal with SoR or gravy[chim/gravyshield]
precog +0.5/0 - combo with SoB for a quick otk? dials and HG seem more consistent
dune scorp +1/+0.5 - momo and bless both gain ups

rustler +1.5/1 - useful in sopabow with fate egg or vus?
forest spirit +.5/+.5
heal +.5/-.5
thorn cara +.5/-.5
emerald +1/0
druid staff 0/0.5 - upped version may be more efficient than vagger in a bow
bond +1.5/+1 - maybe add to a life stall
forest scorp +.5/-.5
mito +1/0 - instosis or a stall
upped nymph -.5

maxwell +.5/-.5
diss +.5/+.5
upped lycan -.5
upped abom +1 - sopa fodder?
chaos seed +.5/-.5 -
mutation +2/-.5
elf +2/+1
BE +1.5/+1
upped panda -.5
S cat +2/+1.5 - sopa fodder?
SoSe +1/-.5

ash eater +1/-.5
fire spirit +1.5/+.5
fire shield +.5/0
upped fahr -.5
red nymph +.5/0
upped SoB -.5

upped dev -.5
parasite +1.5/0.5 - sopa fodder
nightfall +1/-.5
DL +.5/-.5
LS +.5/0
voodoo +1.5/+1 - sopa fodder
cloak +1.5
SoV +.5/-.5 - decent deal
blk nymph +.5/-.5

spark +1/-.5
upped PU -.5
immortal +1/+.5
phase drag +0.5
quint +1/+.5
mindgate +2/+1.5
phase salvager +2.5/+2 - eternity fodder
turq nymph +.5/0

crawler +0.5
freeze +.5/-.5
ice bolt +.5/-.5
upped purify -.5
mindflayer +.5/+.5
flooding +2.5/+2
steam +1/+.5
DS +1.5/-.5
upped NQ -.5

upped bone drag -.5
virus +2.5/+.5
vulture +2/+1.5
skull shield +.5/0
skeleton +2.5/1
boneyard +2/+1
plague +1.5/+.5
afla +2/+1
stalker +2/+1.5
sould catcher +2.5/+1

charger +.5/-1
armagio +1.5/+1
colossal drag +1.5/+.5
gravy shield +1/+.5
momo +.5/0
oty +.5/-1
gravy fire eater +2/+.5
chimera +1.5/+1
accel +1/-.5
gravy salvager +2/+1

photon +1/-.5
light drag +.5/-.5
pegasus +1.5/0
holy liglight +.5/-1
solar shield +1.5/+1
angel +2.5/-.5
bless +1/0
reflect +1/-.5
luci +1.5/1 - dejahope
upped hope -.5
sader +1/0

dragonfly +1/-1
wyrm +.5/-1
TS +.5/-.5 - rainbow stall fodder
FFQ +0.5/0
firefly +.5/-.5
UG +1.5/+1
upped blitz -.5

antlion +1.5/-1
golem +.5/-1
stone drag +.5/-.5
armor +2.5/+1.5
gnome +1/-.5
EA +1.5/+1
upped EQ -.5
SS +1/+.5
SoI +1/0 - shard deck viable???

Poison sosac heal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(life-upgrade)-heman-3-0-vineroz-(time-gambler-2-3)-(sub-kuroaitou)/
   W vs fat entropy duo
   L to SoV dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(time-gambler)-danieela-(sub-kuroaitou)-3-0-heman-(life-lt-)/
Mark deflag http://dek.im/d/z24snz35bsz35c0z15cgz15f6z37acz57aez27alz17dm8po
  L to ghostmare
Fire stall http://dek.im/d/z35cqz55f0z55f4z25f7z25fbz65giz17akz17baz37f28pn
  L to monotime
Rainbow stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-lt-)-player-4-(kaempfer13)-3-0-majofa(life-mercenary)/
  L to rol hope
Dark dom http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(life-alchemist)-majofa-3-2-vindilos-(sub)-(lieutenant-time)/
  W over ghostmare
  L to SoV dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(time-salvager)(sub)-danieela-3-2-fippe94-(life-salvager)/
  L to ghostmare http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(time-lt)-vineroz-3-2-gen-fippe94-(life-gen)/

Mono http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(entropy-lt)-calindu-3-0-vagman13-(time-lt)/
   W over ghostmare
Grabbow http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(entropy-upgrades)(sub)-thearrogantone-3-1-danieela-(time-salvage)/
  W over sopa time
Dark dom http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(entropy-salvage)(sub)-aaronk474-3-0-danieela-(time-upgrades)(sub)/
  W over poisondials
Diss Bolt stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(entropy-salvager)-thearrogantone-3-1-danieela-(time-salvager)/
   W over sopa time
   L to sopa bow http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(time-general)-kuroaitou-3-1-dark-ripper-(entropy-sideboard)/
Snova Pulvy grabbow http://dek.im/d/z24vhz250uz5590z15c15ogz1624z56u3z36vez277f8pm
  W over sanc scorp dials
Pandabonium http://dek.im/d/z54vpz450u52g52qz352r542z36vez5718z171a8pk
  W over earth duo scraps
  W over ghostal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(entropy-salvage)-blacksmith-3-2-player4-(-kaemp)-(time-discard-)/
SoP grabbow http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(entropy-gen-)-wyand-3-0-player-4-(time-mercenary)/
  W over rainbow stall
DBH http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(time-alch)-vindilos-3-0-blacksmith-(entropy-salvage)/
  L to ghostmare
  L to RT GnG http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(time-disc-)-vagman13-3-0-(gravity-disc-)-odii-odsen/
SoD stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-9-207/(entropy-lt)-blacksmith-3-0-kaempfer-(time-gen)/
  W over instosis

Dim PU charger http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(gravity-salvage)-naesala-(sub)-3-0-fabian771-(time-upgrades)/
   W over Pdials
catadials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(gravity-lt-)-kaempfer13-3-1-danieela-(time-tinkerer)/
  W over bolt dial
guardtal http://dek.im/d/z555k55s560z9576z1745z474775mz380i8pu
  L to SoV dials
darkdom http://dek.im/d/z555kz155tz1562z1576z25v1z1744z4745z1747z175mz17t9z17tb8pt
  W to grabbowmare
  L to rainbow stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(time-mercenary)-annele-3-0-insignificantweeaboo-(gravity-general)/msg1285384/#msg1285384
Poison rush http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-gen-)-kaempfer13-3-2-insignificantweeaboo-(gravity-gen-)/msg1284433/
  L to ghostmare
death duo http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(gravity-gen-)-worldwideweb3-3-0-vagman13-(time-lt-)/
  W over fire duo

War 13 decks - upped armagios may get splashed, gravy shield splash common, salvager,
dim PU chargers -
catatitan - unlikely to see
catadials - could see if viable
guardtal - http://dek.im/d/4t9z555k55sz9576z3622z1745z474774g8pu Lt + relic
poison rush - unlikely in vault
death duo
Swallow - likely in vault, just fewer ups
voodoo GP - likely in vault, solid against rush/domins
Grabbow - unlikely to see [RT/eternity]
Pulvy duo - should be in vault
light stall

Trident sopa http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(earth-sideboard)-ji412jo-(sub-jenkar)-3-0-vineroz-(time-salvage)/
  W over ghostal
  W over UGs http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(earth-sideboard)-jenkar-3-1-vagman-(time-tinkerer)-mine-used/
  L to zap rush http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(time-discard)-fabian771-3-2-ryli-(sub-jenkar)(earth-upgrades)/
  W over rainbow stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(earth-lt)-manaboy100-3-0-vagman13-(time-merc)/
Pulvy sopa http://dek.im/d/4smz5596z65i4z15ibz35j2z577ez277f7gk8pl
  W over poisondials
  W over SOV dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(earth-lieutenant)-ryli-3-0-kuroaitou-(time-general)/
Immortal http://dek.im/d/z5594zG5aaz55liz55m677bz177c78qz17k1z57q98pq
  W over wings duo
Monopulvy http://dek.im/d/z24smz858o58vz3595z259cz15aaz577az177f8pl
« Last Edit: January 23, 2020, 05:42:59 pm by PlayerOa »
War #3 - Life || War #4 - Death || War #5, #6, #7, #9, #13, #14 - Time || War #8, #12 - Air

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  • Master of Ponies.Eternally salty about War#11 SEC.
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Re: Pad backups https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67588.msg1295299#msg1295299
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2020, 06:33:06 pm »
Sounds good.

Offline PlayerOaTopic starter

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Re: Pad backups https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67588.msg1295487#msg1295487
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2020, 07:29:30 pm »
ugh 838 lines already, guess I'll continue with a new post before I crash the forums

Spoiler for 27.01.20:
deuce - available hours 1200-0400 GMT via cell, 0100-0400 online during week, 1200-0400 on weekends
Oa - available at least 1700-2100 GMT. 2 nymphs, 6 marks - Oa on EtG Discord if anything urgent! Got notifications on my phone. Don't hesistate contacting me
Naii - available 2330-0300 GMT on weekdays, weekends pretty much all day unless I have something planned. Yay! youre alive!

Useful links:
Deck validator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q-IyGY9TH7aWUDPVCYKh0bRJwXTnXpZG44E54a0jzAc/edit#gid=1528587420
Deck links: http://dek.im/d

War 3-11
Time decks http://elementscommunity.org/forum/team-time/decks-preserved-for-eternity/
decks against Time http://elementscommunity.org/forum/team-time/decks-used-vs-time-(war-3-11)/

Available decks:
Grabbow x2
Blessed scorp x2 [SoD +/- sosac, TLS]
Mono Time [SoR Pharaohs]
Mono Time [Classic control rush]
Life Stall
RoL Hope
SoV Dials

Round 1:
Oa        vs     ProBacon (Darkness)
SoVs are the obvious pick for them and I assume they'll steer away from that at this stage. My assumption is that torb will assume we will prep for SoVs (exactly), mark deflag being most obvious choice. So I think devs are likely to be seen. However, he really only liks using them in devtal. Scorps should shit on devtal, right? not necessarily, depends how fast devs come out Fractal's horribly slow this time with -1.5 | -2, though. However, mitosis is a reasonable substitute devtal doesnt need a lot of ups, you can control the board easily with a single unupped devtal combo. make it a Lt and you get most of those ups back 4 fractals are already -6, and are there cards which can get teched in which give ups? unupped nigthfall hmm nice catch, otherwise spend other 3 upgrades on vamps I'm unsure if they can field a good devtal at all, at least without Gen ups they definitely can, plus they can add 1 relic if they want ya forgot about relics, you're right
   soldier dvtal http://dek.im/d/4t9z55um5upz25utz8606z261oz46227ta7um8pu Ok, you win this one :P
      -2nd most common deck vs time, but tends to be less useful vs Gens
   SoV dials Lt http://dek.im/d/z15rlz55rpz65t25uoz35up5ur5usz55vi7t87tb8pt
                   Sold RT http://dek.im/d/z15rgz35rkz15rl5roz15rpz35t25uk5uoz35upz15ur5usz55vi8pt
       -most expected deck, so I doubt we will see, but we could be overthinking this
   Monodark http://dek.im/d/4stz15ukz55ulz55umz15uoz25upz25usz1606z27t4z17tbz27um8pt
               Lt http://dek.im/d/5ukz55ulz55um5uoz25upz25us5v1606z27t4z17tbz27um8pt
      -always viable
      -unlikely, but possible
   rol hope - always viable against time
   disco lycans Sold http://dek.im/d/z54vhz24vlz65ukz15ulz25upz5606z27tf8pj
                         Lt http://dek.im/d/z54vhz24vlz55ukz25up5v1z56066u9z37tf8pj
        - reasonable choice if expecting duo/mark deck, resistant to RT
   grabbow - unlikely to see because RTs
   voodoo OTK?
   its a trap - unlikely to see because RT

Devtal http://dek.im/d/4t9z55um5upz25utz8606z261oz46227ta7um8pu
we can actually make a funky scorpbow if afraid of devs that didn't go quite well lol.
SoD/sanc scorps http://dek.im/d/5l8z25m65mqz25rrz35rt5t2z37jvz27k2z27k6z67ri8pq
    -seems to beat both SoV and devtal [depending on number of steals] in initial testing
    -havent tested vs RT SoV
    -seems to lose to disco lycans and mono dark [with devs]

Gen Grabbow http://dek.im/d/z54vjz177dz477gz17dmz37q0z57qaz17qkz27ri8pm
                        http://dek.im/d/4ssz54vjz15s4z177dz477gz17dmz27q0z57qaz27ri8pm (legal version)
    -seems to beat SoV, devtal, monodark, should also fair well vs disco lycans
    -could be troublesome vs RT SoV [not sure if they can field?] heavily doubt
    -may lose to a stall

moe      vs     rogerluc (Entropy)
Should be wary of pandebonium, this deck is pretty weakened by lack of ups
interesting that DBH has been unsuccessful against us...

DBH  http://dek.im/d/z24vcz24vfz34vlzA50uz455vz156iz17458pl
pandabonium  http://dek.im/d/z54vpz850u52gz452oz152qz352r54271871a8pk
Lt disco grabbow http://dek.im/d/4t9z14vhz54vjz24vlz550u55tz55905og61q7aez17dm8pm
Lt pulvy grabbow http://dek.im/d/4t9z24vhz550uz5590z15c15og624z56u36vez277f8pm
mono http://dek.im/d/z54vcz34vdz14vez54vfz650u6tsz26u56ve8pj
dark dom http://dek.im/d/z54vcz14vfz54vhz750uz25upz15v16tvz17tb8pt
SoD stall - very unlikely to see
firebolt diss stall http://dek.im/d/4vcz54vgz24vpzA50uz55f4z25f7z35fbz26tsz26ve8po
mark deflag

Mono http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(entropy-lt)-calindu-3-0-vagman13-(time-lt)/
   W over ghostmare
Grabbow http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(entropy-upgrades)(sub)-thearrogantone-3-1-danieela-(time-salvage)/
  W over sopa time
Dark dom http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(entropy-salvage)(sub)-aaronk474-3-0-danieela-(time-upgrades)(sub)/
  W over poisondials
Diss Bolt stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(entropy-salvager)-thearrogantone-3-1-danieela-(time-salvager)/
   W over sopa time
   L to sopa bow http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(time-general)-kuroaitou-3-1-dark-ripper-(entropy-sideboard)/
Snova Pulvy grabbow http://dek.im/d/z24vhz250uz5590z15c15ogz1624z56u3z36vez277f8pm
  W over sanc scorp dials
Pandabonium http://dek.im/d/z54vpz450u52g52qz352r542z36vez5718z171a8pk
  W over earth duo scraps
  W over ghostal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(entropy-salvage)-blacksmith-3-2-player4-(-kaemp)-(time-discard-)/
SoP grabbow http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(entropy-gen-)-wyand-3-0-player-4-(time-mercenary)/
  W over rainbow stall
DBH http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(time-alch)-vindilos-3-0-blacksmith-(entropy-salvage)/
  L to ghostmare
  L to RT GnG http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(time-disc-)-vagman13-3-0-(gravity-disc-)-odii-odsen/
SoD stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-9-207/(entropy-lt)-blacksmith-3-0-kaempfer-(time-gen)/
  W over instosis

Naii       vs     Gen. shockcannon (Fire)
    shock appears to be paranoid of scarmor. My guess is that he will probably stall [[not sure what works in this meta for them] (very good point!). grabbow is always awesome as a gen, but the threat of RT and scarmor may steer him away. A monofire is possible, but it failed last war against SoR pharoahs. I just expect a shitty deck tbh... Lmao - remember kaempfer's there to fix things tho. bleh, I guess I wonder what kae was paranoid last war from fire my guess is Bone walls  BW is a fantastic counter against fire for any element, but Im sure kae is aware of some deck that is pretty strong vs time that he had trouble prepping for?

Last war, time used ghostmare twice and SoR pharaohs the other time. Never used perms, so a stall from shock makes sense, which is essentially what he usde x3 last war vs time but the builds were terrible except for jonnington. I think shock is going to be paranoid of RT, scarmor, and SoR pharaohs

Bonebolt and fractix make sense as likely plays
Heal/SoG bolt seems plausible as well
mark RT is possible and more viable as a gen
light stall very possible, especially with Gen ups for dials

Life stall with jade - beats bonebolt, possibly FLS/jonnington if no reflect
maybe scorps
sov dials likely still slower than bonebolt and def fractix, but might have chance against other stalls

Gen bonebolt http://dek.im/d/z352rz45f0z55f4z15f7z55giz57187f28pk
     Sosac BW http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(entropy-lt-)-player-4-3-2-zyardran-(sub)-(fire-tinkerer)/
Gen Fractix http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(fire-lt-)-player-4-3-0-doublecapitals-(gravity-discard)/
   immo fractix
Phoenix RT http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(water-lt-)-ravingrabbid-3-1-danieela-(fire-discard)/
Heal bolt http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(fire-tinkerer)-player-4-3-2-mobian-(light-lt-)/
          green nymph http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(fire-salvage)-danieela-3-2-player-4-(death-lieutenant)/
          SoG http://dek.im/d/z45cqzA5f0z15f5z45giz17alz57dk8pn
CP sofree  - should be dead
FLS http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(death-salvage)-cccombobreaker-3-1-(fire-lt-)-(sub)-zyardran/
Jonnington - 6 upped dials = 15 ups...may not have
     Gen 3 upped dials http://dek.im/d/5f0z55f4z15f5z15f7zF5gi5l8z15liz55lm7k2z27q98pq
     Gen 6 unupped dials http://dek.im/d/z55f0z45f4z15f5z15f7z45gi5l85liz55lmz55rpz45t27dkz17k28pq
SoB poison sosac/bw [forgot arse] http://dek.im/d/52gz152r542z55fuz55giz171bz271uz37f2z57q98pk
Wings http://dek.im/d/z35f0z55f2z15f6z25fbz45giz15opz27dg7f2z57n88pr
Mono dragons http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(fire-lieutenant)-player-4-3-1-kalinuial-(earth-gen-)/msg1285282/#msg1285282
            Phoenix http://dek.im/d/z14soz15f0z25f4z55fcz15giz37dgz27dkz27dm7dnz37f28po
Disco cream http://dek.im/d/4vl4vnz258uz45aaz55faz16u5z277az277ez57dp8pj
Immo darkdom http://dek.im/d/5aaz55f9z15faz25giz15up5v1z177az577ez37dqz27tb8pt
Darkdom http://dek.im/d/z35f0z55fc5fuz35giz17dgz37f2z37t9z27tbz17th8pt

Bone bolt http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(fire-upgrades)-theonlyrealbeef-3-2-fabian771-(time-upgrades)/
  W over pdials
Void dial stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(time-salvage)-fabian771-3-1-xn0ize(fire-upgrades)/
   L to ghostmare
sanc stall w/o dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-discard)-fabian771-3-1-xn0ize-(fire-upgrades)/
  L to ghostal
monofire http://dek.im/d/z25f0z55f4z25f6z15f7z55fcz15giz37dgz37f28po
  L to SoR nymphs
  W over SoR NT http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(fire-general)-killsdazombies-3-1-danieela-(time-tinkerer)/
Bolt dials http://dek.im/d/z75f0z55f45f6z25f7z67dgz47q98pq
  W over frog duo
UG wings http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(time-gen-)-kaempfer13-3-1-shockcannon-(fire-gen-)/msg1284066/#msg1284066
  L to SoR pharaohs
Heal bolt http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(time-salvage)-vindilos-3-1-(fire-tinkerer)-player-4-(shockcannon)/
  L to ghostmare
Jonnington http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(fire-salvage)-(sub)-zyardran-3-0-player-4-(time-alchemist)/
  W over ghostmare

deuce   vs     worldwideweb3 (Gravity)
I can't really see how they'll beat a control ghostmare? something to test
scorps [sosac/miracle] could be interesting here
    -should beat darkdom, guardtal, catatitan/dials, grabbow, death rush, pulvy duo
    -needs testing vs swallow
    -prob loses to DBH, maybe a stall?

dim PU chargers -
catatitan - unlikely to see
catadials - could see if viable
guardtal - http://dek.im/d/4t9z555k55sz9576z3622z1745z474774g8pu Lt + relic
poison rush - unlikely in vault
death duo
Swallow - likely in vault, just fewer ups
voodoo GP - likely in vault, solid against rush/domins
Grabbow - unlikely to see [RT/eternity]
Pulvy duo - should be in vault
light stall

Gut feeling (if all else fails :D)
- scorps vs darkness
- scarmorbow or lifestall vs entropy
- ghostal (pharabow?) vs fire
- LT ghostmare vs gravity

     -Blessed scorp +/- sosac Likely - these were surprisingly good in testing in that case I trust in you, beat both SoV and lifes dark dom which variant?
           duo http://dek.im/d/5l8z35lfz55m65mqz25rrz35rtz25t2z27k2z47ri8pq
           sosac http://dek.im/d/z2542z25lfz45m6z35rrz25rtz35t2z271uz17k2z27ri8pq precog soldier [5 sod]
                     http://dek.im/d/z2542z25lfz55m6z25rtz65t2z271uz17k2z27qb8pq - upped precog instead of pills [6 sod]
     -TLS Yes
     -grabbow scarmor Yes
     -SoR pharoahs Yes
     -rol hope Yes
     -SoV +/- dials Yes
     -instosis Yes
     -life stall Yes
     -ghostmare Yes
     -Regular control monotime (already built in vault)

Decks TBD:
     -disco scarmor Is this better than the classic pharaohbow?good question...it has more ups...
     -invictus [BW] 3 BWs (and a couple of mummies) could be affordable
     -devtal Not fancying it
     -ghostal Probably useful
     -bonebolt Clunky but might be useful
     -purple nymph Conjunction with scorps? no http://dek.im/d/4vcz550050uz15sez45t2z16tsz26u8z16vez57q1z17ri8pj looks like whack at first glance, but might be better than it looks? did you try it yet? I can see its usefulness in some situations, but I might need to trust your mindgating in that case
     -deja hope Unsure
     -deja bond Meh
     -rainbow stall If made good. Takes a lot of vault space, though
     -EA water stall - yet to build, probably useless Agree
     -gravy duo suprisingly powerful, but somewhat meh with these rules
     -sopa might be worth keeping a couple of copies yeah
     - (note to self: look at Pulvy domin) http://dek.im/d/z458oz1590z15925aaz35rg5rjz35rsz15se5t2z277fz47q08pl probably whack but w/e

>start counting those cards to make our vault
>identify troublesome decks from each opponent, make sure we have counters

Current Vault [255 total]

In-element = 122
6 Deja Vu - upped vus are kind of like a crappier MP, really only useful in a rush. Scarabs are 1 less attack but +1 up and can be used as CC
Fate Egg - dont really need...Im ok with tossing same 6 -> 0 (+6)
6 Procrastination
12 Reverse Time - this might even be too much
10 Golden Hourglass - might be too much as well, could drop a few 12's a lot, I'll cut to 10 as of now. 12 -> 10 (+8)
3 Devonian Dragon - just need 1 in instosis, otherwise, do we need them? 6 -> 3 (+11)
8 *Eternity - could argue a few more
12 Sundial - could argue +6, but also a decent chance we salvage some
12 Scarab
6 Precognition - could argu a few more, but this is probably about right
12 *Pharaoh - could argue a few more
8 Dune Scorpion - could argue for only 4, but this allows us to play 2 decks in a round
12 Ghost of the Past* - 1 set for ghostmare, sometimes splashed into other decks
2 *Golden Nymph - could maybe add a few 0 -> 2 (+8)
12 *Shard of Readiness - probably about right, but could argue less

Off-element = 129
6 Relic - could argue fewer, could add 1 in most decks, fat stall maybe 3-4... 6 seems fine to me

Light: 35
5 photon - could drop 1 depending on build not ideal going less than 5
3 hope
1 golden dragon
8 bless - gives us ability to play 2 separate scorp decks in a round, otherwise could drop 4
6 SoD
6 miracle - 2-3 are neded in mini scorp deck, rest can go to TLS if played in same roud
6 sanc
reflect - could argue 1

Entropy: 15
12 nova <- maybe even more? this is a minimum, but vault is tight already
3 Discord i kinda want 3: 0 -> 3 (+4)

Death: 3
3 SoSac - best when paired with sod/miracle, 6 sosac is too easily countered. otherwise toss
BW maybe scrap? Should be salvageable anyway
Mummy - maybe +6 if invictus is better than BW SoR pharoah

Gravy: 1
gravy shield
GP - may want if pack sofo
1 chimera
SoFo - could pair well with scarmor or just a duo with GPs

Earth: 20
8 Armor - could argue dropping a couple, but these basically act as renewable CC with scarabs
2 Pulvy - could pair wll with scarmor -2 armor +2 Pulvy?
10 grabboid - could argue 2-8 more
2 EA - a few may be useful, won a few matches for time in recent wars

Life: 11
2 emerald
1 druid staff <- one for bow?
3 mito
6 SoG

Fire: 6
6 deflag - 2 per set of novas, otherwise 3-4 in a mark deflag. should be able to salvage

Water: 0
purify - i'd argue for 1 or 2

Air: 2
1 fog - could argue tossing nah let's keep, so good in pretty much all (non dial) bows
1 blitz

Darkness: 22
1 dusk
6 steal - could argue more, but should be able to salvage 6 should be enough
4 vagger
1 DL - maybe 1 more
4 nm (0)
6 sov

Aether: 6
1 PU only 1 needed?
5 dims
4 fractal

>> techs: silence, purify

I've started a rough draft on decks to consider. Will update continuously with deck code ideas. Feel free to make tweaked versions! These deckbuilding rules are new to all of us.

blessed scorp Sosac SoD dials - seems to be best with 3 sosac and 2-3 miracles
http://dek.im/d/z252gz25lfz35m6z25rtz25t2z471uz57qbz27ri8pq - without dials [precogs]
http://dek.im/d/z252gz25lfz55m6z25rtz55t2z571uz27qb8pq - w/o dials [merc]

http://dek.im/d/z2542z25lfz45m6z35rrz25rtz35t2z271uz17k2z27ri8pq - precog soldier [5 sod]
http://dek.im/d/z2542z25lfz55m6z25rtz65t2z271uz17k2z27qb8pq - upped precog instead of pills [6 sod]

Blessed scorps [no sosac] - surprisingly solid

blessed scorps dials stall variant? likely

CP scorps CP is -0.5 while Momentum is 0.0, might just tip it in gravity's favour CP hits harder
http://dek.im/d/z24vd5rrz55rtz55t2z56u2z26u5z47ri8pj -this looks great to me its pretty solid
   -could replace maxwells with AMs for some healing
http://dek.im/d/z24vdz34vnz35rtz85t2z36u2z26u5z27ri8pj - only 4x combo allows for more CC

"Classic" Mono Time
SoR pharoahs is super trolly. i remember being paranoid about it last war on air, but might be weaker against other elements, not to mention dims Yeah ofc true forgot about that one
Mono pure rush http://dek.im/d/z25rgz55ruz25t2z27q0z57q1z57qaz27ri8ps

SoR Pharaohs http://dek.im/d/z45rgz55sez45t2z27q0z57qcz27ri8ps
upping pharaohs is absolutely necessary
   -could tech in mark deflags or something

Silent Spiders and Ghosts http://dek.im/d/z25rgz55ruzA5t2z3624z580g8pu
-could tech in zaps
-not sure how great silence will be this war since dials and dims are expensive

RoL Hope - why not must have :D
http://dek.im/d/5laz25lkz55rrz85t261oz3622624z37jp8088pu  precog sold -
http://dek.im/d/5laz25lkz35rrz75t2z261oz3622624z263az37jp8pu - precog merc - more aether quanta, much more reliable against discord
http://dek.im/d/z25lkz15rl5rozB5t2z161oz362263az47jp8pu - HG eternal - not a fan of perms in general, but its an option

Gimped Devtal
  - probably better to get rid of eclipse and just use 3 upped vamps
  - could tech in eternity or steals

Gimped Bonebolt
  -zaps nice for early control, SoR scarabs can keep bones up
 - zapless SoR scarabtal

Silent PUGons
http://dek.im/d/zC5t2z461rz5624z37q67q87ri8pu probably not

Dim PUGons
http://dek.im/d/z15rrzE5t2z361rz361tz27q6z17qb8pu had to make a lot of compromises to get to 6 cost eh, not excited about this
http://dek.im/d/5ro5rrzE5t2z361rz461tz37q68pu significatly better with lt ups

Dim pharaohs
http://dek.im/d/zA5rgz45rsz55t2z561tz16248pu - not excited about this either

http://dek.im/d/z55rgz25rk5rlz55ruz55t25uoz15upz25v1z17tb8pt kind of a must have, although it gets pretty harshly nerfed by the new upgrade system
^currently at 7 up cost. Would probably need LT ups to work (with upped towers as bonus), as it's already pretty low on quanta
^soldier version

http://dek.im/d/z54vjz15905ogz25rgz25riz45rkz35t261qz277gz17dm8pm the classic. Eggs give +1.5 ups which help a lot! Gets even stronger with lt/gen ups
http://dek.im/d/4t9z44vjz15de5giz35rg5riz577g7ae7alz17dmz47qa7ri8pm grabbow rush
http://dek.im/d/z14t9z54vjz25rgz577gz17dmz57qaz17riz280a8pm Merc zap

http://dek.im/d/z2590z3593z25rgz15rkz35ruz95t26rkz277g8pm - is this still viable? EQ might be good in this new meta Thought of EQ as well, I find myself looking for cheap upgrades instead of upgrading Pillars.

http://dek.im/d/z75rg5rm5ro5ruz85t2z461tz1622z27q58pu - costs 11.5 with only 3 ups, meaning it's pretty much only gen and lt viable (LT with a relic)
http://dek.im/d/4t9z65rgz25rl5rm5ro5rr5ruz75t2z561tz16228pu soldier [1 relic)

TLS - sanc dials? Yep, time light stall
http://dek.im/d/4t9z35lfz25liz55lmz25m6z15rj5rl5roz55rpz35rtzM5t2z47q57q88pq (scorp version)

http://dek.im/d/z25c9z55cqzA5rg5rjz15rkz15roz25sez45t2z37q5z17q67q88pn - should adding jade/thorn
inspiration for lifestall, nymph version á la kaempfer: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-salvage)-vindilos-3-0-player-4-(mobian)(light-salvage)/

PDials - slightly weaker version than sov, but faster
http://dek.im/d/z252qz55rgz25rlz55rpz55t2z57188pk - costs 13.5. In other words, expensive as fuck and likely useless
http://dek.im/d/z14t9z152qz152rz25mqz55rpz15rrz55t2z57187qb8pk Lt precog

UGDials - not a huge fan of, but def cheap for us
modded version http://dek.im/d/z25giz15ogz55rpz55t2z16rrz17laz57n6z17q57ri8pr

SoVDials - perfect stallbreaker
http://dek.im/d/z25rgz25rlz55rpz55t25uoz15up5usz55viz17tb8pt - what's fun is that while dials are -1 unupped, they're -2.5 upped and practically useless for everyone else (bar darkness)
this version might need -1 up ah, shoot
http://dek.im/d/z25rgz15rlz55rp5rrz55t25uoz15up5usz55viz17tb8pt - HG soldier version
http://dek.im/d/z15mqz55rpz55t2z15usz55viz57qbz17tb8pt precog soldier version -drain +dusk is a good idea I agree, but can't afford it (-6.5)
http://dek.im/d/z44saz15c2z55rpz35rrz15t25ur5usz55viz271u8pt - rainbow sosac variant

Pharaohbow - such a troll doubt the new gens will prepare against this one when was last time this was in war? Heavily doubt it was used after I stepped down as time gen, i.e. War #7, but I'll look it up
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz24vl5iaz85rgz15rlz25rs5ru5v161q77jz17dm8pj - 9 cost, aka Lt boost OR changing some random card for a relic. Fire counter nr 1
http://dek.im/d/4t9z54vjz24vl5ia5ogz85rg5rlz25rs5ru5v161qz17dm8pj soldier legal

Gravy Pharaohs http://dek.im/d/z155pz1560zD5rg5t2z57qcz47ri8pl

Focus Blast? sofo pull, proved to be really strong in trials at least
http://dek.im/d/z255t56iz35rgz15ri5roz25ruz85t2z2747z27527q58pl - soldier available
http://dek.im/d/z255tz35rg5ri5rl5roz25ruz85t2z3747z37528pl - significantly better Lt version

Momentoscorps  RT spam is also pretty strong with neurotoxin. costs upgrades we'll need on momentum too, maybe only gen viable - nvm upped momentum's free
http://dek.im/d/z25rgz45rk5roz55rtz574az77q07q88pl 15 ups, soldier viable :) I question if its fast enough with only RTs as CC, i remember using this in tournies when I first started playing etg and it rarely worked. Rushes will beat it every time, just not enough control
http://dek.im/d/z55rgz25rl5roz55rpz45rtz474az37q08pl HG dial version looks solid to me
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz15og5rg5roz55rpz35rt5t2z374az177i7al7q07ri8ps scorpbow dials - this is probably the most versatile version. blessed or CP scorps are better
    -can switch PAs for deflags if worried about pulvy, maybe salvager too

Purple nymph http://dek.im/d/4vcz550050uz15sez45t2z16tsz26u8z16vez57q1z17ri8pj
    -slow but lots of control. turn 3 nymph is common

Instosis - not a huge fan of, but maybe favorable against certain teams? i'm very unsure about how an instosis would look like with these rules, I'll have to tinker a bit around with that one
http://dek.im/d/5605c95f6z95rgz55rp5se61rz36u37n9z27q57q68pj - [Gen] we'll likely have all cards needed except sky blitz, chimera and maybe PU
    -can tech in 2nd deflag for double dial
http://dek.im/d/5605c9z15f6z85rgz25rlz55rp5se61rz36u37n97q68pj - Lt [unupped HGs]

deja hope - might work once...
   -pros: capable of countering devs and disco
   -cons: not a lot of attack, dies easy to mass CC

deja bond
http://dek.im/d/z25rg5rjz85t2z27amz37apz57q17q87qez37qu8pn needs more stall / gotp against DR,  #SoR still up in the air, I do not think a second Eternity/RW is necesaary in a Bo5? Se we lose in a mirrory match?

HG rainbow stalls - á la the deck? I might need help on building that one with 50% time - or making it a mercstall I see this as a winner
EXTREMELY rough draft based on w3's trials deck: http://dek.im/d/z94saz24vp52rz158vz15ihz35lmz55rpz55rrzC5t2z261qz171bz27k2z47q58pq
Mercstall - probably better: http://dek.im/d/zE4saz54vpz15c5z55cqz55rpzB5t2z461q6qq7akz57q58pn

http://dek.im/d/zA5t2z561qz3622z57qaz27ri8pu - zap, meh
http://dek.im/d/z25sezC5t2z3622z2624z47qaz17ri8pu - silent SoR - legit option here, but still may be too slow to adequately utilize

Armored scarabs - solid domin, 30 upgrades
http://dek.im/d/z4778z377dz277fz177i78qz57q0z57qaz17qc7ri8pl - pulvy
http://dek.im/d/55k5rgz4744z2752z577dz47q0z57qaz27qc8pm - sofo <- if we can find place for GPulls here we might have a gem

Disco scarmor - still needs some tweaking

http://dek.im/d/z455kz55rhz174gz37hiz67q0z57qa8pp - mono sopa
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz65rgz35rh5rqz15se5un626z37hi7n0z27qa8pp - Oa sopabow
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz15765rgz55rh5roz177iz17dmz27hiz57qa7ri8ps - nova sopa PA
http://dek.im/d/z54vj52u596z55t2z25up5ut626z27hiz57qaz17tb8pt - sopa steal bow

RT Mummies (invictus?) http://dek.im/d/z152rz8542z45rk5roz45sez571dz172i8ps [from death war 11 - almost no variation, xcept adding QP against dark/entropy]
http://dek.im/d/4t9z152rzA542z45rkz45sez571d8ps - tinkerer role, still 0.5 ups left, could add RT or BW to make 31 cards
http://dek.im/d/z24sa4t9z152r52tz7542z45rkz45sez471d8ps - QP version for devs or disco
would it be better to remove mummies and make SoR pharaohs with BW?
http://dek.im/d/z252rz95rg5rrz45sez55t2z47qc8pk - SoR pharaoh BW

Blitz wings

HG catatitan - needs to be Lt or Gen...

catadials - viable otk if no SoD or PC

Mito Eggs

Speed grabbow - gotta add scarabs, ghosts too slow
http://dek.im/d/z54vj5ogz55rgz25ru5s4z45t25v1z477g7al7dm8pm General version
http://dek.im/d/z54vj5ogz55rg5riz25ruz45t25v1z477g7al7dm8pm Lieutenant version
can always exchange a QP for a nova if need another upgrade... sceptic tbh, but yeah possible if critical
http://dek.im/d/z54vj5ogz65t2z477g7alz17dmz17q2z57qa8pm graboid/scarab bow
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz15rkz65t2z177dz477gz17dmz57qa8pm scarmor grabbow [sold]
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz35t25v1z277dz577gz17dmz57qaz17ri8pm scarmor grabbow [merc]
http://dek.im/d/4t9z54vj5onz25rgz15t25v161q6u1z477g7aez17dmz57qa8pm grabbow w/o perms [merc]

Splash cards which might be worth having a couple of copies of:
- explosion
    Ghost MP rush... http://dek.im/d/z35f6z75rgz55ruz55t2z57ds8po
- wings - not sure this will make a huge difference can be nice to have in hand, but with teams eliminated at 90 then maybe not so much
- reflect agree


Troublesome decks and counters:

SoV Dials
SoFo duo, should we decide to keep it

Cards that gain upgrades
dagger +2/0
dejavu +.5/-.5 - dejahope
fate egg +1.5/+1
anubis +2/+1.5
scarab +1/+.5 - scarabtal with SoR or gravy[chim/gravyshield]
precog +0.5/0 - combo with SoB for a quick otk? dials and HG seem more consistent
dune scorp +1/+0.5 - momo and bless both gain ups

rustler +1.5/1 - useful in sopabow with fate egg or vus?
forest spirit +.5/+.5
heal +.5/-.5
thorn cara +.5/-.5
emerald +1/0
druid staff 0/0.5 - upped version may be more efficient than vagger in a bow
bond +1.5/+1 - maybe add to a life stall
forest scorp +.5/-.5
mito +1/0 - instosis or a stall
upped nymph -.5

maxwell +.5/-.5
diss +.5/+.5
upped lycan -.5
upped abom +1 - sopa fodder?
chaos seed +.5/-.5 -
mutation +2/-.5
elf +2/+1
BE +1.5/+1
upped panda -.5
S cat +2/+1.5 - sopa fodder?
SoSe +1/-.5

ash eater +1/-.5
fire spirit +1.5/+.5
fire shield +.5/0
upped fahr -.5
red nymph +.5/0
upped SoB -.5

upped dev -.5
parasite +1.5/0.5 - sopa fodder
nightfall +1/-.5
DL +.5/-.5
LS +.5/0
voodoo +1.5/+1 - sopa fodder
cloak +1.5
SoV +.5/-.5 - decent deal
blk nymph +.5/-.5

spark +1/-.5
upped PU -.5
immortal +1/+.5
phase drag +0.5
quint +1/+.5
mindgate +2/+1.5
phase salvager +2.5/+2 - eternity fodder
turq nymph +.5/0

crawler +0.5
freeze +.5/-.5
ice bolt +.5/-.5
upped purify -.5
mindflayer +.5/+.5
flooding +2.5/+2
steam +1/+.5
DS +1.5/-.5
upped NQ -.5

upped bone drag -.5
virus +2.5/+.5
vulture +2/+1.5
skull shield +.5/0
skeleton +2.5/1
boneyard +2/+1
plague +1.5/+.5
afla +2/+1
stalker +2/+1.5
sould catcher +2.5/+1

charger +.5/-1
armagio +1.5/+1
colossal drag +1.5/+.5
gravy shield +1/+.5
momo +.5/0
oty +.5/-1
gravy fire eater +2/+.5
chimera +1.5/+1
accel +1/-.5
gravy salvager +2/+1

photon +1/-.5
light drag +.5/-.5
pegasus +1.5/0
holy liglight +.5/-1
solar shield +1.5/+1
angel +2.5/-.5
bless +1/0
reflect +1/-.5
luci +1.5/1 - dejahope
upped hope -.5
sader +1/0

dragonfly +1/-1
wyrm +.5/-1
TS +.5/-.5 - rainbow stall fodder
FFQ +0.5/0
firefly +.5/-.5
UG +1.5/+1
upped blitz -.5

antlion +1.5/-1
golem +.5/-1
stone drag +.5/-.5
armor +2.5/+1.5
gnome +1/-.5
EA +1.5/+1
upped EQ -.5
SS +1/+.5
SoI +1/0 - shard deck viable???

Poison sosac heal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(life-upgrade)-heman-3-0-vineroz-(time-gambler-2-3)-(sub-kuroaitou)/
   W vs fat entropy duo
   L to SoV dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(time-gambler)-danieela-(sub-kuroaitou)-3-0-heman-(life-lt-)/
Mark deflag http://dek.im/d/z24snz35bsz35c0z15cgz15f6z37acz57aez27alz17dm8po
  L to ghostmare
Fire stall http://dek.im/d/z35cqz55f0z55f4z25f7z25fbz65giz17akz17baz37f28pn
  L to monotime
Rainbow stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-lt-)-player-4-(kaempfer13)-3-0-majofa(life-mercenary)/
  L to rol hope
Dark dom http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(life-alchemist)-majofa-3-2-vindilos-(sub)-(lieutenant-time)/
  W over ghostmare
  L to SoV dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(time-salvager)(sub)-danieela-3-2-fippe94-(life-salvager)/
  L to ghostmare http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(time-lt)-vineroz-3-2-gen-fippe94-(life-gen)/

Mono http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(entropy-lt)-calindu-3-0-vagman13-(time-lt)/
   W over ghostmare
Grabbow http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(entropy-upgrades)(sub)-thearrogantone-3-1-danieela-(time-salvage)/
  W over sopa time
Dark dom http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(entropy-salvage)(sub)-aaronk474-3-0-danieela-(time-upgrades)(sub)/
  W over poisondials
Diss Bolt stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(entropy-salvager)-thearrogantone-3-1-danieela-(time-salvager)/
   W over sopa time
   L to sopa bow http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(time-general)-kuroaitou-3-1-dark-ripper-(entropy-sideboard)/
Snova Pulvy grabbow http://dek.im/d/z24vhz250uz5590z15c15ogz1624z56u3z36vez277f8pm
  W over sanc scorp dials
Pandabonium http://dek.im/d/z54vpz450u52g52qz352r542z36vez5718z171a8pk
  W over earth duo scraps
  W over ghostal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(entropy-salvage)-blacksmith-3-2-player4-(-kaemp)-(time-discard-)/
SoP grabbow http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(entropy-gen-)-wyand-3-0-player-4-(time-mercenary)/
  W over rainbow stall
DBH http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(time-alch)-vindilos-3-0-blacksmith-(entropy-salvage)/
  L to ghostmare
  L to RT GnG http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(time-disc-)-vagman13-3-0-(gravity-disc-)-odii-odsen/
SoD stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-9-207/(entropy-lt)-blacksmith-3-0-kaempfer-(time-gen)/
  W over instosis

Dim PU charger http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(gravity-salvage)-naesala-(sub)-3-0-fabian771-(time-upgrades)/
   W over Pdials
catadials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(gravity-lt-)-kaempfer13-3-1-danieela-(time-tinkerer)/
  W over bolt dial
guardtal http://dek.im/d/z555k55s560z9576z1745z474775mz380i8pu
  L to SoV dials
darkdom http://dek.im/d/z555kz155tz1562z1576z25v1z1744z4745z1747z175mz17t9z17tb8pt
  W to grabbowmare
  L to rainbow stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(time-mercenary)-annele-3-0-insignificantweeaboo-(gravity-general)/msg1285384/#msg1285384
Poison rush http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-gen-)-kaempfer13-3-2-insignificantweeaboo-(gravity-gen-)/msg1284433/
  L to ghostmare
death duo http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(gravity-gen-)-worldwideweb3-3-0-vagman13-(time-lt-)/
  W over fire duo

War 13 decks - upped armagios may get splashed, gravy shield splash common, salvager,
dim PU chargers -
catatitan - unlikely to see
catadials - could see if viable
guardtal - http://dek.im/d/4t9z555k55sz9576z3622z1745z474774g8pu Lt + relic
poison rush - unlikely in vault
death duo
Swallow - likely in vault, just fewer ups
voodoo GP - likely in vault, solid against rush/domins
Grabbow - unlikely to see [RT/eternity]
Pulvy duo - should be in vault
light stall

Trident sopa http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(earth-sideboard)-ji412jo-(sub-jenkar)-3-0-vineroz-(time-salvage)/
  W over ghostal
  W over UGs http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(earth-sideboard)-jenkar-3-1-vagman-(time-tinkerer)-mine-used/
  L to zap rush http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(time-discard)-fabian771-3-2-ryli-(sub-jenkar)(earth-upgrades)/
  W over rainbow stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(earth-lt)-manaboy100-3-0-vagman13-(time-merc)/
Pulvy sopa http://dek.im/d/4smz5596z65i4z15ibz35j2z577ez277f7gk8pl
  W over poisondials
  W over SOV dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(earth-lieutenant)-ryli-3-0-kuroaitou-(time-general)/
Immortal http://dek.im/d/z5594zG5aaz55liz55m677bz177c78qz17k1z57q98pq
  W over wings duo
Monopulvy http://dek.im/d/z24smz858o58vz3595z259cz15aaz577az177f8pl
  L to sov dials with steal
BB DL SoV http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(earth-lt-)-jen-i-3-1-player-4-(time-lt-)/
  W over SoR gold nymphs
  W over ghostmare http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(earth-lt-)-jen-i-3-1-annele-(time-lt-)/
RT grabbies http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(earth-lt-)-jen-i-3-1-annele-(time-alchemist)/
  W over disco CP vu scorps
  W over EA eternity http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-11/(earth-lt-)-jen-i-3-0-annele-(time-lt-)/
Pulvy gravy duo http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-10-409/(time-salvage)-annele-3-1-immortal_feud-(earth-salvage)/
  L to EA eternity
  W to ghostmare http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-9-207/(earth-salvage)-jen-i-3-2-player-4-(time-alchemist)/
Fire duo http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(time-gen-)-kaempfer13-3-0-jen-i-(earth-discard)/
  L to rol hope
Mono grabby rush http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-12/(time-lieutenant)-annele-3-0-jen-i-(earth-lieutenant)/
  L to rol hope
Dim antliontal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(time-general)-kuroaitou-3-2-ji412jo-(earth-gambler)/
  L to TLS scorps

War 13 variations
Trident sopa http://dek.im/d/z558uz5596z55aaz15iaz15ibz35icz35j2z278q8pp

Bone bolt http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(fire-upgrades)-theonlyrealbeef-3-2-fabian771-(time-upgrades)/
  W over pdials
Void dial stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(time-salvage)-fabian771-3-1-xn0ize(fire-upgrades)/
   L to ghostmare
sanc stall w/o dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-discard)-fabian771-3-1-xn0ize-(fire-upgrades)/
  L to ghostal
monofire http://dek.im/d/z25f0z55f4z25f6z15f7z55fcz15giz37dgz37f28po
  L to SoR nymphs
  W over SoR NT http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(fire-general)-killsdazombies-3-1-danieela-(time-tinkerer)/
Bolt dials http://dek.im/d/z75f0z55f45f6z25f7z67dgz47q98pq
  W over frog duo
UG wings http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(time-gen-)-kaempfer13-3-1-shockcannon-(fire-gen-)/msg1284066/#msg1284066
  L to SoR pharaohs
Heal bolt http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(time-salvage)-vindilos-3-1-(fire-tinkerer)-player-4-(shockcannon)/
  L to ghostmare
Jonnington http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(fire-salvage)-(sub)-zyardran-3-0-player-4-(time-alchemist)/
  W over ghostmare
  L to SoG stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(time-lt-)-vineroz-3-0-gen-discord-(light-gen-)/

Dim PUgon http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/serprex-light-sideboard-3-2-kurotaiou-time-general/
  W over PUgon
Miracle chargertal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(time-upgrades)-vagman13-(sub-kuroaitou)-3-0-serprex-(light-mercenary)/
  L to RT GnG
Pulvy sader http://dek.im/d/z1596z55aaz75l8z15mqz1749z377fz47k57n28pl
  W over SoR nymphs
  L to monotime
Discosaders http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-salvage)-vindilos-3-0-player-4-(mobian)(light-salvage)/
  L to SoG stall
SoFo angels http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(light-lt)-arthanasios-(mobian-subbed-in)-3-1-player-4-(time-salvage)/msg1285373/#msg1285373
  W over light stall
flying SoW stars http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-10-409/(light-lt-)-mobian-3-2-vindilos-(time-alchemist)/
  W over SoG stall
  L to SoG stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-11/(time-alchemist)-player4-3-0-dawn_to_dusk-(light-gen-)/
Dim dragontal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(time-alchemist)-annele-3-1-dawn-to-dusk-(light-general)/
  L to SoG stall
  L to SoG stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(time-lt-)-vineroz-3-0-gen-discord-(light-gen-)/

fire duo http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(darkness-general)-aves-3-1-vagman13-(time-lieutenant)/
  W over grabbow
monodark sideboard http://dek.im/d/4stz15ukz55ulz55umz15uoz25upz25usz1606z27t4z17tbz27um8pt
  W over grabbow
Mono SoV stall
  L to monotime http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-12/(time-general)-kaempfer13-3-1-theonlyrealbeef-(darkness-general)/
Grabbow http://dek.im/d/4stz44vj55tz1590z25ukz25up5usz15v1z1606z277gz17tbz37tf80a8pm
  W over ghostmare
SoV dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(darkness-tinkerer)-iancudorinmarian-3-2-annele-(time-gambler)/
  W over SoD stall
  W over instosis http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(darkness-general)-theonlyrealbeef-3-0-vindilos-(time-salvager)/
     this version had 4 steals...
   L to mark defalg http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(time-lt)-vindilos-3-1-iancudorinmarian-(darkness-salvage)/
   W over TLS http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-11/(darkness-lt-)-iancudorinmarian-3-1-kaempfer13-(time-gen-)/
   W over SoR pharaoh http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-13/(darkness-gambler)-jonathancrazyj-3-1-vindilos-(sub)-(time-salvage)/
Dim void dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-14/(darkness-tinkerer)-jonathancrazyj-(sub)-3-0-kaempfer13-(sub)-(time-general)/
  W over monotime
Disco lycan domin http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-10-409/(darkness-lt-)-iancudorinmarian-3-0-player-4-(time-lt-)/
   W over fire fuo
   L to monotime http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-13/(time-lieutenant)-player-4-3-2-theonlyrealbeef-(darkness-general)/
Dark sopa http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-9-207/(darkness-general)-theonlyrealbeef-3-1-annele-(time-salvager)/
  W over SoV dials
Devtal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-12/(darkness-lt-)-iancudorinmarian-3-0-vindilos-(time-salv-)/
  W over SoD rush?
  W over TLS http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-13/(darkness-salv-)-iancudorinmarian-3-1-annele-(time-alchemist)/
  W over ghostmare http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-14/(darkness-general)-theonlyrealbeef-3-1-annele-(time-salvager)-67140/
TLS http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-13/(time-gen-)-kaempfer13-3-1-serprex-(darkness-lt)/
  L to rol hope
Rol hope http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-14/serprex-darkness-lt-3-1-player-4-sub-vindilos-time-discards/
  W over grabby duo

War 13 variations
SoV dials
    Lt http://dek.im/d/z15rlz55rpz65t25uoz35up5ur5usz55vi7t87tb8pt
       could up HGs instead, likely needed
    Sold RT http://dek.im/d/z15rgz35rkz15rl5roz15rpz35t25uk5uoz35upz15ur5usz55vi8pt

Devtal http://dek.im/d/4t9z55um5upz25utz8606z261oz46227ta7um8pu
War #3 - Life || War #4 - Death || War #5, #6, #7, #9, #13, #14 - Time || War #8, #12 - Air

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Re: Pad backups https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67588.msg1295655#msg1295655
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2020, 06:13:10 am »
Spoiler for 05.02.20:
deuce - available hours 1200-0400 GMT via cell, 0100-0400 online during week, 1200-0400 on weekends
Oa - available at least 1700-2100 GMT. 2 nymphs, 6 marks - Oa on EtG Discord if anything urgent! Got notifications on my phone. Don't hesistate contacting me
Naii - available 2330-0300 GMT on weekdays, weekends pretty much all day unless I have something planned. Yay! youre alive!

Useful links:
Vault: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kadcf8XxPj3BFOUAokw3Ipm3NawYb0DNiftxRn-dAfo
Deck validator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q-IyGY9TH7aWUDPVCYKh0bRJwXTnXpZG44E54a0jzAc/edit#gid=1528587420
Deck link tool: http://dek.im/d
Results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_nlpdCfRzWCzrCCQjJvawFEsghpKoHowrnVUiASIOAM/edit#gid=0

War 3-11
Time decks http://elementscommunity.org/forum/team-time/decks-preserved-for-eternity/
decks against Time http://elementscommunity.org/forum/team-time/decks-used-vs-time-(war-3-11)/

Available decks:
Grabbow x2
Blessed scorp x2 [SoD +/- sosac, TLS]
Mono Time [SoR Pharaohs]
Mono Time [Classic control rush]
Mark deflag/steal
Life Stall
Ghostmare x2
RoL Hope
SoV Dials
Earth domins [pulvy/scarmor]
Discord decks

Salvage/Discard - Round 1:

Salvage 6 from Gravity (alchemist - which practically means pick 6 free cards to add to vault) is this only for this deck or whole round? This deck only
We can pick up the silence [2?]
more nymphs? i underestimated the value of nymphs, maybe 1-2 more Scarabs? If moe loses we can recover the discards as well :)
Maybe even a relic
bolster up rol/hope? with what, exactly? Anything that could be discarded, esp flexible cards, e.g. nymph, fractal

Salvage 6 from Darkness:
2 dusk, 2 vagger, 2 fractal, 6 lightning, 4 siphon, 2 black dragon
Defo want the fractals so we can play both Ghostal and RoL Hope in the same round
Lightnings are great CC to be splashed into bows of any sort, especially against gravity and potential SoFos

Salvage 6 from Fire:
6 dims, 2 deflags, 1 lobo, 5 quints, 5 fire spirits
could lobo be useful in a fat stall as a specific counter? useful in rol hope or with dims
deflag, dim

Salvage 6 from Entropy
6 Pande, 4 BW, 6 Poison, 2 Arse, 1 cat (yeet), 1 Purple dragon
pande, arse, transmute
3-4 BWs could be used for an invictus type deck
panda may be useful for fat stall or splash CC in a discord deck [upped -0.5]
not a huge fan of poison and arse


Current status:
RoL Hope vs Darkness
Grabbow vs Entropy http://dek.im/d/4vj4vj4vj4vdj4vj5ia5og5rg5rg5rg5rq5s45t25t25t25v177d77d77g77g77g77g77g7al7dm7dm7qa7qa7qa7qa8pm
SoR Pharaohs w/ deflags vs Fire
Scarmor vs Gravity

Round 1:
Oa        vs     ProBacon (Darkness)
SoVs are the obvious pick for them and I assume they'll steer away from that at this stage. My assumption is that torb will assume we will prep for SoVs (exactly), mark deflag being most obvious choice. So I think devs are likely to be seen. However, he really only liks using them in devtal. Scorps should shit on devtal, right? not necessarily, depends how fast devs come out Fractal's horribly slow this time with -1.5 | -2, though. However, mitosis is a reasonable substitute devtal doesnt need a lot of ups, you can control the board easily with a single unupped devtal combo. make it a Lt and you get most of those ups back 4 fractals are already -6, and are there cards which can get teched in which give ups? unupped nigthfall hmm nice catch, otherwise spend other 3 upgrades on vamps I'm unsure if they can field a good devtal at all, at least without Gen ups they definitely can, plus they can add 1 relic if they want ya forgot about relics, you're right
   soldier dvtal http://dek.im/d/4t9z55um5upz25utz8606z261oz46227ta7um8pu Ok, you win this one :P
      -2nd most common deck vs time, but tends to be less useful vs Gens
   SoV dials Lt http://dek.im/d/z15rlz55rpz65t25uoz35up5ur5usz55vi7t87tb8pt
                   Sold RT http://dek.im/d/z15rgz35rkz15rl5roz15rpz35t25uk5uoz35upz15ur5usz55vi8pt
       -most expected deck, so I doubt we will see, but we could be overthinking this
   Monodark http://dek.im/d/4stz15ukz55ulz55umz15uoz25upz25usz1606z27t4z17tbz27um8pt
               Lt http://dek.im/d/5ukz55ulz55um5uoz25upz25us5v1606z27t4z17tbz27um8pt
      -always viable
      -unlikely, but possible
   rol hope - always viable against time
   disco lycans Sold http://dek.im/d/z54vhz24vlz65ukz15ulz25upz5606z27tf8pj
                         Lt http://dek.im/d/z54vhz24vlz55ukz25up5v1z56066u9z37tf8pj
        - reasonable choice if expecting duo/mark deck, resistant to RT
   grabbow - unlikely to see because RTs
   voodoo OTK?
   its a trap - unlikely to see because RT

Devtal http://dek.im/d/4t9z55um5upz25utz8606z261oz46227ta7um8pu
we can actually make a funky scorpbow if afraid of devs that didn't go quite well lol.
SoD/sanc scorps http://dek.im/d/5l8z25m65mqz25rrz35rt5t2z37jvz27k2z27k6z67ri8pq
    -seems to beat both SoV and devtal [depending on number of steals] in initial testing
    -havent tested vs RT SoV
    -seems to lose to disco lycans and mono dark [with devs]

Gen Grabbow http://dek.im/d/z54vjz177dz477gz17dmz37q0z57qaz17qkz27ri8pm
                        http://dek.im/d/4ssz54vjz15s4z177dz477gz17dmz27q0z57qaz27ri8pm (legal version)
    -seems to beat SoV, devtal, monodark, should also fair well vs disco lycans
    -could be troublesome vs RT SoV [not sure if they can field?] heavily doubt
    -may lose to a stall
Rol hope?
nymph http://dek.im/d/z25lkz15s4zC5t2z47jp7jq808z380i81q8pu
precog http://dek.im/d/z25lkz55rrz65t2z47jp7jqz17ri808z380i81q8pu

moe      vs     rogerluc (Entropy)
Should be wary of pandebonium, this deck is pretty weakened by lack of ups
interesting that DBH has been unsuccessful against us...

Sanc scorps http://dek.im/d/z35lfz55lmz15rjz15roz35rtz17k2z97ri8pq
   -capable of decking out pandabonium. Scorps often played before BW can go up
   -DBH is bad matchup, especially if they have sofo
   -darkdom also not favorable
   -loses to diss stall, reflect gives it a chance but still unlikely

Grabbow http://dek.im/d/4vj4vj4vj4vj4vj5ia5og5rg5rg5rg5rq5s45t25t25t25v177d77d77g77g77g77g77g7al7dm7dm7qa7qa7qa7qa8pm
   -initial testing favorable vs diss bolt and pandaboner
   -can beat DBH, just depends on build. Key is waiting to use novas, early scarmor is huge
   -seems favorable vs darkdom and disco grabby, but close

DBH  http://dek.im/d/z24vcz24vfz34vlzA50uz455vz156iz17458pl
pandabonium  http://dek.im/d/z54vpz850u52gz452oz152qz352r54271871a8pk
Lt disco grabbow http://dek.im/d/4t9z14vhz54vjz24vlz550u55tz55905og61q7aez17dm8pm
Lt pulvy grabbow http://dek.im/d/4t9z24vhz550uz5590z15c15og624z56u36vez277f8pm
mono http://dek.im/d/z54vcz34vdz14vez54vfz650u6tsz26u56ve8pj
dark dom http://dek.im/d/z54vcz14vfz54vhz750uz25upz15v16tvz17tb8pt
SoD stall - very unlikely to see
firebolt diss stall http://dek.im/d/4vcz54vgz24vpzA50uz55f4z25f7z35fbz26tsz26ve8po
    -beats scorps
mark deflag

Mono http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(entropy-lt)-calindu-3-0-vagman13-(time-lt)/
   W over ghostmare
Grabbow http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(entropy-upgrades)(sub)-thearrogantone-3-1-danieela-(time-salvage)/
  W over sopa time
Dark dom http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(entropy-salvage)(sub)-aaronk474-3-0-danieela-(time-upgrades)(sub)/
  W over poisondials
Diss Bolt stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(entropy-salvager)-thearrogantone-3-1-danieela-(time-salvager)/
   W over sopa time
   L to sopa bow http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(time-general)-kuroaitou-3-1-dark-ripper-(entropy-sideboard)/
Snova Pulvy grabbow http://dek.im/d/z24vhz250uz5590z15c15ogz1624z56u3z36vez277f8pm
  W over sanc scorp dials
Pandabonium http://dek.im/d/z54vpz450u52g52qz352r542z36vez5718z171a8pk
  W over earth duo scraps
  W over ghostal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(entropy-salvage)-blacksmith-3-2-player4-(-kaemp)-(time-discard-)/
SoP grabbow http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(entropy-gen-)-wyand-3-0-player-4-(time-mercenary)/
  W over rainbow stall
DBH http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(time-alch)-vindilos-3-0-blacksmith-(entropy-salvage)/
  L to ghostmare
  L to RT GnG http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(time-disc-)-vagman13-3-0-(gravity-disc-)-odii-odsen/
SoD stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-9-207/(entropy-lt)-blacksmith-3-0-kaempfer-(time-gen)/
  W over instosis

Naii       vs     Gen. shockcannon (Fire)
    shock appears to be paranoid of scarmor. My guess is that he will probably stall [[not sure what works in this meta for them] (very good point!). grabbow is always awesome as a gen, but the threat of RT and scarmor may steer him away. A monofire is possible, but it failed last war against SoR pharoahs. I just expect a shitty deck tbh... Lmao - remember kaempfer's there to fix things tho. bleh, I guess I wonder what kae was paranoid last war from fire my guess is Bone walls  BW is a fantastic counter against fire for any element, but Im sure kae is aware of some deck that is pretty strong vs time that he had trouble prepping for?

Last war, time used ghostmare twice and SoR pharaohs the other time. Never used perms, so a stall from shock makes sense, which is essentially what he usde x3 last war vs time but the builds were terrible except for jonnington. I think shock is going to be paranoid of RT, scarmor, and SoR pharaohs

Mark deflag SoR Pharaohs http://dek.im/d/z25f6zF5rgz45sez57qc8p
         mayb mark steal would be better...
    -beats jonnington, bonebolt,
    -50/50 at best vs fractix
    -50/50 vs sog bolt, entirely depends on if opponent draws bolts faster than pharaohs
       -adding +1 nymph or +2 nymph -1 pharaoh should give our deck advantage
       Lt x2 nymph http://dek.im/d/z25f6zC5rgz15s4z45sez17q0z47qc8po
    -50/50 at best vs RT phoenix -

Mark steal - no change vs anything

Pure SoR pharaohs - tougher vs decks with fire shield [jonnington, SoG bolt]
                                 - better vs fractix

     - loses to jonnington, bonebolt, and probably SoG bolt
     - beats fractix
     - should beat mark RT?

Ghostal - unavailable if Oa using RoL hope

Discopharaohs [no novas left]...could use QPs...

EA pulvy scarmor http://dek.im/d/z1592z377dz177fz578qz87q0z37qaz27qc8pl
   beats stalls
   -need early pulvy vs bonebolt
   -fractix? - 50/50?
   -should beat RT

Disco scarmor - loses to stalls, should have advantage over bonebolt, beats rushes

Disco pharaoh - capable of beating stalls, but less effective vs rushes

Life stall

Bonebolt and fractix make sense as likely plays
    Bonebolt http://dek.im/d/z352rz45f0z55f4z15f7z55giz57187f28pk
    Fractix [2 deflag, 0 zap] http://dek.im/d/z45f0z15f65fuz95gi61oz362263az57ds8pu
    Fractix [4 deflag, 1 dim] http://dek.im/d/z55f0z35f6z95gi61tz3622z47ds8pu
       -can tech in more deflag or lightnings
       -adding immo doesnt seem to be favorable even if shock did that last war
       -could always splash in a relic too...
Heal/SoG bolt seems plausible as well
mark RT is possible and more viable as a gen, counters scarmor and helps vs ghostmare and SoR pharaohs
    [unupped RT] http://dek.im/d/z75f05f7z55fcz55rkz57dgz27dm8ps
    [mixed RT] http://dek.im/d/zA5f05f7z55fcz25rkz27dgz27dmz27q48ps
Jonnington stall very possible, especially with Gen ups for dials
     Gen 3 upped dials http://dek.im/d/5f0z55f4z15f5z15f7zF5gi5l8z15liz55lm7k2z27q98pq
     Gen 6 unupped dials http://dek.im/d/z55f0z45f4z15f5z15f7z45gi5l85liz55lmz55rpz45t27dkz17k28pq

Life stall with jade - beats bonebolt, possibly FLS/jonnington if no reflect
maybe scorps
sov dials likely still slower than bonebolt and def fractix, but might have chance against other stalls

Gen bonebolt http://dek.im/d/z352rz45f0z55f4z15f7z55giz57187f28pk
     Sosac BW http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(entropy-lt-)-player-4-3-2-zyardran-(sub)-(fire-tinkerer)/
Gen Fractix http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(fire-lt-)-player-4-3-0-doublecapitals-(gravity-discard)/
   immo fractix
Phoenix RT http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(water-lt-)-ravingrabbid-3-1-danieela-(fire-discard)/
Heal bolt http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(fire-tinkerer)-player-4-3-2-mobian-(light-lt-)/
          green nymph http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(fire-salvage)-danieela-3-2-player-4-(death-lieutenant)/
          SoG http://dek.im/d/z45cqzA5f0z15f5z45giz17alz57dk8pn
CP sofree  - should be dead
FLS http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(death-salvage)-cccombobreaker-3-1-(fire-lt-)-(sub)-zyardran/
Jonnington - 6 upped dials = 15 ups...may not have
     Gen 3 upped dials http://dek.im/d/5f0z55f4z15f5z15f7zF5gi5l8z15liz55lm7k2z27q98pq
     Gen 6 unupped dials http://dek.im/d/z55f0z45f4z15f5z15f7z45gi5l85liz55lmz55rpz45t27dkz17k28pq
SoB poison sosac/bw [forgot arse] http://dek.im/d/52gz152r542z55fuz55giz171bz271uz37f2z57q98pk
Wings http://dek.im/d/z35f0z55f2z15f6z25fbz45giz15opz27dg7f2z57n88pr
Mono dragons http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(fire-lieutenant)-player-4-3-1-kalinuial-(earth-gen-)/msg1285282/#msg1285282
            Phoenix http://dek.im/d/z14soz15f0z25f4z55fcz15giz37dgz27dkz27dm7dnz37f28po
Disco cream http://dek.im/d/4vl4vnz258uz45aaz55faz16u5z277az277ez57dp8pj
Immo darkdom http://dek.im/d/5aaz55f9z15faz25giz15up5v1z177az577ez37dqz27tb8pt
Darkdom http://dek.im/d/z35f0z55fc5fuz35giz17dgz37f2z37t9z27tbz17th8pt

Bone bolt http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(fire-upgrades)-theonlyrealbeef-3-2-fabian771-(time-upgrades)/
  W over pdials
Void dial stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(time-salvage)-fabian771-3-1-xn0ize(fire-upgrades)/
   L to ghostmare
sanc stall w/o dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-discard)-fabian771-3-1-xn0ize-(fire-upgrades)/
  L to ghostal
monofire http://dek.im/d/z25f0z55f4z25f6z15f7z55fcz15giz37dgz37f28po
  L to SoR nymphs
  W over SoR NT http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(fire-general)-killsdazombies-3-1-danieela-(time-tinkerer)/
Bolt dials http://dek.im/d/z75f0z55f45f6z25f7z67dgz47q98pq
  W over frog duo
UG wings http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(time-gen-)-kaempfer13-3-1-shockcannon-(fire-gen-)/msg1284066/#msg1284066
  L to SoR pharaohs
Heal bolt http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(time-salvage)-vindilos-3-1-(fire-tinkerer)-player-4-(shockcannon)/
  L to ghostmare
Jonnington http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(fire-salvage)-(sub)-zyardran-3-0-player-4-(time-alchemist)/
  W over ghostmare

deuce   vs     worldwideweb3 (Gravity)
I can't really see how they'll beat a control ghostmare? something to test
scorps [sosac/miracle] could be interesting here
    -should beat darkdom, guardtal, catatitan/dials, grabbow, death rush, pulvy duo
    -kind of iffy vs guardtal, need early blessed scorp
    -needs testing vs swallow
    -prob loses to DBH, maybe a stall?
Scarmor http://dek.im/d/z1592z377dz177fz578qz87q0z37qaz27qc8pl
   - 50/50 vs darkdom
   - seems to have advantage over guardtal
   - should beat PU chargers, catadials
   - might beat DBH

darkdom  http://dek.im/d/z755kz155tz1562z3576z15upz15urz15v1z4745746z17478pt
dim PU chargers -
catatitan - unlikely to see
catadials - could see if viable
guardtal - http://dek.im/d/4t9z555k55sz9576z3622z1745z474774g8pu Lt + relic
poison rush - unlikely in vault
death duo
Swallow - likely in vault, just fewer ups
voodoo GP - likely in vault, solid against rush/domins
Grabbow - unlikely to see [RT/eternity]
Pulvy duo - should be in vault
light stall

Dim PU charger http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(gravity-salvage)-naesala-(sub)-3-0-fabian771-(time-upgrades)/
   W over Pdials
catadials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(gravity-lt-)-kaempfer13-3-1-danieela-(time-tinkerer)/
  W over bolt dial
guardtal http://dek.im/d/z555k55s560z9576z1745z474775mz380i8pu
  L to SoV dials
darkdom http://dek.im/d/z555kz155tz1562z1576z25v1z1744z4745z1747z175mz17t9z17tb8pt
  W to grabbowmare
  L to rainbow stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(time-mercenary)-annele-3-0-insignificantweeaboo-(gravity-general)/msg1285384/#msg1285384
Poison rush http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-gen-)-kaempfer13-3-2-insignificantweeaboo-(gravity-gen-)/msg1284433/
  L to ghostmare
death duo http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(gravity-gen-)-worldwideweb3-3-0-vagman13-(time-lt-)/
  W over fire duo

Gut feeling (if all else fails :D)
- scorps vs darkness
- scarmorbow or lifestall vs entropy
- ghostal (pharabow?) vs fire
- LT ghostmare vs gravity

     -Blessed scorp +/- sosac Likely - these were surprisingly good in testing in that case I trust in you, beat both SoV and lifes dark dom which variant?
           duo http://dek.im/d/5l8z35lfz55m65mqz25rrz35rtz25t2z27k2z47ri8pq
           sosac http://dek.im/d/z2542z25lfz45m6z35rrz25rtz35t2z271uz17k2z27ri8pq precog soldier [5 sod]
                     http://dek.im/d/z2542z25lfz55m6z25rtz65t2z271uz17k2z27qb8pq - upped precog instead of pills [6 sod]
     -TLS Yes
     -grabbow scarmor Yes
     -SoR pharoahs Yes
     -rol hope Yes
     -SoV +/- dials Yes
     -instosis Yes
     -life stall Yes
     -ghostmare Yes
     -Regular control monotime (already built in vault)

Decks TBD:
     -disco scarmor Is this better than the classic pharaohbow?good question...it has more ups...
     -invictus [BW] 3 BWs (and a couple of mummies) could be affordable
     -devtal Not fancying it
     -ghostal Probably useful
     -bonebolt Clunky but might be useful
     -purple nymph Conjunction with scorps? no http://dek.im/d/4vcz550050uz15sez45t2z16tsz26u8z16vez57q1z17ri8pj looks like whack at first glance, but might be better than it looks? did you try it yet? I can see its usefulness in some situations, but I might need to trust your mindgating in that case
     -deja hope Unsure
     -deja bond Meh
     -rainbow stall If made good. Takes a lot of vault space, though
     -EA water stall - yet to build, probably useless Agree
     -gravy duo suprisingly powerful, but somewhat meh with these rules
     -sopa might be worth keeping a couple of copies yeah
     - (note to self: look at Pulvy domin) http://dek.im/d/z458oz1590z15925aaz35rg5rjz35rsz15se5t2z277fz47q08pl probably whack but w/e

blessed scorp Sosac SoD dials - seems to be best with 3 sosac and 2-3 miracles
http://dek.im/d/z252gz25lfz35m6z25rtz25t2z471uz57qbz27ri8pq - without dials [precogs]
http://dek.im/d/z252gz25lfz55m6z25rtz55t2z571uz27qb8pq - w/o dials [merc]

http://dek.im/d/z2542z25lfz45m6z35rrz25rtz35t2z271uz17k2z27ri8pq - precog soldier [5 sod]
http://dek.im/d/z2542z25lfz55m6z25rtz65t2z271uz17k2z27qb8pq - upped precog instead of pills [6 sod]

Blessed scorps [no sosac] - surprisingly solid

blessed scorps dials stall variant? likely

CP scorps CP is -0.5 while Momentum is 0.0, might just tip it in gravity's favour CP hits harder
http://dek.im/d/z24vd5rrz55rtz55t2z56u2z26u5z47ri8pj -this looks great to me its pretty solid
   -could replace maxwells with AMs for some healing
http://dek.im/d/z24vdz34vnz35rtz85t2z36u2z26u5z27ri8pj - only 4x combo allows for more CC

"Classic" Mono Time
SoR pharoahs is super trolly. i remember being paranoid about it last war on air, but might be weaker against other elements, not to mention dims Yeah ofc true forgot about that one
Mono pure rush http://dek.im/d/z25rgz55ruz25t2z27q0z57q1z57qaz27ri8ps

SoR Pharaohs http://dek.im/d/z45rgz55sez45t2z27q0z57qcz27ri8ps
upping pharaohs is absolutely necessary
   -could tech in mark deflags or something

Silent Spiders and Ghosts http://dek.im/d/z25rgz55ruzA5t2z3624z580g8pu
-could tech in zaps
-not sure how great silence will be this war since dials and dims are expensive

RoL Hope - why not must have :D
http://dek.im/d/5laz25lkz55rrz85t261oz3622624z37jp8088pu  precog sold -
http://dek.im/d/5laz25lkz35rrz75t2z261oz3622624z263az37jp8pu - precog merc - more aether quanta, much more reliable against discord
http://dek.im/d/z25lkz15rl5rozB5t2z161oz362263az47jp8pu - HG eternal - not a fan of perms in general, but its an option

Gimped Devtal
  - probably better to get rid of eclipse and just use 3 upped vamps
  - could tech in eternity or steals

Gimped Bonebolt
  -zaps nice for early control, SoR scarabs can keep bones up
 - zapless SoR scarabtal

Silent PUGons
http://dek.im/d/zC5t2z461rz5624z37q67q87ri8pu probably not

Dim PUGons
http://dek.im/d/z15rrzE5t2z361rz361tz27q6z17qb8pu had to make a lot of compromises to get to 6 cost eh, not excited about this
http://dek.im/d/5ro5rrzE5t2z361rz461tz37q68pu significatly better with lt ups

Dim pharaohs
http://dek.im/d/zA5rgz45rsz55t2z561tz16248pu - not excited about this either

http://dek.im/d/z55rgz25rk5rlz55ruz55t25uoz15upz25v1z17tb8pt kind of a must have, although it gets pretty harshly nerfed by the new upgrade system
^currently at 7 up cost. Would probably need LT ups to work (with upped towers as bonus), as it's already pretty low on quanta
^soldier version

http://dek.im/d/z54vjz15905ogz25rgz25riz45rkz35t261qz277gz17dm8pm the classic. Eggs give +1.5 ups which help a lot! Gets even stronger with lt/gen ups
http://dek.im/d/4t9z44vjz15de5giz35rg5riz577g7ae7alz17dmz47qa7ri8pm grabbow rush
http://dek.im/d/z14t9z54vjz25rgz577gz17dmz57qaz17riz280a8pm Merc zap

http://dek.im/d/z2590z3593z25rgz15rkz35ruz95t26rkz277g8pm - is this still viable? EQ might be good in this new meta Thought of EQ as well, I find myself looking for cheap upgrades instead of upgrading Pillars.

http://dek.im/d/z75rg5rm5ro5ruz85t2z461tz1622z27q58pu - costs 11.5 with only 3 ups, meaning it's pretty much only gen and lt viable (LT with a relic)
http://dek.im/d/4t9z65rgz25rl5rm5ro5rr5ruz75t2z561tz16228pu soldier [1 relic)

TLS - sanc dials? Yep, time light stall
http://dek.im/d/4t9z35lfz25liz55lmz25m6z15rj5rl5roz55rpz35rtzM5t2z47q57q88pq (scorp version)

http://dek.im/d/z25c9z55cqzA5rg5rjz15rkz15roz25sez45t2z37q5z17q67q88pn - should adding jade/thorn
inspiration for lifestall, nymph version á la kaempfer: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-salvage)-vindilos-3-0-player-4-(mobian)(light-salvage)/

PDials - slightly weaker version than sov, but faster
http://dek.im/d/z252qz55rgz25rlz55rpz55t2z57188pk - costs 13.5. In other words, expensive as fuck and likely useless
http://dek.im/d/z14t9z152qz152rz25mqz55rpz15rrz55t2z57187qb8pk Lt precog

UGDials - not a huge fan of, but def cheap for us
modded version http://dek.im/d/z25giz15ogz55rpz55t2z16rrz17laz57n6z17q57ri8pr

SoVDials - perfect stallbreaker
http://dek.im/d/z25rgz25rlz55rpz55t25uoz15up5usz55viz17tb8pt - what's fun is that while dials are -1 unupped, they're -2.5 upped and practically useless for everyone else (bar darkness)
this version might need -1 up ah, shoot
http://dek.im/d/z25rgz15rlz55rp5rrz55t25uoz15up5usz55viz17tb8pt - HG soldier version
http://dek.im/d/z15mqz55rpz55t2z15usz55viz57qbz17tb8pt precog soldier version -drain +dusk is a good idea I agree, but can't afford it (-6.5)
http://dek.im/d/z44saz15c2z55rpz35rrz15t25ur5usz55viz271u8pt - rainbow sosac variant

Pharaohbow - such a troll doubt the new gens will prepare against this one when was last time this was in war? Heavily doubt it was used after I stepped down as time gen, i.e. War #7, but I'll look it up
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz24vl5iaz85rgz15rlz25rs5ru5v161q77jz17dm8pj - 9 cost, aka Lt boost OR changing some random card for a relic. Fire counter nr 1
http://dek.im/d/4t9z54vjz24vl5ia5ogz85rg5rlz25rs5ru5v161qz17dm8pj soldier legal

Gravy Pharaohs http://dek.im/d/z155pz1560zD5rg5t2z57qcz47ri8pl

Focus Blast? sofo pull, proved to be really strong in trials at least
http://dek.im/d/z255t56iz35rgz15ri5roz25ruz85t2z2747z27527q58pl - soldier available
http://dek.im/d/z255tz35rg5ri5rl5roz25ruz85t2z3747z37528pl - significantly better Lt version

Momentoscorps  RT spam is also pretty strong with neurotoxin. costs upgrades we'll need on momentum too, maybe only gen viable - nvm upped momentum's free
http://dek.im/d/z25rgz45rk5roz55rtz574az77q07q88pl 15 ups, soldier viable :) I question if its fast enough with only RTs as CC, i remember using this in tournies when I first started playing etg and it rarely worked. Rushes will beat it every time, just not enough control
http://dek.im/d/z55rgz25rl5roz55rpz45rtz474az37q08pl HG dial version looks solid to me
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz15og5rg5roz55rpz35rt5t2z374az177i7al7q07ri8ps scorpbow dials - this is probably the most versatile version. blessed or CP scorps are better
    -can switch PAs for deflags if worried about pulvy, maybe salvager too

Purple nymph http://dek.im/d/4vcz550050uz15sez45t2z16tsz26u8z16vez57q1z17ri8pj
    -slow but lots of control. turn 3 nymph is common

Instosis - not a huge fan of, but maybe favorable against certain teams? i'm very unsure about how an instosis would look like with these rules, I'll have to tinker a bit around with that one
http://dek.im/d/5605c95f6z95rgz55rp5se61rz36u37n9z27q57q68pj - [Gen] we'll likely have all cards needed except sky blitz, chimera and maybe PU
    -can tech in 2nd deflag for double dial
http://dek.im/d/5605c9z15f6z85rgz25rlz55rp5se61rz36u37n97q68pj - Lt [unupped HGs]

deja hope - might work once...
   -pros: capable of countering devs and disco
   -cons: not a lot of attack, dies easy to mass CC

deja bond
http://dek.im/d/z25rg5rjz85t2z27amz37apz57q17q87qez37qu8pn needs more stall / gotp against DR,  #SoR still up in the air, I do not think a second Eternity/RW is necesaary in a Bo5? Se we lose in a mirrory match?

HG rainbow stalls - á la the deck? I might need help on building that one with 50% time - or making it a mercstall I see this as a winner
EXTREMELY rough draft based on w3's trials deck: http://dek.im/d/z94saz24vp52rz158vz15ihz35lmz55rpz55rrzC5t2z261qz171bz27k2z47q58pq
Mercstall - probably better: http://dek.im/d/zE4saz54vpz15c5z55cqz55rpzB5t2z461q6qq7akz57q58pn

http://dek.im/d/zA5t2z561qz3622z57qaz27ri8pu - zap, meh
http://dek.im/d/z25sezC5t2z3622z2624z47qaz17ri8pu - silent SoR - legit option here, but still may be too slow to adequately utilize

Armored scarabs - solid domin, 30 upgrades
http://dek.im/d/z4778z377dz277fz177i78qz57q0z57qaz17qc7ri8pl - pulvy
http://dek.im/d/55k5rgz4744z2752z577dz47q0z57qaz27qc8pm - sofo <- if we can find place for GPulls here we might have a gem

Disco scarmor - still needs some tweaking

http://dek.im/d/z455kz55rhz174gz37hiz67q0z57qa8pp - mono sopa
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz65rgz35rh5rqz15se5un626z37hi7n0z27qa8pp - Oa sopabow
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz15765rgz55rh5roz177iz17dmz27hiz57qa7ri8ps - nova sopa PA
http://dek.im/d/z54vj52u596z55t2z25up5ut626z27hiz57qaz17tb8pt - sopa steal bow

RT Mummies (invictus?) http://dek.im/d/z152rz8542z45rk5roz45sez571dz172i8ps [from death war 11 - almost no variation, xcept adding QP against dark/entropy]
http://dek.im/d/4t9z152rzA542z45rkz45sez571d8ps - tinkerer role, still 0.5 ups left, could add RT or BW to make 31 cards
http://dek.im/d/z24sa4t9z152r52tz7542z45rkz45sez471d8ps - QP version for devs or disco
would it be better to remove mummies and make SoR pharaohs with BW?
http://dek.im/d/z252rz95rg5rrz45sez55t2z47qc8pk - SoR pharaoh BW

Blitz wings

HG catatitan - needs to be Lt or Gen...

catadials - viable otk if no SoD or PC

Mito Eggs

Speed grabbow - gotta add scarabs, ghosts too slow
http://dek.im/d/z54vj5ogz55rgz25ru5s4z45t25v1z477g7al7dm8pm General version
http://dek.im/d/z54vj5ogz55rg5riz25ruz45t25v1z477g7al7dm8pm Lieutenant version
can always exchange a QP for a nova if need another upgrade... sceptic tbh, but yeah possible if critical
http://dek.im/d/z54vj5ogz65t2z477g7alz17dmz17q2z57qa8pm graboid/scarab bow
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz15rkz65t2z177dz477gz17dmz57qa8pm scarmor grabbow [sold]
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz35t25v1z277dz577gz17dmz57qaz17ri8pm scarmor grabbow [merc]
http://dek.im/d/4t9z54vj5onz25rgz15t25v161q6u1z477g7aez17dmz57qa8pm grabbow w/o perms [merc]

Poison sosac heal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(life-upgrade)-heman-3-0-vineroz-(time-gambler-2-3)-(sub-kuroaitou)/
   W vs fat entropy duo
   L to SoV dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(time-gambler)-danieela-(sub-kuroaitou)-3-0-heman-(life-lt-)/
Mark deflag http://dek.im/d/z24snz35bsz35c0z15cgz15f6z37acz57aez27alz17dm8po
  L to ghostmare
Fire stall http://dek.im/d/z35cqz55f0z55f4z25f7z25fbz65giz17akz17baz37f28pn
  L to monotime
Rainbow stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-lt-)-player-4-(kaempfer13)-3-0-majofa(life-mercenary)/
  L to rol hope
Dark dom http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(life-alchemist)-majofa-3-2-vindilos-(sub)-(lieutenant-time)/
  W over ghostmare
  L to SoV dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(time-salvager)(sub)-danieela-3-2-fippe94-(life-salvager)/
  L to ghostmare http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(time-lt)-vineroz-3-2-gen-fippe94-(life-gen)/

Mono http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(entropy-lt)-calindu-3-0-vagman13-(time-lt)/
   W over ghostmare
Grabbow http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(entropy-upgrades)(sub)-thearrogantone-3-1-danieela-(time-salvage)/
  W over sopa time
Dark dom http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(entropy-salvage)(sub)-aaronk474-3-0-danieela-(time-upgrades)(sub)/
  W over poisondials
Diss Bolt stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(entropy-salvager)-thearrogantone-3-1-danieela-(time-salvager)/
   W over sopa time
   L to sopa bow http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(time-general)-kuroaitou-3-1-dark-ripper-(entropy-sideboard)/
Snova Pulvy grabbow http://dek.im/d/z24vhz250uz5590z15c15ogz1624z56u3z36vez277f8pm
  W over sanc scorp dials
Pandabonium http://dek.im/d/z54vpz450u52g52qz352r542z36vez5718z171a8pk
  W over earth duo scraps
  W over ghostal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(entropy-salvage)-blacksmith-3-2-player4-(-kaemp)-(time-discard-)/
SoP grabbow http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(entropy-gen-)-wyand-3-0-player-4-(time-mercenary)/
  W over rainbow stall
DBH http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(time-alch)-vindilos-3-0-blacksmith-(entropy-salvage)/
  L to ghostmare
  L to RT GnG http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(time-disc-)-vagman13-3-0-(gravity-disc-)-odii-odsen/
SoD stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-9-207/(entropy-lt)-blacksmith-3-0-kaempfer-(time-gen)/
  W over instosis

Dim PU charger http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(gravity-salvage)-naesala-(sub)-3-0-fabian771-(time-upgrades)/
   W over Pdials
catadials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(gravity-lt-)-kaempfer13-3-1-danieela-(time-tinkerer)/
  W over bolt dial
guardtal http://dek.im/d/z555k55s560z9576z1745z474775mz380i8pu
  L to SoV dials
darkdom http://dek.im/d/z555kz155tz1562z1576z25v1z1744z4745z1747z175mz17t9z17tb8pt
  W to grabbowmare
  L to rainbow stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(time-mercenary)-annele-3-0-insignificantweeaboo-(gravity-general)/msg1285384/#msg1285384
Poison rush http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-gen-)-kaempfer13-3-2-insignificantweeaboo-(gravity-gen-)/msg1284433/
  L to ghostmare
death duo http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(gravity-gen-)-worldwideweb3-3-0-vagman13-(time-lt-)/
  W over fire duo

War 13 decks - upped armagios may get splashed, gravy shield splash common, salvager,
dim PU chargers -
catatitan - unlikely to see
catadials - could see if viable
guardtal - http://dek.im/d/4t9z555k55sz9576z3622z1745z474774g8pu Lt + relic
poison rush - unlikely in vault
death duo
Swallow - likely in vault, just fewer ups - http://dek.im/d/z14t9zA55kz155rz355tz274bz3752z37hi8pp
voodoo GP - likely in vault, solid against rush/domins
Grabbow - unlikely to see [RT/eternity]
Pulvy duo - should be in vault
light stall

Trident sopa http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(earth-sideboard)-ji412jo-(sub-jenkar)-3-0-vineroz-(time-salvage)/
  W over ghostal
  W over UGs http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(earth-sideboard)-jenkar-3-1-vagman-(time-tinkerer)-mine-used/
  L to zap rush http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(time-discard)-fabian771-3-2-ryli-(sub-jenkar)(earth-upgrades)/
  W over rainbow stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(earth-lt)-manaboy100-3-0-vagman13-(time-merc)/
Pulvy sopa http://dek.im/d/4smz5596z65i4z15ibz35j2z577ez277f7gk8pl
  W over poisondials
  W over SOV dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(earth-lieutenant)-ryli-3-0-kuroaitou-(time-general)/
Immortal http://dek.im/d/z5594zG5aaz55liz55m677bz177c78qz17k1z57q98pq
  W over wings duo
Monopulvy http://dek.im/d/z24smz858o58vz3595z259cz15aaz577az177f8pl
  L to sov dials with steal
BB DL SoV http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(earth-lt-)-jen-i-3-1-player-4-(time-lt-)/
  W over SoR gold nymphs
  W over ghostmare http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(earth-lt-)-jen-i-3-1-annele-(time-lt-)/
RT grabbies http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(earth-lt-)-jen-i-3-1-annele-(time-alchemist)/
  W over disco CP vu scorps
  W over EA eternity http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-11/(earth-lt-)-jen-i-3-0-annele-(time-lt-)/
Pulvy gravy duo http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-10-409/(time-salvage)-annele-3-1-immortal_feud-(earth-salvage)/
  L to EA eternity
  W to ghostmare http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-9-207/(earth-salvage)-jen-i-3-2-player-4-(time-alchemist)/
Fire duo http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(time-gen-)-kaempfer13-3-0-jen-i-(earth-discard)/
  L to rol hope
Mono grabby rush http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-12/(time-lieutenant)-annele-3-0-jen-i-(earth-lieutenant)/
  L to rol hope
Dim antliontal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(time-general)-kuroaitou-3-2-ji412jo-(earth-gambler)/
  L to TLS scorps

War 13 variations
Trident sopa http://dek.im/d/z558uz5596z55aaz15iaz15ibz35icz35j2z278q8pp

Bone bolt http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(fire-upgrades)-theonlyrealbeef-3-2-fabian771-(time-upgrades)/
  W over pdials
Void dial stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(time-salvage)-fabian771-3-1-xn0ize(fire-upgrades)/
   L to ghostmare
sanc stall w/o dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-discard)-fabian771-3-1-xn0ize-(fire-upgrades)/
  L to ghostal
monofire http://dek.im/d/z25f0z55f4z25f6z15f7z55fcz15giz37dgz37f28po
  L to SoR nymphs
  W over SoR NT http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(fire-general)-killsdazombies-3-1-danieela-(time-tinkerer)/
Bolt dials http://dek.im/d/z75f0z55f45f6z25f7z67dgz47q98pq
  W over frog duo
UG wings http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(time-gen-)-kaempfer13-3-1-shockcannon-(fire-gen-)/msg1284066/#msg1284066
  L to SoR pharaohs
Heal bolt http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(time-salvage)-vindilos-3-1-(fire-tinkerer)-player-4-(shockcannon)/
  L to ghostmare
Jonnington http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(fire-salvage)-(sub)-zyardran-3-0-player-4-(time-alchemist)/
  W over ghostmare
  L to SoG stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(time-lt-)-vineroz-3-0-gen-discord-(light-gen-)/

Dim PUgon http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/serprex-light-sideboard-3-2-kurotaiou-time-general/
  W over PUgon
Miracle chargertal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(time-upgrades)-vagman13-(sub-kuroaitou)-3-0-serprex-(light-mercenary)/
  L to RT GnG
Pulvy sader http://dek.im/d/z1596z55aaz75l8z15mqz1749z377fz47k57n28pl
  W over SoR nymphs
  L to monotime
Discosaders http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-salvage)-vindilos-3-0-player-4-(mobian)(light-salvage)/
  L to SoG stall
SoFo angels http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(light-lt)-arthanasios-(mobian-subbed-in)-3-1-player-4-(time-salvage)/msg1285373/#msg1285373
  W over light stall
flying SoW stars http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-10-409/(light-lt-)-mobian-3-2-vindilos-(time-alchemist)/
  W over SoG stall
  L to SoG stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-11/(time-alchemist)-player4-3-0-dawn_to_dusk-(light-gen-)/
Dim dragontal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(time-alchemist)-annele-3-1-dawn-to-dusk-(light-general)/
  L to SoG stall
  L to SoG stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(time-lt-)-vineroz-3-0-gen-discord-(light-gen-)/

fire duo http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(darkness-general)-aves-3-1-vagman13-(time-lieutenant)/
  W over grabbow
monodark sideboard http://dek.im/d/4stz15ukz55ulz55umz15uoz25upz25usz1606z27t4z17tbz27um8pt
  W over grabbow
Mono SoV stall
  L to monotime http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-12/(time-general)-kaempfer13-3-1-theonlyrealbeef-(darkness-general)/
Grabbow http://dek.im/d/4stz44vj55tz1590z25ukz25up5usz15v1z1606z277gz17tbz37tf80a8pm
  W over ghostmare
SoV dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(darkness-tinkerer)-iancudorinmarian-3-2-annele-(time-gambler)/
  W over SoD stall
  W over instosis http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(darkness-general)-theonlyrealbeef-3-0-vindilos-(time-salvager)/
     this version had 4 steals...
   L to mark defalg http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(time-lt)-vindilos-3-1-iancudorinmarian-(darkness-salvage)/
   W over TLS http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-11/(darkness-lt-)-iancudorinmarian-3-1-kaempfer13-(time-gen-)/
   W over SoR pharaoh http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-13/(darkness-gambler)-jonathancrazyj-3-1-vindilos-(sub)-(time-salvage)/
Dim void dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-14/(darkness-tinkerer)-jonathancrazyj-(sub)-3-0-kaempfer13-(sub)-(time-general)/
  W over monotime
Disco lycan domin http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-10-409/(darkness-lt-)-iancudorinmarian-3-0-player-4-(time-lt-)/
   W over fire fuo
   L to monotime http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-13/(time-lieutenant)-player-4-3-2-theonlyrealbeef-(darkness-general)/
Dark sopa http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-9-207/(darkness-general)-theonlyrealbeef-3-1-annele-(time-salvager)/
  W over SoV dials
Devtal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-12/(darkness-lt-)-iancudorinmarian-3-0-vindilos-(time-salv-)/
  W over SoD rush?
  W over TLS http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-13/(darkness-salv-)-iancudorinmarian-3-1-annele-(time-alchemist)/
  W over ghostmare http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-14/(darkness-general)-theonlyrealbeef-3-1-annele-(time-salvager)-67140/
TLS http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-13/(time-gen-)-kaempfer13-3-1-serprex-(darkness-lt)/
  L to rol hope
Rol hope http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-14/serprex-darkness-lt-3-1-player-4-sub-vindilos-time-discards/
  W over grabby duo

War 13 variations
SoV dials
    Lt http://dek.im/d/z15rlz55rpz65t25uoz35up5ur5usz55vi7t87tb8pt
       could up HGs instead, likely needed
    Sold RT http://dek.im/d/z15rgz35rkz15rl5roz15rpz35t25uk5uoz35upz15ur5usz55vi8pt

Devtal http://dek.im/d/4t9z55um5upz25utz8606z261oz46227ta7um8pu
War #3 - Life || War #4 - Death || War #5, #6, #7, #9, #13, #14 - Time || War #8, #12 - Air

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  • PlayerOa soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.PlayerOa soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.PlayerOa soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.PlayerOa soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.PlayerOa soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.PlayerOa soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.PlayerOa soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.PlayerOa soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.
  • Time will show
  • Awards: Slice of Elements 13th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 12th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament Winner (2020.12.20.)14th Trials - Master of Time2nd Elements Reunion Day Tournament WinnerSlice of Elements 11th Birthday CakeElements League 3/2019 1st Place13th Trials - Master of TimeWinner of Elements Infinity War #1Silver DonorWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerElements League 2/2019 1st PlaceWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerElements League 1/2019 3rd PlaceSlice of Elements 10th Birthday Cake1st Elements Reunion Day Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament Winner7th Trials - Master of TimeWeekly Tournament WinnerSlice of Elements 3rd Birthday CakeWar #4 Winner - Team DeathWeekly Tournament WinnerMS Paint Card Art #4 WinnerSlice of Elements 2nd Birthday Cake
Re: Pad backups https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67588.msg1295848#msg1295848
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2020, 12:55:28 am »
Spoiler for 16.02.20:
deuce - available hours 1200-0400 GMT via cell, 0100-0400 online during week, 1200-0400 on weekends
Oa - available at least 1700-2100 GMT. 2 nymphs, 6 marks - Oa on EtG Discord if anything urgent! Got notifications on my phone. Don't hesistate contacting me
Naii - available 2330-0300 GMT on weekdays, weekends pretty much all day unless I have something planned. Yay! youre alive!

I will not be able to play my match for R4; I will be out of city from the 23rd to the 29th and will have no computer available to play. In the case I can play, it probably won't be for long, so... Alright, thanks for letting me know!

Useful links:
Vault: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kadcf8XxPj3BFOUAokw3Ipm3NawYb0DNiftxRn-dAfo
Deck validator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q-IyGY9TH7aWUDPVCYKh0bRJwXTnXpZG44E54a0jzAc/edit#gid=1528587420
Deck link tool: http://dek.im/d
Results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_nlpdCfRzWCzrCCQjJvawFEsghpKoHowrnVUiASIOAM/edit#gid=0

War 3-11
Time decks http://elementscommunity.org/forum/team-time/decks-preserved-for-eternity/
decks against Time http://elementscommunity.org/forum/team-time/decks-used-vs-time-(war-3-11)/

Available decks:
Grabbow x2 (2-0)
Blessed scorp x2 [SoD +/- sosac, TLS] (0-0)
Mono Time [SoR Pharaohs] (0-0)
Mono Time [Classic control rush] (0-0)
Mark deflag/steal (2-0)
Instosis (1-0)
Life Stall (0-0)
Ghostmare x2 (0-0)
Ghostal (0-0)
RoL Hope (1-0)
SoV Dials (0-0)
Earth domins [pulvy/scarmor] (1-1) - SoI motherfuckers
Discord decks (0-0)

x vs Darkness
SoG Stall vs Fire
Gravity Shield trio vs Earth (17 vault cards)
Scorps vs Gravity

Round 3

Oa vs Darkness [probacon]
The mind games continues.. we've had them around our finger the first rounds, but they do well outside of our matches. Don't think they'll play SoVs this round either, as we've played two distinctly different only 1 ofc.. answer to that already. My guess is that they'll fear a replay of the Gen Grabbow - the drainbolt replay makes sense, in that case. Is this the round where we'll whip out a TLS variant, maybe? Alternatively we can go yolo with RoL Hope again
-sanc sod Scorps http://dek.im/d/5l8z25m65mqz25rrz35rt5t2z37jvz27k2z27k6z67ri8pq
      loses to vader sader, drain bolt, bone sucker, dark sopa
      might beat mitopest [unlikely to see again], dark hope, sov, devtal
      ok let's forget about that one
      rol hope can definitely happen from them
-sod scorps http://dek.im/d/5l8z55m65mqz25rrz35rt5t2z37jvz27k2z67ri8pq
-OAs updated gen grabbow http://dek.im/d/4ssz44vjz15s4z177dz477gz17dmz27q0z57qaz27ri80k8pm
       -1 grabby +1 nova might improve odds vs mitodevs sounds ok to me
       should beat SoV dials, mitodevs, devtal, dark sopa
       should lose to rol hope, vader sader and zap domin - doubt we will see this
       RNG vs bonesucker? prob depends on scarmor
-nymph hope http://dek.im/d/z25lkz15s4zC5t2z47jp7jq808z380i81q8pu
      beats mitodevs, devtal, vader sader, drain bolt, dark sopa
      needs silence to have chance vs sov
      RNG vs dark hope unless fatter
      probably loses to bone sucker - seems to be RNG in early testing...
-deflag SoR pharoah
      beats sov, hope, bone sucker, drain bolt
      RNG vs sopa
      loses to vader sader, devs
      ***mono would probably beat devs, but lose to sov
-instosis http://dek.im/d/z34ss560z15925c9z25rgz55rp5se61rz46u37n9z17q0z27q57q68pj
       QP: http://dek.im/d/z44sa5605c9z15rgz55rp5se61r624z46qq7n9z17q0z27q57q68ps
     loses to devs
     beats hope, bone sucker, drain bolt, vader sader, sopa [snova loses to sopa]

Known decks:
   Vader sader [R1W vs Gravy darkdom] http://dek.im/d/z45lfz45llz8606z17jtz37n2z47tbz17um8pq
                                        -salvage in-element cards
                       [R2W vs entropy SoSebow] http://dek.im/d/z45lfz45llz8606z17jtz37n2z47tbz17um8pq
   Mitopest [R1W vs earth hope] http://dek.im/d/z55c9z15ulz27amz57t6z17tazA7um8pn
                                    -salvaging 5 fractals seems like a safe bet to bolster devtal and aether domin
                 [R2L vs time grabbow] http://dek.im/d/z55c9z15ulz27amz57t6z17tazA7um8pn
   Zap domin [R1L vs Time hope] http://dek.im/d/z85ukz15ulz15uoz2606z561qz1622z17tbz37tc8pu
                                     -my guess is they are tossing 2 fractals, which can be gained from  earth. So can still play a variant of this with more DL and less zap
                                    -may also toss in-element stuff that they can salvage from Gravy darkdom
   Bone sucker [R1L vs Light immortal] http://dek.im/d/z152qz5606z471bz57t77taz27tg7toz57um8pk
      -difficult to say what gets tossed, but should still have
   Dark Sopa [R2W vs fire monostall?] http://dek.im/d/z65ukz55umz15upz35utz35v0z37hiz27t48pp
   Dark hope [R2W vs life forfeit] http://dek.im/d/z25lkz15lszB606z57jp7t97tbeg7tiz380i8pu

Other decks to fear:
   soldier dvtal http://dek.im/d/4t9z55um5upz25utz8606z261oz46227ta7um8pu Ok, you win this one :P
      -2nd most common deck vs time, but tends to be less useful vs Gens
   SoV dials Lt http://dek.im/d/z15rlz55rpz65t25uoz35up5ur5usz55vi7t87tb8pt
                   Sold RT http://dek.im/d/z15rgz35rkz15rl5roz15rpz35t25uk5uoz35upz15ur5usz55vi8pt
       -most expected deck, so I doubt we will see, but we could be overthinking this
   Monodark http://dek.im/d/4stz15ukz55ulz55umz15uoz25upz25usz1606z27t4z17tbz27um8pt
               Lt http://dek.im/d/5ukz55ulz55um5uoz25upz25us5v1606z27t4z17tbz27um8pt
      -always viable
      -unlikely, but possible
   disco lycans Sold http://dek.im/d/z54vhz24vlz65ukz15ulz25upz5606z27tf8pj
                         Lt http://dek.im/d/z54vhz24vlz55ukz25up5v1z56066u9z37tf8pj
        - reasonable choice if expecting duo/mark deck, resistant to RT
   grabbow - unlikely to see because RTs
   voodoo OTK?
   its a trap - unlikely to see because RT

moe vs Fire [kaempfer]
Well... it's a solo show from shock, now? God knows what he'll fling towards us this time
[19:43] Oa: for Fire I agree that we should just send something good and well rounded, ghostmare and/or grabbow comes to mind
Can grabbow be made to beat a stall? eh probably not, unless we mod it so much it becomes shit in other matchups
RT sog stall http://dek.im/d/z25c9z55cqzA5rgz45rkz15roz35s4z45sez55t2z17akz37ri8pn
    beats immorush, 60/40 vs phoebolt, beats any stall without reflectives [should still beat their sog stall, jonnigton could be rough]
    probably loses to dim quinted fire spirits

Pulvy scarmor http://dek.im/d/z577dz277fz578qz37q0z57qaz17qcz27ri8pl
   -not a hard crema counter, but should be better than 50/50
   -loses to SoG stall, interestingly

Crema Rush
   beats: sov dials, deflag pharaohs, scorp variants, ghostal or other dims, rol hope
   counters: scarmor variants, early eternity [mono?], ghostmare, RT grabbies

Known decks:
Crema rush [R1W vs Gravy mono] http://dek.im/d/5l9z561pz16rlz16u2z174a7ae7dmz57dpz57dqz280m8pm
SoG bolt [R1L vs Life PUgon] http://dek.im/d/z15c5z55cqz95f0z15f65f7z25f8z75giz27akz57dk8pn
               [R1L vs Light NT] http://dek.im/d/z15c5z55cqz95f0z15f65f7z25f8z75giz27akz57dk8pn
Spirit dims [R1L vs time deflag pharaohs] http://dek.im/d/z15f3z15f6z25giz27djz67f2808z580d80ez480h81q8pu
                 [R2W vs earth NT] http://dek.im/d/z45f3z15f6z25gi61o61u63az67f2z580dz480h8pu
Mono stall [R2L vs dark sopa] http://dek.im/d/z55f05f6z15fuz45giz17dgz57dkz17dnz37doz17f28po
Phoenix bolt [R2W vs entropy grabbow] http://dek.im/d/z54so5f05f55f65f7z55fc5giz17dgz57dk7dnz37f28po
Armored destroyers [R2L vs light vader sader bow] http://dek.im/d/593z3595z75gi6rlz377d77jz57dqz47f28pm

Naii vs Earth [Gen IF]
EA Grav shield seems to be a cool choice. Maybe they'll spot our counter of SoPa from last round, though, and go with something completely different.
    The "fuck shards" deck, Pulvy version: http://dek.im/d/z2749z277dz277fz277iz578qz57qaz57ri8pl

Known decks:
Sopa Bow [R1W vs light sopa sofree hope] http://dek.im/d/z54vjz558uz4596z15ij5j25rq5v07787alz17dmz27hi7n08pp
Sopa [R1W vs life grabbow] http://dek.im/d/58p58sz558uz5596z25ibz15ijz35j2z678q8pp
Hope [R1L vs dark mitodevs] http://dek.im/d/58t594zA5aaz25lk61oz362263az177az47jp80i8pu
Shitty sanc stall [R1L vs entropy adrenastave] http://dek.im/d/594z3595z159czB5aaz25li77k77sz17joz57k6z17la8pq
SoI fucker [R2W vs Time scarmor] http://dek.im/d/z550az162mz16rkz3778z5786z57eez38168po
SoI deflag http://dek.im/d/z550az162m6rkz3778z5786z17dmz57eez28168po
     -SoD miracle or Sosac SoD miracle with scorps counters SoI decks
NT BB [R2L vs fire dim spirits] http://dek.im/d/z2595z75aaz45ig5ijz378qz47gkz37i68pp
Pulvy GP nymphs [R2L vs Entropy pandaboner] http://dek.im/d/z355tz758oz258uz158vz159cz1778z477az378q8pl
DevEQ SoI? [R2L vs gravy grabbow] http://dek.im/d/z259mz55um5up5urz35viz377jz1786z578q7taz17td8pt

viable Trident sopa http://dek.im/d/z558uz5596z55aaz15iaz15ibz35icz35j2z278q8pp
trident sopa w/o purify http://dek.im/d/z558uz5596z55aaz15ibz35icz35j2z278q8pp

Old decks vs Time:
Trident sopa http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(earth-sideboard)-ji412jo-(sub-jenkar)-3-0-vineroz-(time-salvage)/
  W over ghostal
  W over UGs http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(earth-sideboard)-jenkar-3-1-vagman-(time-tinkerer)-mine-used/
  L to zap rush http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(time-discard)-fabian771-3-2-ryli-(sub-jenkar)(earth-upgrades)/
  W over rainbow stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(earth-lt)-manaboy100-3-0-vagman13-(time-merc)/
Pulvy sopa http://dek.im/d/4smz5596z65i4z15ibz35j2z577ez277f7gk8pl
  W over poisondials
  W over SOV dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(earth-lieutenant)-ryli-3-0-kuroaitou-(time-general)/
Immortal http://dek.im/d/z5594zG5aaz55liz55m677bz177c78qz17k1z57q98pq
  W over wings duo
Monopulvy http://dek.im/d/z24smz858o58vz3595z259cz15aaz577az177f8pl
  L to sov dials with steal
BB DL SoV http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(earth-lt-)-jen-i-3-1-player-4-(time-lt-)/
  W over SoR gold nymphs
  W over ghostmare http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(earth-lt-)-jen-i-3-1-annele-(time-lt-)/
RT grabbies http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(earth-lt-)-jen-i-3-1-annele-(time-alchemist)/
  W over disco CP vu scorps
  W over EA eternity http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-11/(earth-lt-)-jen-i-3-0-annele-(time-lt-)/
Pulvy gravy duo http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-10-409/(time-salvage)-annele-3-1-immortal_feud-(earth-salvage)/
  L to EA eternity
  W to ghostmare http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-9-207/(earth-salvage)-jen-i-3-2-player-4-(time-alchemist)/
Fire duo http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(time-gen-)-kaempfer13-3-0-jen-i-(earth-discard)/
  L to rol hope
Mono grabby rush http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-12/(time-lieutenant)-annele-3-0-jen-i-(earth-lieutenant)/
  L to rol hope
Dim antliontal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(time-general)-kuroaitou-3-2-ji412jo-(earth-gambler)/
  L to TLS scorps

deuce vs Gravity [hain]
Gotta be wary of their wings, and I'm still paranoid as heck about swallow
They will likely prep for scarmor [and maybe pulvy]
   -candidates = DBH, voodoo, guardtal, OD titans/armagios
      +scorps = should only lose to DBH
      +TLS = may have a chance against all decks depending on the build

  -beats: darkdom, dim stall [if 31 cards], guardtal, grabbow, mono gravy
  -loses: swallow, DBH, adrenastaff [should beat if 33 cards or eternity], same with wings

Cheap Monotime

Mono gravy [R1L vs fire crema rush] http://dek.im/d/z14t9z355kz355tz1562z45766rlz1744z2745z2747z275275m8pl
darkdom [R1L vs vader sader] http://dek.im/d/4t9z855kz3576z25upz15urz15v1z4745z37477t88pt
catatitan [R1L vs time pulvy scarmor] http://dek.im/d/z355kz555sz2561z2576z45oiz35ooz2744z275m8pr
Wings [R1W vs discofrogs] http://dek.im/d/z14sl55kz355tz3576z15oiz25olz35oo744z3747z175mz47mt8pr
           [R2W vs entropy CP salvager] http://dek.im/d/4sl4t955kz355tz2576z15oiz25olz35oo744z3747z275mz47mt8pr
Grabbow [R2W vs earth devEQ] http://dek.im/d/z14t9z54vjz255tz155uz4576590z2747z477g7n07tb80a8pm
Adrenastaff [R2W vs discosader] http://dek.im/d/4t9z455kz5576z35c5z55c7z3745z1749z37n28pn
Dim stall [R2W vs life forfeit] http://dek.im/d/z255kz2562z156iz9576z461t744z57478pu
darkdom  http://dek.im/d/z755kz155tz1562z3576z15upz15urz15v1z4745746z17478pt
dim PU chargers -
catatitan - unlikely to see [haha, i was dead wrong]
catadials - could see if viable
guardtal - http://dek.im/d/4t9z555k55sz9576z3622z1745z474774g8pu Lt + relic
poison rush - unlikely in vault
death duo
DBH http://dek.im/d/z44vcz34vfz14vlz750uz155pz455vz16u5z17458pl
Swallow - likely in vault, just fewer ups
voodoo GP - likely in vault, solid against rush/domins
Grabbow - unlikely to see [RT/eternity]
Pulvy duo - should be in vault
light stall
Dim PU charger http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(gravity-salvage)-naesala-(sub)-3-0-fabian771-(time-upgrades)/
   W over Pdials
catadials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(gravity-lt-)-kaempfer13-3-1-danieela-(time-tinkerer)/
  W over bolt dial
guardtal http://dek.im/d/z555k55s560z9576z1745z474775mz380i8pu
  L to SoV dials
darkdom http://dek.im/d/z555kz155tz1562z1576z25v1z1744z4745z1747z175mz17t9z17tb8pt
  W to grabbowmare
  L to rainbow stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(time-mercenary)-annele-3-0-insignificantweeaboo-(gravity-general)/msg1285384/#msg1285384
Poison rush http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-gen-)-kaempfer13-3-2-insignificantweeaboo-(gravity-gen-)/msg1284433/
  L to ghostmare
death duo http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(gravity-gen-)-worldwideweb3-3-0-vagman13-(time-lt-)/
  W over fire duo
Event card: unless we are almost certain to beat someone, let's be smart and give high discards to decks with many pillars/pends (to maximize vault discards rather than deck discards) and/or "save" our most precious builds, rather than look at win chance



ALCH win vs Gravity:
SoFo's are sweet, but we'll probably want more relevant cards from alchemist anwyay. Let's see if we lose any matches we'd want to recover discards from
More nymphs? More scarabs? More rainbow techs?
replace what was lost from deck vs earth

Transmute 3 cards vs Life

Win vs Darkness (7 cards):
transmute 3 for lost cards + 1 salvage [or 2+3, 1+5, 0+7]


Loss vs Earth
19 cards total discard 12 [save 7 cards]
 3 EA - should keep these, esp if we decide to make the EA wings deck...
 3 armor
 5 scarab
 2 nymph
 3 eternity
 3 sor
 So we'll obviously need to keep 5x scarabs, 2x nymph and 3x EA, which are 10 cards. We'll at least save those with 3 transmutes (9 free transmutes)

Round 2

Gen Oa vs Darkness [ginyu]
Torb is not happy about losing to rol hope, so I doubt it would work twice in a row. But in theory he could bank on us not playing it, just like we did with their SoV dials. He seems to think mitodevs counters hope, which it technically did R1 against earth, but I think ours had better quanta. Can do the (PC-heavy) gen grabbow this time, like we considered last round, as I still think devs, one way or another, are likely to be seen. A mono darkness wouldn't surprise me, so wouldn't Sov Dials, Mitopests or even a Drainbolt replay
    Grabbow, ref last round: http://dek.im/d/4ssz54vjz15s4z177dz477gz17dmz27q0z57qaz27ri8pm


Naii vs Life [linkcat]
Ghostmare is common vs life, so would expect something that works vs that. I wouldn't get too wonky with the mindgates here, their team is inactive as fck and they barely got to submit decks for round 1. Might be something to keep in mind. The fact they did not upgrade their PC in discofrogs, and only have one explosion in their grabbow, would make me consider Ghostal - http://dek.im/d/z14t9z85rg5rl5ro5ruz75t2z461tz1622624z27q57qe80d8pu man this fractal nerf is a blow for ghostal
Instosis is also an idea I like - loses to disco frogs or lots of pc

Known decks:
   Zap PUgon [R1W vs fire sog bolt] http://dek.im/d/z15btz15c2z15c4z25dez361qz461rz27adz87bu8pu
     -poorly built, and they know it
   Rustler Mitodragon rush [R1W vs entropy shitty grabbow] http://dek.im/d/z35btz55bvz15cg7adz27apzD7jo8pn
     -fast deck, but countered by CC [scarabs, not RT]
     -salvage grabbow fodder lost to earth
   Grabbow [R1L vs earth sopa] http://dek.im/d/4t9z54vjz55905955bu5bvz15c15c2z45de5og71az27ae7dm8pm
     -stil have
   Disco frogs [R1L vs Gravy wings] http://dek.im/d/4t9z14vez54vjz14vlz15bs5c0z15c9z15dez15f65upz16u57acz47aez17bu8pj
     -gotta toss something, but should still have. kind of weird the deflag and steals are unupped...

Old life decks used vs time
Poison sosac heal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(life-upgrade)-heman-3-0-vineroz-(time-gambler-2-3)-(sub-kuroaitou)/
   W vs fat entropy duo
   L to SoV dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(time-gambler)-danieela-(sub-kuroaitou)-3-0-heman-(life-lt-)/
Mark deflag http://dek.im/d/z24snz35bsz35c0z15cgz15f6z37acz57aez27alz17dm8po
  L to ghostmare
Fire stall http://dek.im/d/z35cqz55f0z55f4z25f7z25fbz65giz17akz17baz37f28pn
  L to monotime
Rainbow stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-lt-)-player-4-(kaempfer13)-3-0-majofa(life-mercenary)/
  L to rol hope
Dark dom http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(life-alchemist)-majofa-3-2-vindilos-(sub)-(lieutenant-time)/
  W over ghostmare
  L to SoV dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(time-salvager)(sub)-danieela-3-2-fippe94-(life-salvager)/
  L to ghostmare http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(time-lt)-vineroz-3-2-gen-fippe94-(life-gen)/

Moe vs Light [EvaRia]
Going out on a limb and guessing they will bring something that counters SoG stall since it trolled them hard last war My thoughts too.. some PUGons variant, likely with dims, wouldn't surprise me. Neither would something PC heavy. The SoPa bow probably counters SoGstall?

Known decks:
Phoenix Cream [R1W vs Entropy CP bow] http://dek.im/d/z15f6z45fcz55l95ldz57dpz17drz17joz27juz27la8po
NT solar shield [R1W vs Fire SoG bolt] http://dek.im/d/z25igz15ijz25ldz15mq6rkz37gkz27h0z27i6z87la8pp
Immortal [R1W vs Dark bone sucker] http://dek.im/d/z1593z5594zH5aaz55lcz55m6z277cz277iz57k28pq
Sopa Sofree hope [R1L vs Earth Sopa bow] http://dek.im/d/z45lez35lkz35okz15paz27hiz57jpz57mt8pp
Vader Sader bow [R2W vs fire armored destroyers] http://dek.im/d/z54vj55qz35l8z15ldz25mqz17dmz57k5z27q4z27tb8pq
Crema MP destroyer [R2W vs life forfeit] http://dek.im/d/z14t9z15f6z55l95ldz15mq6rkz57dpz57dqz37ds8po
Disco saderbow [R2L vs gravy adrenastaves] http://dek.im/d/z54vjz75l85ldz55llz36u577jz17dmz17q48pj
Gravy domin [R2L vs deflag pharaohs] http://dek.im/d/z255pz25laz25lfz85mq6rlz274bz3752z37la8pl

Old decks vs time:
Dim PUgon http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/serprex-light-sideboard-3-2-kurotaiou-time-general/
  W over PUgon
Miracle chargertal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(time-upgrades)-vagman13-(sub-kuroaitou)-3-0-serprex-(light-mercenary)/
  L to RT GnG
Pulvy sader http://dek.im/d/z1596z55aaz75l8z15mqz1749z377fz47k57n28pl
  W over SoR nymphs
  L to monotime
Discosaders http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-salvage)-vindilos-3-0-player-4-(mobian)(light-salvage)/
  L to SoG stall
SoFo angels http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(light-lt)-arthanasios-(mobian-subbed-in)-3-1-player-4-(time-salvage)/msg1285373/#msg1285373
  W over light stall
flying SoW stars http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-10-409/(light-lt-)-mobian-3-2-vindilos-(time-alchemist)/
  W over SoG stall
  L to SoG stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-11/(time-alchemist)-player4-3-0-dawn_to_dusk-(light-gen-)/
Dim dragontal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(time-alchemist)-annele-3-1-dawn-to-dusk-(light-general)/
  L to SoG stall
  L to SoG stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(time-lt-)-vineroz-3-0-gen-discord-(light-gen-)/

deuce vs earth [Afda]
Immortal is unlikely vs us. Sopa seems most likely, especially after their R1. We showed EA, which can deter both pulvy and trident, but you never know. I'm pretty sure the risk of facing EA isn't big enough for them to change everything up. A dial type deck could be nice here. Instosis beats everything they had R1. But I am as paranoid about shipwrecker here as I was of Swallow in gravy. And after a bit of thinking, I see no reason why they won't play it. Sopa decks have done incredibly well vs time and pulvy's the icing on the cake. They'll just tech in a couple of EAs for Pulvy and SoPa. So how do we beat? Ghostmare can work, or at least in upped meta. Used a lot by kaempfer last war, though... ugh this is the tough one. Maybe a scorpion variant? Without SoSac, ofc.

Earth domin: http://dek.im/d/z1592z15s4z15sez277d77izA7q0z27q8z47qa7qu8pm
   -seems to beat sopa anything - most likely to see
   -should beat hope, just keep RTing rols until SoR scarmor
   -will have trouble vs the shitty sanc stall
   -will beat immortal if no weapon - unlikely to see immortal
   -nymph pulvy could be tough - neds testing
   -BB DL SoV - likely loss, decent chance to see if worried about hope

Blessed scorps
   -loses to sopa

Rol hope - historically good vs earth, except immortal
  -likely loses to their current sopa builds

Current status:
Grabbow vs Darkness
Instosis/Ghostal/Rolhope vs Life
??? vs Light
EAnternity vs Earth http://dek.im/d/z1592z15s4z15sez277d77izA7q0z27q8z47qa7qu8pm

Salvage/Discard - Round 1:

Salvage 6 from Gravity (alchemist - which practically means pick 6 free cards to add to vault) is this only for this deck or whole round? This deck only
We can pick up the silence [2?]
more nymphs? i underestimated the value of nymphs, maybe 1-2 more Scarabs? If moe loses we can recover the discards as well :)
Maybe even a relic
bolster up rol/hope? with what, exactly? Anything that could be discarded, esp flexible cards, e.g. nymph, fractal

Salvage 6 from Darkness:
2 dusk, 2 vagger, 2 fractal, 6 lightning, 4 siphon, 2 black dragon
Defo want the fractals so we can play both Ghostal and RoL Hope in the same round
Lightnings are great CC to be splashed into bows of any sort, especially against gravity and potential SoFos

Salvage 6 from Fire:
6 dims, 2 deflags, 1 lobo, 5 quints, 5 fire spirits
could lobo be useful in a fat stall as a specific counter? useful in rol hope or with dims
deflag, dim

Salvage 6 from Entropy
6 Pande, 4 BW, 6 Poison, 2 Arse, 1 cat (yeet), 1 Purple dragon
pande, arse, transmute
3-4 BWs could be used for an invictus type deck
panda may be useful for fat stall or splash CC in a discord deck [upped -0.5]
not a huge fan of poison and arse
I lowkey want the poisons


Round 1:
Oa        vs     ProBacon (Darkness)
SoVs are the obvious pick for them and I assume they'll steer away from that at this stage. My assumption is that torb will assume we will prep for SoVs (exactly), mark deflag being most obvious choice. So I think devs are likely to be seen. However, he really only liks using them in devtal. Scorps should shit on devtal, right? not necessarily, depends how fast devs come out Fractal's horribly slow this time with -1.5 | -2, though. However, mitosis is a reasonable substitute devtal doesnt need a lot of ups, you can control the board easily with a single unupped devtal combo. make it a Lt and you get most of those ups back 4 fractals are already -6, and are there cards which can get teched in which give ups? unupped nigthfall hmm nice catch, otherwise spend other 3 upgrades on vamps I'm unsure if they can field a good devtal at all, at least without Gen ups they definitely can, plus they can add 1 relic if they want ya forgot about relics, you're right

Devtal http://dek.im/d/4t9z55um5upz25utz8606z261oz46227ta7um8pu
we can actually make a funky scorpbow if afraid of devs that didn't go quite well lol.
SoD/sanc scorps http://dek.im/d/5l8z25m65mqz25rrz35rt5t2z37jvz27k2z27k6z67ri8pq
    -seems to beat both SoV and devtal [depending on number of steals] in initial testing
    -havent tested vs RT SoV
    -seems to lose to disco lycans and mono dark [with devs]

Gen Grabbow http://dek.im/d/z54vjz177dz477gz17dmz37q0z57qaz17qkz27ri8pm
                        http://dek.im/d/4ssz54vjz15s4z177dz477gz17dmz27q0z57qaz27ri8pm (legal version)
    -seems to beat SoV, devtal, monodark, should also fair well vs disco lycans
    -could be troublesome vs RT SoV [not sure if they can field?] heavily doubt
    -may lose to a stall
Rol hope?
nymph http://dek.im/d/z25lkz15s4zC5t2z47jp7jq808z380i81q8pu
precog http://dek.im/d/z25lkz55rrz65t2z47jp7jqz17ri808z380i81q8pu

moe      vs     rogerluc (Entropy)
Should be wary of pandebonium, this deck is pretty weakened by lack of ups
interesting that DBH has been unsuccessful against us...

Known decks:
Pandaboner [R1L vs time grabbow] http://dek.im/d/4vfz54vp4vqz450u52gz152oz152qz352r542z36vez37188pk
                    [R2W vs Earth pulvy nymph] http://dek.im/d/4vcz54vkz44vpz550u52gz16vez2718z171az371b8pk
Grabbow [R1L vs Life rustler rush] http://dek.im/d/z24sa4vhz54vjz14vm4voz150u5if5og6tu6u16ve74ez377gz27ai7dm7tb8pm
CP Salvager [R1L vs Light Crema] http://dek.im/d/z54vjz26u1z56u2z174a7aez47eez17q1z480m8pj
                     [R2L vs Gravy wings] http://dek.im/d/z54vjz26u1z56u2z174az47ee7jvz17q1z480m8pj
Adrenastaff [R1W vs earth sanc stall] http://dek.im/d/z24vmz14voz250uz45c5z76vez47anz47n28pn
Sosebow [R2L vs Dark vader sader] http://dek.im/d/z24vcz54vhz24vl55uz15c1z26tsz56u3z56uq8pj
CP grabbow [R2L vs fire mono] http://dek.im/d/4saz24vm50uz1595z2596z36qqz56u26u8z36vez277gz177l8pm

Sanc scorps http://dek.im/d/z35lfz55lmz15rjz15roz35rtz17k2z97ri8pq
   -capable of decking out pandabonium. Scorps often played before BW can go up
   -DBH is bad matchup, especially if they have sofo
   -darkdom also not favorable
   -loses to diss stall, reflect gives it a chance but still unlikely

Grabbow http://dek.im/d/4vj4vj4vj4vj4vj5ia5og5rg5rg5rg5rq5s45t25t25t25v177d77d77g77g77g77g77g7al7dm7dm7qa7qa7qa7qa8pm
   -initial testing favorable vs diss bolt and pandaboner
   -can beat DBH, just depends on build. Key is waiting to use novas, early scarmor is huge
   -seems favorable vs darkdom and disco grabby, but close

DBH  http://dek.im/d/z24vcz24vfz34vlzA50uz455vz156iz17458pl
pandabonium  http://dek.im/d/z54vpz850u52gz452oz152qz352r54271871a8pk
Lt disco grabbow http://dek.im/d/4t9z14vhz54vjz24vlz550u55tz55905og61q7aez17dm8pm
Lt pulvy grabbow http://dek.im/d/4t9z24vhz550uz5590z15c15og624z56u36vez277f8pm
mono http://dek.im/d/z54vcz34vdz14vez54vfz650u6tsz26u56ve8pj
dark dom http://dek.im/d/z54vcz14vfz54vhz750uz25upz15v16tvz17tb8pt
SoD stall - very unlikely to see
firebolt diss stall http://dek.im/d/4vcz54vgz24vpzA50uz55f4z25f7z35fbz26tsz26ve8po
    -beats scorps
mark deflag

Mono http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(entropy-lt)-calindu-3-0-vagman13-(time-lt)/
   W over ghostmare
Grabbow http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(entropy-upgrades)(sub)-thearrogantone-3-1-danieela-(time-salvage)/
  W over sopa time
Dark dom http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(entropy-salvage)(sub)-aaronk474-3-0-danieela-(time-upgrades)(sub)/
  W over poisondials
Diss Bolt stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(entropy-salvager)-thearrogantone-3-1-danieela-(time-salvager)/
   W over sopa time
   L to sopa bow http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(time-general)-kuroaitou-3-1-dark-ripper-(entropy-sideboard)/
Snova Pulvy grabbow http://dek.im/d/z24vhz250uz5590z15c15ogz1624z56u3z36vez277f8pm
  W over sanc scorp dials
Pandabonium http://dek.im/d/z54vpz450u52g52qz352r542z36vez5718z171a8pk
  W over earth duo scraps
  W over ghostal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(entropy-salvage)-blacksmith-3-2-player4-(-kaemp)-(time-discard-)/
SoP grabbow http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(entropy-gen-)-wyand-3-0-player-4-(time-mercenary)/
  W over rainbow stall
DBH http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(time-alch)-vindilos-3-0-blacksmith-(entropy-salvage)/
  L to ghostmare
  L to RT GnG http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(time-disc-)-vagman13-3-0-(gravity-disc-)-odii-odsen/
SoD stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-9-207/(entropy-lt)-blacksmith-3-0-kaempfer-(time-gen)/
  W over instosis

Naii       vs     Gen. shockcannon (Fire)
    shock appears to be paranoid of scarmor. My guess is that he will probably stall [[not sure what works in this meta for them] (very good point!). grabbow is always awesome as a gen, but the threat of RT and scarmor may steer him away. A monofire is possible, but it failed last war against SoR pharoahs. I just expect a shitty deck tbh... Lmao - remember kaempfer's there to fix things tho. bleh, I guess I wonder what kae was paranoid last war from fire my guess is Bone walls  BW is a fantastic counter against fire for any element, but Im sure kae is aware of some deck that is pretty strong vs time that he had trouble prepping for?

Last war, time used ghostmare twice and SoR pharaohs the other time. Never used perms, so a stall from shock makes sense, which is essentially what he usde x3 last war vs time but the builds were terrible except for jonnington. I think shock is going to be paranoid of RT, scarmor, and SoR pharaohs

Mark deflag SoR Pharaohs http://dek.im/d/z25f6zF5rgz45sez57qc8p
         mayb mark steal would be better...
    -beats jonnington, bonebolt,
    -50/50 at best vs fractix
    -50/50 vs sog bolt, entirely depends on if opponent draws bolts faster than pharaohs
       -adding +1 nymph or +2 nymph -1 pharaoh should give our deck advantage
       Lt x2 nymph http://dek.im/d/z25f6zC5rgz15s4z45sez17q0z47qc8po
    -50/50 at best vs RT phoenix -

Mark steal - no change vs anything

Pure SoR pharaohs - tougher vs decks with fire shield [jonnington, SoG bolt]
                                 - better vs fractix

     - loses to jonnington, bonebolt, and probably SoG bolt
     - beats fractix
     - should beat mark RT?

Ghostal - unavailable if Oa using RoL hope

Discopharaohs [no novas left]...could use QPs...

EA pulvy scarmor http://dek.im/d/z1592z377dz177fz578qz87q0z37qaz27qc8pl
   beats stalls
   -need early pulvy vs bonebolt
   -fractix? - 50/50?
   -should beat RT

Disco scarmor - loses to stalls, should have advantage over bonebolt, beats rushes

Disco pharaoh - capable of beating stalls, but less effective vs rushes

Life stall

Bonebolt and fractix make sense as likely plays
    Bonebolt http://dek.im/d/z352rz45f0z55f4z15f7z55giz57187f28pk
    Fractix [2 deflag, 0 zap] http://dek.im/d/z45f0z15f65fuz95gi61oz362263az57ds8pu
    Fractix [4 deflag, 1 dim] http://dek.im/d/z55f0z35f6z95gi61tz3622z47ds8pu
       -can tech in more deflag or lightnings
       -adding immo doesnt seem to be favorable even if shock did that last war
       -could always splash in a relic too...
Heal/SoG bolt seems plausible as well
mark RT is possible and more viable as a gen, counters scarmor and helps vs ghostmare and SoR pharaohs
    [unupped RT] http://dek.im/d/z75f05f7z55fcz55rkz57dgz27dm8ps
    [mixed RT] http://dek.im/d/zA5f05f7z55fcz25rkz27dgz27dmz27q48ps
Jonnington stall very possible, especially with Gen ups for dials
     Gen 3 upped dials http://dek.im/d/5f0z55f4z15f5z15f7zF5gi5l8z15liz55lm7k2z27q98pq
     Gen 6 unupped dials http://dek.im/d/z55f0z45f4z15f5z15f7z45gi5l85liz55lmz55rpz45t27dkz17k28pq

Life stall with jade - beats bonebolt, possibly FLS/jonnington if no reflect
maybe scorps
sov dials likely still slower than bonebolt and def fractix, but might have chance against other stalls

Gen bonebolt http://dek.im/d/z352rz45f0z55f4z15f7z55giz57187f28pk
     Sosac BW http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(entropy-lt-)-player-4-3-2-zyardran-(sub)-(fire-tinkerer)/
Gen Fractix http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(fire-lt-)-player-4-3-0-doublecapitals-(gravity-discard)/
   immo fractix
Phoenix RT http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(water-lt-)-ravingrabbid-3-1-danieela-(fire-discard)/
Heal bolt http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(fire-tinkerer)-player-4-3-2-mobian-(light-lt-)/
          green nymph http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(fire-salvage)-danieela-3-2-player-4-(death-lieutenant)/
          SoG http://dek.im/d/z45cqzA5f0z15f5z45giz17alz57dk8pn
CP sofree  - should be dead
FLS http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(death-salvage)-cccombobreaker-3-1-(fire-lt-)-(sub)-zyardran/
Jonnington - 6 upped dials = 15 ups...may not have
     Gen 3 upped dials http://dek.im/d/5f0z55f4z15f5z15f7zF5gi5l8z15liz55lm7k2z27q98pq
     Gen 6 unupped dials http://dek.im/d/z55f0z45f4z15f5z15f7z45gi5l85liz55lmz55rpz45t27dkz17k28pq
SoB poison sosac/bw [forgot arse] http://dek.im/d/52gz152r542z55fuz55giz171bz271uz37f2z57q98pk
Wings http://dek.im/d/z35f0z55f2z15f6z25fbz45giz15opz27dg7f2z57n88pr
Mono dragons http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(fire-lieutenant)-player-4-3-1-kalinuial-(earth-gen-)/msg1285282/#msg1285282
            Phoenix http://dek.im/d/z14soz15f0z25f4z55fcz15giz37dgz27dkz27dm7dnz37f28po
Disco cream http://dek.im/d/4vl4vnz258uz45aaz55faz16u5z277az277ez57dp8pj
Immo darkdom http://dek.im/d/5aaz55f9z15faz25giz15up5v1z177az577ez37dqz27tb8pt
Darkdom http://dek.im/d/z35f0z55fc5fuz35giz17dgz37f2z37t9z27tbz17th8pt

Bone bolt http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(fire-upgrades)-theonlyrealbeef-3-2-fabian771-(time-upgrades)/
  W over pdials
Void dial stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(time-salvage)-fabian771-3-1-xn0ize(fire-upgrades)/
   L to ghostmare
sanc stall w/o dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-discard)-fabian771-3-1-xn0ize-(fire-upgrades)/
  L to ghostal
monofire http://dek.im/d/z25f0z55f4z25f6z15f7z55fcz15giz37dgz37f28po
  L to SoR nymphs
  W over SoR NT http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(fire-general)-killsdazombies-3-1-danieela-(time-tinkerer)/
Bolt dials http://dek.im/d/z75f0z55f45f6z25f7z67dgz47q98pq
  W over frog duo
UG wings http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(time-gen-)-kaempfer13-3-1-shockcannon-(fire-gen-)/msg1284066/#msg1284066
  L to SoR pharaohs
Heal bolt http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(time-salvage)-vindilos-3-1-(fire-tinkerer)-player-4-(shockcannon)/
  L to ghostmare
Jonnington http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(fire-salvage)-(sub)-zyardran-3-0-player-4-(time-alchemist)/
  W over ghostmare

deuce   vs     worldwideweb3 (Gravity)
I can't really see how they'll beat a control ghostmare? something to test
scorps [sosac/miracle] could be interesting here
    -should beat darkdom, guardtal, catatitan/dials, grabbow, death rush, pulvy duo
    -kind of iffy vs guardtal, need early blessed scorp
    -needs testing vs swallow
    -prob loses to DBH, maybe a stall?
Scarmor http://dek.im/d/z1592z377dz177fz578qz87q0z37qaz27qc8pl
   - 50/50 vs darkdom
   - seems to have advantage over guardtal
   - should beat PU chargers, catadials
   - might beat DBH]

Gut feeling (if all else fails :D)
- scorps vs darkness
- scarmorbow or lifestall vs entropy
- ghostal (pharabow?) vs fire
- LT ghostmare vs gravity

     -Blessed scorp +/- sosac Likely - these were surprisingly good in testing in that case I trust in you, beat both SoV and lifes dark dom which variant?
           duo http://dek.im/d/5l8z35lfz55m65mqz25rrz35rtz25t2z27k2z47ri8pq
           sosac http://dek.im/d/z2542z25lfz45m6z35rrz25rtz35t2z271uz17k2z27ri8pq precog soldier [5 sod]
                     http://dek.im/d/z2542z25lfz55m6z25rtz65t2z271uz17k2z27qb8pq - upped precog instead of pills [6 sod]
     -TLS Yes
     -grabbow scarmor Yes
     -SoR pharoahs Yes
     -rol hope Yes
     -SoV +/- dials Yes
     -instosis Yes
     -life stall Yes
     -ghostmare Yes
     -Regular control monotime (already built in vault)

Decks TBD:
     -disco scarmor Is this better than the classic pharaohbow?good question...it has more ups...
     -invictus [BW] 3 BWs (and a couple of mummies) could be affordable
     -devtal Not fancying it
     -ghostal Probably useful
     -bonebolt Clunky but might be useful
     -purple nymph Conjunction with scorps? no http://dek.im/d/4vcz550050uz15sez45t2z16tsz26u8z16vez57q1z17ri8pj looks like whack at first glance, but might be better than it looks? did you try it yet? I can see its usefulness in some situations, but I might need to trust your mindgating in that case
     -deja hope Unsure
     -deja bond Meh
     -rainbow stall If made good. Takes a lot of vault space, though
     -EA water stall - yet to build, probably useless Agree
     -gravy duo suprisingly powerful, but somewhat meh with these rules
     -sopa might be worth keeping a couple of copies yeah
     - (note to self: look at Pulvy domin) http://dek.im/d/z458oz1590z15925aaz35rg5rjz35rsz15se5t2z277fz47q08pl probably whack but w/e

blessed scorp Sosac SoD dials - seems to be best with 3 sosac and 2-3 miracles
http://dek.im/d/z252gz25lfz35m6z25rtz25t2z471uz57qbz27ri8pq - without dials [precogs]
http://dek.im/d/z252gz25lfz55m6z25rtz55t2z571uz27qb8pq - w/o dials [merc]

http://dek.im/d/z2542z25lfz45m6z35rrz25rtz35t2z271uz17k2z27ri8pq - precog soldier [5 sod]
http://dek.im/d/z2542z25lfz55m6z25rtz65t2z271uz17k2z27qb8pq - upped precog instead of pills [6 sod]

Blessed scorps [no sosac] - surprisingly solid

blessed scorps dials stall variant? likely

CP scorps CP is -0.5 while Momentum is 0.0, might just tip it in gravity's favour CP hits harder
http://dek.im/d/z24vd5rrz55rtz55t2z56u2z26u5z47ri8pj -this looks great to me its pretty solid
   -could replace maxwells with AMs for some healing
http://dek.im/d/z24vdz34vnz35rtz85t2z36u2z26u5z27ri8pj - only 4x combo allows for more CC

"Classic" Mono Time
SoR pharoahs is super trolly. i remember being paranoid about it last war on air, but might be weaker against other elements, not to mention dims Yeah ofc true forgot about that one
Mono pure rush http://dek.im/d/z25rgz55ruz25t2z27q0z57q1z57qaz27ri8ps

SoR Pharaohs http://dek.im/d/z45rgz55sez45t2z27q0z57qcz27ri8ps
upping pharaohs is absolutely necessary
   -could tech in mark deflags or something

Gravity Shield domin http://dek.im/d/z2749z277dz277fz277iz578qz57qaz57ri8pl

Silent Spiders and Ghosts http://dek.im/d/z25rgz55ruzA5t2z3624z580g8pu
-could tech in zaps
-not sure how great silence will be this war since dials and dims are expensive

RoL Hope - why not must have :D
http://dek.im/d/5laz25lkz55rrz85t261oz3622624z37jp8088pu  precog sold -
http://dek.im/d/5laz25lkz35rrz75t2z261oz3622624z263az37jp8pu - precog merc - more aether quanta, much more reliable against discord
http://dek.im/d/z25lkz15rl5rozB5t2z161oz362263az47jp8pu - HG eternal - not a fan of perms in general, but its an option

Gimped Devtal
  - probably better to get rid of eclipse and just use 3 upped vamps
  - could tech in eternity or steals

Gimped Bonebolt
  -zaps nice for early control, SoR scarabs can keep bones up
 - zapless SoR scarabtal

Silent PUGons
http://dek.im/d/zC5t2z461rz5624z37q67q87ri8pu probably not

Dim PUGons
http://dek.im/d/z15rrzE5t2z361rz361tz27q6z17qb8pu had to make a lot of compromises to get to 6 cost eh, not excited about this
http://dek.im/d/5ro5rrzE5t2z361rz461tz37q68pu significatly better with lt ups

Dim pharaohs
http://dek.im/d/zA5rgz45rsz55t2z561tz16248pu - not excited about this either

http://dek.im/d/z55rgz25rk5rlz55ruz55t25uoz15upz25v1z17tb8pt kind of a must have, although it gets pretty harshly nerfed by the new upgrade system
^currently at 7 up cost. Would probably need LT ups to work (with upped towers as bonus), as it's already pretty low on quanta
^soldier version

http://dek.im/d/z54vjz15905ogz25rgz25riz45rkz35t261qz277gz17dm8pm the classic. Eggs give +1.5 ups which help a lot! Gets even stronger with lt/gen ups
http://dek.im/d/4t9z44vjz15de5giz35rg5riz577g7ae7alz17dmz47qa7ri8pm grabbow rush
http://dek.im/d/z14t9z54vjz25rgz577gz17dmz57qaz17riz280a8pm Merc zap

http://dek.im/d/z2590z3593z25rgz15rkz35ruz95t26rkz277g8pm - is this still viable? EQ might be good in this new meta Thought of EQ as well, I find myself looking for cheap upgrades instead of upgrading Pillars.

http://dek.im/d/z75rg5rm5ro5ruz85t2z461tz1622z27q58pu - costs 11.5 with only 3 ups, meaning it's pretty much only gen and lt viable (LT with a relic)
http://dek.im/d/4t9z65rgz25rl5rm5ro5rr5ruz75t2z561tz16228pu soldier [1 relic)

TLS - sanc dials? Yep, time light stall
http://dek.im/d/4t9z35lfz25liz55lmz25m6z15rj5rl5roz55rpz35rtzM5t2z47q57q88pq (scorp version)

http://dek.im/d/z25c9z55cqzA5rg5rjz15rkz15roz25sez45t2z37q5z17q67q88pn - should adding jade/thorn
inspiration for lifestall, nymph version á la kaempfer: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-salvage)-vindilos-3-0-player-4-(mobian)(light-salvage)/

PDials - slightly weaker version than sov, but faster
http://dek.im/d/z252qz55rgz25rlz55rpz55t2z57188pk - costs 13.5. In other words, expensive as fuck and likely useless
http://dek.im/d/z14t9z152qz152rz25mqz55rpz15rrz55t2z57187qb8pk Lt precog

UGDials - not a huge fan of, but def cheap for us
modded version http://dek.im/d/z25giz15ogz55rpz55t2z16rrz17laz57n6z17q57ri8pr

SoVDials - perfect stallbreaker
http://dek.im/d/z25rgz25rlz55rpz55t25uoz15up5usz55viz17tb8pt - what's fun is that while dials are -1 unupped, they're -2.5 upped and practically useless for everyone else (bar darkness)
this version might need -1 up ah, shoot
http://dek.im/d/z25rgz15rlz55rp5rrz55t25uoz15up5usz55viz17tb8pt - HG soldier version
http://dek.im/d/z15mqz55rpz55t2z15usz55viz57qbz17tb8pt precog soldier version -drain +dusk is a good idea I agree, but can't afford it (-6.5)
http://dek.im/d/z44saz15c2z55rpz35rrz15t25ur5usz55viz271u8pt - rainbow sosac variant

Pharaohbow - such a troll doubt the new gens will prepare against this one when was last time this was in war? Heavily doubt it was used after I stepped down as time gen, i.e. War #7, but I'll look it up
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz24vl5iaz85rgz15rlz25rs5ru5v161q77jz17dm8pj - 9 cost, aka Lt boost OR changing some random card for a relic. Fire counter nr 1
http://dek.im/d/4t9z54vjz24vl5ia5ogz85rg5rlz25rs5ru5v161qz17dm8pj soldier legal

Gravy Pharaohs http://dek.im/d/z155pz1560zD5rg5t2z57qcz47ri8pl

Focus Blast? sofo pull, proved to be really strong in trials at least
http://dek.im/d/z255t56iz35rgz15ri5roz25ruz85t2z2747z27527q58pl - soldier available
http://dek.im/d/z255tz35rg5ri5rl5roz25ruz85t2z3747z37528pl - significantly better Lt version

Momentoscorps  RT spam is also pretty strong with neurotoxin. costs upgrades we'll need on momentum too, maybe only gen viable - nvm upped momentum's free
http://dek.im/d/z25rgz45rk5roz55rtz574az77q07q88pl 15 ups, soldier viable :) I question if its fast enough with only RTs as CC, i remember using this in tournies when I first started playing etg and it rarely worked. Rushes will beat it every time, just not enough control
http://dek.im/d/z55rgz25rl5roz55rpz45rtz474az37q08pl HG dial version looks solid to me
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz15og5rg5roz55rpz35rt5t2z374az177i7al7q07ri8ps scorpbow dials - this is probably the most versatile version. blessed or CP scorps are better
    -can switch PAs for deflags if worried about pulvy, maybe salvager too

Purple nymph http://dek.im/d/4vcz550050uz15sez45t2z16tsz26u8z16vez57q1z17ri8pj
    -slow but lots of control. turn 3 nymph is common

Instosis - not a huge fan of, but maybe favorable against certain teams? i'm very unsure about how an instosis would look like with these rules, I'll have to tinker a bit around with that one
http://dek.im/d/5605c95f6z95rgz55rp5se61rz36u37n9z27q57q68pj - [Gen] we'll likely have all cards needed except sky blitz, chimera and maybe PU
    -can tech in 2nd deflag for double dial
http://dek.im/d/5605c9z15f6z85rgz25rlz55rp5se61rz36u37n97q68pj - Lt [unupped HGs]

deja hope - might work once...
   -pros: capable of countering devs and disco
   -cons: not a lot of attack, dies easy to mass CC

deja bond
http://dek.im/d/z25rg5rjz85t2z27amz37apz57q17q87qez37qu8pn needs more stall / gotp against DR,  #SoR still up in the air, I do not think a second Eternity/RW is necesaary in a Bo5? Se we lose in a mirrory match?

HG rainbow stalls - á la the deck? I might need help on building that one with 50% time - or making it a mercstall I see this as a winner
EXTREMELY rough draft based on w3's trials deck: http://dek.im/d/z94saz24vp52rz158vz15ihz35lmz55rpz55rrzC5t2z261qz171bz27k2z47q58pq
Mercstall - probably better: http://dek.im/d/zE4saz54vpz15c5z55cqz55rpzB5t2z461q6qq7akz57q58pn

http://dek.im/d/zA5t2z561qz3622z57qaz27ri8pu - zap, meh
http://dek.im/d/z25sezC5t2z3622z2624z47qaz17ri8pu - silent SoR - legit option here, but still may be too slow to adequately utilize

Armored scarabs - solid domin, 30 upgrades
http://dek.im/d/z4778z377dz277fz177i78qz57q0z57qaz17qc7ri8pl - pulvy
http://dek.im/d/55k5rgz4744z2752z577dz47q0z57qaz27qc8pm - sofo <- if we can find place for GPulls here we might have a gem

Disco scarmor - still needs some tweaking

http://dek.im/d/z455kz55rhz174gz37hiz67q0z57qa8pp - mono sopa
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz65rgz35rh5rqz15se5un626z37hi7n0z27qa8pp - Oa sopabow
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz15765rgz55rh5roz177iz17dmz27hiz57qa7ri8ps - nova sopa PA
http://dek.im/d/z54vj52u596z55t2z25up5ut626z27hiz57qaz17tb8pt - sopa steal bow

RT Mummies (invictus?) http://dek.im/d/z152rz8542z45rk5roz45sez571dz172i8ps [from death war 11 - almost no variation, xcept adding QP against dark/entropy]
http://dek.im/d/4t9z152rzA542z45rkz45sez571d8ps - tinkerer role, still 0.5 ups left, could add RT or BW to make 31 cards
http://dek.im/d/z24sa4t9z152r52tz7542z45rkz45sez471d8ps - QP version for devs or disco
would it be better to remove mummies and make SoR pharaohs with BW?
http://dek.im/d/z252rz95rg5rrz45sez55t2z47qc8pk - SoR pharaoh BW

Blitz wings

HG catatitan - needs to be Lt or Gen...

catadials - viable otk if no SoD or PC

Mito Eggs

Speed grabbow - gotta add scarabs, ghosts too slow
http://dek.im/d/z54vj5ogz55rgz25ru5s4z45t25v1z477g7al7dm8pm General version
http://dek.im/d/z54vj5ogz55rg5riz25ruz45t25v1z477g7al7dm8pm Lieutenant version
can always exchange a QP for a nova if need another upgrade... sceptic tbh, but yeah possible if critical
http://dek.im/d/z54vj5ogz65t2z477g7alz17dmz17q2z57qa8pm graboid/scarab bow
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz15rkz65t2z177dz477gz17dmz57qa8pm scarmor grabbow [sold]
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz35t25v1z277dz577gz17dmz57qaz17ri8pm scarmor grabbow [merc]
http://dek.im/d/4t9z54vj5onz25rgz15t25v161q6u1z477g7aez17dmz57qa8pm grabbow w/o perms [merc]

Poison sosac heal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(life-upgrade)-heman-3-0-vineroz-(time-gambler-2-3)-(sub-kuroaitou)/
   W vs fat entropy duo
   L to SoV dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(time-gambler)-danieela-(sub-kuroaitou)-3-0-heman-(life-lt-)/
Mark deflag http://dek.im/d/z24snz35bsz35c0z15cgz15f6z37acz57aez27alz17dm8po
  L to ghostmare
Fire stall http://dek.im/d/z35cqz55f0z55f4z25f7z25fbz65giz17akz17baz37f28pn
  L to monotime
Rainbow stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-lt-)-player-4-(kaempfer13)-3-0-majofa(life-mercenary)/
  L to rol hope
Dark dom http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(life-alchemist)-majofa-3-2-vindilos-(sub)-(lieutenant-time)/
  W over ghostmare
  L to SoV dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(time-salvager)(sub)-danieela-3-2-fippe94-(life-salvager)/
  L to ghostmare http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(time-lt)-vineroz-3-2-gen-fippe94-(life-gen)/

Mono http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(entropy-lt)-calindu-3-0-vagman13-(time-lt)/
   W over ghostmare
Grabbow http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(entropy-upgrades)(sub)-thearrogantone-3-1-danieela-(time-salvage)/
  W over sopa time
Dark dom http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(entropy-salvage)(sub)-aaronk474-3-0-danieela-(time-upgrades)(sub)/
  W over poisondials
Diss Bolt stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(entropy-salvager)-thearrogantone-3-1-danieela-(time-salvager)/
   W over sopa time
   L to sopa bow http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(time-general)-kuroaitou-3-1-dark-ripper-(entropy-sideboard)/
Snova Pulvy grabbow http://dek.im/d/z24vhz250uz5590z15c15ogz1624z56u3z36vez277f8pm
  W over sanc scorp dials
Pandabonium http://dek.im/d/z54vpz450u52g52qz352r542z36vez5718z171a8pk
  W over earth duo scraps
  W over ghostal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(entropy-salvage)-blacksmith-3-2-player4-(-kaemp)-(time-discard-)/
SoP grabbow http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(entropy-gen-)-wyand-3-0-player-4-(time-mercenary)/
  W over rainbow stall
DBH http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(time-alch)-vindilos-3-0-blacksmith-(entropy-salvage)/
  L to ghostmare
  L to RT GnG http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(time-disc-)-vagman13-3-0-(gravity-disc-)-odii-odsen/
SoD stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-9-207/(entropy-lt)-blacksmith-3-0-kaempfer-(time-gen)/
  W over instosis

Dim PU charger http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(gravity-salvage)-naesala-(sub)-3-0-fabian771-(time-upgrades)/
   W over Pdials
catadials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(gravity-lt-)-kaempfer13-3-1-danieela-(time-tinkerer)/
  W over bolt dial
guardtal http://dek.im/d/z555k55s560z9576z1745z474775mz380i8pu
  L to SoV dials
darkdom http://dek.im/d/z555kz155tz1562z1576z25v1z1744z4745z1747z175mz17t9z17tb8pt
  W to grabbowmare
  L to rainbow stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(time-mercenary)-annele-3-0-insignificantweeaboo-(gravity-general)/msg1285384/#msg1285384
Poison rush http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-gen-)-kaempfer13-3-2-insignificantweeaboo-(gravity-gen-)/msg1284433/
  L to ghostmare
death duo http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(gravity-gen-)-worldwideweb3-3-0-vagman13-(time-lt-)/
  W over fire duo

War 13 decks - upped armagios may get splashed, gravy shield splash common, salvager,
dim PU chargers -
catatitan - unlikely to see
catadials - could see if viable
guardtal - http://dek.im/d/4t9z555k55sz9576z3622z1745z474774g8pu Lt + relic
poison rush - unlikely in vault
death duo
Swallow - likely in vault, just fewer ups - http://dek.im/d/z14t9zA55kz155rz355tz274bz3752z37hi8pp
voodoo GP - likely in vault, solid against rush/domins
Grabbow - unlikely to see [RT/eternity]
Pulvy duo - should be in vault
light stall

Trident sopa http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(earth-sideboard)-ji412jo-(sub-jenkar)-3-0-vineroz-(time-salvage)/
  W over ghostal
  W over UGs http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(earth-sideboard)-jenkar-3-1-vagman-(time-tinkerer)-mine-used/
  L to zap rush http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(time-discard)-fabian771-3-2-ryli-(sub-jenkar)(earth-upgrades)/
  W over rainbow stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(earth-lt)-manaboy100-3-0-vagman13-(time-merc)/
Pulvy sopa http://dek.im/d/4smz5596z65i4z15ibz35j2z577ez277f7gk8pl
  W over poisondials
  W over SOV dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(earth-lieutenant)-ryli-3-0-kuroaitou-(time-general)/
Immortal http://dek.im/d/z5594zG5aaz55liz55m677bz177c78qz17k1z57q98pq
  W over wings duo
Monopulvy http://dek.im/d/z24smz858o58vz3595z259cz15aaz577az177f8pl
  L to sov dials with steal
BB DL SoV http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(earth-lt-)-jen-i-3-1-player-4-(time-lt-)/
  W over SoR gold nymphs
  W over ghostmare http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(earth-lt-)-jen-i-3-1-annele-(time-lt-)/
RT grabbies http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(earth-lt-)-jen-i-3-1-annele-(time-alchemist)/
  W over disco CP vu scorps
  W over EA eternity http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-11/(earth-lt-)-jen-i-3-0-annele-(time-lt-)/
Pulvy gravy duo http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-10-409/(time-salvage)-annele-3-1-immortal_feud-(earth-salvage)/
  L to EA eternity
  W to ghostmare http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-9-207/(earth-salvage)-jen-i-3-2-player-4-(time-alchemist)/
Fire duo http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(time-gen-)-kaempfer13-3-0-jen-i-(earth-discard)/
  L to rol hope
Mono grabby rush http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-12/(time-lieutenant)-annele-3-0-jen-i-(earth-lieutenant)/
  L to rol hope
Dim antliontal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(time-general)-kuroaitou-3-2-ji412jo-(earth-gambler)/
  L to TLS scorps

War 13 variations
Trident sopa http://dek.im/d/z558uz5596z55aaz15iaz15ibz35icz35j2z278q8pp

Bone bolt http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(fire-upgrades)-theonlyrealbeef-3-2-fabian771-(time-upgrades)/
  W over pdials
Void dial stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(time-salvage)-fabian771-3-1-xn0ize(fire-upgrades)/
   L to ghostmare
sanc stall w/o dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-discard)-fabian771-3-1-xn0ize-(fire-upgrades)/
  L to ghostal
monofire http://dek.im/d/z25f0z55f4z25f6z15f7z55fcz15giz37dgz37f28po
  L to SoR nymphs
  W over SoR NT http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(fire-general)-killsdazombies-3-1-danieela-(time-tinkerer)/
Bolt dials http://dek.im/d/z75f0z55f45f6z25f7z67dgz47q98pq
  W over frog duo
UG wings http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(time-gen-)-kaempfer13-3-1-shockcannon-(fire-gen-)/msg1284066/#msg1284066
  L to SoR pharaohs
Heal bolt http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(time-salvage)-vindilos-3-1-(fire-tinkerer)-player-4-(shockcannon)/
  L to ghostmare
Jonnington http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(fire-salvage)-(sub)-zyardran-3-0-player-4-(time-alchemist)/
  W over ghostmare
  L to SoG stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(time-lt-)-vineroz-3-0-gen-discord-(light-gen-)/

Dim PUgon http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/serprex-light-sideboard-3-2-kurotaiou-time-general/
  W over PUgon
Miracle chargertal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(time-upgrades)-vagman13-(sub-kuroaitou)-3-0-serprex-(light-mercenary)/
  L to RT GnG
Pulvy sader http://dek.im/d/z1596z55aa
War #3 - Life || War #4 - Death || War #5, #6, #7, #9, #13, #14 - Time || War #8, #12 - Air

Offline PlayerOaTopic starter

  • Master of Time
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  • PlayerOa soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.PlayerOa soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.PlayerOa soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.PlayerOa soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.PlayerOa soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.PlayerOa soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.PlayerOa soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.PlayerOa soars like the Phoenix, unable to be repressed.
  • Time will show
  • Awards: Slice of Elements 13th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 12th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament Winner (2020.12.20.)14th Trials - Master of Time2nd Elements Reunion Day Tournament WinnerSlice of Elements 11th Birthday CakeElements League 3/2019 1st Place13th Trials - Master of TimeWinner of Elements Infinity War #1Silver DonorWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerElements League 2/2019 1st PlaceWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerElements League 1/2019 3rd PlaceSlice of Elements 10th Birthday Cake1st Elements Reunion Day Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament Winner7th Trials - Master of TimeWeekly Tournament WinnerSlice of Elements 3rd Birthday CakeWar #4 Winner - Team DeathWeekly Tournament WinnerMS Paint Card Art #4 WinnerSlice of Elements 2nd Birthday Cake
Re: Pad backups https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67588.msg1296062#msg1296062
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2020, 02:54:05 pm »
Spoiler for 01.03.20:
deuce - available hours 1200-0400 GMT via cell, 0100-0400 online during week, 1200-0400 on weekends
Oa - available at least 1700-2100 GMT. 2 nymphs, 6 marks - Oa on EtG Discord if anything urgent! Got notifications on my phone. Don't hesistate contacting me
Naii - available 2330-0300 GMT on weekdays, weekends pretty much all day unless I have something planned. Yay! youre alive!

Useful links:
Vault: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kadcf8XxPj3BFOUAokw3Ipm3NawYb0DNiftxRn-dAfo
Deck validator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q-IyGY9TH7aWUDPVCYKh0bRJwXTnXpZG44E54a0jzAc/edit#gid=1528587420
Deck link tool: http://dek.im/d
Results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_nlpdCfRzWCzrCCQjJvawFEsghpKoHowrnVUiASIOAM/edit#gid=0

War 3-11
Time decks http://elementscommunity.org/forum/team-time/decks-preserved-for-eternity/
decks against Time http://elementscommunity.org/forum/team-time/decks-used-vs-time-(war-3-11)/

Available decks:
Grabbow x2 (2-0)
Blessed scorp x2 [SoD +/- sosac, TLS] (0-0)
Mono Time [SoR Pharaohs] (0-1)
Mono Time [Classic control rush] (1-0)
Mark deflag/steal (2-0)
Instosis (2-0)
Life Stall (0-1)
Ghostmare x2 (0-0)
Ghostal (0-0)
RoL Hope (1-0)
SoV Dials (0-0)
Earth domins [pulvy/scarmor] (1-2) - SoI motherfuckers
Discord decks (0-0)
Pharaohbow (0-1)
Graboid rush (0-0)

Round 5

Oa vs Gravity [w3]
I'll look towards a ghostmare variant and see how it fares vs their decks

R1 - pulvy scarmor > catatitan
R3 - monotime > death duo

what do they have that beats cheap monotime and pulvy scarmor? GPs help with scarmor decks, oty helps with vus

R3 thoughts:
Gotta be wary of their wings, and I'm still paranoid as heck about swallow
They will likely prep for scarmor [and maybe pulvy]
   -candidates = DBH, voodoo, guardtal, OD titans/armagios
      +scorps = should only lose to DBH
      +TLS = may have a chance against all decks depending on the build

  -beats: darkdom, dim stall [if 31 cards], guardtal, grabbow, mono gravy
  -loses: swallow, DBH, adrenastaff [should beat if 33 cards or eternity], same with wings

Cheap Monotime

Mono gravy [R1L vs fire crema rush] http://dek.im/d/z14t9z355kz355tz1562z45766rlz1744z2745z2747z275275m8pl
darkdom [R1L vs vader sader] http://dek.im/d/4t9z855kz3576z25upz15urz15v1z4745z37477t88pt
catatitan [R1L vs time pulvy scarmor] http://dek.im/d/z355kz555sz2561z2576z45oiz35ooz2744z275m8pr
               [R4L vs earth pulvy nymphs] http://dek.im/d/z24slz155kz555sz2561z3576z45oiz35ooz1744z175m8pr
Wings [R1W vs discofrogs] http://dek.im/d/z14sl55kz355tz3576z15oiz25olz35oo744z3747z175mz47mt8pr
           [R2W vs entropy CP salvager] http://dek.im/d/4sl4t955kz355tz2576z15oiz25olz35oo744z3747z275mz47mt8pr
           [R4W vs entropy adrenastaves] http://dek.im/d/4slz14t955kz355tz2576z15oiz25olz35oo744z3747z275mz47mt8pr
Grabbow [R2W vs earth devEQ] http://dek.im/d/z14t9z54vjz255tz155uz4576590z2747z477g7n07tb80a8pm
                [R3L vs Light vader sader] http://dek.im/d/z14slz44vjz155kz155pz2576z158v5905lgz2745z3747z175mz277g8pm
                        -might have 2nd copy?
Adrenastaff [R2W vs discosader] http://dek.im/d/4t9z455kz5576z35c5z55c7z3745z1749z37n28pn
Dim stall [R2W vs life forfeit] http://dek.im/d/z255kz2562z156iz9576z461t744z57478pu
CP chargers [R3L vs dark mono] http://dek.im/d/z24slz14t9z255kz155sz2562z56u2z5744z57458pj
Death duo [R3L vs time mono rush] http://dek.im/d/4t952gz152qz252rz152t54255kz255tz8576z2718z47478pk
DBH sopa devs [R3W vs entropy stall] http://dek.im/d/z54vjz24vlz355vz2563z4576z55umz27hi8pj
Swallow [R4W vs light ragels] http://dek.im/d/4slz24vjz555kz555rz155tz2563z256i5j2z2744z1749z27hi8pp
PU charger [R4L vs fire sog stall] http://dek.im/d/z8576z161oz261q61rz461tz163az3745z1747z180b8pu

deuce vs Darkness [Ginyu]
deuce mentioned SoV dials could be neat here, can tech in steals for sideboard

RoL Hope?
R1 hope > drain bolt
R2 grabbow > mitopest [they think beats hope] - grabbow would have lost to drainbolt
R3 instosis > AM stall [beats hope and grabbow] - instosis would have lost to mitopest
they will think we may be likely to play something that would lose to AM stall [creature deck]
Except for R1, weve played 2 straight SoV counters
...looks like my analysis was spot on -_-
For next match, they will expect us to bring something that counters SoV [mark deflag, instosis, grabbow]
          -of those, mark deflag very unlikely since we just lost with pharaohs
          -instosis and grabbow make most sense, with rol hope as always a possibilty
          -they may or may not anticipate sov from us
Given the EC, instosis or grabbow should be most expected since we can tech in a lot of things
     -this makes devs and bonesucker less likely       

-sanc sod Scorps http://dek.im/d/5l8z25m65mqz25rrz35rt5t2z37jvz27k2z27k6z67ri8pq
      loses to vader sader, drain bolt, bone sucker, dark sopa
      might beat mitopest [unlikely to see again], dark hope, sov, devtal
      ok let's forget about that one
      rol hope can definitely happen from them
-sod scorps http://dek.im/d/5l8z55m65mqz25rrz35rt5t2z37jvz27k2z67ri8pq
-OAs updated gen grabbow http://dek.im/d/4ssz44vjz15s4z177dz477gz17dmz27q0z57qaz27ri80k8pm
       -1 grabby +1 nova might improve odds vs mitodevs sounds ok to me
       should beat SoV dials, mitodevs, devtal, dark sopa
       should lose to rol hope, vader sader and zap domin - doubt we will see this
       RNG vs bonesucker? prob depends on scarmor ad purify
-nymph hope http://dek.im/d/z25lkz15s4zC5t2z47jp7jq808z380i81q8pu
      beats mitodevs, devtal, vader sader, drain bolt, dark sopa
      needs silence to have chance vs sov, except when they pack a random sanc...
      RNG vs dark hope unless fatter
      probably loses to bone sucker - seems to be RNG in early testing...
-deflag SoR pharoah
      beats sov, hope, bone sucker, drain bolt
      RNG vs sopa
      loses to vader sader, devs?
      ***mono would probably beat devs, but lose to sov
-instosis http://dek.im/d/z34ss560z15925c9z25rgz55rp5se61rz46u37n9z17q0z27q57q68pj
       QP: http://dek.im/d/z44sa5605c9z15rgz55rp5se61r624z46qq7n9z17q0z27q57q68ps
     loses to devs, sod
     beats hope, bone sucker [if purify], drain bolt, vader sader, sopa [snova loses to sopa]
SoV dials with steals http://dek.im/d/z15mqz15rgz55rpz55t2z25up5ur5usz55viz27q57t87tb8pt
     -beats vader sader, dark hope, sov dials, drain bolt
     -loses to mitopests, bonesucker
     -50/50 vs dark sopa - devs can be super trolly
     -50/50 vs mono dark rush

Known decks:
   Vader sader [R1W vs Gravy darkdom] http://dek.im/d/z45lfz45llz8606z17jtz37n2z47tbz17um8pq
                                        -salvage in-element cards
                       [R2W vs entropy SoSebow] http://dek.im/d/z45lfz45llz8606z17jtz37n2z47tbz17um8pq
        -RoL steals [R4W vs light cremation] http://dek.im/d/z45lfz15llz15up5v2z8606z37jpz17k5z27n2z37tb8pq
   Mitopest [R1W vs earth hope] http://dek.im/d/z55c9z15ulz27amz57t6z17tazA7um8pn
                                    -salvaging 5 fractals seems like a safe bet to bolster devtal and aether domin
                 [R2L vs time grabbow] http://dek.im/d/z55c9z15ulz27amz57t6z17tazA7um8pn
                 [R3L vs entropy grabbow] http://dek.im/d/z25c9z15ulz27amz27apz57t6z17tazA7um8pn
   Zap domin [R1L vs Time hope] http://dek.im/d/z85ukz15ulz15uoz2606z561qz1622z17tbz37tc8pu
   Bone sucker [R1L vs Light immortal] http://dek.im/d/z152qz5606z471bz57t77taz27tg7toz57um8pk
      -difficult to say what gets tossed, but should still have
   Dark Sopa [R2W vs fire monostall?] http://dek.im/d/z65ukz55umz15upz35utz35v0z37hiz27t48pp
   Dark hope [R2W vs life forfeit] http://dek.im/d/z25lkz15lszB606z57jp7t97tg7tiz380i8pu
                     [R4W vs entropy grabbow] http://dek.im/d/z25lkz15lsz15upzB606z57jp7tiz380i8pu
   Monodark [R3W vs gravy CP chargers] http://dek.im/d/z54stz25ukz35ulz15upz36067t47t87tbz57tf7th7um8pt
   SoV dials [R3W vs light fire stall] http://dek.im/d/5roz55rpz65t25ukz15us5v0z55vi606z17t8z17tb7ti8pt
                   [R4W vs time mono pharaoh] http://dek.im/d/5l85lm5mqz55rpz65t2z15uo5us5v2z55viz17q5z17tb8pt
   AM stall [R3L vs time instosis] http://dek.im/d/z54vnz14voz14vpz55uuz15v0z8606z27t8z27tbz17tcz47um8pj
   Mark Wings [R4W vs earth sopabow] http://dek.im/d/z24saz35ooz75ukz15ulz36066rpz17tbz57tf7th8pr

moe vs Light [Gen d2d]
SoV Dials [they do use a fair amount of deflag splash...] or RoL Hope [might be a decent option, fire just won with mitorol hope...]

R2 thoughts:
Going out on a limb and guessing they will bring something that counters SoG stall since it trolled them hard last war  My thoughts too.. some PUGons variant, likely with dims, wouldn't  surprise me. Neither would something PC heavy. The SoPa bow probably  counters SoGstall?

EA HG eternal hope http://dek.im/d/5aa5laz25lkz15rlzC5t2z3622z177iz47jp7q88pu
  -should beat crema, NT, immortal, vader sader, discosader, flying glories
  -loses to firestall, sopa hope, gravy domin [if they still have]

PA precog eternal hope http://dek.im/d/5aa5laz25lk5roz35rrz95t262277iz47jpz280i8pu

[current build] soldier precog hope http://dek.im/d/5laz25lk5rqz55rrz75t261oz362263az47jp8pu
-beats flying glory, NT solar shield, cremaphoenix, vader sader
-loses to immortal [needs eternity], sofree hope, firestall [still have?], ragels [still have?]


Grabby rush
    -loses to NT, immortal, flying glory
    ? vs vader sader
    beats crema

deflag pharaohs - beat them last time
     -beats cremaphoenix, flying glory
     -loses to NT, immortal, vader sader
     -50/50 vs sopa hope
     -? vs firestall, ragels


Instosis http://dek.im/d/560z25925c95f6z75rgz55rp5se61rz36u37n9z37q57q68pj
 -beats NT, vader sader, flying glory, sopa sofree
 -loses to immortal
 -? vs firestall

Known decks:
crema pheonix [R1W vs Entropy CP bow] http://dek.im/d/z15f6z45fcz55l95ldz57dpz17drz17joz27juz27la8po
           MP destroyer [R2W vs life forfeit] http://dek.im/d/z14t9z15f6z55l95ldz15mq6rkz57dpz57dqz37ds8po
                                 [R4L vs dark vader sader] http://dek.im/d/z14t95f6z55l9z35lc7dmz57dpz57dqz37ds8po
NT solar shield [R1W vs Fire SoG bolt] http://dek.im/d/z25igz15ijz25ldz15mq6rkz37gkz27h0z27i6z87la8pp
                         [R3W vs Fire phoenix bolt] http://dek.im/d/z55igz25ldz25mq6rkz17dmz17f2z37gkz37i6z47la8pp
Immortal [R1W vs Dark bone sucker] http://dek.im/d/z1593z5594zH5aaz55lcz55m6z277cz277k28pq
Sopa Sofree hope [R1L vs Earth Sopa bow] http://dek.im/d/z45lez35lkz35okz15paz27hiz57jpz57mt8pp
                              [R3W vs earth immortal] http://dek.im/d/z35lez35lkz35ok5paz27hiz57jp7k2z57mt7nq8pp
Vader Sader bow [R2W vs fire armored destroyers] http://dek.im/d/z54vj55qz35l8z15ldz25mqz17dmz57k5z27q4z27tb8pq
                     regular [R3W vs gravy pulvy grabbow] http://dek.im/d/z75l8z45lfz25mqz25upz47k5z17n2z37tb8pt
                     bow [R4L vs fire mitorol hope] http://dek.im/d/z54vj55qz35l8z15ldz25mqz17dmz57k5z27q4z27tb8pq
Disco saderbow [R2L vs gravy adrenastaves] http://dek.im/d/z54vjz75l85ldz55llz36u577jz17dmz17q48pj
Gravy domin [R2L vs deflag pharaohs] http://dek.im/d/z255pz25laz25lfz85mq6rlz274bz3752z37la8pl
Fire stall [R3L vs dark sov dials] http://dek.im/d/z15f5z15f6z15f7z55lcz15lizD5mqz57dkz57k68po
       -might have 2nd copy?
Ragels [R4L vs gravy swallow] http://dek.im/d/z25f6z55fbz55l85ldz45mqz17joz57juz27k27la8po
       -might have more rages
Flying glory [R4W vs entropy CP nymph] http://dek.im/d/z75l8z15lhz35lmz45mqz45oiz35ooz37k18pr

Naii vs Fire [Annele]
No idea, maybe the silent grabbow?
since they showed RTs, they are probably reasoning that we wont bring pharaohs or scarmor

-has chance vs crema rush depending on tech
-silence would give it a chance vs stalls

-loses to crema rush, hope
-needs 2 silence vs sog, probably vs dims also
-should beat monos

-deflag tech this round could hurt...
-should beat


sosac scorps
-loses to crema rush, dims, probably anything with firebolts [but maybe not]

-high risk because fire shield and rof
-otherwise beats most other decks except cremarush

R1 - dims + quint [feared RT and scarmor]
R3 - steamers [thought we didnt have RT]
R4 - RT phoenix [beats pharoahs but not scarmor...not sure what else they were paranoid of]

Known decks:
Crema rush [R1W vs Gravy mono] http://dek.im/d/5l9z561pz16rlz16u2z174a7ae7dmz57dpz57dqz280m8pm
                    [R3W vs entro darkdom] http://dek.im/d/5l9z561pz16rlz16u2z174a7ae7dmz57dpz57dqz280m8pm
         -only beaten by RT or scarmor
SoG bolt [R1L vs Life PUgon] http://dek.im/d/z15c5z55cqz95f0z15f65f7z25f8z75giz27akz57dk8pn
               [R1L vs Light NT] http://dek.im/d/z15c5z55cqz95f0z15f65f7z25f8z75giz27akz57dk8pn
               [R4W vs gravy charger PU] http://dek.im/d/z15c5z55cqz95f0z15f65f7z25f8z75giz17akz57dk7dl8pn
Spirit dims [R1L vs time deflag pharaohs] http://dek.im/d/z15f3z15f6z25giz27djz67f2808z580d80ez480h81q8pu
                 [R2W vs earth NT] http://dek.im/d/z45f3z15f6z25gi61o61u63az67f2z580dz480h8pu
Mono stall [R2L vs dark sopa] http://dek.im/d/z55f05f6z15fuz45giz17dgz57dkz17dnz37doz17f28po
Phoenix bolt [R2W vs entropy grabbow] http://dek.im/d/z54so5f05f55f65f7z55fc5giz17dgz57dk7dnz37f28po
                    [R3L vs light NT] http://dek.im/d/z55f0z25f6z55fcz55gi6rk7dgz57dk7dn7f28po
                              -only 12 discards [save 5 cards]
Armored destroyers [R2L vs light vader sader bow] http://dek.im/d/593z3595z75gi6rlz377d77jz57dqz47f28pm
Mark gravy shield [R3W vs earth sopa bow] http://dek.im/d/z44soz45f0z25f7z25fuz1749z67dgz57dk8pl
Steamers [R3W vs time sog stall] http://dek.im/d/z15f0z25f6z55gi5i7z15ig5ii7dgz37f2z27gkz47h2z17i68pp
Mark RT [R4W vs time disco pharaoh] http://dek.im/d/z45f0z25f3z15f6z55fcz15rkz16rkz67dgz27q48ps
Fire master [R4W vs earth darkdom] http://dek.im/d/5f6z55fb5fk5giz16rlz2747z574e752z57dg7dmz27f28pl
Mitorol hope [R4W vs light] http://dek.im/d/z25f6z85gi5lk5lsz57ap7buz57jp7jqz17k48pn

Round 4

Entropy Salvage:
      A: +3 transmute +1 SoD or miracle or Relic
      B: +7 salvage [4 maxwell, 6 AM, 4 SoD, 4 miracle]

Fire discards:
      Initial thoughts, but can modify based on R5 needs http://dek.im/d/4t9z24vl5og5v1z177dz17dm7q57qc8pj
         -keeping novas and 3 pharaohs something like what I had in mind too

Dark discards:
      Keep 1: relic, pharaoh, nymph imo, SoR

Deck scribbling:
    RT Graboids: http://dek.im/d/z55rgz45rk5rl5ruz55t2z577gz47qa8pm
    EA Dims: http://dek.im/d/z4592z55aaz65rgz25rl5roz55rp5rqz25t2z561t8pu
    "Classic" grabbow: http://dek.im/d/z54vjz35rgz35rk5rlz15rqz35t2z477gz17dmz180k8pm
    Precog EA RoL Hope: http://dek.im/d/5aa5laz25lk5roz35rrz95t262277iz47jpz280i8pu

Oa vs Entropy [roger]
I have a pretty good initial feeling about stalling them, I'll test vs a couple of their decks
The gen grabbow we sent R1 is probably pretty versatile, and we obviously still have it 3 rounds later
   -initial testing favorable vs diss bolt and pandaboner
   -can beat DBH, just depends on build. Key is waiting to use novas, early scarmor is huge
   -seems favorable vs darkdom and disco grabby, but close

DBH seems somewhat likely to me as a potential deck from them, I'm pretty sure they've got two copies. Ghostmare beat it 3-0 last war, and although blacksmith said the games weren't close the result seems somewhat flattering to me. Oh and we bowed them last time which speaks for DBH. Alternatively, I can Ghostal them with my general ups

TLS [needs more ups, but just base build, i think] http://dek.im/d/z25lfz55lmz25rjz25roz55rpz25rtzD5t2z17k28pq
46 cards: http://dek.im/d/z25lf5lmz25rjz25roz55rpz25rtzH5t2z27k2z47k67q58pq
   beats - pandaboner, adrenastaff, any stall really..., DBH
   needs testing vs grabbow variants, DBH, dark dom
   seems to beat discord grabbow, but only my a small margin
       note: tested vs Gen version
    darkdom is a bit troublesome, 50/50

Gen ghostal:

Known decks:
Pandaboner [R1L vs time grabbow] http://dek.im/d/4vfz54vp4vqz450u52gz152oz152qz352r542z36vez37188pk
                    [R2W vs Earth pulvy nymph] http://dek.im/d/4vcz54vkz44vpz550u52gz16vez2718z171az371b8pk
Grabbow [R1L vs Life rustler rush] http://dek.im/d/z24sa4vhz54vjz14vm4voz150u5if5og6tu6u16ve74ez377gz27ai7dm7tb8pm
                [R3L vs dark] http://dek.im/d/z14vdz54vjz24vk5635c15ogz161q6qqz36vez477gz17dmz17tb8pm
Disco grabbow [R3W vs dark mitodevs] http://dek.im/d/z14saz54vj4vkz24vlz250u5635905if5og5v1z16u1713747z377g7ae7dm8pm
CP Salvager [R1L vs Light Crema] http://dek.im/d/z54vjz26u1z56u2z174a7aez47eez17q1z480m8pj
                     [R2L vs Gravy wings] http://dek.im/d/z54vjz26u1z56u2z174az47ee7jvz17q1z480m8pj
                          -probably dead...?
Adrenastaff [R1W vs earth sanc stall] http://dek.im/d/z24vmz14voz250uz45c5z76vez47anz47n28pn
Sosebow [R2L vs Dark vader sader] http://dek.im/d/z24vcz54vhz24vl55uz15c1z26tsz56u3z56uq8pj
CP grabbow [R2L vs fire mono] http://dek.im/d/4saz24vm50uz1595z2596z36qqz56u26u8z36vez277gz177l8pm
Dark dom [R3L vs fire immo] http://dek.im/d/z54vcz44vfz54vhz24vlz150uz15upz36ts6ve7th8pt
    -should have 2nd copy of this deck
DBH [R3L vs earth sopa] http://dek.im/d/z54vcz54vf4vkz34vlz150uz455v563z26tsz26ve8pl
     -likely have a 2nd copy
SoD Miracle stall [R3L vs Gravy DBH sopa devs] http://dek.im/d/4t9z14vk4vnz54vpzH50uz35liz55m6z46u78pq
                            [R4L vs time TLS] http://dek.im/d/4t9z64vcz34vdz44vnzA50uz35m66u7z37k28pq
CP nymph [R4L vs light flying glory] http://dek.im/d/z14voz3500z76tsz26tuz56u2z66ve8pj

Naii vs Fire [kaempfer]
ffs, let's just field a good deck and roll with it, like Ghostmare
not sure ghostmare is great vs fire, but lets do some testing and see what works
Thus far, shock has been paranoid of CC - used quint and fatass steamers
Seems unlikely that we will see cremarush or phoenix...but shock is largely unpredictable
I feel like shock is going to try to stall us. Kind of did R1, but deflags trolled. Thought we didnt have RT, so played fat creatures to avoid scarmor. Now knows we have RT, so I think hes going to try to control us with some sort of stall, which would make ghostmare not an ideal play.
On a random note, shock feinted a poison deck vs us. Doubt we see something like that, but certainly possible.

SoV is a solid stall breaker, but would likely lose to any non-stall with 2+ deflags [seem to pack 3, except cremarush uses 1] Nah chance of deflags is way too high
Discopharaohs? I always love a good discopharaohs deck ;)
BW is always great vs fire...would be like an SoR pharoah BW i guess

    -loses crema rush
    -iffy vs sog, all depends on if jade is drawn

RT sog stall http://dek.im/d/z25c9z55cqzA5rgz45rkz15roz35s4z45sez55t2z17akz37ri8pn
    beats immorush, 60/40 vs phoebolt, beats any stall without reflectives [should still beat their sog stall, jonnigton could be rough]
    probably loses to dim quinted fire spirits

Pulvy scarmor http://dek.im/d/z577dz277fz578qz37q0z57qaz17qcz27ri8pl
   -not a hard crema counter, but should be better than 50/50
   -loses to SoG stall, interestingly

Crema Rush
   beats: sov dials, deflag pharaohs, scorp variants, ghostal or other dims, rol hope
   counters: scarmor variants, early eternity [mono?], ghostmare, RT grabbies

deuce vs Earth [Rapid]
RIP - at least we can limit to only 12 discards
let me test some shit. I have some ideas. Ball's over to you!
EA wings loses rol hope, dragon, flying creatures in bows, chargers/momentum, immortal with random dragon
    -rol hope with eternity has a chance against all of these
        -one exception may be sopabow with deflags

EA eternity rush [kaempfer] http://dek.im/d/z2592z75rgz35rkz35rmz25roz57q0z17q18pm
EA eternal grabby vus http://dek.im/d/z2592z95rgz35rkz25roz377gz57q18pm
   -iffy vs sopa bow [need to test live]
EA grabby RT http://dek.im/d/z2592z95rgz35rkz25roz25t2z577g7ri8pm
   -beats regular sopa pretty consistently
   -Probably <50/50 vs SoI, DiscEQ grabbow
EA wings http://dek.im/d/z1592z45ooz85rg5rk5ro5rqz277gz277iz478q8pr
   -iffy vs DiscEQ bow
   -beats SoI, sopa
nova EA wings pharaohs http://dek.im/d/z44vjz45ooz75rgz15roz15sez377iz17dmz17qc8pr
   -beats DiscEQ bow, sopa, soi, immortal
   -a little better than 50/50 vs sopa bow and pulvy [if 2 pulvies]
   -loses to rol hope
nova EA wings stall http://dek.im/d/z44vj5ooz75rgz35rkz15ro5rqz477iz37n88pr
precog steal rol hope http://dek.im/d/z25lkz45rrz65t2z15upz3606z3622z47jp8pu
   -loses to DiscEQ grabbow, SoI, immortal
eternal steal hope http://dek.im/d/z25lkz15roz95t2z15upz3606z3622z47jp8pu
   -50/50 vs discEQ
   -beats immortal, sopa, pulvy, rol hope
   -loses SoI, sopa bow [if still have desi]
regular hope http://dek.im/d/z44suz14t95laz25lkz15s4z75t2z3622z47jp8pu
   -loses to SoI, sopa
   -beats DiscEQ, pulvy nymphs
Monorush vu/scarabs
   -loses to DiscEQ grabbow, tits in sopa
Grabby SoR Scarmor http://dek.im/d/z45aaz25sez377dz477gz478qz17q0z37qaz17ri8ps
   -50/50 vs discEQ

Known decks:
Sopa Bow [R1W vs light sopa sofree hope] http://dek.im/d/z54vjz558uz4596z15ij5j25rq5v07787alz17dmz27hi7n08pp
                  [R3L vs fire mark gravy shield] http://dek.im/d/z54vjz558uz5596z15ij5rq5v0z17dmz37hi7n080m8pp
Sopa [R1W vs life grabbow] http://dek.im/d/58p58sz558uz5596z25ibz15ijz35j2z678q8pp
          [R3W vs etnropy DBH] http://dek.im/d/z258p58sz558uz55965ibz35j2z678qz17gr8pp
Hope [R1L vs dark mitodevs] http://dek.im/d/58t594zA5aaz25lk61oz362263az177az47jp80i8pu
Shitty sanc stall [R1L vs entropy adrenastave] http://dek.im/d/594z3595z159czB5aaz25li77k77sz17joz57k6z17la8pq
                         [R3L vs light hope] http://dek.im/d/z358oz1592z5594zB5aaz15lmz177cz37k27k6z37km8pq
SoI fucker [R2W vs Time scarmor] http://dek.im/d/z550az162mz16rkz3778z5786z57eez38168po
SoI deflag [R4L vs time EA wings] http://dek.im/d/z350az15f6z362mz16rkz5786z378qz57eez18168po
     -SoD miracle or Sosac SoD miracle with scorps also counters SoI decks
NT BB [R2L vs fire dim spirits] http://dek.im/d/z2595z75aaz45ig5ijz378qz47gkz37i68pp
Pulvy GP nymphs [R2L vs Entropy pandaboner] http://dek.im/d/z355tz758oz258uz158vz159cz1778z477az378q8pl
               no GP [R4W vs gravy catatitan] http://dek.im/d/zC58o58q58s58uz159c5aaz477az277fz277j8pl
DevEQ SoI? [R2L vs gravy grabbow] http://dek.im/d/z259mz55um5up5urz35viz377jz1786z578q7taz17td8pt
DiscEQ grabbow [R3W vs time scarmor] http://dek.im/d/4vhz34vjz14vlz558u5c15f6z16u36u574fz1778z577gz277j8pj
Darkdom [R4L vs fire master] http://dek.im/d/zA58o58qz158uz159c5aaz25urz15v1z477az27t98pt

viable Trident sopa http://dek.im/d/z558uz5596z55aaz15iaz15ibz35icz35j2z278q8pp
trident sopa w/o purify http://dek.im/d/z558uz5596z55aaz15ibz35icz35j2z278q8pp

moe vs Darkness [MW]

Other decks to fear:
   soldier dvtal http://dek.im/d/4t9z55um5upz25utz8606z261oz46227ta7um8pu Ok, you win this one :P
      -2nd most common deck vs time, but tends to be less useful vs Gens
   SoV dials Lt http://dek.im/d/z15rlz55rpz65t25uoz35up5ur5usz55vi7t87tb8pt
                   Sold RT http://dek.im/d/z15rgz35rkz15rl5roz15rpz35t25uk5uoz35upz15ur5usz55vi8pt
       -most expected deck, so I doubt we will see, but we could be overthinking this
   Monodark http://dek.im/d/4stz15ukz55ulz55umz15uoz25upz25usz1606z27t4z17tbz27um8pt
               Lt http://dek.im/d/5ukz55ulz55um5uoz25upz25us5v1606z27t4z17tbz27um8pt
      -always viable
      -unlikely, but possible
   disco lycans Sold http://dek.im/d/z54vhz24vlz65ukz15ulz25upz5606z27tf8pj
                         Lt http://dek.im/d/z54vhz24vlz55ukz25up5v1z56066u9z37tf8pj
        - reasonable choice if expecting duo/mark deck, resistant to RT
   grabbow - unlikely to see because RTs
   voodoo OTK?
   its a trap - unlikely to see because RT

Round 3

Oa vs Darkness [probacon]
The mind games continues.. we've had them around our finger the first rounds, but they do well outside of our matches. Don't think they'll play SoVs this round either, as we've played two distinctly different only 1 ofc.. answer to that already. My guess is that they'll fear a replay of the Gen Grabbow - the drainbolt replay makes sense, in that case. Is this the round where we'll whip out a TLS variant, maybe? Alternatively we can go yolo with RoL Hope again

moe vs Fire [kaempfer]
Well... it's a solo show from shock, now? God knows what he'll fling towards us this time
[19:43] Oa: for Fire I agree that we should just send something good and well rounded, ghostmare and/or grabbow comes to mind
Can grabbow be made to beat a stall? eh probably not, unless we mod it so much it becomes shit in other matchups

Naii vs Earth [Gen IF]
EA Grav shield seems to be a cool choice. Maybe they'll spot our counter of SoPa from last round, though, and go with something completely different.
    The "fuck shards" deck, Pulvy version: http://dek.im/d/z2749z277dz277fz277iz578qz57qaz57ri8pl

deuce vs Gravity [hain]
darkdom  http://dek.im/d/z755kz155tz1562z3576z15upz15urz15v1z4745746z17478pt
dim PU chargers -
catatitan - unlikely to see [haha, i was dead wrong]
catadials - could see if viable
guardtal - http://dek.im/d/4t9z555k55sz9576z3622z1745z474774g8pu Lt + relic
poison rush - unlikely in vault
death duo
DBH http://dek.im/d/z44vcz34vfz14vlz750uz155pz455vz16u5z17458pl
Swallow - likely in vault, just fewer ups
voodoo GP - likely in vault, solid against rush/domins
Grabbow - unlikely to see [RT/eternity]
Pulvy duo - should be in vault
light stall
Dim PU charger http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(gravity-salvage)-naesala-(sub)-3-0-fabian771-(time-upgrades)/
   W over Pdials
catadials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(gravity-lt-)-kaempfer13-3-1-danieela-(time-tinkerer)/
  W over bolt dial
guardtal http://dek.im/d/z555k55s560z9576z1745z474775mz380i8pu
  L to SoV dials
darkdom http://dek.im/d/z555kz155tz1562z1576z25v1z1744z4745z1747z175mz17t9z17tb8pt
  W to grabbowmare
  L to rainbow stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(time-mercenary)-annele-3-0-insignificantweeaboo-(gravity-general)/msg1285384/#msg1285384
Poison rush http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-gen-)-kaempfer13-3-2-insignificantweeaboo-(gravity-gen-)/msg1284433/
  L to ghostmare
death duo http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(gravity-gen-)-worldwideweb3-3-0-vagman13-(time-lt-)/
  W over fire duo

Round 2

Gen Oa vs Darkness [ginyu]
Torb is not happy about losing to rol hope, so I doubt it would work twice in a row. But in theory he could bank on us not playing it, just like we did with their SoV dials. He seems to think mitodevs counters hope, which it technically did R1 against earth, but I think ours had better quanta. Can do the (PC-heavy) gen grabbow this time, like we considered last round, as I still think devs, one way or another, are likely to be seen. A mono darkness wouldn't surprise me, so wouldn't Sov Dials, Mitopests or even a Drainbolt replay
    Grabbow, ref last round: http://dek.im/d/4ssz54vjz15s4z177dz477gz17dmz27q0z57qaz27ri8pm


Naii vs Life [linkcat]
Ghostmare is common vs life, so would expect something that works vs that. I wouldn't get too wonky with the mindgates here, their team is inactive as fck and they barely got to submit decks for round 1. Might be something to keep in mind. The fact they did not upgrade their PC in discofrogs, and only have one explosion in their grabbow, would make me consider Ghostal - http://dek.im/d/z14t9z85rg5rl5ro5ruz75t2z461tz1622624z27q57qe80d8pu man this fractal nerf is a blow for ghostal
Instosis is also an idea I like - loses to disco frogs or lots of pc

Moe vs Light [EvaRia]

Old decks vs time:
Dim PUgon http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/serprex-light-sideboard-3-2-kurotaiou-time-general/
  W over PUgon
Miracle chargertal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(time-upgrades)-vagman13-(sub-kuroaitou)-3-0-serprex-(light-mercenary)/
  L to RT GnG
Pulvy sader http://dek.im/d/z1596z55aaz75l8z15mqz1749z377fz47k57n28pl
  W over SoR nymphs
  L to monotime
Discosaders http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-salvage)-vindilos-3-0-player-4-(mobian)(light-salvage)/
  L to SoG stall
SoFo angels http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(light-lt)-arthanasios-(mobian-subbed-in)-3-1-player-4-(time-salvage)/msg1285373/#msg1285373
  W over light stall
flying SoW stars http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-10-409/(light-lt-)-mobian-3-2-vindilos-(time-alchemist)/
  W over SoG stall
  L to SoG stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-11/(time-alchemist)-player4-3-0-dawn_to_dusk-(light-gen-)/
Dim dragontal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(time-alchemist)-annele-3-1-dawn-to-dusk-(light-general)/
  L to SoG stall
  L to SoG stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(time-lt-)-vineroz-3-0-gen-discord-(light-gen-)/

deuce vs earth [Afda]
Immortal is unlikely vs us. Sopa seems most likely, especially after their R1. We showed EA, which can deter both pulvy and trident, but you never know. I'm pretty sure the risk of facing EA isn't big enough for them to change everything up. A dial type deck could be nice here. Instosis beats everything they had R1. But I am as paranoid about shipwrecker here as I was of Swallow in gravy. And after a bit of thinking, I see no reason why they won't play it. Sopa decks have done incredibly well vs time and pulvy's the icing on the cake. They'll just tech in a couple of EAs for Pulvy and SoPa. So how do we beat? Ghostmare can work, or at least in upped meta. Used a lot by kaempfer last war, though... ugh this is the tough one. Maybe a scorpion variant? Without SoSac, ofc.

Earth domin: http://dek.im/d/z1592z15s4z15sez277d77izA7q0z27q8z47qa7qu8pm
   -seems to beat sopa anything - most likely to see
   -should beat hope, just keep RTing rols until SoR scarmor
   -will have trouble vs the shitty sanc stall
   -will beat immortal if no weapon - unlikely to see immortal
   -nymph pulvy could be tough - neds testing
   -BB DL SoV - likely loss, decent chance to see if worried about hope

Blessed scorps
   -loses to sopa

Rol hope - historically good vs earth, except immortal
  -likely loses to their current sopa builds

Current status:
Grabbow vs Darkness
Instosis/Ghostal/Rolhope vs Life
??? vs Light
EAnternity vs Earth http://dek.im/d/z1592z15s4z15sez277d77izA7q0z27q8z47qa7qu8pm

Salvage/Discard - Round 1:

Salvage 6 from Gravity (alchemist - which practically means pick 6 free cards to add to vault) is this only for this deck or whole round? This deck only
We can pick up the silence [2?]
more nymphs? i underestimated the value of nymphs, maybe 1-2 more Scarabs? If moe loses we can recover the discards as well :)
Maybe even a relic
bolster up rol/hope? with what, exactly? Anything that could be discarded, esp flexible cards, e.g. nymph, fractal

Salvage 6 from Darkness:
2 dusk, 2 vagger, 2 fractal, 6 lightning, 4 siphon, 2 black dragon
Defo want the fractals so we can play both Ghostal and RoL Hope in the same round
Lightnings are great CC to be splashed into bows of any sort, especially against gravity and potential SoFos

Salvage 6 from Fire:
6 dims, 2 deflags, 1 lobo, 5 quints, 5 fire spirits
could lobo be useful in a fat stall as a specific counter? useful in rol hope or with dims
deflag, dim

Salvage 6 from Entropy
6 Pande, 4 BW, 6 Poison, 2 Arse, 1 cat (yeet), 1 Purple dragon
pande, arse, transmute
3-4 BWs could be used for an invictus type deck
panda may be useful for fat stall or splash CC in a discord deck [upped -0.5]
not a huge fan of poison and arse
I lowkey want the poisons


Round 1:
Oa        vs     ProBacon (Darkness)
SoVs are the obvious pick for them and I assume they'll steer away from that at this stage. My assumption is that torb will assume we will prep for SoVs (exactly), mark deflag being most obvious choice. So I think devs are likely to be seen. However, he really only liks using them in devtal. Scorps should shit on devtal, right? not necessarily, depends how fast devs come out Fractal's horribly slow this time with -1.5 | -2, though. However, mitosis is a reasonable substitute devtal doesnt need a lot of ups, you can control the board easily with a single unupped devtal combo. make it a Lt and you get most of those ups back 4 fractals are already -6, and are there cards which can get teched in which give ups? unupped nigthfall hmm nice catch, otherwise spend other 3 upgrades on vamps I'm unsure if they can field a good devtal at all, at least without Gen ups they definitely can, plus they can add 1 relic if they want ya forgot about relics, you're right

Devtal http://dek.im/d/4t9z55um5upz25utz8606z261oz46227ta7um8pu
we can actually make a funky scorpbow if afraid of devs that didn't go quite well lol.
SoD/sanc scorps http://dek.im/d/5l8z25m65mqz25rrz35rt5t2z37jvz27k2z27k6z67ri8pq
    -seems to beat both SoV and devtal [depending on number of steals] in initial testing
    -havent tested vs RT SoV
    -seems to lose to disco lycans and mono dark [with devs]

Gen Grabbow http://dek.im/d/z54vjz177dz477gz17dmz37q0z57qaz17qkz27ri8pm
                        http://dek.im/d/4ssz54vjz15s4z177dz477gz17dmz27q0z57qaz27ri8pm (legal version)
    -seems to beat SoV, devtal, monodark, should also fair well vs disco lycans
    -could be troublesome vs RT SoV [not sure if they can field?] heavily doubt
    -may lose to a stall
Rol hope?
nymph http://dek.im/d/z25lkz15s4zC5t2z47jp7jq808z380i81q8pu
precog http://dek.im/d/z25lkz55rrz65t2z47jp7jqz17ri808z380i81q8pu

moe      vs     rogerluc (Entropy)
Should be wary of pandebonium, this deck is pretty weakened by lack of ups
interesting that DBH has been unsuccessful against us...

Naii       vs     Gen. shockcannon (Fire)
    shock appears to be paranoid of scarmor. My guess is that he will probably stall [[not sure what works in this meta for them] (very good point!). grabbow is always awesome as a gen, but the threat of RT and scarmor may steer him away. A monofire is possible, but it failed last war against SoR pharoahs. I just expect a shitty deck tbh... Lmao - remember kaempfer's there to fix things tho. bleh, I guess I wonder what kae was paranoid last war from fire my guess is Bone walls  BW is a fantastic counter against fire for any element, but Im sure kae is aware of some deck that is pretty strong vs time that he had trouble prepping for?

Last war, time used ghostmare twice and SoR pharaohs the other time. Never used perms, so a stall from shock makes sense, which is essentially what he usde x3 last war vs time but the builds were terrible except for jonnington. I think shock is going to be paranoid of RT, scarmor, and SoR pharaohs

Mark deflag SoR Pharaohs http://dek.im/d/z25f6zF5rgz45sez57qc8p
         mayb mark steal would be better...
    -beats jonnington, bonebolt,
    -50/50 at best vs fractix
    -50/50 vs sog bolt, entirely depends on if opponent draws bolts faster than pharaohs
       -adding +1 nymph or +2 nymph -1 pharaoh should give our deck advantage
       Lt x2 nymph http://dek.im/d/z25f6zC5rgz15s4z45sez17q0z47qc8po
    -50/50 at best vs RT phoenix -

Mark steal - no change vs anything

Pure SoR pharaohs - tougher vs decks with fire shield [jonnington, SoG bolt]
                                 - better vs fractix

     - loses to jonnington, bonebolt, and probably SoG bolt
     - beats fractix
     - should beat mark RT?

Ghostal - unavailable if Oa using RoL hope

Discopharaohs [no novas left]...could use QPs...

EA pulvy scarmor http://dek.im/d/z1592z377dz177fz578qz87q0z37qaz27qc8pl
   beats stalls
   -need early pulvy vs bonebolt
   -fractix? - 50/50?
   -should beat RT

Disco scarmor - loses to stalls, should have advantage over bonebolt, beats rushes

Disco pharaoh - capable of beating stalls, but less effective vs rushes

Life stall

Bonebolt and fractix make sense as likely plays
    Bonebolt http://dek.im/d/z352rz45f0z55f4z15f7z55giz57187f28pk
    Fractix [2 deflag, 0 zap] http://dek.im/d/z45f0z15f65fuz95gi61oz362263az57ds8pu
    Fractix [4 deflag, 1 dim] http://dek.im/d/z55f0z35f6z95gi61tz3622z47ds8pu
       -can tech in more deflag or lightnings
       -adding immo doesnt seem to be favorable even if shock did that last war
       -could always splash in a relic too...
Heal/SoG bolt seems plausible as well
mark RT is possible and more viable as a gen, counters scarmor and helps vs ghostmare and SoR pharaohs
    [unupped RT] http://dek.im/d/z75f05f7z55fcz55rkz57dgz27dm8ps
    [mixed RT] http://dek.im/d/zA5f05f7z55fcz25rkz27dgz27dmz27q48ps
Jonnington stall very possible, especially with Gen ups for dials
     Gen 3 upped dials http://dek.im/d/5f0z55f4z15f5z15f7zF5gi5l8z15liz55lm7k2z27q98pq
     Gen 6 unupped dials http://dek.im/d/z55f0z45f4z15f5z15f7z45gi5l85liz55lmz55rpz45t27dkz17k28pq

Life stall with jade - beats bonebolt, possibly FLS/jonnington if no reflect
maybe scorps
sov dials likely still slower than bonebolt and def fractix, but might have chance against other stalls

Gen bonebolt http://dek.im/d/z352rz45f0z55f4z15f7z55giz57187f28pk
     Sosac BW http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(entropy-lt-)-player-4-3-2-zyardran-(sub)-(fire-tinkerer)/
Gen Fractix http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(fire-lt-)-player-4-3-0-doublecapitals-(gravity-discard)/
   immo fractix
Phoenix RT http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(water-lt-)-ravingrabbid-3-1-danieela-(fire-discard)/
Heal bolt http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(fire-tinkerer)-player-4-3-2-mobian-(light-lt-)/
          green nymph http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(fire-salvage)-danieela-3-2-player-4-(death-lieutenant)/
          SoG http://dek.im/d/z45cqzA5f0z15f5z45giz17alz57dk8pn
CP sofree  - should be dead
FLS http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(death-salvage)-cccombobreaker-3-1-(fire-lt-)-(sub)-zyardran/
Jonnington - 6 upped dials = 15 ups...may not have
     Gen 3 upped dials http://dek.im/d/5f0z55f4z15f5z15f7zF5gi5l8z15liz55lm7k2z27q98pq
     Gen 6 unupped dials http://dek.im/d/z55f0z45f4z15f5z15f7z45gi5l85liz55lmz55rpz45t27dkz17k28pq
SoB poison sosac/bw [forgot arse] http://dek.im/d/52gz152r542z55fuz55giz171bz271uz37f2z57q98pk
Wings http://dek.im/d/z35f0z55f2z15f6z25fbz45giz15opz27dg7f2z57n88pr
Mono dragons http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(fire-lieutenant)-player-4-3-1-kalinuial-(earth-gen-)/msg1285282/#msg1285282
            Phoenix http://dek.im/d/z14soz15f0z25f4z55fcz15giz37dgz27dkz27dm7dnz37f28po
Disco cream http://dek.im/d/4vl4vnz258uz45aaz55faz16u5z277az277ez57dp8pj
Immo darkdom http://dek.im/d/5aaz55f9z15faz25giz15up5v1z177az577ez37dqz27tb8pt
Darkdom http://dek.im/d/z35f0z55fc5fuz35giz17dgz37f2z37t9z27tbz17th8pt

Bone bolt http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(fire-upgrades)-theonlyrealbeef-3-2-fabian771-(time-upgrades)/
  W over pdials
Void dial stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(time-salvage)-fabian771-3-1-xn0ize(fire-upgrades)/
   L to ghostmare
sanc stall w/o dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-discard)-fabian771-3-1-xn0ize-(fire-upgrades)/
  L to ghostal
monofire http://dek.im/d/z25f0z55f4z25f6z15f7z55fcz15giz37dgz37f28po
  L to SoR nymphs
  W over SoR NT http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(fire-general)-killsdazombies-3-1-danieela-(time-tinkerer)/
Bolt dials http://dek.im/d/z75f0z55f45f6z25f7z67dgz47q98pq
  W over frog duo
UG wings http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(time-gen-)-kaempfer13-3-1-shockcannon-(fire-gen-)/msg1284066/#msg1284066
  L to SoR pharaohs
Heal bolt http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(time-salvage)-vindilos-3-1-(fire-tinkerer)-player-4-(shockcannon)/
  L to ghostmare
Jonnington http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(fire-salvage)-(sub)-zyardran-3-0-player-4-(time-alchemist)/
  W over ghostmare

deuce   vs     worldwideweb3 (Gravity)
I can't really see how they'll beat a control ghostmare? something to test
scorps [sosac/miracle] could be interesting here
    -should beat darkdom, guardtal, catatitan/dials, grabbow, death rush, pulvy duo
    -kind of iffy vs guardtal, need early blessed scorp
    -needs testing vs swallow
    -prob loses to DBH, maybe a stall?
Scarmor http://dek.im/d/z1592z377dz177fz578qz87q0z37qaz27qc8pl
   - 50/50 vs darkdom
   - seems to have advantage over guardtal
   - should beat PU chargers, catadials
   - might beat DBH]

Gut feeling (if all else fails :D)
- scorps vs darkness
- scarmorbow or lifestall vs entropy
- ghostal (pharabow?) vs fire
- LT ghostmare vs gravity

     -Blessed scorp +/- sosac Likely - these were surprisingly good in testing in that case I trust in you, beat both SoV and lifes dark dom which variant?
           duo http://dek.im/d/5l8z35lfz55m65mqz25rrz35rtz25t2z27k2z47ri8pq
           sosac http://dek.im/d/z2542z25lfz45m6z35rrz25rtz35t2z271uz17k2z27ri8pq precog soldier [5 sod]
                     http://dek.im/d/z2542z25lfz55m6z25rtz65t2z271uz17k2z27qb8pq - upped precog instead of pills [6 sod]
     -TLS Yes
     -grabbow scarmor Yes
     -SoR pharoahs Yes
     -rol hope Yes
     -SoV +/- dials Yes
     -instosis Yes
     -life stall Yes
     -ghostmare Yes
     -Regular control monotime (already built in vault)

Decks TBD:
     -disco scarmor Is this better than the classic pharaohbow?good question...it has more ups...
     -invictus [BW] 3 BWs (and a couple of mummies) could be affordable
     -devtal Not fancying it
     -ghostal Probably useful
     -bonebolt Clunky but might be useful
     -purple nymph Conjunction with scorps? no http://dek.im/d/4vcz550050uz15sez45t2z16tsz26u8z16vez57q1z17ri8pj looks like whack at first glance, but might be better than it looks? did you try it yet? I can see its usefulness in some situations, but I might need to trust your mindgating in that case
     -deja hope Unsure
     -deja bond Meh
     -rainbow stall If made good. Takes a lot of vault space, though
     -EA water stall - yet to build, probably useless Agree
     -gravy duo suprisingly powerful, but somewhat meh with these rules
     -sopa might be worth keeping a couple of copies yeah
     - (note to self: look at Pulvy domin) http://dek.im/d/z458oz1590z15925aaz35rg5rjz35rsz15se5t2z277fz47q08pl probably whack but w/e

-snip all the pre-R1 vaulbuilding stuff-

War #3 - Life || War #4 - Death || War #5, #6, #7, #9, #13, #14 - Time || War #8, #12 - Air

Offline PlayerOaTopic starter

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Re: Pad backups https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=67588.msg1296218#msg1296218
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2020, 09:31:42 am »
Spoiler for 17.03.20:
deuce - available hours 1200-0400 GMT via cell, 0100-0400 online during week, 1200-0400 on weekends
Oa - available at least 1700-2100 GMT. 2 nymphs, 6 marks - Oa on EtG Discord if anything urgent! Got notifications on my phone. Don't hesistate contacting me
Naii - available 2330-0300 GMT on weekdays, weekends pretty much all day unless I have something planned. Yay! youre alive!

Useful links:
Vault: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kadcf8XxPj3BFOUAokw3Ipm3NawYb0DNiftxRn-dAfo
Deck validator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q-IyGY9TH7aWUDPVCYKh0bRJwXTnXpZG44E54a0jzAc/edit#gid=1528587420
Deck link tool: http://dek.im/d
Results: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_nlpdCfRzWCzrCCQjJvawFEsghpKoHowrnVUiASIOAM/edit#gid=0

War 3-11
Time decks http://elementscommunity.org/forum/team-time/decks-preserved-for-eternity/
decks against Time http://elementscommunity.org/forum/team-time/decks-used-vs-time-(war-3-11)/

Available decks:
Grabbow x2 (2-0)
Blessed scorp x2 [SoD +/- sosac, TLS] (1-1)
Mono Time [SoR Pharaohs] (0-1)
Mono Time [Classic control rush] (1-0)
Mark deflag/steal (3-0)
Instosis (2-0)
Life Stall (0-1)
Ghostmare (2-1)
Ghostal (1-0)
RoL Hope (1-1)
SoV Dials (1-0)
Earth domins [pulvy/scarmor] (1-2) - SoI motherfuckers
Discord decks (0-0)
Pharaohbow (0-1)
Graboid rush (0-0)

Decks for round 7:
Ghostmare, Ghostal, SoR Pharaohs (deflag?), TLS, SoV (can transmute to 3 dials), Wings, Grabbow (half arsed)

Salvage 7 from http://dek.im/d/z255tz3745z175275m7t8z17t9z17tbz27ti
Discard http://dek.im/d/z35lfz55m6z55rpz35rtz27k2 +1 from vault

vs Gravity, Darkness, Fire, Earth

Round 8

Known main decks:
       Mitopests - beats most except QPs, novas, sancs
       Dark hope -
       Vader sader - beats grabbow and pharaohs, can beat ghostal with steal tech, migth beat ghostmare
       sov dials - probably their best bet vs sopa, i doubt we will see
Other possible decks:
       mono - could outrush pharaohs depending on version
       grabbow - should out rush pharaohs
       bone sucker,

Dark lost 6 steals to us...i question how many more they have in their vault. They dont seem to use them in most decks

pharohs virtually useless vs earth, and beats many dark decks, so torb may try to field 2 pharaoh counters
   -vader sader is best counter, which has not been used since R4, and has not been used vs us or earth yet
   -beats: dark hope, sov dials, mitopest
   -how else can they beat pharaohs?

R1 hope > drain bolt
R2 grabbow > mitopest [they think beats hope] - grabbow would have lost to drainbolt
R3 instosis > AM stall [beats hope and grabbow] - instosis would have lost to mitopest
they will think we may be likely to play something that would lose to AM stall [creature deck]
Except for R1, weve played 2 straight SoV counters
...looks like my analysis was spot on -_-
For next match, they will expect us to bring something that counters SoV [mark deflag, instosis, grabbow]
          -of those, mark deflag very unlikely since we just lost with pharaohs
          -instosis and grabbow make most sense, with rol hope as always a possibilty
          -they may or may not anticipate sov from us
R5 Given the EC, instosis or grabbow should be most expected since we can tech in a lot of things
     -this makes devs and bonesucker less likely     
     they sent mark silence in anticipation for instosis
R6 EC also suggests instosis or grabbow are likely   
      -they came prepped for instosis...fail
R7 predicted they would prep for grabbow or sov - the brought Sov steal wings

SoV with steals would have a chance vs our SoV, should beat our instosis, and has a very good chance vs grabbow

-sanc sod Scorps http://dek.im/d/5l8z25m65mqz25rrz35rt5t2z37jvz27k2z27k6z67ri8pq
      loses to vader sader, drain bolt, bone sucker, dark sopa
      might beat mitopest [unlikely to see again], dark hope, sov, devtal
      ok let's forget about that one
      rol hope can definitely happen from them
-sod scorps http://dek.im/d/5l8z55m65mqz25rrz35rt5t2z37jvz27k2z67ri8pq
-OAs updated gen grabbow http://dek.im/d/4ssz44vjz15s4z177dz477gz17dmz27q0z57qaz27ri80k8pm
       -1 grabby +1 nova might improve odds vs mitodevs sounds ok to me
       should beat SoV dials, mitodevs, devtal, dark sopa
       should lose to rol hope, vader sader and zap domin - doubt we will see this
       RNG vs bonesucker? prob depends on scarmor and purify
-nymph hope http://dek.im/d/z25lkz15s4zC5t2z47jp7jq808z380i81q8pu
      beats mitodevs, devtal, vader sader, drain bolt, dark sopa
      needs silence to have chance vs sov, except when they pack a random sanc...
      RNG vs dark hope unless fatter
      probably loses to bone sucker - seems to be RNG in early testing...
-deflag SoR pharoah
      beats sov, hope, bone sucker, drain bolt
      RNG vs sopa
      loses to vader sader, devs
      ***mono would probably beat devs, but lose to sov
-instosis http://dek.im/d/z34ss560z15925c9z25rgz55rp5se61rz46u37n9z17q0z27q57q68pj
       QP: http://dek.im/d/z44sa5605c9z15rgz55rp5se61r624z46qq7n9z17q0z27q57q68ps
     loses to devs, sod
     beats hope, bone sucker [if purify], drain bolt, vader sader, sopa [snova loses to sopa]
SoV dials with steals http://dek.im/d/z15mqz15rgz55rpz55t2z25up5ur5usz55viz27q57t87tb8pt
     -beats vader sader, dark hope, sov dials [depending on steals], drain bolt
     -loses to mitopests, bonesucker
     -50/50 vs dark sopa - devs can be super trolly
     -slightly better than 50/50 vs mono dark rush or mark silence...

Known decks:
   Vader sader [R1W vs Gravy darkdom] http://dek.im/d/z45lfz45llz8606z17jtz37n2z47tbz17um8pq
                                        -salvage in-element cards
                       [R2W vs entropy SoSebow] http://dek.im/d/z45lfz45llz8606z17jtz37n2z47tbz17um8pq
        -RoL steals [R4W vs light cremation] http://dek.im/d/z45lfz15llz15up5v2z8606z37jpz17k5z27n2z37tb8pq
   Mitopest [R1W vs earth hope] http://dek.im/d/z55c9z15ulz27amz57t6z17tazA7um8pn
                                    -salvaging 5 fractals seems like a safe bet to bolster devtal and aether domin
                 [R2L vs time grabbow] http://dek.im/d/z55c9z15ulz27amz57t6z17tazA7um8pn
                 [R3L vs entropy grabbow] http://dek.im/d/z25c9z15ulz27amz27apz57t6z17tazA7um8pn
                 R6W vs time scorp dial http://dek.im/d/z55c9z15ulz27amz57t6z17tazA7um8pn
                 R7W vs fire mito hope http://dek.im/d/5c9z15ulz27amz47apz57t6z17tazB7um8pn
   Zap domin [R1L vs Time hope] http://dek.im/d/z85ukz15ulz15uoz2606z561qz1622z17tbz37tc8pu
   Bone sucker [R1L vs Light immortal] http://dek.im/d/z152qz5606z471bz57t77taz27tg7toz57um8pk
      -difficult to say what gets tossed, but should still have
   Dark Sopa [R2W vs fire monostall?] http://dek.im/d/z65ukz55umz15upz35utz35v0z37hiz27t48pp
                     [R5L vs earth sopa bow] http://dek.im/d/z25ukz55um5uoz55utz55v0z37hiz57t48pp
   Dark hope [R2W vs life forfeit] http://dek.im/d/z25lkz15lszB606z57jp7t97tg7tiz380i8pu
                     [R4W vs entropy grabbow] http://dek.im/d/z25lkz15lsz15upzB606z57jp7tiz380i8pu
                     R6W vs earth hope http://dek.im/d/z25lkz15lsz15up5v05v2zB60661o622z57jpz280i8pu
                     R6L vs light immortal http://dek.im/d/z25lkz15lsz15upzB60661oz57jp7ti7toz380i8pu
   Monodark [R3W vs gravy CP chargers] http://dek.im/d/z54stz25ukz35ulz15upz36067t47t87tbz57tf7th7um8pt
         Mark silence [R5L vs time SoV dials] http://dek.im/d/z35ukz25ulz15uoz15v2z3606z3624z563az17tbz37tf7th8pt
   SoV dials [R3W vs light fire stall] http://dek.im/d/5roz55rpz65t25ukz15us5v0z55vi606z17t8z17tb7ti8pt
                   [R4W vs time mono pharaoh] http://dek.im/d/5l85lm5mqz55rpz65t2z15uo5us5v2z55viz17q5z17tb8pt
                   [R5W vs gravy cremation] http://dek.im/d/z14st5roz55rpz55t25v05v2z15viz17t8z17tbz27tcz17tez37u28pt
                   R7W vs light disco sader http://dek.im/d/5roz55rpz65t25ukz15us5v0z55vi606z17t8z17tb7ti8pt
   AM stall [R3L vs time instosis] http://dek.im/d/z54vnz14voz14vpz55uuz15v0z8606z27t8z27tbz17tcz47um8pj
   Mark Wings [R4W vs earth sopabow] http://dek.im/d/z24saz35ooz75ukz15ulz36066rpz17tbz57tf7th8pr
   QP wings R6W vs gravy grabbow http://dek.im/d/z54saz14vhz15fuz35ooz25ukz15ulz25upz161qz17t4z17t7z17tbz17tf8pr
   SoV wings R7L vs time deflag pharoahs http://dek.im/d/z35ooz85puz55upz55viz27tbz17tc8pt

   Entropy domin [R5L vs fire mitohope] http://dek.im/d/z34vdz34vizA6066rp6ttz27t8z27tbz27tcz17um8pj


EA wings loses rol hope, dragon, flying creatures in bows, chargers/momentum, immortal with random dragon
    -rol hope with eternity has a chance against all of these
        -one exception may be sopabow with deflags

Sov or instosis seem like best bets, which should beat both sopabow and rol hope

Lt+token Sov http://dek.im/d/z15mqz15rgz55rpz55t25ur5usz55viz27q5z17t87tb8pt
EA instosis

EA eternity rush [kaempfer] http://dek.im/d/z2592z75rgz35rkz35rmz25roz57q0z17q18pm
EA eternal grabby vus http://dek.im/d/z2592z95rgz35rkz25roz377gz57q18pm
   -iffy vs sopa bow [need to test live]
EA grabby RT http://dek.im/d/z2592z95rgz35rkz25roz25t2z577g7ri8pm
   -beats regular sopa pretty consistently
   -Probably <50/50 vs SoI, DiscEQ grabbow
EA wings http://dek.im/d/z1592z45ooz85rg5rk5ro5rqz277gz277iz478q8pr
   -iffy vs DiscEQ bow
   -beats SoI, sopa
nova EA wings pharaohs http://dek.im/d/z44vjz45ooz75rgz15roz15sez377iz17dmz17qc8pr
   -beats DiscEQ bow, sopa, soi, immortal
   -a little better than 50/50 vs sopa bow and pulvy [if 2 pulvies]
   -loses to rol hope
nova EA wings stall http://dek.im/d/z44vj5ooz75rgz35rkz15ro5rqz477iz37n88pr
precog steal rol hope http://dek.im/d/z25lkz45rrz65t2z15upz3606z3622z47jp8pu
   -loses to DiscEQ grabbow, SoI, immortal
eternal steal hope http://dek.im/d/z25lkz15roz95t2z15upz3606z3622z47jp8pu
   -50/50 vs discEQ
   -beats immortal, sopa, pulvy, rol hope
   -loses SoI, sopa bow [if still have desi]
regular hope http://dek.im/d/z44suz14t95laz25lkz15s4z75t2z3622z47jp8pu
   -loses to SoI, sopa
   -beats DiscEQ, pulvy nymphs
Monorush vu/scarabs
   -loses to DiscEQ grabbow, tits in sopa
Grabby SoR Scarmor http://dek.im/d/z45aaz25sez377dz477gz478qz17q0z37qaz17ri8ps
   -50/50 vs discEQ

Known decks:
Sopa Bow [R1W vs light sopa sofree hope] http://dek.im/d/z54vjz558uz4596z15ij5j25rq5v07787alz17dmz27hi7n08pp
                  [R3L vs fire mark gravy shield] http://dek.im/d/z54vjz558uz5596z15ij5rq5v0z17dmz37hi7n080m8pp
                  [R5W vs dark sopa] http://dek.im/d/z44vjz158oz158pz55965ij5rq5v0z577ez17dmz37hi7tg8pp
                  R6W vs light hope http://dek.im/d/z44vj58oz558uz55965c55ij5rqz15v07alz17dmz37hi8pp
                  R7W vs light wings http://dek.im/d/z44vjz158o58pz158uz45965c55ij5rq5v0z277ez177jz17dmz37hi8pp
Sopa [R1W vs life grabbow] http://dek.im/d/58p58sz558uz5596z25ibz15ijz35j2z678q8pp
          [R3W vs etnropy DBH] http://dek.im/d/z258p58sz558uz55965ibz35j2z678qz17gr8pp
    cheap sopa rush R7W vs fire gravy shield http://dek.im/d/z158p592596z159cz15ijz35l9z361pz2778z477ez177lz37hi8pp
Hope [R1L vs dark mitodevs] http://dek.im/d/58t594zA5aaz25lk61oz362263az177az47jp80i8pu
          [R5W vs light mark RT] http://dek.im/d/z158tzC5aa5laz25lk61oz362263a77az47jp8pu
          R6L vs dark hope http://dek.im/d/z158tzB5aa5laz25lkz161oz162277az47jpz180i8pu
Shitty sanc stall [R1L vs entropy adrenastave] http://dek.im/d/594z3595z159czB5aaz25li77k77sz17joz57k6z17la8pq
                         [R3L vs light hope] http://dek.im/d/z358oz1592z5594zB5aaz15lmz177cz37k27k6z37km8pq
SoI fucker [R2W vs Time scarmor] http://dek.im/d/z550az162mz16rkz3778z5786z57eez38168po
SoI deflag [R4L vs time EA wings] http://dek.im/d/z350az15f6z362mz16rkz5786z378qz57eez18168po
                 [R5W vs fire phoenix RT] http://dek.im/d/z250a595z15f65viz362m6rrz5786z378qz57eez18168po
                 R7L vs time ghostmare http://dek.im/d/4t9z250az15f65vi62m6rkz5786z378qz57eez48168po
     -SoD miracle or Sosac SoD miracle with scorps also counters SoI decks
NT BB [R2L vs fire dim spirits] http://dek.im/d/z2595z75aaz45ig5ijz378qz47gkz37i68pp
Pulvy GP nymphs [R2L vs Entropy pandaboner] http://dek.im/d/z355tz758oz258uz158vz159cz1778z477az378q8pl
               no GP [R4W vs gravy catatitan] http://dek.im/d/zC58o58q58s58uz159c5aaz477az277fz277j8pl
DevEQ SoI? [R2L vs gravy grabbow] http://dek.im/d/z259mz55um5up5urz35viz377jz1786z578q7taz17td8pt
DiscEQ grabbow [R3W vs time scarmor] http://dek.im/d/4vhz34vjz14vlz558u5c15f6z16u36u574fz1778z577gz277j8pj
Darkdom [R4L vs fire master] http://dek.im/d/zA58o58qz158uz159c5aaz25urz15v1z477az27t98pt
Pulvy grabbow [R5L vs gravy adrenastaff] http://dek.im/d/4vhz54vj58qz458u590z45aa5c1z3745z177fz377g7n08pl
Mark RT R6W vs fire crema http://dek.im/d/4t9z758o58qz35aaz45rk6rkz2779z577g77j8ps
Mono R6W vs time instosis http://dek.im/d/z458oz158r58s595z159cz35aaz26rrz1778z377az277jz278q8pm
          R7W vs gravy mark RT http://dek.im/d/z558oz1592z65aaz26rr778z477az177bz177c77j78q8pm

Round 7

Oa vs Insig (gravy)

moe vs Gen shock (fire)

Naii vs Rapid (earth)
they know we still have wings and at least 2 EAs. Guarantee the bow will be in whatever deck they bring.

deuce vs Ginyu (darkness)
-SoV dials or hope makes most sense for them. Repeat of mitopest def possible
-vader sader unlikely, but possible. Would beat
Deflag pharaohs http://dek.im/d/z25f6z95rg5s4z45sez47q0z57qc8po (12 ups - need to transmute 1 sor)
mark deflag version http://dek.im/d/z35f6zF5rgz15s4z35sez37qc8po
          4 deflag, 2 nymph
QP deflag pharaohs http://dek.im/d/z54saz25f6z35giz55rgz15s4z35sez47qc8ps

other ideas/not assigned
Semigrabbow (-8): http://dek.im/d/z54vjz1592z85rg5rj5rm5ro5rq71uz377g7al7dmz17qc8pm
Ghostal (-11): http://dek.im/d/z85rg5rm5ruz85t2z361tz1622624z27q58pu (silence if vs fire [would need transmute :c], dimshield otherwise)
Ghostmare (-10): http://dek.im/d/z85rg5rjz25rk5rmz45ruz15upz25v1z37ri7t87tb8pt
SoVbow (-6): http://dek.im/d/z24vj5lg5rmz75t2z35upz15vi77i7alz27q5z17t8z37u28pt / http://dek.im/d/z14vj5lg5rmz85t2z35upz55viz27q5z17t8z17tb8pt

Round 6

Gen Oa vs Gen Gravity

Naii vs Gen Earth

EA wings loses rol hope, dragon, flying creatures in bows, chargers/momentum, immortal with random dragon
    -rol hope with eternity has a chance against all of these
        -one exception may be sopabow with deflags

Sov or instosis seem like best bets, which should beat both sopabow and rol hope

Lt+token Sov http://dek.im/d/z15mqz15rgz55rpz55t25ur5usz55viz27q5z17t87tb8pt
EA instosis

EA eternity rush [kaempfer] http://dek.im/d/z2592z75rgz35rkz35rmz25roz57q0z17q18pm
EA eternal grabby vus http://dek.im/d/z2592z95rgz35rkz25roz377gz57q18pm
   -iffy vs sopa bow [need to test live]
EA grabby RT http://dek.im/d/z2592z95rgz35rkz25roz25t2z577g7ri8pm
   -beats regular sopa pretty consistently
   -Probably <50/50 vs SoI, DiscEQ grabbow
EA wings http://dek.im/d/z1592z45ooz85rg5rk5ro5rqz277gz277iz478q8pr
   -iffy vs DiscEQ bow
   -beats SoI, sopa
nova EA wings pharaohs http://dek.im/d/z44vjz45ooz75rgz15roz15sez377iz17dmz17qc8pr
   -beats DiscEQ bow, sopa, soi, immortal
   -a little better than 50/50 vs sopa bow and pulvy [if 2 pulvies]
   -loses to rol hope
nova EA wings stall http://dek.im/d/z44vj5ooz75rgz35rkz15ro5rqz477iz37n88pr
precog steal rol hope http://dek.im/d/z25lkz45rrz65t2z15upz3606z3622z47jp8pu
   -loses to DiscEQ grabbow, SoI, immortal
eternal steal hope http://dek.im/d/z25lkz15roz95t2z15upz3606z3622z47jp8pu
   -50/50 vs discEQ
   -beats immortal, sopa, pulvy, rol hope
   -loses SoI, sopa bow [if still have desi]
regular hope http://dek.im/d/z44suz14t95laz25lkz15s4z75t2z3622z47jp8pu
   -loses to SoI, sopa
   -beats DiscEQ, pulvy nymphs
Monorush vu/scarabs
   -loses to DiscEQ grabbow, tits in sopa
Grabby SoR Scarmor http://dek.im/d/z45aaz25sez377dz477gz478qz17q0z37qaz17ri8ps
   -50/50 vs discEQ

Known decks:
Sopa Bow [R1W vs light sopa sofree hope] http://dek.im/d/z54vjz558uz4596z15ij5j25rq5v07787alz17dmz27hi7n08pp
                  [R3L vs fire mark gravy shield] http://dek.im/d/z54vjz558uz5596z15ij5rq5v0z17dmz37hi7n080m8pp
                  [R5W vs dark sopa] http://dek.im/d/z44vjz158oz158pz55965ij5rq5v0z577ez17dmz37hi7tg8pp
Sopa [R1W vs life grabbow] http://dek.im/d/58p58sz558uz5596z25ibz15ijz35j2z678q8pp
          [R3W vs etnropy DBH] http://dek.im/d/z258p58sz558uz55965ibz35j2z678qz17gr8pp
Hope [R1L vs dark mitodevs] http://dek.im/d/58t594zA5aaz25lk61oz362263az177az47jp80i8pu
          [R5W vs light mark RT] http://dek.im/d/z158tzC5aa5laz25lk61oz362263a77az47jp8pu
Shitty sanc stall [R1L vs entropy adrenastave] http://dek.im/d/594z3595z159czB5aaz25li77k77sz17joz57k6z17la8pq
                         [R3L vs light hope] http://dek.im/d/z358oz1592z5594zB5aaz15lmz177cz37k27k6z37km8pq
SoI fucker [R2W vs Time scarmor] http://dek.im/d/z550az162mz16rkz3778z5786z57eez38168po
SoI deflag [R4L vs time EA wings] http://dek.im/d/z350az15f6z362mz16rkz5786z378qz57eez18168po
                 [R5W vs fire phoenix RT] http://dek.im/d/z250a595z15f65viz362m6rrz5786z378qz57eez18168po
     -SoD miracle or Sosac SoD miracle with scorps also counters SoI decks
NT BB [R2L vs fire dim spirits] http://dek.im/d/z2595z75aaz45ig5ijz378qz47gkz37i68pp
Pulvy GP nymphs [R2L vs Entropy pandaboner] http://dek.im/d/z355tz758oz258uz158vz159cz1778z477az378q8pl
               no GP [R4W vs gravy catatitan] http://dek.im/d/zC58o58q58s58uz159c5aaz477az277fz277j8pl
DevEQ SoI? [R2L vs gravy grabbow] http://dek.im/d/z259mz55um5up5urz35viz377jz1786z578q7taz17td8pt
DiscEQ grabbow [R3W vs time scarmor] http://dek.im/d/4vhz34vjz14vlz558u5c15f6z16u36u574fz1778z577gz277j8pj
Darkdom [R4L vs fire master] http://dek.im/d/zA58o58qz158uz159c5aaz25urz15v1z477az27t98pt
Pulvy grabbow [R5L vs gravy adrenastaff] http://dek.im/d/4vhz54vj58qz458u590z45aa5c1z3745z177fz377g7n08pl
Mark RT

Moe vs Fire [blacksmith]

deuce vs dark [ginyu]

R1 hope > drain bolt
R2 grabbow > mitopest [they think beats hope] - grabbow would have lost to drainbolt
R3 instosis > AM stall [beats hope and grabbow] - instosis would have lost to mitopest
they will think we may be likely to play something that would lose to AM stall [creature deck]
Except for R1, weve played 2 straight SoV counters
...looks like my analysis was spot on -_-
For next match, they will expect us to bring something that counters SoV [mark deflag, instosis, grabbow]
          -of those, mark deflag very unlikely since we just lost with pharaohs
          -instosis and grabbow make most sense, with rol hope as always a possibilty
          -they may or may not anticipate sov from us
R5 Given the EC, instosis or grabbow should be most expected since we can tech in a lot of things
     -this makes devs and bonesucker less likely     
     they sent mark silence in anticipation for instosis
R6 EC also suggests instosis or grabbow are likely   
      -they came prepped for instosis...fail

SoV with steals would have a chance vs our SoV, should beat our instosis, and has a very good chance vs grabbow

-sanc sod Scorps http://dek.im/d/5l8z25m65mqz25rrz35rt5t2z37jvz27k2z27k6z67ri8pq
      loses to vader sader, drain bolt, bone sucker, dark sopa
      might beat mitopest [unlikely to see again], dark hope, sov, devtal
      ok let's forget about that one
      rol hope can definitely happen from them
-sod scorps http://dek.im/d/5l8z55m65mqz25rrz35rt5t2z37jvz27k2z67ri8pq
-OAs updated gen grabbow http://dek.im/d/4ssz44vjz15s4z177dz477gz17dmz27q0z57qaz27ri80k8pm
       -1 grabby +1 nova might improve odds vs mitodevs sounds ok to me
       should beat SoV dials, mitodevs, devtal, dark sopa
       should lose to rol hope, vader sader and zap domin - doubt we will see this
       RNG vs bonesucker? prob depends on scarmor and purify
-nymph hope http://dek.im/d/z25lkz15s4zC5t2z47jp7jq808z380i81q8pu
      beats mitodevs, devtal, vader sader, drain bolt, dark sopa
      needs silence to have chance vs sov, except when they pack a random sanc...
      RNG vs dark hope unless fatter
      probably loses to bone sucker - seems to be RNG in early testing...
-deflag SoR pharoah
      beats sov, hope, bone sucker, drain bolt
      RNG vs sopa
      loses to vader sader, devs
      ***mono would probably beat devs, but lose to sov
-instosis http://dek.im/d/z34ss560z15925c9z25rgz55rp5se61rz46u37n9z17q0z27q57q68pj
       QP: http://dek.im/d/z44sa5605c9z15rgz55rp5se61r624z46qq7n9z17q0z27q57q68ps
     loses to devs, sod
     beats hope, bone sucker [if purify], drain bolt, vader sader, sopa [snova loses to sopa]
SoV dials with steals http://dek.im/d/z15mqz15rgz55rpz55t2z25up5ur5usz55viz27q57t87tb8pt
     -beats vader sader, dark hope, sov dials [depending on steals], drain bolt
     -loses to mitopests, bonesucker
     -50/50 vs dark sopa - devs can be super trolly
     -slightly better than 50/50 vs mono dark rush or mark silence...

Known decks:
   Vader sader [R1W vs Gravy darkdom] http://dek.im/d/z45lfz45llz8606z17jtz37n2z47tbz17um8pq
                                        -salvage in-element cards
                       [R2W vs entropy SoSebow] http://dek.im/d/z45lfz45llz8606z17jtz37n2z47tbz17um8pq
        -RoL steals [R4W vs light cremation] http://dek.im/d/z45lfz15llz15up5v2z8606z37jpz17k5z27n2z37tb8pq
   Mitopest [R1W vs earth hope] http://dek.im/d/z55c9z15ulz27amz57t6z17tazA7um8pn
                                    -salvaging 5 fractals seems like a safe bet to bolster devtal and aether domin
                 [R2L vs time grabbow] http://dek.im/d/z55c9z15ulz27amz57t6z17tazA7um8pn
                 [R3L vs entropy grabbow] http://dek.im/d/z25c9z15ulz27amz27apz57t6z17tazA7um8pn
   Zap domin [R1L vs Time hope] http://dek.im/d/z85ukz15ulz15uoz2606z561qz1622z17tbz37tc8pu
   Bone sucker [R1L vs Light immortal] http://dek.im/d/z152qz5606z471bz57t77taz27tg7toz57um8pk
      -difficult to say what gets tossed, but should still have
   Dark Sopa [R2W vs fire monostall?] http://dek.im/d/z65ukz55umz15upz35utz35v0z37hiz27t48pp
                     [R5L vs earth sopa bow] http://dek.im/d/z25ukz55um5uoz55utz55v0z37hiz57t48pp
   Dark hope [R2W vs life forfeit] http://dek.im/d/z25lkz15lszB606z57jp7t97tg7tiz380i8pu
                     [R4W vs entropy grabbow] http://dek.im/d/z25lkz15lsz15upzB606z57jp7tiz380i8pu
   Monodark [R3W vs gravy CP chargers] http://dek.im/d/z54stz25ukz35ulz15upz36067t47t87tbz57tf7th7um8pt
   SoV dials [R3W vs light fire stall] http://dek.im/d/5roz55rpz65t25ukz15us5v0z55vi606z17t8z17tb7ti8pt
                   [R4W vs time mono pharaoh] http://dek.im/d/5l85lm5mqz55rpz65t2z15uo5us5v2z55viz17q5z17tb8pt
                   [R5W vs gravy cremation] http://dek.im/d/z14st5roz55rpz55t25v05v2z15viz17t8z17tbz27tcz17tez37u28pt
   AM stall [R3L vs time instosis] http://dek.im/d/z54vnz14voz14vpz55uuz15v0z8606z27t8z27tbz17tcz47um8pj
   Mark Wings [R4W vs earth sopabow] http://dek.im/d/z24saz35ooz75ukz15ulz36066rpz17tbz57tf7th8pr
   Mark silence [R5L vs time SoV dials] http://dek.im/d/z35ukz25ulz15uoz15v2z3606z3624z563az17tbz37tf7th8pt
   Entropy domin [R5L vs fire mitohope] http://dek.im/d/z34vdz34vizA6066rp6ttz27t8z27tbz27tcz17um8pj

Round 5

Oa vs Gravity [w3]

deuce vs Darkness [Ginyu]
deuce mentioned SoV dials could be neat here, can tech in steals for sideboard

RoL Hope?

moe vs Light [Gen d2d]

Naii vs Fire [Annele]

Round 4

Entropy Salvage:
      A: +3 transmute +1 SoD or miracle or Relic
      B: +7 salvage [4 maxwell, 6 AM, 4 SoD, 4 miracle]

Fire discards:
      Initial thoughts, but can modify based on R5 needs http://dek.im/d/4t9z24vl5og5v1z177dz17dm7q57qc8pj
         -keeping novas and 3 pharaohs something like what I had in mind too

Dark discards:
      Keep 1: relic, pharaoh, nymph imo, SoR

Deck scribbling:
    RT Graboids: http://dek.im/d/z55rgz45rk5rl5ruz55t2z577gz47qa8pm
    EA Dims: http://dek.im/d/z4592z55aaz65rgz25rl5roz55rp5rqz25t2z561t8pu
    "Classic" grabbow: http://dek.im/d/z54vjz35rgz35rk5rlz15rqz35t2z477gz17dmz180k8pm
    Precog EA RoL Hope: http://dek.im/d/5aa5laz25lk5roz35rrz95t262277iz47jpz280i8pu

Oa vs Entropy [roger]

Naii vs Fire [kaempfer]

deuce vs Earth [Rapid]
RIP - at least we can limit to only 12 discards
let me test some shit. I have some ideas. Ball's over to you!

viable Trident sopa http://dek.im/d/z558uz5596z55aaz15iaz15ibz35icz35j2z278q8pp
trident sopa w/o purify http://dek.im/d/z558uz5596z55aaz15ibz35icz35j2z278q8pp

moe vs Darkness [MW]

Other decks to fear:
   soldier dvtal http://dek.im/d/4t9z55um5upz25utz8606z261oz46227ta7um8pu Ok, you win this one :P
      -2nd most common deck vs time, but tends to be less useful vs Gens
   SoV dials Lt http://dek.im/d/z15rlz55rpz65t25uoz35up5ur5usz55vi7t87tb8pt
                   Sold RT http://dek.im/d/z15rgz35rkz15rl5roz15rpz35t25uk5uoz35upz15ur5usz55vi8pt
       -most expected deck, so I doubt we will see, but we could be overthinking this
   Monodark http://dek.im/d/4stz15ukz55ulz55umz15uoz25upz25usz1606z27t4z17tbz27um8pt
               Lt http://dek.im/d/5ukz55ulz55um5uoz25upz25us5v1606z27t4z17tbz27um8pt
      -always viable
      -unlikely, but possible
   disco lycans Sold http://dek.im/d/z54vhz24vlz65ukz15ulz25upz5606z27tf8pj
                         Lt http://dek.im/d/z54vhz24vlz55ukz25up5v1z56066u9z37tf8pj
        - reasonable choice if expecting duo/mark deck, resistant to RT
   grabbow - unlikely to see because RTs
   voodoo OTK?
   its a trap - unlikely to see because RT

Round 3

Oa vs Darkness [probacon]
The mind games continues.. we've had them around our finger the first rounds, but they do well outside of our matches. Don't think they'll play SoVs this round either, as we've played two distinctly different only 1 ofc.. answer to that already. My guess is that they'll fear a replay of the Gen Grabbow - the drainbolt replay makes sense, in that case. Is this the round where we'll whip out a TLS variant, maybe? Alternatively we can go yolo with RoL Hope again

moe vs Fire [kaempfer]

Naii vs Earth [Gen IF]
EA Grav shield seems to be a cool choice. Maybe they'll spot our counter of SoPa from last round, though, and go with something completely different.
    The "fuck shards" deck, Pulvy version: http://dek.im/d/z2749z277dz277fz277iz578qz57qaz57ri8pl

deuce vs Gravity [hain]

Round 2

Gen Oa vs Darkness [ginyu]
Torb is not happy about losing to rol hope, so I doubt it would work twice in a row. But in theory he could bank on us not playing it, just like we did with their SoV dials. He seems to think mitodevs counters hope, which it technically did R1 against earth, but I think ours had better quanta. Can do the (PC-heavy) gen grabbow this time, like we considered last round, as I still think devs, one way or another, are likely to be seen. A mono darkness wouldn't surprise me, so wouldn't Sov Dials, Mitopests or even a Drainbolt replay
    Grabbow, ref last round: http://dek.im/d/4ssz54vjz15s4z177dz477gz17dmz27q0z57qaz27ri8pm


Naii vs Life [linkcat]

Moe vs Light [EvaRia]

deuce vs earth [Afda]
Immortal is unlikely vs us. Sopa seems most likely, especially after their R1. We showed EA, which can deter both pulvy and trident, but you never know. I'm pretty sure the risk of facing EA isn't big enough for them to change everything up. A dial type deck could be nice here. Instosis beats everything they had R1. But I am as paranoid about shipwrecker here as I was of Swallow in gravy. And after a bit of thinking, I see no reason why they won't play it. Sopa decks have done incredibly well vs time and pulvy's the icing on the cake. They'll just tech in a couple of EAs for Pulvy and SoPa. So how do we beat? Ghostmare can work, or at least in upped meta. Used a lot by kaempfer last war, though... ugh this is the tough one. Maybe a scorpion variant? Without SoSac, ofc.

Earth domin: http://dek.im/d/z1592z15s4z15sez277d77izA7q0z27q8z47qa7qu8pm
   -seems to beat sopa anything - most likely to see
   -should beat hope, just keep RTing rols until SoR scarmor
   -will have trouble vs the shitty sanc stall
   -will beat immortal if no weapon - unlikely to see immortal
   -nymph pulvy could be tough - neds testing
   -BB DL SoV - likely loss, decent chance to see if worried about hope

Blessed scorps
   -loses to sopa

Rol hope - historically good vs earth, except immortal
  -likely loses to their current sopa builds


Round 1:
Oa        vs     ProBacon (Darkness)
SoVs are the obvious pick for them and I assume they'll steer away from that at this stage. My assumption is that torb will assume we will prep for SoVs (exactly), mark deflag being most obvious choice. So I think devs are likely to be seen. However, he really only liks using them in devtal. Scorps should shit on devtal, right? not necessarily, depends how fast devs come out Fractal's horribly slow this time with -1.5 | -2, though. However, mitosis is a reasonable substitute devtal doesnt need a lot of ups, you can control the board easily with a single unupped devtal combo. make it a Lt and you get most of those ups back 4 fractals are already -6, and are there cards which can get teched in which give ups? unupped nigthfall hmm nice catch, otherwise spend other 3 upgrades on vamps I'm unsure if they can field a good devtal at all, at least without Gen ups they definitely can, plus they can add 1 relic if they want ya forgot about relics, you're right

Devtal http://dek.im/d/4t9z55um5upz25utz8606z261oz46227ta7um8pu
we can actually make a funky scorpbow if afraid of devs that didn't go quite well lol.
SoD/sanc scorps http://dek.im/d/5l8z25m65mqz25rrz35rt5t2z37jvz27k2z27k6z67ri8pq
    -seems to beat both SoV and devtal [depending on number of steals] in initial testing
    -havent tested vs RT SoV
    -seems to lose to disco lycans and mono dark [with devs]

Gen Grabbow http://dek.im/d/z54vjz177dz477gz17dmz37q0z57qaz17qkz27ri8pm
                        http://dek.im/d/4ssz54vjz15s4z177dz477gz17dmz27q0z57qaz27ri8pm (legal version)
    -seems to beat SoV, devtal, monodark, should also fair well vs disco lycans
    -could be troublesome vs RT SoV [not sure if they can field?] heavily doubt
    -may lose to a stall
Rol hope?
nymph http://dek.im/d/z25lkz15s4zC5t2z47jp7jq808z380i81q8pu
precog http://dek.im/d/z25lkz55rrz65t2z47jp7jqz17ri808z380i81q8pu

moe      vs     rogerluc (Entropy)
Should be wary of pandebonium, this deck is pretty weakened by lack of ups
interesting that DBH has been unsuccessful against us...

Naii       vs     Gen. shockcannon (Fire)
    shock appears to be paranoid of scarmor. My guess is that he will probably stall [[not sure what works in this meta for them] (very good point!). grabbow is always awesome as a gen, but the threat of RT and scarmor may steer him away. A monofire is possible, but it failed last war against SoR pharoahs. I just expect a shitty deck tbh... Lmao - remember kaempfer's there to fix things tho. bleh, I guess I wonder what kae was paranoid last war from fire my guess is Bone walls  BW is a fantastic counter against fire for any element, but Im sure kae is aware of some deck that is pretty strong vs time that he had trouble prepping for?

Last war, time used ghostmare twice and SoR pharaohs the other time. Never used perms, so a stall from shock makes sense, which is essentially what he usde x3 last war vs time but the builds were terrible except for jonnington. I think shock is going to be paranoid of RT, scarmor, and SoR pharaohs

Mark deflag SoR Pharaohs http://dek.im/d/z25f6zF5rgz45sez57qc8p
         mayb mark steal would be better...
    -beats jonnington, bonebolt,
    -50/50 at best vs fractix
    -50/50 vs sog bolt, entirely depends on if opponent draws bolts faster than pharaohs
       -adding +1 nymph or +2 nymph -1 pharaoh should give our deck advantage
       Lt x2 nymph http://dek.im/d/z25f6zC5rgz15s4z45sez17q0z47qc8po
    -50/50 at best vs RT phoenix -

Mark steal - no change vs anything

Pure SoR pharaohs - tougher vs decks with fire shield [jonnington, SoG bolt]
                                 - better vs fractix

     - loses to jonnington, bonebolt, and probably SoG bolt
     - beats fractix
     - should beat mark RT?

Ghostal - unavailable if Oa using RoL hope

Discopharaohs [no novas left]...could use QPs...

EA pulvy scarmor http://dek.im/d/z1592z377dz177fz578qz87q0z37qaz27qc8pl
   beats stalls
   -need early pulvy vs bonebolt
   -fractix? - 50/50?
   -should beat RT

Disco scarmor - loses to stalls, should have advantage over bonebolt, beats rushes

Disco pharaoh - capable of beating stalls, but less effective vs rushes

Life stall

Bonebolt and fractix make sense as likely plays
    Bonebolt http://dek.im/d/z352rz45f0z55f4z15f7z55giz57187f28pk
    Fractix [2 deflag, 0 zap] http://dek.im/d/z45f0z15f65fuz95gi61oz362263az57ds8pu
    Fractix [4 deflag, 1 dim] http://dek.im/d/z55f0z35f6z95gi61tz3622z47ds8pu
       -can tech in more deflag or lightnings
       -adding immo doesnt seem to be favorable even if shock did that last war
       -could always splash in a relic too...
Heal/SoG bolt seems plausible as well
mark RT is possible and more viable as a gen, counters scarmor and helps vs ghostmare and SoR pharaohs
    [unupped RT] http://dek.im/d/z75f05f7z55fcz55rkz57dgz27dm8ps
    [mixed RT] http://dek.im/d/zA5f05f7z55fcz25rkz27dgz27dmz27q48ps
Jonnington stall very possible, especially with Gen ups for dials
     Gen 3 upped dials http://dek.im/d/5f0z55f4z15f5z15f7zF5gi5l8z15liz55lm7k2z27q98pq
     Gen 6 unupped dials http://dek.im/d/z55f0z45f4z15f5z15f7z45gi5l85liz55lmz55rpz45t27dkz17k28pq

Life stall with jade - beats bonebolt, possibly FLS/jonnington if no reflect
maybe scorps
sov dials likely still slower than bonebolt and def fractix, but might have chance against other stalls

Gen bonebolt http://dek.im/d/z352rz45f0z55f4z15f7z55giz57187f28pk
     Sosac BW http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(entropy-lt-)-player-4-3-2-zyardran-(sub)-(fire-tinkerer)/
Gen Fractix http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(fire-lt-)-player-4-3-0-doublecapitals-(gravity-discard)/
   immo fractix
Phoenix RT http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(water-lt-)-ravingrabbid-3-1-danieela-(fire-discard)/
Heal bolt http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(fire-tinkerer)-player-4-3-2-mobian-(light-lt-)/
          green nymph http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(fire-salvage)-danieela-3-2-player-4-(death-lieutenant)/
          SoG http://dek.im/d/z45cqzA5f0z15f5z45giz17alz57dk8pn
CP sofree  - should be dead
FLS http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(death-salvage)-cccombobreaker-3-1-(fire-lt-)-(sub)-zyardran/
Jonnington - 6 upped dials = 15 ups...may not have
     Gen 3 upped dials http://dek.im/d/5f0z55f4z15f5z15f7zF5gi5l8z15liz55lm7k2z27q98pq
     Gen 6 unupped dials http://dek.im/d/z55f0z45f4z15f5z15f7z45gi5l85liz55lmz55rpz45t27dkz17k28pq
SoB poison sosac/bw [forgot arse] http://dek.im/d/52gz152r542z55fuz55giz171bz271uz37f2z57q98pk
Wings http://dek.im/d/z35f0z55f2z15f6z25fbz45giz15opz27dg7f2z57n88pr
Mono dragons http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(fire-lieutenant)-player-4-3-1-kalinuial-(earth-gen-)/msg1285282/#msg1285282
            Phoenix http://dek.im/d/z14soz15f0z25f4z55fcz15giz37dgz27dkz27dm7dnz37f28po
Disco cream http://dek.im/d/4vl4vnz258uz45aaz55faz16u5z277az277ez57dp8pj
Immo darkdom http://dek.im/d/5aaz55f9z15faz25giz15up5v1z177az577ez37dqz27tb8pt
Darkdom http://dek.im/d/z35f0z55fc5fuz35giz17dgz37f2z37t9z27tbz17th8pt

Bone bolt http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(fire-upgrades)-theonlyrealbeef-3-2-fabian771-(time-upgrades)/
  W over pdials
Void dial stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(time-salvage)-fabian771-3-1-xn0ize(fire-upgrades)/
   L to ghostmare
sanc stall w/o dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-discard)-fabian771-3-1-xn0ize-(fire-upgrades)/
  L to ghostal
monofire http://dek.im/d/z25f0z55f4z25f6z15f7z55fcz15giz37dgz37f28po
  L to SoR nymphs
  W over SoR NT http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(fire-general)-killsdazombies-3-1-danieela-(time-tinkerer)/
Bolt dials http://dek.im/d/z75f0z55f45f6z25f7z67dgz47q98pq
  W over frog duo
UG wings http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(time-gen-)-kaempfer13-3-1-shockcannon-(fire-gen-)/msg1284066/#msg1284066
  L to SoR pharaohs
Heal bolt http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(time-salvage)-vindilos-3-1-(fire-tinkerer)-player-4-(shockcannon)/
  L to ghostmare
Jonnington http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(fire-salvage)-(sub)-zyardran-3-0-player-4-(time-alchemist)/
  W over ghostmare

deuce   vs     worldwideweb3 (Gravity)
I can't really see how they'll beat a control ghostmare? something to test
scorps [sosac/miracle] could be interesting here
    -should beat darkdom, guardtal, catatitan/dials, grabbow, death rush, pulvy duo
    -kind of iffy vs guardtal, need early blessed scorp
    -needs testing vs swallow
    -prob loses to DBH, maybe a stall?
Scarmor http://dek.im/d/z1592z377dz177fz578qz87q0z37qaz27qc8pl
   - 50/50 vs darkdom
   - seems to have advantage over guardtal
   - should beat PU chargers, catadials
   - might beat DBH]

Gut feeling (if all else fails :D)
- scorps vs darkness
- scarmorbow or lifestall vs entropy
- ghostal (pharabow?) vs fire
- LT ghostmare vs gravity

     -Blessed scorp +/- sosac Likely - these were surprisingly good in testing in that case I trust in you, beat both SoV and lifes dark dom which variant?
           duo http://dek.im/d/5l8z35lfz55m65mqz25rrz35rtz25t2z27k2z47ri8pq
           sosac http://dek.im/d/z2542z25lfz45m6z35rrz25rtz35t2z271uz17k2z27ri8pq precog soldier [5 sod]
                     http://dek.im/d/z2542z25lfz55m6z25rtz65t2z271uz17k2z27qb8pq - upped precog instead of pills [6 sod]
     -TLS Yes
     -grabbow scarmor Yes
     -SoR pharoahs Yes
     -rol hope Yes
     -SoV +/- dials Yes
     -instosis Yes
     -life stall Yes
     -ghostmare Yes
     -Regular control monotime (already built in vault)

Decks TBD:
     -disco scarmor Is this better than the classic pharaohbow?good question...it has more ups...
     -invictus [BW] 3 BWs (and a couple of mummies) could be affordable
     -devtal Not fancying it
     -ghostal Probably useful
     -bonebolt Clunky but might be useful
     -purple nymph Conjunction with scorps? no http://dek.im/d/4vcz550050uz15sez45t2z16tsz26u8z16vez57q1z17ri8pj looks like whack at first glance, but might be better than it looks? did you try it yet? I can see its usefulness in some situations, but I might need to trust your mindgating in that case
     -deja hope Unsure
     -deja bond Meh
     -rainbow stall If made good. Takes a lot of vault space, though
     -EA water stall - yet to build, probably useless Agree
     -gravy duo suprisingly powerful, but somewhat meh with these rules
     -sopa might be worth keeping a couple of copies yeah
     - (note to self: look at Pulvy domin) http://dek.im/d/z458oz1590z15925aaz35rg5rjz35rsz15se5t2z277fz47q08pl probably whack but w/e

blessed scorp Sosac SoD dials - seems to be best with 3 sosac and 2-3 miracles
http://dek.im/d/z252gz25lfz35m6z25rtz25t2z471uz57qbz27ri8pq - without dials [precogs]
http://dek.im/d/z252gz25lfz55m6z25rtz55t2z571uz27qb8pq - w/o dials [merc]

http://dek.im/d/z2542z25lfz45m6z35rrz25rtz35t2z271uz17k2z27ri8pq - precog soldier [5 sod]
http://dek.im/d/z2542z25lfz55m6z25rtz65t2z271uz17k2z27qb8pq - upped precog instead of pills [6 sod]

Blessed scorps [no sosac] - surprisingly solid

blessed scorps dials stall variant? likely

CP scorps CP is -0.5 while Momentum is 0.0, might just tip it in gravity's favour CP hits harder
http://dek.im/d/z24vd5rrz55rtz55t2z56u2z26u5z47ri8pj -this looks great to me its pretty solid
   -could replace maxwells with AMs for some healing
http://dek.im/d/z24vdz34vnz35rtz85t2z36u2z26u5z27ri8pj - only 4x combo allows for more CC

"Classic" Mono Time
SoR pharoahs is super trolly. i remember being paranoid about it last war on air, but might be weaker against other elements, not to mention dims Yeah ofc true forgot about that one
Mono pure rush http://dek.im/d/z25rgz55ruz25t2z27q0z57q1z57qaz27ri8ps

SoR Pharaohs http://dek.im/d/z45rgz55sez45t2z27q0z57qcz27ri8ps
upping pharaohs is absolutely necessary
   -could tech in mark deflags or something

Gravity Shield domin http://dek.im/d/z2749z277dz277fz277iz578qz57qaz57ri8pl

Silent Spiders and Ghosts http://dek.im/d/z25rgz55ruzA5t2z3624z580g8pu
-could tech in zaps
-not sure how great silence will be this war since dials and dims are expensive

RoL Hope - why not must have :D
http://dek.im/d/5laz25lkz55rrz85t261oz3622624z37jp8088pu  precog sold -
http://dek.im/d/5laz25lkz35rrz75t2z261oz3622624z263az37jp8pu - precog merc - more aether quanta, much more reliable against discord
http://dek.im/d/z25lkz15rl5rozB5t2z161oz362263az47jp8pu - HG eternal - not a fan of perms in general, but its an option

Gimped Devtal
  - probably better to get rid of eclipse and just use 3 upped vamps
  - could tech in eternity or steals

Gimped Bonebolt
  -zaps nice for early control, SoR scarabs can keep bones up
 - zapless SoR scarabtal

Silent PUGons
http://dek.im/d/zC5t2z461rz5624z37q67q87ri8pu probably not

Dim PUGons
http://dek.im/d/z15rrzE5t2z361rz361tz27q6z17qb8pu had to make a lot of compromises to get to 6 cost eh, not excited about this
http://dek.im/d/5ro5rrzE5t2z361rz461tz37q68pu significatly better with lt ups

Dim pharaohs
http://dek.im/d/zA5rgz45rsz55t2z561tz16248pu - not excited about this either

http://dek.im/d/z55rgz25rk5rlz55ruz55t25uoz15upz25v1z17tb8pt kind of a must have, although it gets pretty harshly nerfed by the new upgrade system
^currently at 7 up cost. Would probably need LT ups to work (with upped towers as bonus), as it's already pretty low on quanta
^soldier version

http://dek.im/d/z54vjz15905ogz25rgz25riz45rkz35t261qz277gz17dm8pm the classic. Eggs give +1.5 ups which help a lot! Gets even stronger with lt/gen ups
http://dek.im/d/4t9z44vjz15de5giz35rg5riz577g7ae7alz17dmz47qa7ri8pm grabbow rush
http://dek.im/d/z14t9z54vjz25rgz577gz17dmz57qaz17riz280a8pm Merc zap

http://dek.im/d/z2590z3593z25rgz15rkz35ruz95t26rkz277g8pm - is this still viable? EQ might be good in this new meta Thought of EQ as well, I find myself looking for cheap upgrades instead of upgrading Pillars.

http://dek.im/d/z75rg5rm5ro5ruz85t2z461tz1622z27q58pu - costs 11.5 with only 3 ups, meaning it's pretty much only gen and lt viable (LT with a relic)
http://dek.im/d/4t9z65rgz25rl5rm5ro5rr5ruz75t2z561tz16228pu soldier [1 relic)

TLS - sanc dials? Yep, time light stall
http://dek.im/d/4t9z35lfz25liz55lmz25m6z15rj5rl5roz55rpz35rtzM5t2z47q57q88pq (scorp version)

http://dek.im/d/z25c9z55cqzA5rg5rjz15rkz15roz25sez45t2z37q5z17q67q88pn - should adding jade/thorn
inspiration for lifestall, nymph version á la kaempfer: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-salvage)-vindilos-3-0-player-4-(mobian)(light-salvage)/

PDials - slightly weaker version than sov, but faster
http://dek.im/d/z252qz55rgz25rlz55rpz55t2z57188pk - costs 13.5. In other words, expensive as fuck and likely useless
http://dek.im/d/z14t9z152qz152rz25mqz55rpz15rrz55t2z57187qb8pk Lt precog

UGDials - not a huge fan of, but def cheap for us
modded version http://dek.im/d/z25giz15ogz55rpz55t2z16rrz17laz57n6z17q57ri8pr

SoVDials - perfect stallbreaker
http://dek.im/d/z25rgz25rlz55rpz55t25uoz15up5usz55viz17tb8pt - what's fun is that while dials are -1 unupped, they're -2.5 upped and practically useless for everyone else (bar darkness)
this version might need -1 up ah, shoot
http://dek.im/d/z25rgz15rlz55rp5rrz55t25uoz15up5usz55viz17tb8pt - HG soldier version
http://dek.im/d/z15mqz55rpz55t2z15usz55viz57qbz17tb8pt precog soldier version -drain +dusk is a good idea I agree, but can't afford it (-6.5)
http://dek.im/d/z44saz15c2z55rpz35rrz15t25ur5usz55viz271u8pt - rainbow sosac variant

Pharaohbow - such a troll doubt the new gens will prepare against this one when was last time this was in war? Heavily doubt it was used after I stepped down as time gen, i.e. War #7, but I'll look it up
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz24vl5iaz85rgz15rlz25rs5ru5v161q77jz17dm8pj - 9 cost, aka Lt boost OR changing some random card for a relic. Fire counter nr 1
http://dek.im/d/4t9z54vjz24vl5ia5ogz85rg5rlz25rs5ru5v161qz17dm8pj soldier legal

Gravy Pharaohs http://dek.im/d/z155pz1560zD5rg5t2z57qcz47ri8pl

Focus Blast? sofo pull, proved to be really strong in trials at least
http://dek.im/d/z255t56iz35rgz15ri5roz25ruz85t2z2747z27527q58pl - soldier available
http://dek.im/d/z255tz35rg5ri5rl5roz25ruz85t2z3747z37528pl - significantly better Lt version

Momentoscorps  RT spam is also pretty strong with neurotoxin. costs upgrades we'll need on momentum too, maybe only gen viable - nvm upped momentum's free
http://dek.im/d/z25rgz45rk5roz55rtz574az77q07q88pl 15 ups, soldier viable :) I question if its fast enough with only RTs as CC, i remember using this in tournies when I first started playing etg and it rarely worked. Rushes will beat it every time, just not enough control
http://dek.im/d/z55rgz25rl5roz55rpz45rtz474az37q08pl HG dial version looks solid to me
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz15og5rg5roz55rpz35rt5t2z374az177i7al7q07ri8ps scorpbow dials - this is probably the most versatile version. blessed or CP scorps are better
    -can switch PAs for deflags if worried about pulvy, maybe salvager too

Purple nymph http://dek.im/d/4vcz550050uz15sez45t2z16tsz26u8z16vez57q1z17ri8pj
    -slow but lots of control. turn 3 nymph is common

Instosis - not a huge fan of, but maybe favorable against certain teams? i'm very unsure about how an instosis would look like with these rules, I'll have to tinker a bit around with that one
http://dek.im/d/5605c95f6z95rgz55rp5se61rz36u37n9z27q57q68pj - [Gen] we'll likely have all cards needed except sky blitz, chimera and maybe PU
    -can tech in 2nd deflag for double dial
http://dek.im/d/5605c9z15f6z85rgz25rlz55rp5se61rz36u37n97q68pj - Lt [unupped HGs]

deja hope - might work once...
   -pros: capable of countering devs and disco
   -cons: not a lot of attack, dies easy to mass CC

deja bond
http://dek.im/d/z25rg5rjz85t2z27amz37apz57q17q87qez37qu8pn needs more stall / gotp against DR,  #SoR still up in the air, I do not think a second Eternity/RW is necesaary in a Bo5? Se we lose in a mirrory match?

HG rainbow stalls - á la the deck? I might need help on building that one with 50% time - or making it a mercstall I see this as a winner
EXTREMELY rough draft based on w3's trials deck: http://dek.im/d/z94saz24vp52rz158vz15ihz35lmz55rpz55rrzC5t2z261qz171bz27k2z47q58pq
Mercstall - probably better: http://dek.im/d/zE4saz54vpz15c5z55cqz55rpzB5t2z461q6qq7akz57q58pn

http://dek.im/d/zA5t2z561qz3622z57qaz27ri8pu - zap, meh
http://dek.im/d/z25sezC5t2z3622z2624z47qaz17ri8pu - silent SoR - legit option here, but still may be too slow to adequately utilize

Armored scarabs - solid domin, 30 upgrades
http://dek.im/d/z4778z377dz277fz177i78qz57q0z57qaz17qc7ri8pl - pulvy
http://dek.im/d/55k5rgz4744z2752z577dz47q0z57qaz27qc8pm - sofo <- if we can find place for GPulls here we might have a gem

Disco scarmor - still needs some tweaking

http://dek.im/d/z455kz55rhz174gz37hiz67q0z57qa8pp - mono sopa
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz65rgz35rh5rqz15se5un626z37hi7n0z27qa8pp - Oa sopabow
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz15765rgz55rh5roz177iz17dmz27hiz57qa7ri8ps - nova sopa PA
http://dek.im/d/z54vj52u596z55t2z25up5ut626z27hiz57qaz17tb8pt - sopa steal bow

RT Mummies (invictus?) http://dek.im/d/z152rz8542z45rk5roz45sez571dz172i8ps [from death war 11 - almost no variation, xcept adding QP against dark/entropy]
http://dek.im/d/4t9z152rzA542z45rkz45sez571d8ps - tinkerer role, still 0.5 ups left, could add RT or BW to make 31 cards
http://dek.im/d/z24sa4t9z152r52tz7542z45rkz45sez471d8ps - QP version for devs or disco
would it be better to remove mummies and make SoR pharaohs with BW?
http://dek.im/d/z252rz95rg5rrz45sez55t2z47qc8pk - SoR pharaoh BW

Mito Eggs

Speed grabbow - gotta add scarabs, ghosts too slow
http://dek.im/d/z54vj5ogz55rgz25ru5s4z45t25v1z477g7al7dm8pm General version
http://dek.im/d/z54vj5ogz55rg5riz25ruz45t25v1z477g7al7dm8pm Lieutenant version
can always exchange a QP for a nova if need another upgrade... sceptic tbh, but yeah possible if critical
http://dek.im/d/z54vj5ogz65t2z477g7alz17dmz17q2z57qa8pm graboid/scarab bow
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz15rkz65t2z177dz477gz17dmz57qa8pm scarmor grabbow [sold]
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz35t25v1z277dz577gz17dmz57qaz17ri8pm scarmor grabbow [merc]
http://dek.im/d/4t9z54vj5onz25rgz15t25v161q6u1z477g7aez17dmz57qa8pm grabbow w/o perms [merc]

Dim PU charger http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(gravity-salvage)-naesala-(sub)-3-0-fabian771-(time-upgrades)/
   W over Pdials
catadials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(gravity-lt-)-kaempfer13-3-1-danieela-(time-tinkerer)/
  W over bolt dial
guardtal http://dek.im/d/z555k55s560z9576z1745z474775mz380i8pu
  L to SoV dials
darkdom http://dek.im/d/z555kz155tz1562z1576z25v1z1744z4745z1747z175mz17t9z17tb8pt
  W to grabbowmare
  L to rainbow stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(time-mercenary)-annele-3-0-insignificantweeaboo-(gravity-general)/msg1285384/#msg1285384
Poison rush http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-gen-)-kaempfer13-3-2-insignificantweeaboo-(gravity-gen-)/msg1284433/
  L to ghostmare
death duo http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(gravity-gen-)-worldwideweb3-3-0-vagman13-(time-lt-)/
  W over fire duo

War 13 decks - upped armagios may get splashed, gravy shield splash common, salvager,
dim PU chargers -
catatitan - unlikely to see
catadials - could see if viable
guardtal - http://dek.im/d/4t9z555k55sz9576z3622z1745z474774g8pu Lt + relic
poison rush - unlikely in vault
death duo
Swallow - likely in vault, just fewer ups - http://dek.im/d/z14t9zA55kz155rz355tz274bz3752z37hi8pp
voodoo GP - likely in vault, solid against rush/domins
Grabbow - unlikely to see [RT/eternity]
Pulvy duo - should be in vault
light stall

Trident sopa http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(earth-sideboard)-ji412jo-(sub-jenkar)-3-0-vineroz-(time-salvage)/
  W over ghostal
  W over UGs http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(earth-sideboard)-jenkar-3-1-vagman-(time-tinkerer)-mine-used/
  L to zap rush http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(time-discard)-fabian771-3-2-ryli-(sub-jenkar)(earth-upgrades)/
  W over rainbow stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(earth-lt)-manaboy100-3-0-vagman13-(time-merc)/
Pulvy sopa http://dek.im/d/4smz5596z65i4z15ibz35j2z577ez277f7gk8pl
  W over poisondials
  W over SOV dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(earth-lieutenant)-ryli-3-0-kuroaitou-(time-general)/
Immortal http://dek.im/d/z5594zG5aaz55liz55m677bz177c78qz17k1z57q98pq
  W over wings duo
Monopulvy http://dek.im/d/z24smz858o58vz3595z259cz15aaz577az177f8pl
  L to sov dials with steal
BB DL SoV http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-168/(earth-lt-)-jen-i-3-1-player-4-(time-lt-)/
  W over SoR gold nymphs
  W over ghostmare http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7-172/(earth-lt-)-jen-i-3-1-annele-(time-lt-)/
RT grabbies http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-170/(earth-lt-)-jen-i-3-1-annele-(time-alchemist)/
  W over disco CP vu scorps
  W over EA eternity http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-11/(earth-lt-)-jen-i-3-0-annele-(time-lt-)/
Pulvy gravy duo http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-10-409/(time-salvage)-annele-3-1-immortal_feud-(earth-salvage)/
  L to EA eternity
  W to ghostmare http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-9-207/(earth-salvage)-jen-i-3-2-player-4-(time-alchemist)/
Fire duo http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(time-gen-)-kaempfer13-3-0-jen-i-(earth-discard)/
  L to rol hope
Mono grabby rush http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-12/(time-lieutenant)-annele-3-0-jen-i-(earth-lieutenant)/
  L to rol hope
Dim antliontal http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-1-166/(time-general)-kuroaitou-3-2-ji412jo-(earth-gambler)/
  L to TLS scorps

War 13 variations
Trident sopa http://dek.im/d/z558uz5596z55aaz15iaz15ibz35icz35j2z278q8pp

Bone bolt http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6-171/(fire-upgrades)-theonlyrealbeef-3-2-fabian771-(time-upgrades)/
  W over pdials
Void dial stall http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-169/(time-salvage)-fabian771-3-1-xn0ize(fire-upgrades)/
   L to ghostmare
sanc stall w/o dials http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-2-167/(time-discard)-fabian771-3-1-xn0ize-(fire-upgrades)/
  L to ghostal
monofire http://dek.im/d/z25f0z55f4z25f6z15f7z55fcz15giz37dgz37f28po
  L to SoR nymphs
  W over SoR NT http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8-173/(fire-general)-ki
War #3 - Life || War #4 - Death || War #5, #6, #7, #9, #13, #14 - Time || War #8, #12 - Air

