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I had to sub this round for DD because he couldn't find his nymphs for this deck.
For the 1st time ever, I was very happy to see a gravity mark and know

would be playing their pulvy grab deck. Our deck had a great chance of winning against it, but MartyrX's horrible RNG on all three rounds made it even easier, although I honestly would've liked better if he had decent hands, as it is not fun to win or loose in this way.
First match MartyrX had lots of burrowed grabs, but the novas didn't seem to arrive for him to evolve them (and, even then, I had a couple of RT waiting in hand). That gave me a clear road to play my critters to outrush him. 1-0
In the second match MartyrX got a horrible hand and no pillar for 3(?) rounds. That slowed him way too much for any real competition, even though BBing my 2 nymphs and playing an early fog shield were a bit annoying. 2-0
On the 3rd round it seemed like a joke... he also got a bad pillar start while I was flooded with pillars. But definitely his hand was much, much worse than mine. Nymphs gave me a great card advantage as well, and again it was an easy win. When he finally got the quanta to try something, he was almost dead. 3-0
It's great to finally win vs

, but unfortunately not the most fun matches to play. Tough luck for you MartyrX, and thanks for the games!