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52o 52o 52o 52q 52q 52r 52r 52r 52r 55n 55n 55n 55t 55t 55t 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 576 718 718 718 8pk
Game 1:
LossFirst game I had a 5 quanta start, and got outrushed, couldn't draw any bonewalls or utility, at this point I am quite worried, as I think his deck is better than mine.
Game 2:
Win Three pend start, but it means I have utility cards. Am able to pretty much outrush him when he dc's. We both play ai, but I had a bonewall in hand, and nothing him or his ai could do.
Game 3:
Win Three pend start again, got down to the last turn, and I was able to gpull a pheonix and play a guard, which despite eternity allowed me to win the game (he would have won by perfect damage if not).
Game 4:
Autoloss Autoloss bug. Yeah, the one that was supposed to have been fixed. Had a 5 pend start and again drew no utility. He was ahead, but game was only about halfway over when we both autolost. Called it a redo
Game 5:
Loss 1 pend start. Joy. Drew a lot of utility, but didn't have the quanta for my 3 bonewalls T.T Lost by a turn or two.
Game 6:
AutolossGot into the game with a 3 pend start, and he had a 2 time pillar start, I had plenty of poison and a PERFECT hand. He then autolost :F. Went ahead and played it for funz, won with 88 hp, and literally nothing he could have done besides deflaggin an arse over a bonewall, but I wouldn't have even lost any extra hp.
Game 7:
Win This was a 4 pend start, which was in the middle of my wins/losses. Ended drawing I think 2 bonewalls, but more importantly, decent poison at the start as well as 2 guards. Was able to outrush him by a turn, he pretty much got his hand emptied a turn after mine, and that turn won me the game.
GG's Andretimpa, those games were waay too close for comfort.