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5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f0 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f4 5f5 5f5 5f6 5f6 5f6 5f6 5f7 5f7 5fb 5fb 5fb 5fb 5fb 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5gi 5lm 5lm 5lm 7k6 7k6 7k6 8pq
Game 0.5: Won toss with 2 pends in hand. hey poisoned me twice; I countered with a sanc. We then desynced and he was kicked out of the game.
Game 1: Won toss with 1 pend in hand. Poison was followed by sanc again. Deflaged his arse and first pend. I got a fire shield down the turn he got 10 aether, though he didn't play any dragons straight away. His hand stayed very full most of the game, which I found suspocious. I was right to be wary - he OTKed me 5 turns before he would have decked out. Don't think there was anything I could have done to prevent it though.
Game 1.5: Lost toss, but I had a had a 5 quanta start. Deflaged his arse again and played sancs quickly. I was feeling a lot more confident about this game - quanta meant I had the potential to OTK
him. We then desynced again.
Game 2: Lost toss with 3 quanta to start with. I kept drawing it though, so I wasn't starved. However, I only had one sanc out, so I was nervous. I drew a couple more sancs though, and he had lame death quanta, so I breathed slightly more easily. But this is war, and you can never breathe easily.
Game 3: Won toss with 5 pillars in hand. he played poison, I played sanc. He played a weapon, I deflag yo' arse. Stuck down a fahren a turn before he could play bone wall. Kept drawing bolts and so OTKed him with 13 turns to go.
Game 4: Lost toss and a 4 quanta start. Got a fahren really early in the game and played sanc the same turn. Punched him to 65 hp before he could play a bonewall, which meant I could OTK him with just 3 bolts.
Game 4.5: Lost toss again but with a 5 quanta start. The game said he left but I didn't manage to get a screenie because it stopped counting down at 4. He had a screenie of the game kicking him out, so I quit.
We decided to get a sub for the last match, full salvage if death won.
Game 5: Lost toss with 4 quanta cards. I managed a second turn fahren and a third turn sanc. He played bonewall after that, but the damage was done (heh). Deflaged the last bone on the stack to get him down to a point where I could kill him with just 4 bolts (if I drew them). I stopped drawing them at 3, so it was ggs for me.