Vagabond's Invicturs #sorrynotsorry
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52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 52g 542 542 542 542 52t 52t 52t 52t 52t 52t 52h 52h 52h 52h 52h 5ro 713 71b 71b 71b 8ps
More to follow.EDIT:
Game 1-- play quanta cautiously seeing earth mark and stuff... might be Dis-quake or Dis-quake-bow mean-ness. Mid-game I dump quanta to power Eternity, we d/c but it was a lock for me... not a good draw for Blacksmith here and I had a good one, especially getting to "show" Eternity. #mindgames
Game 2-- no more caution, to the wind I say! Worked out well for me rushing him down. Weeeee 2-0 in the face of probably a mismatch against my favor.
Game 3-- Pretty sure this was the game where SUDDENLY A FOG was turning point that got it for Entropy.
Game 4-- Turn '0' Discord (before I had a turn on Blacksmith's turn.)
Game 5-- Wow. RNG hardcore smacked Blacksmith here with basically no Novae entire game (he might have snagged one WAY late when it was well over). I drew things and played stuff, and again got to play BOTH my BW's.
Good game Entropy, tough luck on what I think was probably a matchup in YOUR favor -- but rush-control vs rushy-one-off-thing can be volatile, as the saying goes.
VIDEO of match here (edited to take out turn waiting and such... only about 10 minutes long now!)