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Very tense and close games; I don't think I should have won this, but praise be to RNG.
g1 - Saw earth mark and nova and thought this will be tough. I had early damsels and SoFr, then SoP went up with the wyrms and they grew lovely. Got the win by a turn or two.
g2, g3 - yikes he can rush hard. a turn or two ahead of me
g4 - the closest game... still not sure how I won. I topdecked a SoFree so I had 2 on the board, then dove 2 wyrms and 3 damsels... somehow the math worked and I won with only 6 HP or something.
g5 - very strong draw - I had 3 damsels out and SoFree by turn 2, wyrms came and SoP went up. He got some poison and grabbies out, but I was a turn and 1/2 ahead this time.
Ggs Asdw152! thanks so much the match and for subbing.
Best of luck to death in future rounds.