My wife is going to kill me..... soo mad.... will edit later
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5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5c3 5c5 5c5 5c5 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c9 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5de 5l8 5lm 5lm 5lm 5mq 7k5 7k5 7k5 7n2 7n2 7n2 8pq
Edit: Take me behind a barn and shoot me. I should have lost this. I handed a game to Theonlyrealbeef due to my complete stupidity. Somhow, RNG let me win.
Summary: Devtal vs. Monks. I needed an early Sanctuary every game and no steals from Theonlyrealbeef. I then either needed sufficient damage to kill him or to win the coin-toss and deck him. Below are my "in the moment" thoughts.
Game 1: Won toss, 2 light, 2 life, sanctuary, crusader, flying weapon, see aether mark... glad I have santuary. Adrenacrusader. 2 Adrenacrusaders. Drew all 3 of my guys, no satves yet. Drew a staff. Too strong. Win. 1-0
Game 2: Won toss, 1 light, 1 life, 1 pendulum, santuary, 2 flying, crusader. Drew my one thorn carapace, will be useful! Another 3rd turn sanctuary. Stolen on turn 5. No replacement, turn 8... think I am going to lose. Yea, turn 8 fractal devourers... no hope now. Loss. Now I know he has at least 2 steals... 1-1
Game 3: Won toss, HA! 2 light, 1 life, 2 sanctuary, 2 flying weapon. 2 sanctuaries on my side, one on his. Dusk mantle out. Thorn Shield out. Should be my game now. OPPS! he stole my thorn shield... No mitosis, troll card. He won with 1 card left in deck. Loss. 1-2
Game 4: Won toss, No Santuary, yep... that's how the rabbit falls. Clutch draw 3rd turn sanctuary... now for the steal.... No steal yet. I would LOVE another sanctuary.. or a staff, or something.... got second sanctuary. 3 sanctuaries now, and a mitsosader. Should be mine (NO MISTAKES NOW!) Win. 2-2
Game 5: Won toss, ugh... 1 life, 1 pendululm, 1st turn devourer from him. 5th turn sanctuary.... hoping his 1 card is not a steal, nor he draws one. good good good. Win. 3-2
Super plan my Theonlyrealbeef to fractal my crusaders and use them to kill me. I was sitting there with my calculator going 23*4+6 = 98... nothing to worry about. Most games he had a devourer or two out, so this was down at 90 max damage. He would have needed to steal my light pillar before like turn 7 for it to work... I would have been shocked and awed if accomplished.
See, this is my problem with Sanctuary. It looks like a counter card to quanta denial, but it still has the massive weakness of being 'easily' dispatch-able. I mean, yea, sure, it needs counters too, like some way to attack it, but... I don't know. I guess I should take my win and move on.
Clarification: So, my wife. She wanted to leave by 8:30. I started these at 7:00 and thought I had enough time to spare. When your last two games are deck-outs and it is so close like this and when I needed to help get my daughter of one up and she's trying to rush me out the door and... Yea. We concluded at 8:29, so... I call it a close win both in game and out of game.