GGs Cap'n. Really tough matchup for you, and I suspect you also did not get ideal draws. Game 1 felt really close, but then 2/3 were less so.
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Game 1: Got a little slow of a start, and Captain got out a couple really fast chargers. He played one bonewall, and I noted if he had a second he would win, but he did not. Won by a turn.

1 - 0

Game 2: Got a faster start with 3 damsels and 2 pillars that set up a turn 3 dragon into nightmare for 6 cards. Got vagger shortly after. We timed out, but the

deck won on both sides. No bonewalls appeared.

2 - 0

Game 3: About a turn slower than game 2, but about the same. Early dragon into a big nightmare, vagger offsetting his first charger.

3 - 0
*video link*