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Game 0: Desync at turn 3/4. I had a maxwell and he had an abom on field.
Game 1: only 1/3 abom died after I used 3 panda. I had AM in hand and played a shield. Then he dragon-rush me and I can't respond.
Game 2: He got early maxwell out but was killed by panda infection. Then I played a maxwell to force him to keep cards. I didn't play shield this time, and at one point he tried to dragon-rush me like game 1, but I have enough quanta for AM's and panda. After killing some creatures I played a shield and nullified his damage.
Game 3: He got early maxwell again but got killed like game 2. However he has a 2nd maxwell right after that. And as I was unable to draw another panda, I was outrushed.
ggs Jay. I should've won.