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Yeah, you saw that right. Fractal Pegasus. We knew going in that I'd probably be playing Fractal Phoenixes. Unfortunately we couldn't think of any way to counter that and almost decided to go with a suicide deck. But at the last minute I thought of this crazy deck and we were able to win 2 out of 3 in practice. Unfortunately, later the deck had to be gimped because of Salvage/Vault restrictions. Oh well, it was kind of a long shot anyways.
First game: Pillar overload on my side. No shields, creatures, or fractals. He eventually found that Phoenix and got the ball rolling on his side.
Second game: Everything worked like it was supposed to. Had Shields, Miracles, Pegasus, and Fractal in hand after Fractaling once already.
Third game: Didn't draw an Aether pillar until like turn 6. By then he had already a half-full field of Phoenixes.
GGs Antagon.