When life gives you lemons, make lemon juice. I just had a glass of lemon juice, and I swear I wouldn't have made anything else with that lemon that could've satisfied me more.
When life gives you Fall, you get bugs. A lot of stink bugs. Like, don't leave a window open without a mosquito net or you're going to be the host to a lot of very cold bugs.
Also, you get Scarabs, and those are much less harmless. Ask ian.
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4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 5rg 5rg 5rg 5rg 5rg 5rg 5rg 5rh 5rh 5rq 5rq 5rq 5rq 5se 5se 7hi 7hi 7hi 7hi 7n0 7n0 7q1 7q1 7q1 8pp
I don't know how this deck works, I don't know how any part of it works. I just click things. Also, I just realized quoting Waiting Room in the past round was a waste. It fits this deck much better. So, take the first lines from my resume from last round, and place them here. Scarabs are patient boys.
I don't think Ian has still figured out the deck after the 3 games, because it played out very differently each game.
And by very differently, I mean I basically ran 3 different decks each game without needing to change the decklist.
Game 1: Sopa Vus versus Mono Entropy
3 pillar + 3 deja start, he has quite some quanta. I place a SoPa down on turn 3, split the dejas and wait a couple turns, I should be able to curve out to outdamage in, and with the 4 damages I dealt pre-sopa, and with one of my dejas being upped, I should hit a perfect damage win.
So let it be a perfect damage win for me, even if I stood with only 4 hps at the end of the game. I played no scarabs, no novas.
Game 2: Hungry Scarabow versus Mono Entropy
A turn 1 scarab + sopa is deadly if you only have 1 cc card in the deck. The match spiraled out very quickly into my favour. He got some damage, but I could literally just eat everything that was thrown at me and outdamage. Also, Discord gave me gravity quanta for days, even if I didn't really need them. Didn't draw any SoRs, maybe one when the game was already over.
Game 3: ??? versus Mono Entropy
What's the most efficient way to play a Fog Shield?
Turn 2, drawing no novas, using his discord.
It took me a while to play anything else because discord was particularly generous hitting through my fog early and his lone abom too, but it all came around later in the match, when the most of his damage missed. His pande also managed to remove the early scarab, but didn't make the cut on the 2 dejas. Just one deja and two/three scarabs that get buffed enough for one to eat his creatures are good, and I played a SoR for the first time in the matchup too.